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Early Intervention Aberdeen

early intervention aberdeen


Lara Goldie is a dedicated and passionate Speech and Language Therapist and mother to 4 young children. She has a BS in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, and a Master's Degree in Communication Disorders and she is fully certified in the United Kingdom and the United States (CCC-SLP, MRCSLT, and HCPC-cert) and has 12 years of post graduate experience. Lara has worked in a variety of settings including Early Intervention, hospitals, Schools and voice clinics. She is skilled at treating a wide range of speech, language and voice disorders. Lara has worked extremely hard in her education and training in order to understand communication difficulties and to know the most efficient way to treat them. She is committed to providing current, research-based, and effective treatment and it brings great satisfaction for her to be a part of someone's journey to improve. linda Linda Lumsden is a local business woman and mother to 4 children, she became one of the United Kingdom’s youngest entrepreneurs, at the age of 18 with the assistance of the Princes Scottish youth business trust. She has owned and operated her businesses for over 21 years. In the late 1990s - early 2000s, She was one of three entrepreneurs involved in a Scottish government initiative “Think Business” which was part of the secondary education curriculum to inspire the next generation of Scottish entrepreneurs. Linda has a BA (Hons) degree in Law and Management and various SVQs and HND units in Business, Law and Childcare, She recently completed a Post Graduate certificate in Autism and Practice and is currently in her final year studying a Masters in Education at The University of Aberdeen. Her final research project is focussed on Pathalogical Demand Avoidance (PDA). Linda was deprived of schooling at the age of 14, when she was failed by the education system. She also has vast experience navigating the local authorities social care system following her brothers aquired brain damage. One of Lindas sons is twice exceptional and has an Autism Spectrum Condition diagnosis. His progress since working with Lara at the age of two has been phenomenal. The lack of funded support and services offered to improve the life chances of neurodivergent children, particulary those considered to be at the high functioning end of the spectrum, has given her the determination to help empower other families in similar circumstances. amanda Amanda Nicolson is a dedicated and passionate Social Care Professional with substantial experience at senior management level and comes with a proven track record managing large services and staff teams. Amanda started her career in care homes for the elderly as a Carer. She also has vast experience working with various vulnerable groups including children and adults with learning disabilities, the elderly and those with mental health challenges. Amanda is passionate about quality service provision, social justice and meaningful inclusion. Amanda met Linda while they were both studying at university. They both believe that everyone can flourish if they are given the support and resources to access the same opportunities that many of us can take for granted. Amanda has a BA (Hons) degree in Law and Management where she opted for modules that were relevant to her work experience including Child Care Law. She also has various SVQs and HND units in Business, Law, Health and Social Care. Amanda is currently studying several courses covering health and wellbeing topics at the Open University. Michelle Blake is a self-employed neurodivergent counsellor/coach with extensive experience working with neurodiversity. Michelle has lived experience of being both Autistic and ADHD as well as having children who are Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic, and hearing impaired as well as a deep theoretical understanding of both ASD and ADHD. Michelle’s professional background includes working as a counsellor/coach primarily within educational settings specifically working with students who are neurodivergent. In 2013 she co-founded a Social Enterprise Company specialising in delivering Ecotherapy projects outdoors, supporting neurodivergent clients to access green space. The projects developed through Michelle’s love of research when she identified that ‘those who are more active in natural spaces have a greater sense of wellbeing and have lower rates of depression and anxiety (www.mind.org.uk/ecominds). All her work centres around her core passion for supporting and advocating on behalf of neurodivergent individuals and their right to be included. Michelle has an Honours Degree in Person-Centred Counselling as well as being a qualified Clinical Supervisor and is BACP registered. She has recently completed her PG Cert in Autism and Learning at the University of Aberdeen and is currently completing her PG Cert in ADHD and Neurodevelopmental Conditions. Once finished Michelle plans to complete her Master’s degree with a research project on Autism and ADHD

