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North Oxfordshire Academy

north oxfordshire academy


On behalf of our students, staff and governors, I am delighted to welcome you to North Oxfordshire Academy. We are a successful, oversubscribed 11-18 academy located in Banbury, Oxfordshire. North Oxfordshire Academy is an inclusive, friendly and diverse community with an ethos of high aspirations, high expectations and high achievement. We are proud to be part of United Learning, a group of secondary, primary and independent schools, whose motto is: ‘The best in everyone’ - a philosophy to which we wholeheartedly subscribe. Through a culture of nurture, support and mutual respect, we seek to challenge our students by encouraging them to take risks; to explore new ideas and to acknowledge that making mistakes is essential for learning. We focus on helping our students to become resilient learners and to develop the character and skills that prepare them for the future. During their time at North Oxfordshire Academy, our students learn to become confident, articulate, independent and resourceful young people; they develop the skills and qualities to enjoy successful and rewarding personal and working lives in an everchanging local, national and global landscape. Our students experience a broad and balanced curriculum focusing on academic excellence and education with character. In addition, they participate in an exciting range of extracurricular and sporting activities which enables them to explore and develop their talents and wider interests. We expect our students to work hard; to be kind and respectful to others and to strive to be the best version of themselves. Whether you are a potential student, parent or future employee, we hope our website provides you with useful information about North Oxfordshire Academy. If you would like to know more, or would like to visit us to see our school in action during the school day, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Decolonise The Curriculum

decolonise the curriculum


Decolonizing the Curriculum Project (DCP) at UoK (funded by Teaching Enhancement Award and led by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj, Senior Lecturer in Law) Students are increasingly demanding a ‘liberated curriculum’ that represents their diversity as we see from #liberatemydegree, ‘Why is My Curriculum White?’ and other movements mentioned above as well as Kent Student Union campaign ‘Diversify My Curriculum’. Also at UoK law and politics students on the Race, Religion and Law module (convened by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj) have relished the opportunity both in workshops and through their assessment to explore both historical and contemporary issues that enable them to acquire ‘consciousness of their own position and struggle’ in society and education. The UoK EDI Project phase II strategy acknowledges this need in affirming that the ‘white curriculum acts as a barrier to inclusivity’ including because ‘it fails to legitimise contributions to knowledge from people of colour’. Phase II therefore seeks to ensure that ‘our curriculum reflects and addresses a range of perspectives’ and asks how this can be operationalised specifically at UoK. Modules like RRL and others in KLS are already operationalising a more inclusive curriculum requiring students to engage with key works from critical race/religion and decolonial studies which offer alternative perspectives to those heteronormative and euro-centric perspectives of white, able-bodied men dominating the western canon. This project will go one significant step further by placing students of colour as well as knowledge produced by people of colour at the centre. Being a student led project is crucial as it empowers them to become change actors and co-producers of knowledge, shaping the agenda and curriculum that seeks to include them. Moreover, it enables them to be ‘assets’ rather than see themselves represented as quantitative data in University diversity reports which does not capture the nuance and complexity of their lived realities. Empowerment for self-determination at the grassroots level is key as is apparent from student led movements that have already effected change in the curriculum. The desire for self and culturally intelligible knowledge is now well documented including in the University of Kent, Student Success (EDI) Project, Phase I:Report 2 ‘Theory and research on race and attainment in UK higher education’ by Hensby and Mitton (2017). This project seeks to operationalise this further and more broadly through the following three interlinked activities: 1) Focus groups: · Up to five stage 3 students will lead focus groups of five to ten BAME students from across the KLS UG programme. · The focus group leaders will form a research team and design the format and questions collaboratively, under the supervision of Dr Jivraj, using naturalistic methods and going through the KLS ethics approval process. 2) Publication of findings: · The data from the focus groups will be collated by the research team and will produce an accessible output such as a ‘manifesto of suggestions’ on making the curriculum more inclusive and a co-authored e-book. · The research team will also be supported in publishing findings via a blog and social media. 3) Student led conference · The workshop committee will organise a half day student led conference to discuss the findings and invite speakers from campaigns such as the NUS #liberatemydegree campaign; Why is My Curriculum White? (based at UCL); Decolonising our Minds SOAS; and the #Rhodesmustfall student movements and at least one academic speaker. Watch this space for further details.

