177 Educators providing Design Tools courses delivered Online

Design Club

design club


About We believe the future needs people-centred designers to make the world a better place. A brief history of Design Club 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2022 Slow start to the year after a pre-Christmas rise in Covid cases. With heavy (but hopeful) hearts, we made the decision to shift focus. Our new strategy is to create a curated directory of design tools for kids - products, projects and programmes that get kids doing design and design thinking. 2021 We're rebooting! Looking for Reboot Supporters to fund 2021/2022 activity. We've learned a lot from our first remote after school Design Club. And partnered with Multiverse and Future to reach new audiences, online and IRL. 2020 We started the year with new after school clubs in Coventry, Haslemere and Woking, and exciting plans for weekend clubs, but we had to hit pause due to Covid. We experimented with online delivery and invited parents to run design projects at home. Bright spots: Elsewhen ran a remote club and we got a bit of funding from Grant for the Web (which enabled us to think about how to reboot Design Club. 2019 We supported mentors to run 15 after school clubs, including the first Design Clubs outside London, in Blackpool and Dundee. You can Meet the mentors on our blog. Our weekend squad ran pop-up clubs at Science Museum, Kingston University and MozFest. Reached 500 children and had more than 800 people register an interest in mentoring. Started hosting peer-led Meetups and recognised our Super Mentors. Won funding from The Funding Network. And Growth Supporters helped us grow. 2018 We set up as a Community Interest Company in April. We're limited by guarantee, meaning all profits go back into growing Design Club. Founding supporters came on board. Reached more than 500 children through a mix of after school and weekend clubs. Ran our first mentor Meetups and got accepted as one of Makerversity's Makers with a Mission. Partnered with BMJ, WIRED and Token Dad to try new formats. 2017 We piloted our first after school Design Club. Reached over 150 children through a network of 50 volunteers. Partnered with Marvel and Moo to develop the learning experience. Partnered with CoderDojo and iOi to deliver weekend Design Clubs. Partnered with British Council to deliver Design Thinking mentor training. How Design Club is free We're a Community Interest Company limited by Guarantee This means we're a non-profit. We've raised some money through grants from The Funding Network, Mozilla and Grant for the Web. We're also backed by the design industry to inspire the next generation of design thinking. We've raised some funds through Founding Supporters, Growth Supporters and Reboot Supporters.

Harrow Courses

harrow courses

Services for schools The Government’s expectation is that schools and colleges will work towards the Gatsby benchmarks. There are 8 benchmarks which constitute ‘good practice’ in career guidance for schools and colleges, they are: A stable careers programme Learning from career and labour market information Addressing the needs of each student Linking curriculum learning to careers Encounters with employers and employees Experiences of workplaces Encounters with further and higher education Personal guidance. Harrow College is now offering a range of new services to local schools for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. The College offer can be linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks as well as support the school to meet their commitment to the Technical and Further Education Bill's amendment passed in the House of Lords in February 2017 by Lord Baker. We provide support to learners to progress from schools onto further education and apprenticeships. We encourage awareness of the many career opportunities available to young people and the vocational or academic qualification route they may need to take to succeed in their chosen career. College staff can assist and work with schools to: • Provide vocational advice and guidance • Collaborate during Careers Events and Parents’ Evenings • Arrange visits to college for individual learners and/or groups • Organise workshops at the College or in your school for specific subject areas allowing students to get ‘hands on’ experience. Parents Evening and Careers fair - Our staff can attend Parents Evenings, Careers Fairs and Year 11 options evenings in your school, to offer advice and guidance to learners, their parents and guardians. Tour for learners and teachers - Our staff are on hand to offer bespoke tours of the College to your staff, learners and their parents. This often helps learners to get a feel for how studying in a college might be like and we will help you advise your learners appropriately. Taster days - We hold taster days throughout the year to engage learners. Taster days can be a half or full day depending on your school timetable and requirements, and most subject areas are available. Presentation and talks – Our industry experienced staff can come into your school and deliver informative presentations to teachers, learners and their parents/ guardians. We understand time can be an issue so we can also deliver presentations at a time and place that suits you. CPD for teachers - Throughout the year our staff host a range of events for teachers and careers advisers. These events are a great opportunity to visit the College, view facilities and hear from vocational teaching teams on the options available to young people. Our Senior Leadership Team is also available to deliver sessions on new policy developments in education, such as T Levels, Institute of Technology, SEND etc. If you would like further information on how Harrow College can work with your school, please contact Lee Janaway via email on ljanaway@hcuc.harrow.ac.uk