Gianpietro Pucciariello

gianpietro pucciariello

"Photography is a tool to give voice to the voiceless and to give light to shadows within ourselves and in society“ Hello, my name is Gianpietro Pucciariello and I am an Italian visual storyteller and participatory facilitator based in London. My main work focuses on pushing the boundaries between social impact, dialogue and human conditions. This means that I work following ethical conduct to bring dignity and hope to people's faces and lives. Through my work, I want to celebrate, using empathy, respect but also playfulness, the beauty of the human soul along with its daily struggles and vulnerabilities. I use photography as a medium and a tool to give a voice to marginalised communities and organisations that want to address social and environmental issues in the places they operate by telling stories that mainstream media formats do not often tell, to encourage critical consciousness and influence policy. To do this I usually combine four themes, 1) Human beings, 2) places, 3) food 4) actions for impact, and five elements 1) focused questions, 2) metaphors, 3) storytelling, 4) Participation 5) Action-Driven Challenges. I grew up in the Lake Como area, where I got used to beauty already at an early age, in a family that, despite not being particularly affluent, provided me with a rich and safe place for growing my never-ending curiosity and learning, the value of an authentic soul, and the fundamental importance of social justice. I was lucky enough to have my mother, a kindergarten teacher, leading me by example with playfulness, self-expression and empathy and my father, working for the Italian railways, sustaining my development with strict rules and pushing my need for achievements, but always supporting my learnings with travels and books. I grew up as a really serious and introverted child - many people wouldn't believe so, as I developed more into a shy extroverted character through the years - with a huge inner world and having difficulties expanding outside in words. This is how I first discovered art and particularly photography. What I liked about taking pictures was mainly the idea of using an organic process for self-expression and for absorbing, summarising, explaining and creating knowledge around the social and environmental causes I cared for, and I was involved in since my teenage years. My need for expression became even more evident when my father was diagnosed with a rare neurodegenerative disease in 2003, after 5 years of unusual emotional outbursts, apathy and depression, tremors and personality changes. I put myself more and more on the front line of volunteering in the communities I was part of, and I focus my University Studies on the social sector and welfare, but at the same time, it became even more difficult for me to communicate my inner feelings on the outside. Despite this difficulty, I'm glad I took Economics as a Major subject. This gave me the chance to reflect and work deeply on human behaviour, motivational science, mental models of choice and root causes of oppression. Though, Economics gave me fewer opportunities to express my artistic side. I moved to London in my late twenties, and after a few years, I got stuck between a career I felt detached from, and together with my family situation, I got into a period of severe anxiety and inner chaos. One evening in October 2012 thought, returning from work, I found a leaflet about a course in photojournalism with the City & Guild in Tower Hamlets. That's how my journey in photography restarted. With and through photography, I restarted again to explore in deep the world around me, the condition of human beings and the causes I cared about. Even more important, I rediscovered myself, and my artistic skills, and boosted my self-confidence. Without rediscovering photography I wouldn't have gone back to practice facilitation and I wouldn't discover and loved other practices I work with right now, like coaching, social impact and innovation consulting. Without photography, I would have never become an entrepreneur and I wouldn't have nurtured other creative skills, like sketch noting & doodling. Photography helped me meet inspiring human beings that became friends, mentors, and some of the most important people in my life. That night in 2012 I drew a line in my life with a simple decision. I strongly believe that photography is one of the best ways we have to discover ourselves and the world around us, focusing on the present moment, one shot at a time. This is why I want to support you in using photography differently.

Let���s Get Out Dorset

let���s get out dorset


I HAVE A PASSION AND A BELIEF I have worked with young people for 17 years, I started working with young people in 2004 within a youth club, that provided a safe space for young people to engage in many activities. Very quickly I found my passion which is helping young people to make positive choices in their lives. Whilst my time was spent with a diverse group of young people, I realised that I had a passion working with the more challenging young people, usually the ones that get forgotten because they’re not turning up for school or their behaviours are very challenging because maybe they have emotional behavioural difficulties including risky behaviours. With these challenges I conducted risk assessments, whilst keeping young people at the heart of any action undertaken. These young people are the ones central to what I believe is my mission. I wanted to work primarily with young people who for some reason or another had conflict within their life. My belief is, no matter what, everybody needs somebody to believe in them, even when they struggle to believe in themselves. This led to more responsibility in my role as a youth worker. I started doing one-to-one work with challenging young people, working on a project that targets young people who are at risk of becoming marginalised. When further cuts to Youth service's were sanctioned young people suffered the most, this had a knock on effect to local crime figures rocketing. Young people with no direction or safe spaces to grow, the fundamental nature of being young is lost and in too many cases to mention, young people often find themselves in an environment where peer pressure is rooted in dysfunction, this in my experience is the perfect storm for disaster. Over the last decade since the cuts to youth work it has become more challenging to engage young people. I found myself taking my passion to help young people who were in a residential care setting where they were having the most difficult time of their lives. But again through one to one Key work supporting young people to make changes and experience alternative support such as green activities, I found that these activities help toward emotional stability. Activities can include night fishing, paddle boarding, kite surfing or whatever the young person chooses. If an idea or activity is brought to me I will only consider this after a thorough risk assessment and if successful together we will implement the activity in our one to one sessions, this serves as a way of including young people in their own support package. My aim, together with young people would be to re-introduce them to education, society and family living through mediation and support. I will be introducing young people to resilience building techniques that will have far reaching benefits that will stay with them throughout life, better preparing them for challenges life will bring. Outdoor activities reduce isolation, encourages change and builds confidence rather than being stuck indoors on their consoles confined to their bedrooms in isolation but getting out and enjoying nature and fun activities. please follow the hyperlink below Whilst doing all this creating a safe, positive, caring environment providing a consistent, reliable relationship with good boundaries. I then changed and went back to mentoring and again I have worked with some of the hardest to reach young people. I have a belief that everyone deserves to be given a helping hand. Whether they have been exploited with crime eg. CSE or County Lines, Gang Culture, Knife Crime, this can cause young people to be trapped in a cycle of fear that they can’t get out of,I believe no young person should be exposed to negative cycles like those mentioned above. This leads to isolation within their families and communities. Evidence is emerging during the current climate i.e Covid 19 has had a detrimental effect on young people regarding their mental wellbeing. Isolation breeds dysfunction which can contribute to anxiety and dysfunctional behavior finding It difficult to reintegrate back into society. which for some could even mean not being able to leave the house. My passion is to help turn young people's lives around and build resilience. empowering them to do things they really enjoy. In doing so this will help build up life skills that will inevitably serve them well with the challenges that life will bring. I will support them to be the best young person they can become and enjoy a safe caring and sustainable life which we all deserve.

