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Cipher Medical

cipher medical


Stockton On Tees

CIPHER Medical was founded by co-owner Andy Thomas after he left the Royal Air Force in late 2015. The aim of CIPHER medical was to Deliver the highest standards of clinical care both to the event medical industry and to the National Health Service. All members of the team share this passion for both patient care and education based around our Vison and Mission Statement. This is enabled through all staff by our core values. Vision Statement CIPHER Medical will work together as a team in the spirit of collaboration, teamwork and a drive for excellence. By working on behalf of our clients and partners we aim to positively impact all the lives we touch. We aim to grow in scope at all levels taking the whole team with us always. By providing high quality people, equipment and standards we will deliver high quality care. Mission Statement CIPHER Medical aims to provide a safe and effective service which centres on patient care. This will be supported by a holistic organisational approach in which exceptional clinical standards and improved patient care form the corner stone of our ethos. We aim to excel above standards and believe in improving care by involving patients, staff and management in decisions. VALUES Openness & Accountability CIPHER Medical will have a culture of openness and accountability without blame to individuals. We will admit errors or areas requiring improvement free from fear in the knowledge, support will be giving and improvements in patient care developed. By developing positive critical appraisal, we will continue to drive our standards. Pride CIPHER Medical is a private health care and training provider and we should take pride in the support we provide to all our patients. We accept the privilege of treating patients in all environments and take pride in our logo which stands for high quality patient focused care. We shall take pride as both individuals and as a team. Respect & Dignity CIPHER Medical will treat all our patients, students, customers and colleagues with the utmost respect and dignity. We will act together as a team and as individuals to ensure our values in the difficult and challenging Pre-Hospital environment are upheld. Everything Counts CIPHER Medical believes everything we do counts no matter how big or small. By treating all our actions with enthusiasm, passion and with ideals of excellence we will touch our patients lives in a positive way. By approaching every situation with a everything counts approach, we will impact our patients, in the most positive ways.

Centred Excellence

centred excellence


Welcome to the About Us section of the website. Here you can learn how VCU-ACE works to improve services to those with ASD through discovery and implementation of evidence-based practices. Student working with her teacher Vision VCU-ACE is a state and national leader in developing, cultivating, and disseminating knowledge to increase implementation of research-based practice needed to effectively support individuals with autism spectrum disorder to lead quality lives in their home, school, community and work. Mission VCU-ACE improves services and supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by promoting the implementation of research-based practices in schools and the community through training, technical assistance, research, and collaboration. Training includes providing professional development to expand the expectations, knowledge, and skills of those who live with, educate, and support individuals with ASD. It supports the sustainable implementation of research-based practices by providing Instructional activities and resources to anyone who wants to learn more about ASD and to leaders who guide professional development initiatives in home, school, community and work. Technical assistance includes facilitating, implementing, and evaluating systems-change initiatives customized to the unique needs of stakeholders in educational and community environments, regions, and the Commonwealth. It supports the sustainable implementation of research-based practices by providing team facilitation, coaching, strategic planning, and project management in agencies, school divisions and direct services settings to build the capacity and confidence of those who support individuals with ASD. Research includes asking questions, seeking answers, and disseminating findings on important socially significant issues impacting individuals with ASD across the lifespan to improve quality of life. Research is conducted in real-world settings using sound research methodologies. Collaboration includes maintaining a spirit of cooperation in our interactions with colleagues and developing and sustaining partnerships with individuals with ASD and their families as well as local, commonwealth, and national entities to enrich, develop, disseminate, and deliver training, technical assistance, and research activities. Core Values We believe all individuals with ASD have the right to: Access high quality supports and services across the lifespan that will enable them to lead lives of their choosing Be treated with dignity and respect in all aspects of their life, especially when receiving supports and services Exercise choice and control in their lives to the greatest extent possible Lead self-determined lives Communicate with a system that supports full participation across environments and people Choose meaningful relationships Receive an education that prepares them for life beyond high school including postsecondary education, employment, and engaged community citizenship Be contributing members of their communities and be valued friends, co-workers, and family members We know that: Research-based instruction and supports to individuals with ASD in home, school, community, and work settings results in those individuals leading quality lives. All Virginia Public Schools can educate all of Virginia's students to become active and productive members of their communities. High expectations, knowledge, and skills improve the lives of all individuals, especially those with ASD. The education, inclusion, and support of individuals with ASD are a shared responsibility by all community members. Collaboration and cooperation among individuals with ASD, families, educators, and community partners ensures diverse and comprehensive innovations across the lifespan. We are committed to: Expanding our own and others' knowledge Enhancing the implementation of research based practices needed to effectively support individuals with ASD across the lifespan to lead quality lives in their home, school, community and work Discovering real world solutions to real world problems through research in home, school, community, and work settings Utilizing research-based evidence to guide the implementation of foundational practices and supports that result in meaningful outcomes for individuals with ASD Ensuring kind, compassionate, person-centered services Promoting strong inclusive communities that embrace all individuals, including those with ASD, for the gifts they offer