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Forest Schools Education

forest schools education



Forest Schools are nature-based communities where trained practitioners nurture learner-led exploration and discovery, nurturing meaningful experiences for positive lifelong impacts. Wellbeing is the foundation of our practice and through recognising the social, emotional and physical needs of participants we provide the guidance and facilitation for our time in nature. Through creating learner inspired experiences based on exploration and discovery, we recognise opportunities to mentor holistic growth over the course of long-term programmes. In developing the community, we nurture a culture based on collaboration and of embracing challenge so that we can allow, over time, for the blossoming of character, resilience and empathy, and for a greater sense of connection, with nature and for our shared future. What are the Benefits of Forest Schools? Improves Confidence Improves Resilience Improves Physical Wellbeing Improves Empathy Gives an Insight into the Natural World Learner-led Learning Improves Physical Wellbeing & Motor Development Long-term Observation & Guidance from Leaders A Typical Day in a Forest School Meeting outside the woodland, excitement is in the air. The birds are chirping, the gentle wind rolls across the hills while wellington boots search for puddles. The woodland has been checked and the equipment is ready to be taken with us, our focus in on the wellbeing, physical and emotional, of each person within our community. Gathering together, we check in on how each person is feeling and what they wish to explore during their time in nature. We introduce new ideas and invite them to engage our help when they wish to. The woodland space is a blank canvas, full of textures and materials to enrich the senses and stimulate the learning journeys that we will all undertake. As leaders we have both an idea for the direction of the day should learners need us to provide this for them, but also understand the importance of encouraging them to decide their own direction. During this time of exploration and discovery, our role as a leader is to provide the nurturing they need whilst also encouraging them to stay with challenge and to make sense of the experiences they have. Through review and reflection their voices are heard, and their emotions are recognised.

Home Education Uk

home education uk


For most, home education is far more like university than school. It's about curiosity. Formulating a question or thought and researching it. The parents roll is not to formally teach but to facilitate that journey. It doesn't really matter too much what the child is curios about, the trick is to develop and facilitate curiosity, kindle it like a precious flame, and ultimately develop those critical thinking skills necessary to formulate new ideas for so it becomes a raging inferno. That sounds complicated perhaps, but it's really not. It's what all parents do for their children especially when they're small. Every time a child asks a question you start a journey of discovery. If parents see themselves not as teachers but as facilitators in this way, they will see progress they didn't imagine possible. It's exciting and fun but it can also be scary. Scary because as a parent you've been led to believe children need to be steered along a certain path, that there's a set of knowledge all children should have. But if that's not the child's path, or if it's a part of a journey your child has not yet encountered, you're effectively imposing ideas on the child and run the risk, along side millions of other children, of alienating your child from the learning process, suppressing their own intrinsic curiosity for the imposed ideas of others. How often has a child asked "what's the point in this?" Far too many I suspect. Spark a child's curiosity, facilitate their journey of discovery, put the child behind the wheel and they will take responsibility for their own course and progress, because they will be intrinsically motivated to satisfy their curiosity. For the overwhelming majority of parents, this is the beauty of home education. By answering questions they themselves pose, they retain what they learn because it's part of their own journey. Something they questioned themselves. Covid-19 Home Schooling Support We have created a support section entirely for those caught up in the covid crisis. We also have a FB Forum just for you. Experienced home educators are on hand to welcome you and help with issues relating to your child's education at home. We can't promise to answer every question, but many of the issues you will face will already have been dealt with by home educators who are the experts in educating in the home. The group is the Home Education UK School Closure Support Forum. now with over five thousand members The Supremacy of the Family - & Why. “The totalitarian state tries to separate the child from her family and mould her to its own design. Families in all their subversive variety are the breeding ground of diversity and individuality. Hence the family is given special protection in all the modern human rights… The child is not the mere creature of the State.” Baroness Hale, President of the Supreme Court 11th June 2008 LG Ombudsman rules against routine visits The Local Government Ombudsman ruled that councils must be clear with parents of home educated children whether a home visit is routine or triggered by concerns following Leicester City's attempt to initiate actions based on anticipating, future government proposals currently being considered Download a Free Poster Many parents remain unaware that home education is legal, or if they are aware, where to find support. This poster could be put up anywhere parents and children might benefit. a3 poster download Download a poster today, print it, pin it. Help other children learn freely A4 Poster download Educational Heretics Press EHP publishes books and kindles on many topics related to home education and learning systems that are alternative or complimentary to state schooling. Including books on how and why home educators home educate. book cover A great introduction to alternative education. Many EHP books are available as Kindles, at low prices and you don't need a kindle to read them, there are app's for all brands of smart phone and tablet. Build your own library of 'read anywhere Home Education - a Human Right "The respect of parent's freedom to educate their children according to their vision of what education should be has been part of international human rights standards since their very emergence." (The Special Rapporteur to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 8th April 1999) Parents are responsible for the education of their offspring regardless of whether they are in school or out of it. In law the right to an education is an obligatory right, it may neither be denied to, nor refused by, a child. Thus since children may not refuse education and there is no academic consensus on what constitutes an effective education, we believe that the state must be flexible in defining what a 'suitable' education is. While the law expresses the right to home educate as a parental right, it is my belief that, in the same way that young people have the right to decide upon medical procedures, a specific education should not be imposed upon them. This is not only right in principle but in practice, since intrinsically motivated learning will most readily "achieve that which it sets out to achieve". Learning cannot be imposed.