The Self-compassion Community

the self-compassion community


I'm a former board level executive director who rose quickly ... and became burnt out, young. I am also a former voice artist - something which served me well when a life-changing injury occurred in 2006. I suffered a ‘hip replacement gone wrong’ which left me with major arterial internal bleeding and genuinely fighting for my life ... physically of course, and subsequently mentally too as the months of physical recovery and pain rolled into many years. I went from being a high-achieving, fast-paced, super capable person, to someone who needed to learn to walk again. That took its toll. And years of pain and effort. Cultivating self-compassion and mindfulness helped me find a way through. Sounds trite almost doesn't it? But it's powerfully, powerfully true. Catherine Kell Meaningful and adaptable teaching I have studied hard to do the work I do, to get all the necessary qualifications and registrations (more on those below). Yet what exams and qualifications alone can't give someone is the heart to do the work. That 'in the veins' pulse to help improve the life of another. And I believe my journey gives me the authenticity to bring compassion-based approaches meaningfully and wholeheartedly to others. I embody what I teach, and I bring kindness, sincerity, warmth, and of course compassion to every interaction. I'm friendly and lively too! I bring an adaptable pace and tone depending on the environment. I'm passionate about bringing the skills of self-compassion and mindfulness into people's lives to help them make transformations, build their resources and step into their full expression and power from a place of self-acceptance and inner strength. It's a privilege to witness the unfolding of all aspects of their good health. Qualifications and Education Catherine has had a personal mindfulness and meditation practice since 2006. She is a qualified and authorised Trained Teacher of the evidence-based and empirically-supported Mindful Self-Compassion programmes and trained through the globally renowned Center for Mindful Self-Compassion in their intensive MSC programme developed by self-compassion pioneers Kristin Neff PhD and Christopher Germer PhD. She is trauma-sensitive in all her work, undertaking ongoing CPD in the trauma field. She has an MA Degree with Honours and as well as her training as a Mindfulness Teacher she holds a Professional Certification in Clinical and Therapeutic Mindfulness for applied use in 1-to-1 session work. Additionally, Catherine is an alumni of Compassion Cultivation Training with the Compassion Institute, a scientifically-backed and evidence-based training programme developed at Stanford University, as well as various compassion, mindfulness, meditation and lovingkindness professional development programs with Tara Brach and Sharon Salzberg, both global leaders in compassion and mindfulness. Catherine is also a Trained Teacher with the Mindfulness in Schools Project, and has passionately brought her skillset to scores of teenagers and school staff as a teacher of kindfulness, gratitude practices and the MiSP evidence-based 10-week mindfulness curriculum developed specifically for pupils and staff in schools. Catherine is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist (Dip.Cl.Hyp (Distinction), Cl.NLP, CNHC Reg., SICH HPD, MNCH(Reg.) and Paediatric Clinical Hypnotherapist (Dip.Hyp Paediatrics (Distinction). In her past work with children, Catherine had a particular interest in anxiety, panic attacks and sleep, helping children and adolescents from the age of around 7 to 18. Today, working with adults, Catherine uses hypnosis in a coaching capacity rather than a clinical one in order to help those working with her to cultivate self-compassion, boost life-satisfaction, uplevel and truly thrive. Previously, Catherine provided in-depth parenting support and empowerment services for whole families either in office from a local health centre, or via home visits. Catherine led specialist therapeutic support and learning sessions for mothers based around cultivating mindful self-compassion and strengthening the parent-child connection in parenting. Catherine is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, holds a Diploma In Positive Parenting and is a graduate of the 'Parenting by Connection Professionals Programme' with Hand in Hand Parenting. Catherine draws all her rich experience into every interaction. She is passionate about guiding people in developing the capacity to be with themselves in the kindest and most supportive way. Self-compassion can truly transform lives. Catherine is an accomplished speaker and provider of workshops and talks. She has contributed as a mindfulness and self-compassion expert to many podcasts and a number of mental health books.




