1538 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Dementia Club UK

dementia club uk



Dementia Club UK is a well-established UK charity, working hand in hand with the local community since 2013 to support people living with dementia and their carers and works in partnership with Barnet Carers and Barnet Council.  Dementia has become a growing concern and is unfortunately the leading number one killer. The main aim of a dementia club is to provide much needed respite to carers and those living with these conditions; to give our members the chance to meet socially in a relaxed atmosphere over a cup of tea and coffee and cakes and make new friends; take part in gentle exercise and fun activities.  Dementia Club UK welcomes those living with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia and also provides advice and information to their carers and families and also welcomes those who have lost someone with dementia and are now lonely.  Our founder and Chairman of Dementia Club UK and also former Mayor of the London Borough of Barnet and local councillor, Lisa Rutter, wrote a paper called ‘The Dementia Club UK Model’ which outlines the core principles that have come together to form our Dementia Clubs. The charity commissioned an independent research study in May 2015, conducted by Middlesex University London, which “showed (demonstrated) that the dementia club as having a positive impact on those living with or caring for a person with dementia, based on the techniques and the model used in its cafes.”   The dementia club sessions run for 2 hours in the afternoons and provide various activities from quizzes, bingo, singing, poetry reading, arts and crafts and indoor games liking putting golf or table tennis. We then have about 30 minutes of fun exercise to music including yoga and in the final part of the session we have live music entertainment performed by various professional singers including Opera singers and Elvis and Abba impersonators.  We often invite professional speakers to attend to provide information and advice on current topics related to dementia. Our members attend our dementia clubs with their families which is something we like to encourage as it creates a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Our members come from many faith communities and backgrounds which makes for exciting times when we celebrate events throughout the year.  Dementia Club UK now runs 6 dementia clubs across the Borough of Barnet and also continues to run the popular online Zoom carers group meeting every week on Tuesday evening for carers. We often have guest speakers, typically from either a medical or political background, discussing relevant topics and allowing for a question-and-answer session too. We also use this session to provide training sessions in areas of health, wellbeing and mindfulness.   Dementia Club UK has recently been recognised by the Barnet Group and was awarded Charity of the Year 2020.  We have also featured as a WHICH Support Group. A radio and video documentary was produced by the BBC to help showcase the charity and all it does for the community, both of which aired on national radio and television.   Most recently in November 2022, we are very proud to have won the tender from the London Borough of Barnet to provide training online around Understanding Dementia. The aim is to help Barnet Council as they work towards their target of becoming a Dementia Friendly Borough.  We are now delivering online training to individuals and organisations, businesses, faith communities etc with the aim of creating more dementia champions and also to help organisations to become dementia friendly. Lisa has written the one-hour training course which is CPD Certified. The course is provided online using Microsoft Teams in the mornings and ZOOM in the evenings to give people a choice.  Lisa is happy however to organise bespoke training dates if any of the dates through Eventbrite are not convenient.   We aim to continue raising awareness to reach as many people as possible in all communities, to ensure people living with dementia feel safe, included and involved while retaining control over their every day life and having the scope of choice they need to live well.

Hoarding Disorders UK CIC

hoarding disorders uk cic


Based in Devon and South Yorkshire, Hoarding Disorders UK – Community Interest Company was originally set up by Jo Cooke and Amanda Peet. It is now run by both Jo Cooke and Jo Cavalot. Mission Statement Hoarding Disorders UK is a not for profit Community Interest Company. Our aim is to provide practical hands-on support as well as expert advice to those affected by the varying levels of hoarding disorder, ranging from the chronically disorganised to those with extreme clutter. We support both the individuals and their families throughout this process which helps them to reconnect with each other as a family unit and the wider local community. We have a responsible and unique person-centered approach using professional decluttering, life skills and home organisational skills. We provide an ethical, sustainable and quality approach throughout our work which includes the use of our 8-step plan, support groups, coaching, research, education and training. We also work collaboratively with other professionals and organisations in contact with these individuals and families. Jo Cooke is a Director of ‘Hoarding Disorders UK – Community Interest Company’ and also runs her own business ‘Tapioca Tidy’. She is also the author of the book “Understanding Hoarding” which is fast becoming the “go to manual” for hoarders, their families and agencies that work with people exhibiting hoarding behaviours. She has appeared in the Guardian newspaper, Take a Break magazine and other publications. She has also appeared a number of times on BBC Radio and in a BBC documentary ‘Inside Out’. Jo was selected as a finalist for the Thames Valley Venus Awards’ Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018. Jo is a professional declutterer and organiser who has a very professional, calm, non-judgemental and “makes sense” approach to helping you reclaim your space. Jo previously had a varied career in charitable organisations, human resources, project management, bookkeeping and the civil service, but realised she had a flair for decluttering and organising when she had to sell the family home that her father had lived in for more than 30 years. She has a wealth of experience and skills required when working in cluttered environments and takes a responsible and empathetic approach to the needs of people she works with. Jo runs three hoarding support groups in Bracknell, Newbury and Reading, Berkshire.

Simply Repair South Lakes

simply repair south lakes



Hi, I am Karen Bentley-Brown, founder of Bentley-Brown Associates and passionate about helping people to grow good business. For the past twenty years I’ve been helping businesses and charities to develop and thrive. I enjoy nothing more than reading about or, even better, visiting businesses that have found a way to improve the world we live in and at the same time as making a profit… Actually there is one thing I enjoy more that is sharing those ideas (See Positive News). Over this time it has become clear to me that the organisations who look after their people (staff and customers), and their environment, are the most successful; to put it bluntly they are more sustainable AND they make more money. You could say that I’m a bit biased as I have always believed that we should leave the planet in a better way than we found it, both for people and wildlife. One of my early memories is joining WWF’s ‘Panda Club’ as a child in the 1960s after hearing about the plight of giant pandas (I’m pleased to say that they have recently been taken off the ‘endangered species’ list). In my later life I was privileged to work for WWF as one of their Regional Managers before moving on to fundraising and development roles with other environmental organisations including the National Trust. The Growing Club Growing Club Trainers As my work began to merge with the ‘for profit’ world I always carried my environmental hat with me. At first it was under the guise of ‘saving the planet can save you money’… This is true but it isn’t a very authentic business model and I knew there was a better way to do business. Since becoming a freelance business consultant and coach I’ve had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of businesses both large and small and have developed a template that works for all organisations based on John Elkington’s Triple Bottom Line or People, Planet, Profit model. Put simply, if you look after your people and your planet you will make more profit. But there are an infinite number of ways to do this and I’d be delighted to help you find the best way for you and your organisation to develop and tell your positive impact story. ☺