1643 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Edu Consultancy

edu consultancy

Our core values are our principles of practice. They embody our sense of social responsibility, accountability, and proper conduct. We will act appropriately as professionals charged with the important task of assisting students for higher education and learning. We keep all our team in line with latest standards by providing them relevant training. As you strive for excellence, so do we. Integrity - being straightforward and honest in all professional and business dealings; Objectivity -not allowing professional judgment to be compromised by bias or conflict of interest; Professional competence and due care - maintaining professional knowledge and professional service, and acting diligently; Transparency - declaring conflicts of interest to all clients, especially when service fees are charged to both the education provider and the prospective student; Confidentiality - respecting and preserving the confidentiality of personal information acquired and not releasing such information to third parties without proper authority; Professional behaviour – acting in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and dealing with clients competently, diligently and fairly; and Professionalism and purpose - acting in a manner that will serve the interests of clients and the wider society even at the expense of self-interest; recognising that dedication to these principles is the means by which the profession can earn the trust and confidence of stakeholder groups (individual clients, the public, business and government).




Ofsteds new judgement are personal development will focus on how you promote children’s personal development. Inspectors will use their professional judgement to consider the effectiveness of your provision on children’s all-round development. So… How do you: 👉 Enable children to be increasingly independent? 👉 Prepare children for life in modern Britain through the development in their understanding of fundamental British Values? 👉 Enable children to form secure attachments? 👉 Foster and nurture a sense of belonging? 👉 Expand children’s vocabulary to enable them to vocalise or communicate their thoughts and ideas? 👉 Create opportunities for children to manage risk? 👉 Encourage children to reflect on their differences and understand what makes them unique? The New Education Inspection Framework places a greater emphasis on care practices and children’s independence within this area. 👏 Also within personal development comes the importance of sharing information with children around the dangers of the internet and how children can keep themselves safe.👏 Also Ofsted’s phrase ‘prepare children for life in modern Britain’ brings into play the importance of British values. The key pillars of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for those of different faiths, needs to be evident within your practice. Leaders must ensure that the approach taken has meaning and relevance for children of different ages and is not just seen as a tick box exercise. If you would like any further information / ideas of how to embed personal development into your practice without more paperwork please contact Topey

The Heathland School

the heathland school


Central to our mission statement is our firm belief that students learn best within a secure, well-disciplined learning environment that provides a broad and balanced curriculum. We challenge our students to become ambitious learners who strive for excellence and the highest levels of achievement across all school life. In order to achieve this we will: Provide an environment where individual learners thrive as confident, independent and informed citizens of the future Celebrate and value the diverse nature of the school community and ensure our core values of respect, tolerance and empathy underpin all we do Ensure our learning and teaching responds to curriculum development in an exciting and innovative way Work in close partnership with parents to unlock their children’s potential Develop all students' understanding of the importance of safe and healthy lifestyles Promote a vision of science and mathematics which gives all our students and the wider community the opportunity to excel Our Goals: To promote high achievement and outstanding academic success To prepare students for their future life and role in society To involve students and parents in the life of the school To foster a sense of community and traditional values based on discipline and mutual respect To provide an orderly, attractive and stimulating environment To be a leader in meeting the challenges of the future To Achieve These Goals: Provide effective leadership Seek continuous improvement Provide a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum Recruit, retain and motivate a highly qualified, committed and caring staff Uphold the school’s Behaviour Policy and Code of Conduct

Sage Mentor

sage mentor


Catherine is a Fellow, Certified Management Consultant and coach/mentor who specializes in full-cycle career management. As president of Sage Mentors, she delivers values-based coach/mentoring and consulting services to clients throughout the Greater Toronto Area and across the country. She focuses on the core values of individuals and organizations, providing insight to help them build sustainable futures. Catherine’s extensive and diverse list of clients includes: CI Financial TD Bank Chartered Professional Accountants, Canada Molson Canada Revenue Agency Bombardier Canada Food Inspection Agency Bermuda Hospitals Board Ontario Government — MOH<C, OMAFRA, MTO, MoL, Treasury Board, OIAD, MNR & MOE Ontario Human Rights Commission Alcohol & Gaming Commission Professional Engineers Ontario Education & Experience Catherine Mossop With a degree from Bishop’s University and studies at McGill University, Catherine embarked on a career as a technical-engineering recruiter in the high-tech field. With the shifting winds of the Canadian economy in the ’80s, she began consulting to major corporations on restructuring, transformation and employee career transitions. At the dawn of the millennium, she founded Sage Mentors Inc. to focus on growth and the development of potential through mentorship. Catherine has lent her expertise as an author: The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring, Clutterbuck et al.; Developing Successful Diversity Mentorship Programmes, Clutterbuck et al.; Successful Professional Women of the Americas: From Polar Winds to Tropical Breezes, Punnett et al.; Mentoring and the World of Work in Canada. She is a Fellow, Certified Management Consultants Canada (FCMC), Fellow, International Career Management Professionals (FICMP), Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL), and alumnus of the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference.