2508 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Human Givens College

human givens college

Human Givens College* has been providing training in the best ways to treat mental health and behavioural problems for over twenty years. Our tutors are experts in their field, and provide practical, evidence-based training in clear, jargon-free language. > Excellent, practical and empowering – HG is a genuine breath of fresh air in > the world of psychology and therapy > > SENIOR MENTAL HEALTH PRACTITIONER As well as giving you essential psychological knowledge and proven practical skills, our down-to-earth, accredited training [https://www.humangivens.com/college/about-the-college/#accredited] has introduced new research and insights into the causes and drivers of common conditions such as depression [https://www.humangivens.com/college/break-the-cycle-of-depression/], addiction [https://www.humangivens.com/college/tackling-addiction/], anxiety disorders [https://www.humangivens.com/college/understanding-anxiety/], trauma [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training/] and psychosis [https://www.humangivens.com/college/from-stress-to-psychosis/] which, when combined with the human givens framework for mental health and wellbeing, are revolutionising effective treatment. We care passionately about improving mental health [https://www.humangivens.com/college/about-the-college/improving-mental-health/] and reducing suffering – our aim is to support improvements in mental and physical healthcare, education and social services, by giving you the psychological knowledge and proven therapeutic skills that make it easier for you to reduce the considerable emotional distress and behavioural problems that increasing numbers of adults and children are experiencing. Our approach is holistic [https://www.humangivens.com/human-givens/about/], and enables you to tailor therapeutic interventions to each individual. As well as our attended workshops [https://www.humangivens.com/college/all-courses/?category=attended-courses], online training [https://www.humangivens.com/college/all-courses/online-courses/] and Diploma course [https://www.humangivens.com/college/diploma/], we are happy to tailor our training to suit your needs with inhouse training [https://www.humangivens.com/college/in-house-training/].

Fidas Safeguarding Training

fidas safeguarding training


I am Dorothea Scales. I have founded Fidas Consent Training because I want to share my knowledge and experience of dealing with sexual assaults and rapes which I gained during my career as a Detective Sergeant. I have combined my passion for safeguarding with my enthusiasm for training – having an MA in education and being a qualified teacher gave me the skills set to develop and deliver my courses. Since leaving the Police in October 2021, I have already delivered to hundreds of students, pupils and their teachers, to Designated Safeguarding Leaders and University students, colleges, youth organisations, charities, and apprentices   I have combined my expertise as an ex-Detective Sergeant in Safeguarding and my experience as a teacher, to develop my completely unique consent workshops, presentations and now a cost effective eLearning package . I have trained Detectives, Police cadets and Police Special constables and probationers. I have developed courses for Police officers in dealing sensitively with victims of rape and confronting myths and misconceptions. I have lead  leading a Pilot project for Durham County Council in delivering consent workshops to local secondary schools.   Fidas Consent Training is about sharing my passion for safeguarding the truly vulnerable and giving every person an informed choice about consent.   As a qualified, experienced, and passionate safeguarding specialist, I have 16 years’ experience as a Police Officer, protecting the rights of children, young people, and adults. I have always been driven by making a positive difference to the vulnerable. During my time in education and the Police, I have developed additional skills in risk management, people leadership and managing the most complex investigations which demand a sensitive and compassionate response. Victim focused and people centred in my work, I championed change in the police and built strong alliances with partner organisations As a Detective Sergeant within the Safeguarding unit I dealt with victims and suspects of rape and sexual assaults on a daily basis, often from report to court. I know and understand all the devastating consequences of not understanding or ignoring consent and want to share my experience with young people for a better future. I am a qualified Teacher and Safeguarding instructor committed to sharing my experience and expertise through my training courses. I have proactively developed partnerships to increase my impact and have worked closely with Social Services (adult and children’s team), schools, colleges and universities, MIND, healthcare professionals, domestic abuse charities and refuges, RAPE Crisis and regional police forces, which gives the training I am offering a particular knowledge-based advantage.  During my time in the Police I undertook a study which demonstrated why specialist rape teams are the way forward for all around victim care and successful prosecutions.   My Qualifications: MA in History, Education and Italian University of Durham, PGSE – postgraduate degree in education- qualified teacher status, Level 3 and 4 in Policing, NVQ, Sexual Assault Liaison officer, Tier Three victim interview trained– Achieving best evidence in victim interviews (including children under the age of 8) ICIDP (qualified Detective) Serious and complex Interviewing victim, witnesses and suspects Detective tutor ABELS – achieving Best Evidence Language screen Promotion to Detective Sergeant (in Safeguarding) Custody Sergeant Trained in misconduct and complaints procedures Investigations into counter corruption Investigator into sudden childhood death Counter corruption development programme Safeguarding First Responder Judge’s commendation for victim care in sexual abuse Chief Superintendent’s commendation for victim care Investigator into sudden childhood death Trauma processing and Trauma resilience in Policing Ofqual certified First Aid Mental Health Instructor Level 3, Ofqual certified Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting children (RQF) Level 3 RSE certified

