11028 Educators providing Courses delivered Online



It’s obvious to us that diversity problems won’t be solved by panel discussions or in echo chambers. And so we designed The Blueprint mark. Its purpose is simple: to help talented Black, Asian, Mixed Race and Ethnic Minority pros get the careers they deserve, and to help organisations genuinely committed to diversity to benefit from their talent. In 2018 and 2019 we brought together two genuinely diverse groups to work together to come up with solutions to the PR industry’s diversity problem. They included rising stars and powerhouses with incredible careers. They included in-house pros and agency heads, crisis comms specialists and an award-winning creative. There was a Mum of twins, an ex-soldier, a counsellor and a councillor. A D&I specialist, a healthcare policy expert, a disability campaigner (with great hair!) and a kick-ass HR director. There was a born and bred Mancunian, a Scot, Nigerians, a Jamaican and even someone from the exotic land of Leamington Spa. In mixed groups they were introduced to a number of harrowing case studies based on the experiences of people working in PR and comms and ran through a series of exercises. They leaned into the uncomfortable, they laughed, they listened and they worked. Through those workshops, The Blueprint was born. And those incredible individuals? They serve as advisory board members (meeting three times a year and shaping our work) and consultants (on hand to provide an additional steer). As for day-to-day? The Blueprint is delivered by Blueprinted, a company with purpose led by founder Elizabeth Bananuka and Project Manager Olivia Danso, with the support of NEDS Anouchka Burton and Daljit Bhurji. Profits from The Blueprint are used to support the work of BME PR Pros.

St. Huberts Pre-school Playgroup

st. huberts pre-school playgroup

West Midlands

Welcome to St Hubert’s Pre-School at Warley Baptist Church, where we want every child to be inspired to grow, play, learn and develop by providing your child with a safe, nurturing, holistic and caring environment for children ages 2-4 years old. We pride ourselves in ensuring your child gets the very best, to enhance their learning whilst in our care and this is reflected in our recent Ofsted inspection, where we have been classed as OUTSTANDING with the following comments. Leadership is inspirational. The management team demonstrates an uncompromising commitment towards achieving excellence in all areas. Self-evaluation is highly reflective and continuous, reviewing all areas of practice to identify more-successful ways of working. Leaders demonstrate an excellent capacity to maintain this quality over time. Staff have an excellent knowledge and understanding about how children learn and develop. They attend a variety of training courses meticulously matched to the learning needs of the children they care for. This strong focus on developing the skills and knowledge of staff results in all children making exceptional progress in their learning and development in relation to their starting points, The key-person system is embedded effectively in practice and staff are highly effective in supporting children’s emotional well-being, particularly when they first start and when they move from room to room within the playgroup. Children thrive at this welcoming, all-inclusive provision. Close attachments between the children and the staff are obvious. Children’s behaviour is exceptional. The manager and staff accurately monitor children’s development to highlight any areas where they might need extra support. They quickly help them to catch up if needed. The manager also looks at different groups of children to see if the setting can make improvements to support those particular cohorts.

Citizens Rights Project

citizens rights project


Information is vital to make sure people enjoy their rights. This is why in our organisation we place special emphasis on our outreach activity. We organise online and face-to-face information sessions about the EU Settlement Scheme and the impact of Brexit on EU citizens rights for different audiences. Since our foundation, we have organised more than 70 information sessions, visited more than 30 locations in Scotland and spoke to hundreds of EU citizens, employers, local authorities and third sector organisations. Outreach and drop-in clinics for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and their family members These sessions are aimed at informing attendees of the measures they need to take in order to remain in Scotland after Brexit. Although not exclusively, we organise this type of session focusing on three main sectors: ? EU citizens living outside of Scotland’s central belt ? EU citizens, anywhere in Scotland, requiring interpretation ? Vulnerable EU citizen groups and individuals, throughout Scotland. This type of support is extremely important for EU citizens in Scotland who are concerned about what would happen to their rights after Brexit. As we know from our previous outreach and information work, there are still many EU citizens who are not sure about how to apply, have faced difficulties in making application or simply don’t know that they have to undergo this process to reside legally in the UK after 30/06/2021. In these sessions, attendees learn what the EU Settlement Scheme is; when and how to apply; their rights as an EU citizen living in Scotland; and services and resources to support them. Depending on the type and length of the event, attendees needing help with the application process can either book individual appointments with a trained OISC Level 1 (limited to the EUSS) adviser or get help on the spot.

SET Lewisham

set lewisham

SET is a multifaceted arts and community organisation based in numerous centres across London. SET is home to an eclectic and experimental arts programme alongside affordable artist workspace. SET Projects & our Members Programme include performances, live music, exhibitions, talks, workshops and screenings, and seeks to provide a platform for new and collaborative projects. With an inclusive ethos always, SET is a community which aims to bridge gaps between disciplines, creating a platform for collaboration and multidisciplinary experimentation. SET’s charitable objectives are: ‘for the public benefit, to promote, improve and advance education in, and appreciation of, the arts.’ We fulfil this aim by financially and creatively supporting grassroots artistic production. Our mission is to nurture artists’ communities by offering affordable studios – the space, foundations and support to make bold, innovative and exciting new works. We support our Members in developing their practices by giving them access to project spaces, workshop areas, and inviting them to contribute to our Members’ Programme, a public arts programme led by our membership. SET is currently home to over 500 artists and has a membership of over 1000. SET hosts artists working in a variety of practices and disciplines from text, performance and installation to music, sound, print, textiles and more. SET currently has 6 centres in London. The SET New Cross project space is home to our main exhibition programme, whilst SET Dalston hosts our social space & bar and our performance space & music venue. Each SET centre is home to a variety of artists workspaces: from desk space to light industrial units. Each SET centre is hosted in otherwise vacant property, some temporary and some long term. SET brings disused space back into positive use in the interim period: see ‘Property Management’ for further information.

5D Health Protection Group Ltd

5d health protection group ltd


5D Health Protection Group Ltd is a globally leading accredited microbiology and contract research organisation (CRO) offering exceptional contract scientific testing services on a global scale. We are our customers partner of choice in the field of microbiology, biofilm science, antimicrobials, infection prevention and control. In particular, we have exceptional skills in standard and customised microbiological, antibiofilm, biological and antimicrobial testing. We have over 28 years experience in developing ‘fit for purpose’ scientific research and models that mimic, as close as possible, the complexities of ‘real-life’. Our Liverpool site is segregated into independent laboratory areas that provide a wide range of scientific testing support services. With a dedicated team of very highly skilled PhD scientists with specialisms in an array of different fields including microbiology, biofilms, antimicrobials, biologics, cellular biology, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, clinical engineering, chemistry and diagnostics and biosensors, 5D are able to offer a flexible service to deliver on all your existing and on-going scientific needs. The 5D group work closely with our global customers who operate in many different sectors. These sectors include medical devices, wound care, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics & personal care, veterinary medicine, oral care & dentistry, food & drink, infection prevention & control, built environment, industrial & engineered systems and potable water. We also provide and develop customer specific CPD accredited training courses as part of the 5D Education Academy. As a ‘one stop shop for all microbiology and scientific testing’ the 5D group also provide on-going advice and support to our customers during their development of technical files and design dossiers for CE marks and 510k submissions. At 5D we are always advancing our skills and knowledge to improve on our existing scientific service offerings to our customers.

Contender Charlie

contender charlie


A school system which is the most inspirational and supportive environment possible for the physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual development of young people. OUR MISSION To support young people in the exploration of their emotional development and creative potential. To support those who mentor, teach or lead students in the promotion of inspiring, effective and ethical practice. WHAT IS MYTHODRAMA? The purpose of playing is to hold the mirror up to nature. William Shakespeare – Hamlet Mythodrama is a unique form of experiential learning that allows participants to “act in” desired behaviours and attributes. We employ a powerful combination of theatre practice, psychology, mythology and organisational development. It provides inspiration and learning for lasting change. So much is at stake and so much depends on the psychological constitution of modern man. Does the individual know that s/he is the make weight that tips the scales? Carl Jung The psychological aspect broadens perspective and unleashes new possibilities in individuals and organisations. It creates a context to find greater meaning in our work. The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins Remorse from power William Shakespeare – Julius Caesar Shakespeare’s genius provides timeless insights into the human nature of leadership, at all levels. Each of his plays contains a great mythology on the human condition. We can project our own issues on to these mythologies, to gain deeper insight into the nature of the challenges we face in our own lives and work. All this is done in a practical, relevant and down-to-earth manner and is designed to engage even those who would normally feel out of their comfort zone with a theatrical metaphor. Mythological symbols touch and exhilarate centres of life beyond the reach of vocabularies of reason and coercion Joseph Campbell Mythodrama extends the range of participants’ thinking, behaviour and action.

