348 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership

surrey lifelong learning partnership



Who we are and what we do Established in 1999, Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership (SLLP) is a registered Charity. Each year we help between 600 and 800 people return to learn to gain new skills, qualifications and employment. We rely on a mix of income streams, including generating funds through our Bike Project social enterprise and securing grant funding for projects. Our vision: All within Surrey have the opportunity to re-engage in learning throughout their lives. Our mission: To work with partners to ensure that those, in Surrey and beyond, who have missed out on learning in the past, have opportunities to learn and to reach their full potential. What we offer: Opportunities for more people to learn by providing courses locally. Ongoing support so that they are able to continue on their learning journey. Approaches to learning which are more attractive and accessible. A shared understanding of local learning needs among education and training providers. A positive influence over the policies and planning to meet local learning needs and wants. Who do we support: Those living within disadvantaged communities in Surrey and other parts of the South-East. Adults (19+) of all ages who wish to develop new skills to gain employment, to improve their health or well-being, or to develop new interests. Young people aged 14-19 where these are not already being catered for. Out trustees: Anne Rouse, Chair Martin Bridge Sue Hackman Maureen Kilminster Hans Weijman

The Education Partnership (Uk)

the education partnership (uk)


Welcome to The Education Partnership. Please take a look around our website and see what we can offer you. Bill is chairman of The Education Partnership, which has for the past twenty years provided a truly comprehensive range of governance and compliance expertise to schools, colleges, and outdoor education activity centres. He was previously a Head Teacher of all-age boarding and day schools in the maintained and independent sectors, including those for children with complex learning and behavioural needs. Bill works with proprietors and Head Teachers in preparation for and following up inspections by Ofsted (Education and Social Care) and ISI (Regulatory Compliance and Education Quality). His expertise in this area covers NMS, RSS, dual registration, initial registration, final registration and material change. Bill also works with schools judged as “inadequate” by Ofsted or “unsatisfactory” by ISI, helping them to achieve “good”, “outstanding” and “excellent” Ofsted or ISI outcomes. Bill is approached by an increasing number of proprietors, chairs of trustees and headteachers, who find themselves in challenging circumstances. This includes schools that have received a warning notice from the Department for Education due to their failure to meet the Independent School Standards Regulations (ISSR) and/or the National Minimum Standards (NMS) for boarding and residential special schools. Consistently, these schools see improvements at subsequent inspections. Currently, Bill is undertaking a longitudinal study of independent proprietorial schools, examining the governance implications of compliance and external inspection outcomes. To this end, we are looking for proprietorial schools in England for whom we could undertake a free of charge one-day compliance health check in return for participating in a confidential semi-structured interview on this subject at the end of the day. If you would be interested in taking up this offer, or would like a PDF of the second edition of this research, please contact billbrown@edpa.org.uk