Momentum Transport Consultancy

momentum transport consultancy


The way the world moves… Our aim is that communities benefit from our strategies and the recommendations we make. We work closely with clients and industry partners – from architects, planners and property associations to developers and local authorities – to create forward-looking solutions that address the needs of the future city. People are always at the centre of our work. By design. Everything we do is carefully and diligently designed by our team of engineers, designers and analysts to create transport solutions that inform and integrate with every aspect of the built environment today and for the future. We consider the way the world moves – on foot, bus, train, car or plane – to deliver a compelling future for our clients. Our beliefs. Sustainability The transport sector is the biggest contributor of carbon emissions in the United Kingdom, we recognise that the traditional “business as usual” approach to transport planning is inadequate in the context of the climate change emergency facing the modern world. We are passionate about sustainability and the creation of healthier places for communities. We are experts in helping our clients to deliver more environmentally responsible outcomes for their projects while enhancing connectivity. • Camden Climate Change Alliance Momentum is a signatory to the Camden Climate Change Alliance, a not-for-profit membership network founded by the LB Camden to drive change on sustainability. • ISO 14001:2015 We are proud to hold ISO 14001:2015 certification for our Environmental Management System. • World Car Free Day Summit Momentum actively advocates for change in urban planning and the transport industry. We have sponsored the World Car Free Day London Summit since it was founded in 2019. • BREEAM Momentum has experience in developing transport strategies and solutions for the built environment with consideration for the sustainability assessment method BREEAM. Diversity in our team We are responsible for designing and building cities and towns for people – regardless of their age, physical ability or disability, gender or sexual orientation. We believe we can only do this successfully if our team is made up of people from diverse backgrounds. We work hard to improve career opportunities for under-represented groups. Women make up nearly 50% of our team and we employ people from a wide range of ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. • We’re signatories of the CIHT diversity and inclusion charter. • We have been recognized by industry communities Women in Transport and everywoman for our active commitment to advancing the progress of women working in transport and logistics. • We are a Disability Confident Committed Employer and an accredited Mindful Employer. • We are the proud holders of the CIHT ‘team of the year’ award (2021). Our communities We make an ongoing commitment to support local initiatives through our CSR programmes. We want to give back to the local communities and organisations that we work in and alongside. • Camden foodbank: We’re proud supporters of the Camden Foodbank. • Camden STEAM: We’re signatories of the Camden STEAM Pledge , which provides inclusive support to local young people with career-related advice and opportunities. • CORAM and Cycle to MIPIM: Momentum is part of the Club Peloton community, raising money for Coram through participation in the annual Cycle to MIPIM event. • Environmental work: We hold an annual company social event dedicated to sustainability. Since 2018 we have taken part in coppicing activities in green areas of London to support charities and stimulate tree and shrub growth. • Bridge the Gap: In April 2022 we started to send our decommissioned laptops to ‘Bridge the Gap’ – a Hackney-based charity which aims to combat digital and educational inequality in the borough.




Which? and The Student Room have worked together to ensure that valuable content from the award-winning Which? University website could continue to be easily available to students, parents and teachers. From 3 February 2020, the course and university search tools and much of the independent expert advice developed by Which? to help students make informed choices is now owned and operated by The Student Room, as The Uni Guide. The site retains its design and the key student-facing services. It also maintains the Which? University ethos of focusing on the needs of the student and delivering the highest quality expert advice and guidance, independently and free of bias. “We are delighted to have found a great new home for much of our excellent university content," says Jenni Allen, Director of Content at Which?. "We chose to work with the Student Room as they share our mission to be a trusted, independent source of information for students. "We are exceptionally proud of the fact that we have helped millions of prospective students and their families make informed choices about all aspects of their higher education over the years, and our agreement with The Student Room ensures that many more will benefit in future.” “As part of The Student Room family, The Uni Guide will allow us to help even more students in their educational journey," says Pete Barnes, managing director of The Student Room. "We will continue to develop the site as a market-leading source of guidance and will be introducing new services to deepen the support we offer to university applicants.” For student finance and other information now available on the Which? site The Uni Guide is a free and unbiased university advice service from the The Student Room, which is based on content that was originally hosted on Which? University. Our mission is to help students make the best possible choices and get the most out of their educational career. The Uni Guide does this through interactive tools, straightforward advice, and key stats (including explaining what these numbers actually mean). This way, you have everything you need to decide with confidence where you want to spend the next three years of your life studying. We can help you… Find a university course: search, sort, compare and shortlist from more than 30,000 full-time and part-time degree courses via UCAS. Match your predicted or actual grades to courses’ entry requirements to narrow down your search. Our course profiles contain full entry requirements, tuition fees, modules and course-content info, and satisfaction ratings from students. Learn more about a university or college: view over 300 university and college profiles to get the latest league-table ranking, comments from current students and more. Match your A-levels to degree course possibilities: enter your subjects into our A-level Explorer to see the full breadth of degree subjects you could study (including ones that weren’t on your radar). If you’re a Year 11 student choosing A-levels, you can use the Explorer to see where different combinations will leave you in two years’ time (particularly useful if you already have a degree subject in mind). Enter the ones you’re mulling over and see whether they’ll lead you down the right path. Get tips and advice at each stage: you don’t have to make the journey to university alone. Read jargon-free advice and guides, including guest posts from external experts (admission tutors and careers advisers) and personal student stories.

Cultivating Learning and Nature CIC

cultivating learning and nature cic

We are passionate about enaging people of all ages in ecological issues, natural history and wildlife. We run Community Events such as Moth Breakfasts (opposite) and Community Mothing and have run courses for schools, youth groups, community organisations and home schoolers. We have a multitude of illustrated talks which have gone down a storm at local gardening clubs and Women’s Institutes. We even appeared as a guest lecturer at Birmingham University – examples are listed here The Nomadic Museum of Natural History is a combination of street theatre and education tool. Formulated out of an idea of a ‘Cabinet of Curiosity’ and the plethora of natural history items in our house it slowly became a 1m long transportable natural history museum. We have since taken in all over the country to festivals, events and private functions. For more detail click here Environmental Consultancy Our resident ecologist Tim has carried out a wide number of projects over the years. Primarily a botanist he has developed skills as an all round naturalist. He has been commissioned on work involving Newt and reptile relocation and survey work at Moredon Park, Swindon Bat monitoring on the Bats in Churches project, Herefordshire Meadow restoration projects in Peterchurch, Herefordshire Badger mitigation work at Snodhill Castle, Herefordshire A summary of his skills is available here Teaching Trees For over 20 years, Teaching Trees been connecting schools with local woodlands across England and Wales. We have been employed to run the programme for Herefordshire and Worcestershire which we have done since 2017. It is funded by the Royal Forestry Society and aims to connect children to woodlands and get them to understand the trees, wildlife and production of timber that are essential for all our health. For more details please visit their website. Traditional Crafts We can offer a range of traditional and modern crafts. However we are experts at introducing people to Wool craft and tour the country as the Woolly Circus. All aspects of wool are covered: wet felting, needle felting, weaving, spinning and preperarion of fleeces. We also offer Green Woodworking courses which include Whittling to make spoons and other items from greenwood with axe, knife and crook knife. We are adept at many crafts and in the past have run workshops in knotwork, origami, willow weaving, pewter smithing with cuttlefish, sewing, leatherwork, stone age craft, decoupage and home made toileteries. We are available to run craft activities at festivals, events, parties and groups. Past events we have run workshops at have been: Green Man Festival Folk by the Oak Festival Larmer Tree Frestival Lakefest Spring Greens Hellens Manor The Big Skill Community Christmas Wreath Making in Peterchurch Christmas Fairs and school events Stag and Hen dos Gardening We take a holistic view to gardening with looking and observing wildlife being key to what we do. ClaN have helped to deliver gardening in schools as well as offering advice and design Our resident ecologist, Tim, can help you run a bioblitz in your garden or grounds to see what unexpected creatures you can find We also offer evening moth surveys or moth breakfasts. This is a fantastic opportunity to discover some of the wonderful moths we have in this country….prepare to be amazed!

Duck And dive / The Aqua Clinic

duck and dive / the aqua clinic


Duck and Dive was formed over 25 years ago. After teaching scuba diving in Cyprus, Garry returned to the United Kingdom and opened Duck and Dive, originally teaching theory from his grandmother’s cellar in Eccleshill in Bradford. A few months later we had out grown the premises, so bought a static caravan at Moor Valley Park, Hawksworth, over the moors near Baildon. This became his base for academic training for 6 years. Previously using Shipley dive pool for practical teaching, it was limited to 45 minutes a week and it was used for as long as possible before moving to Tong pool, which we used twice a week on Thursday and Saturdays. Unfortunately, Bradford MDC closed the pool, so operations were moved to Bingley Grammar school. The pool was not deep enough for Scuba and was not fit for purpose, it was then, we decided to be in control of his own destiny and build his own pool In Shipley. Ten years ago, the journey of The Aqua clinic begun. Before the pool was built we had a fully functioning and stocked dive shop in the building next door in Shipley. It was here in the late 1990’s he started teaching technical diving and exploring ship wrecks around the UK. This led onto Garry forming a company called Narked at 60, which was his own brand of diving equipment and was one of the first online e-commerce scuba equipment web stores. This evolved into the range being sold in most major dive shops in the UK and in an array of dive stores around the world. This success meant bigger premises were required so we moved to a larger unit off Preston street in Bradford. Work commenced with the famous brand RAB clothing on our under-suit garments, Typhoon international and ISP for our buoyancy products and Bowstone diving on the design and development of utility equipment. Garry then worked with specialist metal work companies their services of laser cutting, tumbling/ deburring, electro polishing and powder coating of the stainless-steel range which helped make a more rounded product. Garry also teamed up with local companies in the Yorkshire region to offer dry suit repairs and produce his own branded Narked at 60 made to measure Dry suits, both in neoprene and membrane materials. Garry worked with Business link and target export support team (TESS) and wrote manuals for their product range and CE marked goods. This enabled him to start travelling to worldwide exhibitions, demonstrating the British made product range and signing up distributors helping him to become one of the biggest British made suppliers. This was run in line with him teaching courses in which students were using his own equipment, this included police forces across the U.K. At its peak he was teaching over 450 students a year at all levels and became some of the youngest TDI /SDI Instructors in Europe. Garry has been a PADI instructor for over 25 years and retains his qualification. Garry has worked with the BBC helping produce documentaries for the television and has written articles for the Telegraph & Argus newspaper and technical dive magazines. Garry in 2008 started work with building his own pools in the current premises and he was keen to teach main stream scuba and offer specialised swimming lessons which is offered today in Duck and Dive.