9789 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Therapy Institute

therapy institute

Cedars Therapy Institute is built on a vast range of experience and expertise in the world of therapy and of therapist and counsellor training. Our mission is to provide the highest quality training for counsellors, psychotherapists and allied professionals in a safe and encouraging environment. Our aim is that our students will be confident in their knowledge and ability to work with clients as a result of our training. Stephanie Palin MA BSc(hons) PGDipPST Dip Cyber counselling Dip Pastoral Care and Guidance FIfL Course Director – Diploma in Sex Addiction Course Director — Diploma in Psychosexual Therapy Stephanie has worked as a Relationship Counsellor and Psychosexual Therapist for 30 years,and, over the last 25 years, has trained thousands of people to work as both face to face and as online counsellors & therapists. She currently lectures in Psychosexual Therapy at Masters level with trained counsellors who are extending & developing their skills. She has also worked as an online Sex and Relationship Expert on the Pfizer sponsored ‘ManMOT’ website, and currently works as an online Consultant to Relate. As a Therapist and Supervisor, Stephanie works with Relate (The UK’s largest provider of relationship therapy), for the NHS for 15 years, and also in Private Practice. Stephanie is also an experienced EMDR Therapist, specializing in using EMDR to work with trauma and addiction. Anna Palin-Swift MSc BSc (dual hons) PGDip Relationship Therapy Dip Sex Addiction Course Director – Working with Couples Course Tutor -Diploma in Sex Addiction After graduating from Keele University with a dual honours degree in Psychology and English , Anna moved to the University of Chester where she gained an MSc, researching into the reasons why young people may not access therapy and whether online counselling presents less of a barrier to this age group. She has a particular enthusiasm for working with young people and for online services. Anna is a member of the British Psychological Society. She is currently working with couple relationships in Private Practice and online for Relate. Anna also works in private practice,working with Couples and Individuals and has a special interest and expertise in working with sex and porn addiction.

Blend Therapy and Training

blend therapy and training

Ive been a therapist, business coach, intuitive life coach and teacher for over 20 years. I am a creator by nature and have developed a range of unique training programs that cannot be found elsewhere. In 2000 I created TMJ Therapy®. This unique and original course combines 20 years experience as a dental professional, degree level clinical massage skills. Add a further 20 years experience of working with TMJ clients all over the world and you can see why this training is unmatched anywhere. A fully accredited qualification open to all, the Advanced Diploma in TMJ Therapy® has been taught to hundreds of therapists who are making an impact every day. The Blend fascial Facial® is a unique approach to working with the fascia of the face to both ease and relax the soft tissues. With no fancy products or machines just bespoke techniques and trained hands, the results are remarkable. Clients say they could see a difference in their appearance after just one treatment These are just two examples of the original massage training courses you can get only at Blend My courses are pioneering and exciting, and therapist always come back for more. I teach what I do. My courses contain the exact treatment protocols that have enabled me to have a huge impact in my clients lives, whilst building and amazing profitable practice The courses and programs I offer are exactly what I wish had been around for me when I was first starting out. As a fully qualified and accredited business and life coach and mentor, and degree level clinical therapist with over 22 years working in the wellness and health care industry my knowledge in these areas is incomparable and inspirational Whether you are a therapist wanting to advance your skills and grow your practice, or an entrepreneur wanting to find the magic juice that will grow your business beyond your wildest dreams, you will find it here. It brings me such pleasure to share that with both new and established therapists in business who want an amazing practice and. balanced life