DisasterReady.org - Free Online Training

disasterready.org - free online training


DisasterReady.org [http://www.disasterready.org], a signature program of the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation [http://www.csodfoundation.org], launched in 2013 with a simple but powerful mission: To better prepare humanitarian and development professionals for the critical work they do by providing high-quality, relevant online learning resources at zero cost. 10 years later, DisasterReady has provided essential online learning to more than 1 million humanitarians from 195 countries. Every day, more than 1,000 people create a free account on DisasterReady.org. Developed in collaboration with leading NGOs, U.N. agencies, humanitarian experts, and professional development providers, DisasterReady.org is recognized as the largest and most trusted professional development portal in the global humanitarian sector. DisasterReady is available in four languages – English, French, Spanish, and Arabic and includes over 1,600 titles on technical topics such as shelter, food security, and logistics as well as professional development topics such as personal safety, leadership, and project management. Some of our most popular titles are our free assessment-based certificate and certification programs. These have been developed by our own instructional designers in partnership with NGOs and subject matter experts from across the humanitarian aid and international development sectors. These include: * Project Management Essentials [https://www.disasterready.org/free-certificate-project-management] * Personal Safety and Security [https://www.disasterready.org/certificate-safety-security] * Procurement and Logistics [https://www.disasterready.org/procurement-logistics-certificate] * Core Humanitarian Certification [https://www.disasterready.org/free-core-humanitarian-certification]

Life at No.27

life at no.27


Life at No.27 was formed in 2019, built with passion at its core and designed to change lives. We understand that high levels of anxiety and a lack of confidence brought on by difficult or confusing experiences can be one of the highest hurdles to overcome. This can then begin a devastating spiral that can affect a person’s life potential on many levels. The director, Annabelle Padwick has a wide variety of skills, experience and qualifications relating to therapeutic approaches to working with those struggling with anxiety, low confidence and special educational needs. Ethos and approach We are committed to providing a safe, inspiring and nurturing environment that can meet the needs of young people who are struggling in a mainstream setting and adults in day to day life. We are focused on identifying individuals whose anxiety and lack in confidence can mean they are so often overlooked. We aim to empower people through a variety of practical, outdoor and creative activities that not only teach valuable and transferable skills, but that also have a meaningful and therapeutic value. We will foster relationships based on compassion and understand any behaviour is a form of communication of difficult thoughts and feelings. Through this we can begin to help a person have a deeper insight of themselves, which will develop and encourage emotional and social growth, whilst increasing self-awareness. We will have a culture firmly rooted in the therapeutic approach in order to provide reflection, space for growth and support for the people accessing the service, their families and our growing team. Meeting the need The organisation is a social enterprise which aims to meet a very real and growing need. Sadly, mental health struggles are rising in children and adults year on year. The current education system alongside the NHS has been and will be under a great deal of pressure, with limited resources to meet the needs of people who have complex needs and anxiety struggles. Often, these individuals slip through the net or end up disengaged from school and their wider network, which can have a devastating effect on their lives.