Come along and enjoy being creative! The Completeness approach to learning provides a friendly, encouraging and supportive atmosphere. There’s no judgement or competition at all. Crochet jar collar Crochet and craft activities are great for boosting self-esteem. Creative activities are all the more fun when done with others in a community context. Find out about upcoming Crochet Classes, Knitting Classes, Sock Knitting, Crafts and Workshops. Follow the full-story in the Completeness creative blog. See lots of examples and student’s work in the gallery section. Come join in the fun! Happy Crafting! Love, Kasturi ♥ Hello and welcome to Completeness.co.uk, The ‘Completeness’ website was created to showcase the creative work of Kasturi Tusler. The site is used to co-ordinate her classes and to provide an index for all her cooking, crochet and crafts. The meaning of ‘completeness’. In the case of this website ‘completeness’ means; The feeling of being satisfied and ‘complete’, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Full definition here. Finding Completeness. This website is for anyone who is interested in finding ‘completeness’. In particular through creative activities like cooking, crochet and crafts. Creativity is a key aspect in living a complete and happy life. This works for us all; individually and collectively. In the ‘handmade gifts‘ section of the site you can see the gallery of gifts and craft items. You can also see galleries of students work. Check out the ‘blog‘ and f0llow the story as it evolves. Finally – Thank you! Please help us make this a better website and let us know your thoughts and ideas. Join us on Facebook and keep up with all our discoveries and new things to make. Finally a favourite quote to help us remember who we are; “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience”. Teilhard De Chardin (1881-1955) Jesuit priest

Cleveland Scientific Institution

cleveland scientific institution


In his presidential address in 1920 to the Iron and Steel Institute, Dr Stead revealed that he had discussed many years earlier with Andrew Carnegie his ideas for a technical institute which would facilitate "the continual acquisition of knowledge by the staffs and workmen of the iron and steel industries". Andrew Carnegie was impressed by Dr Stead's conception and told him "he would pay for just such an institute in Middlesbrough, and equip it with the standard technological books if the directors of the industries would maintain it". Discussions took place between Dr Stead and individual ironmasters who, while approving the scheme, would not act without further consideration. Andrew Carnegie died so his offer was no longer available. It is to the credit of the ironmasters that in spite of this they responded to the vision and enthusiasm of Dr Stead and the Cleveland Technical Institute was born. After many years of patient perseverance and hard work the Cleveland Technical Institute opened on 22nd September 1921. By then Dr Stead's health was failing but he became the Institute's first president, a position which brought him deep satisfaction. Iron and steel, shipbuilding and engineering were the basic traditional industries of the Cleveland area and it was to the leaders in these industries that Dr Stead made his first approaches. A joint Committee representing the Cleveland Institute of Engineers and the North-East Coast Institute of Engineers and Shipbuilders was formed and held its first meeting on 5th January 1919, in the Cleveland Club, Middlesbrough. Members of the Joint Committee were: Cleveland Institute of Engineers - Dr JE Stead, JH Harrison, RH Archer-Coulson and RE Cowell. NE Coast Engineers and Shipbuilders - EL Ord, E Hall-Brown, Harald Dixon, EH Fraser-Smith and GM Harroway.

Knitted by lw

knitted by lw

Knitted by Lw was created back in 2018 whilst on Maternity leave with my Son Archie. My background is in Fashion and Textiles design, obtaining a 1st Class hons in this subject but specialising in Knitwear my specialist area were hand and machine knitting. I went onto freelancing in swatch design, pattern writing and many other creative roles. Why Chunky Merino Wool? I fell in love with the softness and luxurious quality of Merino wool – I have always been fascinated by various wool yarns, this certain yarn is so versatile and being SUPER chunky it is satisfying to you use as the knit grows so quickly! Which is a bonus. It started with my Signature Chunky heart wreaths, I continued to develop my ideas. I started off for my blankets using Chunky Metre Long wooden Knitting needles, then came across the art of Arm knitting via a tutorial I came across. I then decided to venture on with this idea and started my Arm knitting Workshop classes, Fast forward 2 years later minus the few lockdowns Knitted by Lw workshops are more successful and are constantly growing and becoming popular. As you can Imagine I started to take over the house, My talented husband Ryan came to my rescue and built me my very own garden studio (He is the best!) this is where I also run small intermit workshops – my happy place! Thank you, Thank you! I would just like to say a massive thank you to every single person who has support me over the years, from buying my chunky knitted creations to attending one or two of Arm knitting workshop. It means so much, I am forever grateful.

