9790 Educators providing Courses delivered Online




ZunTold is an independent publishing company, based in Manchester, focusing on publishing good fiction to support mental health and wellbeing. We publish Middle Grade and YA fiction and love working with established voices as well as debut authors. Our authors have been nominated for literary prizes, including the Carnegie Medal, and won prestigious awards too, like the Lancashire Book of the Year Award, chosen solely by young people aged 13-14 years of age. We work with agented authors but twice a year, (in June for YA and in December for Middle Grade) we open our doors to authors who do not have an agent. We do not publish picture books as we don’t have the expertise to do so. We publish in print, e-book and interactive books. We run a programme we call Fiction as Therapy. Our staff are publishing professionals, writers, editors, counsellors and psychotherapists who have also trained in Therapeutic Writing. Books are 'healers for the soul' and creative writing brings many health benefits. Our Fiction as Therapy service offers a therapeutic programme of bibliotherapy across different age audiences and creative writing for therapeutic purposes, for young people and adults looking to support their mental and physical health and wellbeing. There is a growing evidence base that therapeutic writing and bibliotherapy can support people with long term physical health conditions as well as improving mental health. We are building links with NHS Trusts and Social Care providing an online library and blended services of tailored support to individuals and communities.

Ekcen Training

ekcen training



Ekcen Training is both a career and job focused Centre that runs a number of programmes to assist various categories of clients, from the highly professional to those with low to medium educational attainment to develop skills to enable them to access a spectrum of work, retain job and career opportunities. We are particularly adept at assisting clients with compound needs; including those first languages is not English, to develop basic functional skills to enable them to become active members of a civil society. Our staffs also have a unique understanding of how to support clients from deprived socio – economic neighbourhoods to become more confident about achieving positive life outcomes. Our Training and Capacity Building Programmes We run a menu of training and capacity building courses including: Early Years Educators, Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools, Health & Social Care Diploma, Functional Skills Entry Level 1 to Level 2 (English, Maths & ICT); New TAQA (Assessor & Internal Quality Assurance Award), Teacher Training (AET / CET / DET). We also run courses on confidence building and work preparation. We have track records of several successful EQA visits testifying to the quality of the support we give to our learners, quality of their work and the skills & knowledge of our Tutors/Assessors/Internal Verifiers. We are particularly proud of our success rate with clients undertaking training in courses relating to children and young people’s workforce and teaching assistant courses where over 90% of those who undertook this training obtained employment either during or on completion of the course.

Voncap Recruitment And Development

voncap recruitment and development

Great Yarmouth

Since Covid, older workers are the most likely to have become economically inactive (House of Commons, 2021), with only a third of self-employed people over the age of 54 still working. One in five people reporting that they could not carry on work as usual because of pandemic related issues (Institute for Fiscal Studies, 2020). One third of the UK employment market is currently aged over 50 (Centre for Better Ageing, 2020). Companies across England can no longer discriminate against older people. There is a need to increase recruitment of skilled, experienced personnel, who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in a very tough employment and recruitment situation. Many people over the age of 45, find that they need upskilling and help to move forward and make career adjustments. We facilitate learning for the prospective Employees and guide Companies to achieve the highest standard through their people. We focus on technology, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), wellbeing, and advertising to reach the key audience when looking for work. The issue is one of technology, Applicant Tracking Systems, (ATS) and the need for a unique CV that is non-Bias and one that can navigate these systems with ease. We help with reprogramming the mindset and overcoming the perceived barriers to regain self-respect and employment. With the increasing skills shortage across the UK, a large number of companies are reliant on recruitment agencies for both lower level roles and senior roles. The skills are there but due to the employers need to utilise intuitive recruitment systems in house, they are missing those who are just as capable of completing the role. Many people are not ‘Marketing People’ so cannot write a CV in order to sell themselves! We started our journey in 2017 with courses for the over 45’s, since then we have grown our courses to also have one which focuses on getting professionals back to work – those who have been managers, directors, business owners, who have lost work due to a variety of reasons within the economy and elsewhere. We now work with colleges and job centres to help people achieve their goals, find work, train and grow to where they deserve to be. We also have a selection of distance learning courses available, where people can focus on a particular area they would like to move their career towards. Contact us today for learning opportunities, employment courses, and the next step in finding both work and the mindset so achieve your individual goals.