Kirkby Stephen Grammar School

kirkby stephen grammar school

Kirkby Stephen

Welcome to the Kirkby Stephen Grammar School website. As Headteacher, I’m delighted that you have taken the opportunity to visit our website and find out about our school. It’s a unique school, with a positive ethos and a happy and purposeful atmosphere. Our ambition is quite simply to help every child in our care to achieve success whatever his or her individual abilities and talents might be. Our Vision: Kirkby Stephen Grammar School is a learning community committed to success for all. Our Academy Aims: To promote lifelong learning To promote an inclusive ethos in which everyone can develop and be successful To encourage everyone to improve standards of academic progress To develop self-discipline and positive social behaviour to enable students to become effective citizens in society To provide a wide and exciting range of enrichment activities beyond the classroom To provide high quality learning opportunities and higher standards through sharing specialist facilities and resources with partner schools and developing and disseminating good practice To work with the Eden Valley Sports Partnership to develop high quality PE, School Games and competition To provide high quality learning opportunities for members of the wider community To develop partnerships with local businesses and providers. To plan for all pupils to stay on in training, apprenticeships or education to the age of 18 To cater for the needs of Gifted and Talented pupils. To work effectively with our partner schools for mutual support and benefits I hope the website will give you some impression of how we try to make the aim and the vision a reality. Key policies, procedures, information and communications are available here. We also want to promote the many sporting, cultural and community aspects of our school through the website, so that you will find links to a range of groups in the area. I would actively encourage you to browse through these web pages and find out as much as you can about us. If you would like to know more, please contact me directly and I will be more than happy to answer your query.

The Redesign Coaching

the redesign coaching


I’VE BEEN IN YOUR SHOES…. ..and ever since I’ve been on a crusade to support successful but unfulfilled mid-life professionals to find a way out of what it is they think they SHOULD be sticking with to finding a new working life chapter that fills them with joy. I spent over 20 years working in senior PR and Communication corporate roles working with some of the most famous luxury brands in the world. For many years and for the most part I loved it - I got to travel the world, meet interesting people, work on exciting projects and felt like I was ‘lucky’ to work with such companies. I moved into my forties, had my second child and as I moved into a different ‘phase’ of my life the landscape just didn't look the same any more. Don’t get me wrong there were still parts that I loved (which makes it even harder to make a change, I know and understand this…) but the corporate landscape just didn't work for me anymore. I worked long hours and travelled, hardly seeing my children except for weekends. The juggle between family life and a busy career started to take its toll (that feeling of not feeling like you are doing anything well) and of course I never had any time to take care of myself, that was definitely last on the list. Finally deep down I knew I wanted to do something different, which if you are reading this is likely to be where you are now. It was not an easy decision to make, I know that it can also feel like you are leaving a life and part of you behind. However with the help of a coach I knew it was time for a change and a new challenge that gave me the flexibility and autonomy that I craved. I retrained with The Coaching Academy the UK’s leading coaching organisation which is ICF accredited. I now work as a Career and Personal Performance Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner. I am a graduate in Psychology, a member of the British Psychological Society and a licensed Firework Career Coach.

Samworth Church Academy

samworth church academy


Whenever we welcome new visitors into The Samworth Church Academy, they very often comment on the sense of positivity, energy and general friendliness you feel as soon as you enter the building. Our Academy is a special place which is only confirmed when you meet with our young people and the staff that support them. Lisa McVeigh The Academy was established in 2008 by joint sponsors Sir David Samworth and the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham. Their vision was to create an inclusive place where people and students come first and where students can be educated holistically as well as academically and leave prepared for a long and happy adult life – 70 plus great years. Our emphasis and exploration of our Christian values, as well as our membership of the international Round Square organisation, encourages students to ‘Be The Best They Can Be’ and to explore their own (perhaps hidden) talents and potential in a wide range of ways. Our beautiful and lovingly cared for campus houses a range of sometimes unexpected facilities including a climbing wall, high ropes course, Dance Studio and Drama Pod, a Combined Cadet Force, a fully functioning hairdressing salon and well populated animal care unit. We are also committed to delivering the best academic education we can for our young people and to training and supporting our teachers to be the best and most innovative teachers they can be. Our teaching facilities are modern and well-equipped and we are always looking for ways to improve them further. We are very proud of what has been achieved by our fantastic young people in the past and excited at the limitless potential of current and future students. If you would like to find out more about what they get up to, this website is a great place to start but also please get in touch with any further questions or for a look around the Academy at work at any time of the year. We would be very happy to demonstrate how inspiring our students are and to give you a flavour of the wonderful things they achieve as they strive to ‘Be The Best They Can Be’.