Herein you will find the passionate, conversant guidance of a woman — awakened. An awareness activist experienced in and educating on that which endures — with an ethos on earthling equality. I dedicate this digital space to all reciprocal revolutionary uprisers captivated by the mindfulness movement. My inspired intention is that you find heartening, transcendent answers here. My desire is that you find clarity here. The affirmative feedback I repeatedly receive from both my worldwide community and fellow activists alike is that I have an unusually unique, artistically influential way of conveying and communicating the consequential 'vegan' message. [ I quote 'vegan' as this is a societal label — all human beings are born 'vegan' and biologically herbivorous by nature. ] I therefore find it imperative that I devote my lifes work to spreading an abundance of awareness on the significance of leading an ethically enlightened existence — yes, through high vibrational vegan consumption, though also through conscious consumerism, habitual environmentally pure practices, and everyday slow, sustainable, soulful living. To delve a bit more in depth into my intimate individuality — by nature, I am an unperturbed and reserved being. I keep my ongoings, progressions, and successes close to my chest — as I thrive within the reticent realm of exclusivity and privacy. Either interested in or intrusive of my energy, my disengaged disposition often displeases those who cross my path; their reason or rationale being none of my business. Though I do acknowledge and lovingly accept the fact that sneak peeks into my behind the scenes reflections and small snippets into the unveiling of my soul may entertain, engage, or even [ humbly ] inspire — I simply and straightforwardly came to the conclusion aeons ago that everything one does or accomplishes is not in need of immediate announcement or direct praise. The constant need to boast or broadcast, either for acknowledgment or approval, diverts one from their original purpose. If you are in tune with your truest, most transparent ambitions, then, Cosmos Child — the splendor is already yours. True, to be sure, I invest a tremendous amount of personal energy and vigor into managing and preserving all creative content and formative media shared with you throughout my platforms. Though, I do not exert myself in self serving expression and steer clear of segregating societal labels. I solely use the internet arena as an educational tool. All else exhausts me. All else is ego. The overall mission of anything I write or create is always to evoke momentous moralistic reflection while, in turn, providing assistance in relieving ones mind, body, soul, and lifestyle of all stress, anxiety, toxins, carcinogens, inflammation, fatigue, excess weight, and so on — through the introduction and refinement of leading an ethically enlightened existence. [ Masterwork book 'Conscious' in motion — soon to be released here. ] Over the course of the last decade, progressing by educated personal practice, I have advised countless souls on reclaiming and restoring their elemental and biological herbivorous nature as human beings. My personal qualifications to write, consult, and share intricate details on how to enhance the quality of your lifestyle and the entirety of your wellbeing — all began to transpire through my own healing experiences. I was once lost, just as you may be now. Overweight, undernourished, and indoctrinated. Nevertheless, I had a willingness to wade through the status quo with such fortitude and grit that nothing could keep me from finding the truth. Take note that your past or current struggle is not internally engineered but the result of a transmission — an ongoing broadcast of propaganda from the corrupt and seemingly powerful that has strategically colonized your mind. [ Russell Brand. ] Behind the scenes corporations controlling your consumerism and maximizing on your misery, habits, and ignorance. This planet is not in need of any more 'successful' people, 'wealthy' people, 'celebrities.' No. This planet is in desperate need of more peacemakers, healers, restorers, lovers of all kind. [ Dalai Lama. ] I do not aim to impress you here — I aim to guide you towards taking an authentic look at your personal lifestyle by illuminating the certainty that is your moral agency. The universe will see to it that your manifestations are brought to fruition as long as you are willing to focus your energy and intentions around the areas of your life that matter most. All things are transitory in this world. Our destinies are all non physical. Death seems to make this perfectly clear. Why then do we toil all our lives for that which only perishes? Toil instead for that which endures. Choosing to consume life over death, sunshine over suffering, plants over poison day in and day out is the single greatest and most immediate way to make an impact on your mind, body, soul, and lifestyle — not to mention the monumental impact on the planet and, of course, all earthlings. Earth·ling: n. One who inhabits the earth. We need another, wiser, and perhaps more mystical concept of the earthlings we refer to as 'animals.' Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys creatures through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the 'animal' shall not be measured by humankind. Gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings — they are other nations. Caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth. [ Henry Beston. ] Humanity yearns for customs and community. Humanity dreams of escaping segregation. Though, the illusion of integrity lies in our folklore and fables. Heritage entices with its tales of woe; tradition seduces with its promise of wisdom. How deceitful human narrative can be. And so, I hereby challenge you to reconsider everything. Deliberately and delicately, conscientiously and concernedly — reexamine everything.