1348 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

1st Class Credit Union

1st class credit union


Over the years we have expanded our membership base covering the whole of the U.K and Northern Ireland for any employees of: Royal Mail Group, Communications Industry, Public and Commercial Services Industry, Members and retired members of Communications Workers Union (CWU), Members and retired members of Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS). In addition, we offer Family Membership to our members’ families residing at the same address. If you are unsure if you fall within our Common Bond, please contact the office on 0141 552 8408, to find out if you are eligible to join our Credit Union. We provide our members with the opportunity to save with the comfort of knowing that their money is safe as we are protected by the Financial Compensation Scheme. As well as this, their account is covered with free life insurance (terms & conditions apply). While building on your savings you also have the option to apply for loans at affordable rates. This means that you no longer must rely on payday lenders with sky high interest rates. Our Common Bond To join 1st Class Credit Union you need to meet at least one of the following criteria. Please read through and confirm that you are eligible before applying to join I am an employee of the Royal Mail Group I am an employee within the Communications Industry I am an employee within the Public and Commercial Services Industry I am a member or retired member of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) I am a member or retired member of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) I am a family relation to a current member of 1st Class Credit Union Become a Member Joining the Credit Union is the best decision you could take for your money. Our Credit Union lets people in the community come together to save and borrow money at low rates, and is operated on a not-for-profit basis. Why not become a member today?

Bellacragher Boat Club

bellacragher boat club


On completion of the training, five 14ft boats sailed 6 miles to Innisbiggle for the Island Festival. The sailing week has continued to the present and grown significantly. Last year approx 100 people took part and there was a fleet of 22 boats. The Club has had considerable success in obtaining training funding for commercial and leisure marine courses with Leader and MFG providing the funds. A grant from Shell in October 2007 allowed us to increase our sailing fleet and get instructor training for powerboats and diesel engine maintenance. Further grants from Shell, the Bellacorick fund and the mayo sports partnership in 2010 allowed us to improve our sailing fleet (bought two laser Picos) and strengthen our safety boats (new 14ft dory and 6m rib). In June 2011, more special needs training was supported by the Mayo Sports Partnership and MFG granted €30, 600 towards the purchase of four new Hobie Cat Tatoos. In August 2008, the club was offered affiliation with The Irish Sailing Association, The ISA is responsible for most marine training in the country, their courses and certificates are recognized and approved by the Irish Government. Membership of The ISA was a major stepping-stone in the advancement of the club. Sailing starts in April of each year and the Club have regular Sailing sessions. They are scheduled to suits tides so could be on a weekday evening or weekend. Boats used are 420’s 470’s, lasers, toppers and five Hobie cats with a fully equipped and qualified safety team supervising the sailing. Anyone that wishes to have a go is very welcome to come along, even if you just want to have a look. There is always a few on the shore, getting boats ready, repairing them or looking after the BBQ. The Sailing will follow the ISA syllabus and arrangements have been made for an ISA Examiner to visit the Summer Sailing camp to assess Sailors and test them for the various sailing levels.

Resource Productions

resource productions



We aim to diversify the Creative Sector. We achieve this by identifying, supporting and promoting non-traditional artists and filmmakers who might not otherwise consider a career in the sector. FILM: Through work with such organisations as Aik Saath and SWIPE, our Slough based YES programme provides free workshops in filmmaking open to all 11-25 year olds. ART: With the support of our Arts Council England partners HOME, we run quarterly free Meetups for all aspiring or professional artists aged 18+ alongside our new Arts Forum for leaders across Berkshire. Our clients ranging from BAFTA, BFI, Creative England, BBC, and Channel 4 contract us to devise and deliver regional and national outreach for their own training, recruitment and commissioning programmes. 2.TALENT DEVELOPMENT & PROMOTION Our goal is to develop the skills of a diverse talent pool and prepare each individual to progress on to successful paid employment in the creative industry. Through The Creative Collective, our talent development programme comprising a range of accredited and informal bespoke training workshops, as well as our one-to-one personalised Individual Progress Plan support, we ensure progress through networking, mentoring, accredited training as well as exclusive work placements, apprenticeships and connecting with funders. We have project funding from Arts Council England and work closely with NPO theatre company RIFCO. In film, our core partner (since 1999) is Pinewood Studios but we also regularly work with BFI, Screen Skills and Creative England . 3. CREATIVE & COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION From developing individual talent to supporting larger projects ranging from producing a first piece of art, to shooting your first drama, our focus is on producing projects that tell stories from new perspectives not currently seen in the mainstream media or art world. We co-develop, script, shoot and edit high-quality, emotive and engaging, cost-effective documentary, drama, animation and motion graphics and have a talent for connecting charitable and commercial clients. Through our ground breaking partnerships with companies like the BBC, Channel 4 and Disney, we continue to explore and build on new immersive content. We have developed new projects and ways of working through collaborations with global companies like SEGRO and innovative funders like The Rothschild Foundation.