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Blended Monkey

blended monkey



Blended Monkey was founded by husband and wife team, Simon and Louise Taggart, whose woodturning and pottery studios are based in a small village on the Norfolk/Cambridgeshire border, where the surroundings and changing seasons provide ample inspiration for some of the designs and ideas that can be found in their pieces. "Our Blended Monkey gardens provide ample inspiration for our work, and is the perfect setting for woodturning & pottery courses. Louise (ceramicist) - I studied at the Falmouth School of Art & Design and I am interested in various art forms, design and applied arts. Simon (woodturner) - I have been teaching woodturning for many years and I love working with wood & exploring its versatility." - Louise & Simon They offer half- and full-day 1-2-1 or pairs experiences, including their unique "2 Crafts in 1 Day" workshops where the students gets to explore woodturning in the morning and then pottery in the afternoon.  All workshops include refreshments; the full-day workshops also provide lunch - catering to all requirements and allergies.   Simon and Louise are keen supporters of and fundraisers for the Mind charity, and the past few years have seen Simon and Louise focus their efforts on offering creative therapy workshops to provide rehabilitation and therapy for people of all ages who are suffering with brain trauma, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. They are also increasingly seeing students who are coping with poor mental health (depression, anxiety, PTSD …) often resulting from stressful jobs which take their toll physically & psychologically. The regular practice of any art or craft is incredibly beneficial in the treatment of those with poor mental health or who are rehabilitating after a brain trauma. Simon and Louise have seen amazing results in some of their students who come to them regularly to create with wood & clay. They work together with care associations, council departments & individuals to tailor their half- or full-day workshops to suit the individual needs of the student. They really enjoy sharing their woodturning and ceramics expertise and their lovely environment to contribute towards the rehabilitation and therapies of people in need.

Exclusive Jewellery

exclusive jewellery


My jewellery is inspired by the natural world. The landscape in particular has a strong influence on the concept of my designs, but psychologically and emotionally it is the ancient world of Talismanic potency that inhabits the finished pieces.’ Design is the pivotal dictate of Lucy Copleston’s work, and imagination the essence. Her sketchbooks are used to ‘think’ on paper and her designs are further developed and refined through prototypes. Landscape has always contributed to her vision through an awareness of land mass balanced against sky, the perspective of diminishing roads and the sculptural statement of trees. Her mother Jean Royle and her grandfather Stanley Royle contributed greatly to this awareness, as both were landscape painters: www.jean-royle.com. and www.stanleyroyle.com The flowing linear decoration, a signature of Lucy’s style, draws inspiration from her early childhood experience of living beside a small river in rural Suffolk, and the familiar sight of shallow water rippling over pebbles in sunlight. She views jewellery as a magical element, imbued with an enduring energy reaching beyond this life, as did people of the ancient world. Her formal training began in 1962 at Mansfield College of Art, Nottinghamshire. Then in 1964 – 67 she studied for a BA in 3-dimensional design at Loughborough College of Art and Design, Leicestershire. In 1967 she furthered her studies at the Royal College of Art, London, specialising in silversmithing and graduating with an MA in 1970. Producing one-off commissioned pieces, limited editions and repeatable ranges of jewellery forms the majority of her work, alongside teaching jewellery making at her workshop on a one-to-one basis. She lives in the very beautiful Vale of Clwyd in North Wales, surrounded by an inspiring landscape, with expansive views of the Clwydian hills. Stockists:

Simply Repair South Lakes

simply repair south lakes



Hi, I am Karen Bentley-Brown, founder of Bentley-Brown Associates and passionate about helping people to grow good business. For the past twenty years I’ve been helping businesses and charities to develop and thrive. I enjoy nothing more than reading about or, even better, visiting businesses that have found a way to improve the world we live in and at the same time as making a profit… Actually there is one thing I enjoy more that is sharing those ideas (See Positive News). Over this time it has become clear to me that the organisations who look after their people (staff and customers), and their environment, are the most successful; to put it bluntly they are more sustainable AND they make more money. You could say that I’m a bit biased as I have always believed that we should leave the planet in a better way than we found it, both for people and wildlife. One of my early memories is joining WWF’s ‘Panda Club’ as a child in the 1960s after hearing about the plight of giant pandas (I’m pleased to say that they have recently been taken off the ‘endangered species’ list). In my later life I was privileged to work for WWF as one of their Regional Managers before moving on to fundraising and development roles with other environmental organisations including the National Trust. The Growing Club Growing Club Trainers As my work began to merge with the ‘for profit’ world I always carried my environmental hat with me. At first it was under the guise of ‘saving the planet can save you money’… This is true but it isn’t a very authentic business model and I knew there was a better way to do business. Since becoming a freelance business consultant and coach I’ve had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of businesses both large and small and have developed a template that works for all organisations based on John Elkington’s Triple Bottom Line or People, Planet, Profit model. Put simply, if you look after your people and your planet you will make more profit. But there are an infinite number of ways to do this and I’d be delighted to help you find the best way for you and your organisation to develop and tell your positive impact story. ☺