Henry Hardoon

henry hardoon

H & H Associates based in London, was formed in 1983 by senior partner Henry Hardoon BSc, FCA, FCCA, FAIA, CPFA, CMC, a Certified Management Consultant, Chartered Accountant, Chartered Certified Accountant, International Accountant, Forensic Accountant, Project Manager and qualified IT professional. The firm has been providing Training, IT, management consultancy services and forensic accounting for small to medium sized companies for several years. Clients range from sole traders to large corporations. At the heart of H & H Associates consulting approach is a focus on delivering long-term sustainable improvement. H & H Associates do this through a staged process that includes the following tasks 1. Providing information to a client. 2. Solving a client’s problems. 3. Making a diagnosis, which may necessitate redefinition of the problem. 4. Making recommendations based on the diagnosis. 5. Assisting with implementation of recommended solutions. 6. Building a consensus and commitment around corrective action. 7. Facilitating client learning—that is, teaching clients how to resolve similar problems in the future. 8. Permanently improving organizational effectiveness. Because of this H & H Associates’ clients have not only weathered storms but have become industry leaders. H & H Associates also have many years of experience of preparing expert reports and of giving expert evidence in the UK’s civil and criminal courts. Matters on which we give expert opinions include: accounting treatments designed to conceal wrongdoing. revenue recognition. solvency and going concern. the quantification of losses, and the valuation of shareholdings and businesses. The firm has also developed a reputation for being able to implement the latest software and systems alongside existing client infrastructure. It prides itself on always being able to examine the human aspect. Our commitment to remain at the forefront of the forensic accountancy, consultancy industries, matched with our unwavering culture of excellent client care has resulted in repeat instructions from the most successful companies. Our bespoke solutions also include our established white-labelling service covering all our areas of expertise. So much so that over the last few years Henry Hardoon has become a leading industry spokesman on accounting software and IT applications. He writes regular columns in accounting publications and comments on both TV and radio.

Belfast YMCA Limited

belfast ymca limited


Belfast YMCA has been serving and supporting the people of Belfast since 1850. We are the Belfast association of a global movement of YMCAs. We are physically based in the Stranmillis area of South Belfast but we serve all the people of Belfast. We are guided by our Christian ethos and a desire to serve our community and respond to the changing needs of the people in our city. FullSizeRender.jpg We are committed to: Promoting the Christian faith Providing educational opportunities for all people (and particularly young people) Promoting healthy living (including mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing) Promoting community engagement and citizenship, for young people, their families and other adults for the purpose of family support, community relations and active citizenship Assisting in the relief of hardship or distress (social, physical, emotional, spiritual or economic circumstances.) 20180628_144714.jpg What do we do? In order to achieve our objectives, we carry out the following activities: Faith Development – enabling those who come to faith in Jesus Christ to grow in their relationship with Him and to the church. We host a church on our premises. Our Christian faith underpins all other aspects of our work and encourages us to work inclusively, with care and love and with particular focus on vulnerable groups, including young people. Youth Development – providing training, information and support to young people. Annually, our youth team engage with around 900 young people across a suite of projects. We deliver schools-based Good Relations training, an internet safety project, sixth form enrichment training, and shared education. Our centre based projects include the Duke of Edinburgh Award/Gaisce – The President's Award, volunteer training, the NI National Citizen Service project and Youth in Government. Family Support – providing childcare, after school programmes and holiday clubs. Health & Fitness – providing facilities for sport and fitness for a healthy lifestyle. Community Engagement – promoting reconciliation through responding to the hurts and issues facing people in a divided community which is emerging from conflict. Social Enterprise – developing initiatives which meet our charitable objectives through providing a viable service to the community. All income generated is invested back into our charitable projects.