Training Education Services Ltd

training education services ltd


Combining expertise & excellent customer service – TES offer value, reliability & innovation… Established in 2001, we have built our reputation by utilising our combined skills & experience to help deliver real business improvement to a wide range of SME’s. Working closely with a quality approved team of Associates and partner organisations, we ensure customer & delivery excellence every time, by matching the right skills with our client’s needs. Our Mission is focused,... Enhancing Performance through People & Processes Our Vision is simple,... To offer an effective & quality assured product portfolio of Business Performance enhancing tools from a core range, as well as added value services to our client, which is tailored to the individual needs of our clients Our Values guide us,... Embedded cultural values: loyalty, integrity, openness, honesty Operating values: professionalism, customer service excellence, adding value Internal values: co-operation, respect, mutual trust – in a high energy environment that embraces challenge Our Approach is adaptable,... and each approach has the advantage of working with someone who is a ‘fresh pair of eyes’ to the business and who isn’t constrained in their thinking by existing processes & issues: Consulting: working closely with key decision makers within the organisation to establish objectives and advise on solutions Facilitation: of meetings and workshops to help organisations find the right solution for themselves, and to encourage skills transfer from ourselves to the client. Implementation: working within the business to support implementation of agreed objectives, processes & procedures on behalf of the client Skills Transfer: identifying and working closely with the right individuals within the organisation in order to transfer our skills so that they will continue to exist within the company going forward We are proud of what we offer and how we deliver it, why not contact us to find out how we can support your business

Better Community Development

better community development

Since 1981, BCD has served the disadvantaged of Little Rock’s 12th Street Corridor. BCD, Inc. began as Black Community Developers. It was initially an outreach program of Theressa Hoover Memorial United Methodist Church. In 2010, BCD became Better Community Development. This name change served to reflect the inclusive nature of BCD’s programs. In 1992, Rev. Dr. William H. Robinson, Jr. formed the Fighting Back Initiative. Funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and an alliance with the City of Little Rock made the program possible. In later years, it would evolve into the Neighborhood Support Center. State, federal, and private support along with a half-cent tax were the primary sources of funding. As a result of a partnership with the City and HUD, the Hoover Treatment Center was created. The Center provides outpatient and residential services for people with substance abuse problems. The Center also includes a homeless shelter, an HIV/AIDS ministry, job training, and permanent and supportive housing. Not only do BCD’s programs impact the lives of individuals but extend into the community’s infrastructure. Building affordable housing for low-to-moderate-income families makes a great impact south of 630. The Affordable Housing Program is certified by the Arkansas Development Finance Authority to provide monthly homebuyer-education courses. Participants become eligible for state grants to assist with home-buying costs. Instructors are volunteers from four area banks who assess the curriculum. Today, BCD is expanding its reach and vision to include even more important challenges facing the city. Its latest expansion, the Empowerment Center, houses a state-licensed treatment program and permanent housing for people with special needs. It provides a revitalized facility for career, life skills, and technology training. It also focuses on environmental issues right in the heart of the same neighborhood where BCD was created.

M7e Community Interest Company

m7e community interest company

As of 2018, 13.7% of primary school children attending state schools are eligible for free school meals. In sponsored academies this rises to 21.3%. According to school leaders, the financial support of pupil premium (PP) has replaced other revenues of funding, with the schools becoming increasingly stretched with its resources. An Ofsted survey into PP funding found only a third of the revenue was being used to help subsidise educational trips despite the benefits being huge for the children. M7 Education CIC tackles the problems of funding by providing free school trips to PP children and their classes. One stumbling block for teachers has been finding the extra time organising these trips. M7 Education CIC also removes this barrier by organising these trips on behalf of the teachers. We will also provide lesson plans and ideas for teachers to use based around the educational trip. This will allow schools to allocate PP funding towards other educational purposes. Furthermore, it will help teachers to allocate their time into creating thoroughly engaging lessons. What is different about our approach? M7 Education CIC provides a holistic approach to the issue of educational experiences. Not only will the trip be paid for, but the teachers will receive support and documents to minimise the planning needed for each trip. Lesson ideas will be sent to teachers as well as example lessons for free. Each experience will be related to the curriculum that the class will be learning either at the time or the term following the trip. This level of experiential learning has been shown to have great benefits for the children and the approach M7 Education takes in order maximise learning is what separates our approach.

Kidz Own Out Of School Club

kidz own out of school club


Welcome to Coten End Primary School! We hope that this website gives you an insight into life at our very special and immensely popular school. We are in a lovely location in the centre of Warwick and there is a very strong sense of community. It is the people who make a school and we are fortunate to have wonderful children, parents, staff and governors who share a common aim of wanting the very best educational experiences for every child. Our vision is ‘Learning for everyone, learning from everyone’. We are wholly committed to this and it is evident on a daily basis. We take the education of children and young people very seriously and it is a privilege to be trusted with this important role. Children only get one chance and that is why we strive to make every day matter. At Coten End Primary School, we are proud of our acknowledged commitment to each individual child. We recognise that children learn and develop in different ways so we aim to provide a curriculum that supports, challenges and enriches every step of the learning journey for every child. Some children will need specific support at some point in their school career with something they find challenging and we aim to provide that support within a caring environment, drawing on a wide range of external expertise as appropriate. Similarly, many children are ready to embrace a high level of challenge to reach their full potential and we provide a personalised approach to their learning. Every child matters at Coten End and I welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how we can work together to meet your child’s individual needs.