962 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Essential Oils & You

essential oils & you

Aromatherapy Consultation & Custom Blending – designing and making botanical products for health & wellbeing, perfumery & skincare. Workshops, Courses & Retreats – practical classes at beautiful botanical locations. Essential Oil Supply – my own brand of oils sourced from organic farmers & artisan distillers. Aromatherapy Consultation & Custom Blending Service £30 for a 30 minute session – includes an aromatherapy product designed specifically to address your symptoms or needs, with personal instructions for use. Click here to book a session. Private consultations can be arranged in person, by telephone, zoom, skype or email. The session will require you to fill out a confidential client information & consent form in advance and will involve up to 30 minutes of dedicated consultation time. A personal blend will then be designed and made to support your personal needs. This is posted to you with instructions on use. This session is suitable for anyone interested in using essential oils or aromatherapy products to support their health & wellbeing. Essential oils are powerful tools that can support us in diverse ways, from serious chronic illness, to day to day nurturing. Symptoms & conditions that aromatherapy products can help with include: scar care, arthritis, aches & pains stress & anxiety nausea (very helpful during pregnancy). sensitive skin, eczema respiratory conditions, colds, coughs, asthma Products that can be made to support after the session include: bath and body oils, face creams, cleansers & oils, balms, roll-on perfumes, inhaler sticks, pure essential oil for use in diffusers. Once you purchase your session you will be sent a link to book your time slot and confirm if you are able to join with zoom or an alternative method. See examples of the types of products possible and their purpose here. 60 minutes sessions are available for £60 if you feel you would like a more in depth consultation. WORKSHOPS, COURSES & RETREATS, from £45. Click here to view up and coming events. Alternatively, request a workshop to take place in your area, or book a private group or individual session. Some examples of popular workshops I offer are as follows: Natural Perfume Making Workshop – make your own completely natural, organic perfume, with the finest quality essential oils, usually set in Kate Langdale’s beautiful flower studio but can be held at a venue of your choice, eg. home, place of work… For more details read the notes from this workshop on my blog post Natural Perfume Making. Introduction to Essential Oils Workshop – to give you a taste of this workshop read my blog post A Basic Introduction to Essential Oils you can choose from a variety of option for making products with essential oils, including balms, massage oils, creams and perfumes. Natural Face Cream Making Workshop – to give you a taste of this workshop read my blog post Natural Face and Body Cream Making Workshop Hen Parties, Birthday Parties, Work Events– Making perfumes or face creams is a lovely activity to do with friends and family as part of a celebration or particular event. These can be tailored to your group specifically with regards to location, time and budget. Get in touch for more details and to make a booking.

Self Defence for the Soul

self defence for the soul

Last week I was having a few doubts about some decisions that I’d really been sure of before. But after taking some time for reflection, I recognized that several lies had infiltrated my thinking, tearing me down with subtle accusations. In fact, those decisions that I’d already made were from the Lord, and He confirmed them again. Clearly, it was time to examine my spiritual defenses. I am finding that everything I do related to taking a team back to Haiti next month is being fought by the enemy. Here are some mandatory responses to spiritual warfare – I hope you will take action in your battle as well: Stay Alert: We are at war, so as Howard Hendricks says, don’t be surprised that you’re being shot at. We are admonished to be self-controlled and alert, for our enemy “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8.) Take Cover: Put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and walk in truth, practice righteousness and exercise your faith. Stand firm and pray! If it’s been more than one week since you’ve reviewed this passage, read and pray through it right now. Fight back: Are you living in a museum, with your sword hanging on the wall in display? That’s exactly what you’re doing if you leave your Bible on the shelf. The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12, emphasis added.) A sword is not a defensive barrier – it’s a weapon of assault – which is why it is sharp and piercing. How prepared are you when it comes to self-defense of your soul? Are you a white belt? A black belt? Something in between? Keep up the regular protection of your heart, mind, spirit and soul. Here are some questions I ask myself to keep alert and engage in combat: That voice I hear – is it a shout or whisper? Yes, the Spirit often speaks in a still, small voice – but He speaks other ways as well. And He isn’t shy about getting my attention. God doesn’t hide from us. So when I detect a whisper in my ear, I need to pay attention and ask, “Is this something that God would shout from the mountain tops? Or is it something that my adversary is quietly whispering in the darkness, hoping the lies will enter my mind without being exposed to the light?” (Matthew 10:26-27.) Is the message life-giving or draining? Jesus told us that our enemy intends to steal, kill and destroy – but He came that we’d experience life abundantly (John 10:10.) Am I experiencing assurance of who I am in Christ, or being driven to doubt? Is the message I’m receiving making me more confident and full of faith? Or is it creating anxiety or fear? (e.g. 1 John 5:11-12, Ephesians 2:10, Jeremiah 31:3, Romans 8:14-16.)




Eryl Daniels is a qualified, experienced and passionate therapist who specialises in helping others live a more rewarding life. A background in mental health and business management, she has experience of the pressures that work and home life can have on individuals, employees and families. Over the last decade, many people have thrived from the reassurance, confidence and encouragement Eryl brings to her therapy. Depression, anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy, frustration, stress affects you personally or professionally. All of these feelings have a root cause, which can be identified during therapy session. As a result, clients flourish – using the effective strategies put in place and achieve a sense of well-being, happiness, positivity, and motivation for their goals. Driven by a passion to help people live happier lifestyles, she works with clients to find their Mojo, make a new start or prepare for a change direction in their lives. Working together, you can clear negative thoughts and feelings, and effortlessly live a rewarding life, being at your very best! Eryl’s techniques offer a way forward – a rewarding path to discovery, enlightenment and self-development. Using her ‘toolbox’, her breakthrough programmes support the transformation from a life with no sparkle, to the authentic, instinctive You. Eryl enjoys life in all its wonderful glory – socialising with old and new friends, especially best friend and fur baby Lolly. Eryl is a native Welsh speaker, and able to communicate in English and Welsh. She enjoys the simple pleasures of being near the beach, sunshine and is a self-confessed ‘magpie’ when it comes to anything glittery or sparkly! WHY COACHING? Coaching is a partnership – between me and my client. I support them to regain power in their own lives, so that they can make influential changes for the better. My passion lies with helping people realise their potential, find their mojo and allowing themselves permission to follow their dreams. Fears, phobias, insecurities and obstacles present challenges to your everyday life. Lack of confidence and self worth affects everything you do, so if you are stuck-in-a-rut and feeling trapped by your own thoughts, you need a pathway to positive change to be made clear. The support coaching offers is valuable, bringing clarity and fresh perspective to those mountains that once seemed to high to climb. My coaching work reminds you that you have the Power to make these changes – you know how to fix the problems that are holding you back, my job is to remind you and show you how. Through regular sessions, you are able to break destructive patterns and behaviours, clear negative and often untrue beliefs you hold about yourself and others, and get to a place in your life which is calm, positive, motivated and assured. You’ll feel like a weight has been lifted, and as if everything has come back into focus. You’ll see results that previously you’d never imagined, and rewards that you only dreamed of. Whether you are seeking support for your choices, an outlet for feelings that have been covered up for too long, or fed up with what life is offering you and looking for change, coaching sessions can help to bring focus and purpose back into your life

Educational Academy

educational academy


The Education Academy provides a small, nurturing, highly academic, and structured environment. The academics keep moving forward despite their behaviors. How do we do this? Magic? No, we provide the flexibility and patience to avoid student frustration. We teach coping skills so students can be productive, happy participants in their education. We work closely with parents and districts, so communication is always maintained, and students can transition back to the district smoothly. Our tuition is lower, so please take advantage of the following services we have to offer: Counseling, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Adaptive PE, Character Education, Behavioralist, Full-time school and psychiatric nurse, Neuro-sensory Motor Therapy, Puppy Therapy, Computer and Language classes, Social Clubs, Pre-K through Eighth Grades, and full-day ESY. The Education Academy can not wait to meet you and your student to introduce you to all the services we have to offer your district student and their family. The buzz words this year for Education seem to be SEL (Social Emotional Learning). Here at The Education Academy SEL has always been at the forefront of all our academics and daily activities, especially for our students. Students have to be in a good place emotionally to receive their academics and they need to learn the skills necessary to manage their emotions and feelings throughout the day to maintain their educational stability. Our students develop good self-esteem and work together with their peers to spread its benefits not only throughout our school building but in their communities. The Education Academy recognizes its responsibility to provide opportunities to the children we serve which will enable them to experience academic success as well as social and emotional growth. Setting Our educational program is offered in a modern facility. The school enjoys both a convenience location and the tranquility of being adjecent to a quiet natural wildlife preserve. Our playground and picnic area are surrounded by trees and are located directly behind our school. Caring Faculty The Education Academy is committed to provide a quality program taught by caring, talented teachers. The dedicated faculty and staff receives the support and encouragement to continue to grow professionally. We are strong believers that teachers can and do make a difference. Behavior Management The faculty of The Education Academy recognizes the need to help children under our care achieve social and emotional growth. In striving to attain that goal, a variety of educationally sound and effective behavior modification techniques are employed. Programs & Services The Education Academy is a private school created to address the needs of elementary school children who are experiencing difficulties within a public school setting. These difficulties include, but are not limited to, social skills integration, attention deficit, anxiety disorders, and autistic spectrum disorders. Each child is enrolled by the sending district’s child study team with parental approval and support. Educational programs are available for grades Pre-K to 8. All classes are self-contained and are designed to maximize learning opportunities for special children. The program is highly structured and equal emphasis is placed on academics and social growth. An extended school year (summer program) is also offered.