4784 Educators providing Design courses delivered Online

Hsm Training And Consultancy

hsm training and consultancy


HSM Training and Consultancy is a UK company providing a broad range of SPECIALIZED services, on a global basis, to law enforcement, intelligence agencies and the private sector. Take some time to explore our website and you will see the extensive range of services we provide to help your agency or business. Our 'blog' is regularly updated with interesting articles, emerging best practice and commentary. You will find lots of good practice tips. The 'publications and resources' pages provide details of our books and how to get your hands on them and a lot of free articles you may find useful in adding to your knowledge. We are constantly updating these pages so be sure and check back for more. Our 'solutions' pages provide details of what we can do to help you and your agency in your functions. We have two sections. One is aimed at the law enforcement and intelligence communities and the other is aimed at the private sector. If you don’t find what you are looking for in one, take a look at what is available in the other. Remember we are here to cater for how you see the world not how we see it. HOW MUCH WILL IT COST? We deliver training on an international basis. Not everyone has the same financial resources so we do not quote prices here. We prefer to talk to an agency and design a course that fits them and their budget. When it comes to agencies in the western world our training will work out better value than you can deliver it, in house. It will also be better quality. This is our full time job. We are experts.

Kelvin J Birk

kelvin j birk


Kelvin J. Birk produces jewellery as well as larger objects, mainly in silver and gold with all types of gemstones. Within his work he crushes precious gemstones and glues them back together, sometimes in a random uncontrolled shape, other times in a more controlled manner and then combines these stones with jewellery pieces or objects in precious metal. Within his work he is consciously disregarding what is traditionally considered precious. Birk revels in a lack of control, allows chaos to take over and the nature of the precious materials to dictate the final outcome of the pieces. His collection is constantly developing and through different creative processes new pieces emerge all the time, ensuring that no two are identical. Like the experiences of personal life, there is always destruction and loss yet out of these processes come new things and new orders. Kelvin J. Birk’s jewellery illustrates this theme of chaos and re-creation. There is always order in chaos, we lose things and we gain things. It is a constant. After Graduating in Goldsmithing and jewellery making at the Berufsfachschule fuer Glas und Schmuck, Germany, Kelvin J. Birk took his MA in Silversmithing and Jewellery (awarded with distinction) from the Sir John Cass Faculty of Art in London, UK (1997). Kelvin exhibited at various fairs and exhibitions in Great Britain, Europe, the USA, China and Taiwan. His work won him several prizes and awards and he received several grants from different funding bodies. His work has been featured in numerous magazines, newspapers and in a range of jewellery and design books. Kelvin is available for consultations and happy to discuss special commissions and bespoke pieces. He became a specialist in up-cycling old jewellery, where he recycles your unworn jewellery into a stunning new wearable piece of jewellery.

Sheldon School

sheldon school


Expectations and aspirations are high here and we are committed to developing the young people in our care, whatever their talents. Children of all abilities succeed at this school and are encouraged to develop academically, physically and spiritually, fulfilling their potential in a happy, caring environment. When Ofsted last visited, it commented: “The all-pervading caring ethos ensures that pupils are happy and able to thrive from the moment they arrive at school. Pupils are very keen to share their pleasure of being at school and went out of their way to let inspectors know.” That is every bit as true today as it was then. Examination performance is very strong. At A level, students reach exceptional levels in a thriving Sixth Form of 350 students. Students routinely progress to Russell Group universities, including year-on-year to Oxford and Cambridge. In 2022, two students progressed to Oxford and Cambridge to read medicine, with a further moving to Oxford to study mathematics; in addition, one student is embarking on a degree in veterinary science. We are proud of the numbers of students who move on to university education, typically around 75% each year, and even more delighted in the variety of subjects that are chosen, following a rich A level experience here. Increasing numbers are also progressing to some prestigious higher-level apprenticeships, including one this year in software engineering with Lockheed Martin. At GCSE, students also perform well, both in value-added terms and in raw attainment. As a consequence, we have large numbers moving in to our Sixth Form, complemented every year with a number of students from other schools who choose to join us for their A level programme. Ofsted confirmed the strength in pastoral care alongside provision for purposeful learning by adding that we “have established a school that holds the academic success and emotional well-being of each pupil at its heart.” As a parent of four children myself, I am acutely aware of the increasing importance of education in today’s world and the role that we, as teachers, have to play in developing our children so that they are fully equipped to make positive contributions to society. The staff at Sheldon School are extremely committed and dedicated to ensure that this is the case and I am personally determined to see all children flourish here. I also value enormously the links between school and home, success being built on strong partnerships with parents and ourselves. My door is always open and prospective or existing parents are very welcome to visit the school; I look forward to meeting you.