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Calon Tysul

calon tysul


Dewch i nofio yn rhad ac am ddim yn ein pwll nofio yn ystod y gwyliau haf! Sesiwn hwyl ac yn addas i blant rhwng 0 a 17 oed! Sylwer bydd angen person cyfrifol i hebrwng plant dan 8 oed a bydd rhaid i'r person cyfrifol talu £5.00/£3.80. Come for a free swim in our swimming pool during the school holidays! A fun session suitable for children aged 0 - 17! Please note that a responsible person (over 16 years) must accompany children under the age of 8 and the responsible person will need to pay £5.00 / £3.80. Instructions Gofynnir yn garedig i chi dilyn ein rheolau newydd os gwelwch yn dda: -A wnewch chi olchi yn y gawod gartref cyn cyrraedd y pwll nofio. -Gwisgwch ddillad nofio o dan eich dillad er mwyn bod yn barod i nofio mor gyflym a phosib. -Mae'r ystafelloedd newid ar agor ond mae nifer cyfyngedig yn gallu newid yr un pryd. Efallai bydd rhaid aros am ychydig cyn newid. -Nid oes hawl golchi gwallt/corff yn y gawod ar ôl y sesiwn. Rhaid sychu a gwisgo'n sydyn cyn gadael os gwelwch yn dda. We ask that you kindly follow our new rules: -Please wash in the shower at home before arriving at the swimming pool. -Wear swimming costume under your clothes so that you can be ready to swim as quickly as possible. -The changing rooms are open but a limited number of people can change at the same time. You may have to wait a little while before changing. -You are not permitted to wash hair / body in the shower after the session. Please dry off and dress so that you are able to leave quickly.