Outcomes Advocacy And Mediation

outcomes advocacy and mediation


About Outcomes Advocacy At Outcomes Advocacy we are passionate about ensuring children and young people with special educational needs are provided with the provision they need to reach their potential. We have embraced the focus the Children and Families Act 2014 places on children and young people with SEN reaching their best possible outcomes. We recognise that parents and carers need different levels of support at various points. At times parents may need skilled specialist advocates to support and represent them in a non-neutral capacity. Our mission is to make that high quality, personalised service accessible and affordable. Being partners with you is important. At all stages we explain each process and your options, and while we equip you with the knowledge you need to make decisions we respect your choices about your child’s education. Outcomes Advocacy was founded in 2016 by Steve Devlin Outcomes Advocacy is the culmination of many years of experience of working with families of children with SEN and disabilities. Steve has managed one of the busiest SEND IASS (formerly known as Parent Partnership) services in the country for a London Local Authority. In this time Steve has undertaken significant training and continual professional development accredited by the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority. Steve has provided a service to over 1000 parents and has delivered over 100 workshops on specific areas of SEN. In addition to his wealth of knowledge on SEN legal frameworks Steve has an in-depth knowledge of how Local Authorities function, including their decision making processes. Steve has held key strategic positions on the SEN reforms management board for Local Authorities, helping to design the new polices, procedures and key documents for the revised statutory assessments and Education Health and Care Plans. Steve has worked professionally in the field of special educational needs and disability since 2002. Starting out as youth worker with a specialism in working with disabled children, he went on to manage local and national projects. Steve continues to run an award-winning youth club for disabled children on weekends and has over 1800 hours of face to face di

Nicola at Company of Nature

nicola at company of nature

Welcome! Company of Nature supports wellbeing and sustainability through nature connection. It offers forest bathing walks and nature-based activities in the beautiful woodlands and natural areas of Bedfordshire. Company of Nature also offers events, advice, training and packages to support organisations’ work in wellbeing and environmental engagement through nature. It was set up by Nicola Scholfield who has a background in ecology and sustainability and is a qualified forest therapy guide. my story I’ve felt a deep connection with the natural world for as long as I remember. I grew up in rural Bedfordshire and have fond childhood memories of roaming the countryside and visiting beautiful natural places. My love of the wilds led to a degree in ecology and later a masters degree in leadership & sustainability. I’ve enjoyed sharing my love and understanding of nature in many ways since then. I spent many years in the business and charity sectors delivering projects and campaigns to engage people in environmental issues. During this time I experienced first hand the crucial role that nature can play in supporting our mental health and wellbeing. I also developed an understanding of how connecting with nature not only helps our wellbeing but also encourages us to value and care more for nature. I have trained as a Forest Therapy Guide through Nature & Therapy UK, and guide shinrin yoku (forest bathing) and natural mindfulness walks. I also deliver nature-based activities for groups and families in Bedfordshire for The Wildlife Trust. I’m excited by the potential of nature connectedness to support not only our wellbeing, but to encourage the positive actions we need to restore the natural world. I set up Company of Nature to help us restore our relationship with the natural world – to benefit both people and planet. I believe that at the heart of our own wellbeing is a thriving and nourishing planet. We live in the company of nature; we are part of nature and it is part of us. Today I live and work in and around the beautiful Greensand Country of Bedfordshire, and feel very much at home among its heaths and woodlands.

Sale Grammar School

sale grammar school


I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of Sale Grammar School and thank you for taking the time to visit our website. At Sale Grammar School we pride ourselves on providing an excellent educational experience for all our young people so that they can leave our school equipped to lead both happy and successful lives. We have the highest aspirations for everyone and work together to achieve these, acting in a way that demonstrates our collective values at all times. We have a strong tradition of academic success and also provide extensive opportunities for our students to engage in activities outside of the classroom, be these in music, sport, leadership or one of the many other extra-curricular clubs on offer, enabling our students to realise their potential in many different ways. Sale Grammar School is a happy and vibrant place to be. Our visitors always remark upon the warmth within the school and the excellent relationships that are evident between staff and students. Our teachers are passionate about their subject and have a strong desire to instil in our students a lifelong love of learning, and as a result, they become creative and confident individuals, well prepared for the future. Our outstanding pastoral offer has the right balance of both care and support, thus creating an environment in which students feel safe and secure, and as a result, they are able to thrive. An emphasis on a strong personal and social development offer enables our students to gain a better understanding of themselves and others and to understand the importance of making a positive contribution to both their local community and society as a whole. Everyone is part of a team at Sale Grammar School and we place great emphasis on working and living together as a genuine community where each individual is equally valued and respected. I do encourage you to visit us in the very near future so that you too can experience what makes Sale Grammar School such a wonderful place to be a part of. With my very best wishes Rebecca Smith