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Boa Training

boa training


The first BOA Training and Education Strategy document was published in 2012. It set out an action centred approach to development work across four community domains and eleven projects. A year later we have taken the opportunity to refresh the strategy in the light of work completed, and some new initiatives reflecting the ever changing dynamic of surgical training and education. The BOA focuses its training and education resources on: Development of the T&O specialty training curriculum. Construction and delivery of an annual trainee instructional course, geared to a four year FRCS (Tr and Orth) cycle. Awards of fellowships and prizes. CESR courses for SAS surgeons aspiring to gain entry to the specialist register. Delivery of training the trainer and educational supervisor instructional courses. Delivery of MSK clinical assessment skills courses for those in Core Training. Revalidation of all T&O surgeons through our annual Congress with a series of clinical and other instructional content geared to a five year cycle. The development of our e-learning capability for both specialty training and broader revalidation purposes. The need for continuing pace The shape and diversity of the healthcare work force is evolving rapidly: all elements are doing more with less in order to contain NHS expenditure at a sustainable level. T&O in particular faces a unique set of challenges and the BOA has developed an action plan through which to address them: full details are contained in our Practice Strategy. Focused on high quality care for patients against the backdrop of a 15% and growing capacity gap in elective orthopaedics, the action plan highlights the need for better patient pathways, enhanced implant surveillance, strong partnerships between providers of acute care, multidisciplinary teams working seamlessly across the primary and secondary care divide, and clinical culture change within the T&O community. All this needs to be instilled in surgeons from the outset of their careers, and the challenge for the BOA as a Surgical Specialty Association is to identify, recruit, educate and nurture the best talent from medical schools and throughout their formative and specialty training in order to create sufficient: High quality T&O capacity with surgical capability in depth to meet future demand. Future clinical academic capacity to sustain the UK’s T&O research capability. The rationale for this is set out in the BOA Research Strategy In addition, we need to: Care better for our patients throughout their treatment pathways by engaging effectively and productively with General Practitioners, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals with an interest in orthopaedics. Accordingly we continue to broaden the scope of our training and education work. This will be essential if we are to encompass more fully the needs of the T&O community and the wider musculoskeletal multi-disciplinary team. Achieving this through an action centred, project based approach to Training and Education .

Kitty Kittley Fitness

kitty kittley fitness



First of all, let’s clear up the name thing. My parents weren’t so cruel as to name me Kitty Kittley… I just happened to be called Kitty and fell in love with a man called Mr Kittley! I grew up on the Kent/Sussex border and went to school in Cranbrook, but after spending 20 years living and working in London, my husband Chris and I took the plunge and moved to Hawkhurst in Kent, where we now live with our two young children. In my 20s I worked as a scuba-diving instructor and then opened my own dive school and shop in London, taking people diving around the UK and abroad. Sadly, when the recession hit in 2009, I was forced to close the business. I went on to work as a court transcriber from home, which I still do on a part-time basis. However, my passion is movement, exercise and the outdoors, so I decided to retrain as a personal trainer and fitness instructor. I’ve been a keen exerciser since my mid-20s but in 2008 I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, which ultimately led to me having three vertebrae fused in my lower back shortly after my son Billy was born in 2014. At the time of diagnosis, my consultant said to me, “You will be pain free if you get strong and fit.” This gave me the nudge I needed to get serious about my health and to really start taking care of my body. I am a firm believer that something good comes out of everything. Without exercise I am not quite sure where I would be. It has helped me physically and mentally a great deal and I believe that movement is one of the key elements to a happy and healthy body and that our sedentary lifestyles are to blame for many ailments. Through exercise and movement I believe that you can be stronger, healthier, banish aches and pains and be happier in yourself. I am a level 3 personal trainer and level 2 British Weight Lifting instructor based in Hawkhurst, Kent and I am qualified to work with post-natal and pregnant clients. I am also a MovNat Level 1 certified trainer. MovNat is entirely based on the practice of Natural Movement skills, i.e. movements that the human body was designed to perform. I aim to incorporate functional and natural movement into my sessions, which in turn helps with everyday life and creating a leaner, stronger and more supple body. I am also a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and can offer nutritional advice and plans. Qualifications: Level 2 Fitness Instructor Level 3 Personal Trainer Movnat Level 1 Certified Trainer Jenny Burrell Modern Post Natal Assessment and Exercise Prescription Jenny Burrell Modern Pregnancy Exercise Level 2 Award in Circuit Instruction Level 2 Award in Indoor Cycling Level 3 Award in Instructing Outdoor Fitness Level 3 Diploma in Exercise Referral Level 3 Award in Sports Conditioning Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach Level 2 British Weight Lifting Instructor

Solution Revolution

solution revolution


The solution focused (SF) approach is compassionate, powerful, hopeful and effective. It works with people to achieve their hoped-for change. It places people as experts in their own their life's, whilst allowing them to build on their existing strengths and capabilities. It helps them to achieve their desired outcomes. The SF approach works with people to enable them to have a clear vision of how they want their life to be, how they would like things to be different. It's about noticing the presence of what's wanted, rather than the absence of what's not wanted. The SF approach also encourages people to notice what’s working already, about confirming that and building on it, and not about focusing on or analysing the problem. Developed in the 1980’s in Milwaukee, USA, the SF approach was developed as a model of therapy. However, it is now widely applied across, health, social care, and educational settings. The SF approach can be applied in any setting, whether it be an organisation, a community, a group, a family, parents, or individuals. One of SF’s keys strengths is its focus on simplicity, which makes it so accessible as well as applicable in so many settings. About Me As the founder of Solution Revolution, I am passionate in my belief that the solution focused approach can help anyone. I am a qualified Solution Focused (SF) Practitioner and social worker, and I've seen first hand how the SF technique can be used effectively with children, young people, and their families, to support positive change, no matter how difficult the situation. For children and young people, it can be applied at all levels of education, and it can enhance the education experience of every child and their teachers. As Solution Revolution, I am immensely proud to have worked with most of the primary and secondary schools across Bath, Bristol and Wiltshire. This work has ranged from hugely successful one-to-one work, group work, and staff training. Solution Revolution has a strong, working relationship with the Bath and North East Somerset Local Authority, and with the Schools Sport Partnership Board, who I collaborate with on a group work initiative called Active Solutions. This initiative brings SF and sport together and this is being delivered in primary schools across Bath. This project is continuing to grow, and the positive impact on the children involved has been celebrated by their schools. I am passionate about local community, and have recently expanded my group work with children and young people. Workshops now include drama and production, in collaboration with some notable local actors and DJs. I'm a huge advocate of youth involvement. Alongside organisations such as Boys in Mind, Girls Mind Too, and the UK Association for Solution Focused Practitioners, we are working together to ensure young people's voices are heard in schools and in the community. I am passionate about my work and the results the SF approach can bring about in people's lives. If you'd like to chat to me about this work, do get in touch!