Revved Up

revved up


Who are we? We are Revved Up. We provide paid work experience for young people from L8 and the surrounding areas to prevent them from being involved in serious organised crime. What do we do? Young, disadvantaged people who are at risk are given opportunities to recruit for and co-facilitate youth projects, events and community consultations. During their time with us, young people are given the opportunity to join our list of members, contribute to/learn the operations/ day-to-day running of our community business, they are all also given personal development programmes, 1:1 coaching and mentoring, social prescribing and business start-up advice. We have regular staff trips and excursions to come up with ideas and celebrate recent successes, these are all chosen by the young people. Our community business originates from another organisation called This Is My Story Limited (TIMS). Over 5 years ago TIMS was founded by Phillip Taylor (1957-2021) Adam Taylor, Sophie Middleman, Mike Hobbs and Deborah Fitzsimmons. The purpose of this organisation was to work with disadvantaged young people involved in crime, drug activity, addiction and those who had severe mental health problems. Adam and his family have spent most of their lives in Toxteth L8 Liverpool and it is one of the most disadvantaged areas in the country. The majority of the work that TIMS did was in Toxteth working with young people (all of whom were referred by word of mouth) that needed help in one of these areas. When TIMS was 2 years old, our founder (Adam Taylor) noticed that the young people he was working with through TIMS expressed a desire to follow in his footsteps and decided to try and make that happen, that is when he started Revved Up Limited.

Cornish Pottery Holidays

cornish pottery holidays


"Cornish Pottery Holidays on the Penwith peninsula in Cornwall should get you throwing with confidence. The course runs for five full days so there’s enough time to work at your own pace with plenty of input from the tutor, ceramic artist Caroline Winn. As the studio is available around the clock, you’d have time to practice and experiment. Expect a house-party atmosphere, comfortable rooms and good food." / From The Times, 28th November 2015 Highly recommended. Am a relative beginner but I got to use and experiment with all types of clay such as porcelain, paper porcelain etc which you don't normally get access to on other pottery courses. Caroline is incredibly encouraging and an excellent teacher. It was a perfect week for me because as well as it being a fantastic course, it was set against a backdrop of beautiful Cornwall with access to fabulous walks and there was the added bonus of staying in a beautiful house where you really couldn't have felt more welcome. The meals were delicious too! Hoping to return. / Lindsey Bowen, June 2018 A fantastic place and space. Caroline is wonderfully enthusiastic and gently draws out your creative side, even if you didn't think you had one! Beautiful surroundings, a warm comfortable home with fabulous food and excellent company. A fabulous experience. / Clunis O'Halloran, Dec 2019 Just returned from a fabulous pottery holiday. Beautiful location. Caroline and Martin welcome you into their lovely home and garden. Caroline is a great teacher and full of enthusiasm and ideas. And Martin's food is excellent. It's been a week of education (on many subjects over dinner!), a lot of laughter with new friends, camaraderie and creativity. Thoroughly recommended!! / Christine Howard, Nov 2019

Create Learning Trust

create learning trust


In education, teachers often refer to a moment when they see something ‘click’ for a child; the exact moment where a concept is understood, an imagination is lit or an idea is formed. Create Learning Trust is a network of academies committed to giving children and young people moments like that in their education. We embrace innovation, share best practice and shape opportunities; creating an environment that sparks and ignites the talents and interests of our staff and students. To achieve this, every member of our community is committed to: Working together to provide the best quality of education Encouraging innovation, self-belief and confidence Acting with a moral purpose and with integrity Our Principles After looking at the strengths of our schools, and reviewing number of successful MATs, as well as analysing issues for MATs who have faced difficulties, Trustees have created a list of principles that will underpin the trust. The trust will be made up of Trustees who know our schools and our communities and/or have specialist skillsets Every academy will retain a Local Governing Body and as much responsibility as possible will be delegated to them Each school will retain its own individual identity and ethos. We want Create Learning Trust to be the sum of different, complementary parts, that work together to create a strong and supportive environment We will, however, look to share ideas and best practice to reduce teacher workload and embrace innovation Our Trust is committed to supporting and recognising the contribution of all staff make, and is focused on job retention and creation We will be innovative in how we ensure we get value for money from contracts and also, in the future, generate income to support our schools. The focus will always be on how we can invest our resources to maximise the benefits for our pupils.

Old Hall Drive Academy

old hall drive academy

Old Hall Drive Academy is a happy, vibrant two form entry academy in Gorton where children are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve endless possibilities. The children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy and confident. We ensure that the opportunities and skills that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and in the future. Through our engaging and exciting RESPECT curriculum, we ensure that children can foster a love for learning and curiosity that will help to develop high aspirations and a lifetime of memories. We believe in ensuring that children receive a well-rounded curriculum; where individual talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all children experience success and reach their full potential. Through the RESPECT curriculum, we help and actively encourage our pupils to be resilient; show empathy; have self-awareness, be positive, show excellence; have good communication and to work as part of a team. At Old Hall Drive, we have a committed team who work hard to constantly improve to ensure we reach high standards in everything we do. Our children are the stars of our school and very few visitors fail to comment on their politeness, enthusiasm and behaviour for learning. This is further embedded through our relationships with parents as we firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school; the local community and the other schools within the Wise Owl Trust. I personally feel very privileged and proud to lead their learning as they deserve the best that we can provide for them. I hope that you find our school website useful and informative. Please feel welcome to contact me if you need any further information or have ideas that you would like to share with us.