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Inklusive Developments

inklusive developments


The Inclusive Bangladesh Development (IBD) is the one of the intelligence supporting Build Bangladesh. It has commenced its journey by investing in human capital. IBD is based on the strong foundation of social empowerment, economic entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability works demonstrated by the Impress Group through their media stream Channel I over last 16 years. Their impact based works on agriculture, awareness of health and hygiene among young girls, campaign supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and social entrepreneurs, nurturing and rewarding creative and talented young children, men and women as gateway to the entertainment industry, supporting disadvantaged children and young people to become future leaders, basic skills development for girls from remote villages and developing educational games to promote ‘spirit of Bangladesh’. In addition, it has also been influencing government policy through its ground breaking media journalism and issues based discussion forums. IBD has a not for profit role nurturing and promoting skills development (e.g. vocational education and training), social entrepreneurship and awareness programs all over Bangladesh. It will operate countrywide and will be politically and denominationally neutral. It will create opportunities for corporate sectors, global Bangladeshis and individual investors to invest in human capital in Bangladesh through various best practice models such as Social Impact Bonds (SIB), Social Impact Investments (SII) including Corporate Social Impact Investment (CSII).

Restorative Thinking

restorative thinking

Restorative and relational practice is an emerging Social Science, adopted in multiple ways across the UK and beyond by Police and Crime Commissioners, Schools, Local Authorities, Health and Social Care Settings, Prison and Probation Services to address a wide variety of challenges, including: • Positive mental health and wellbeing • Organisational culture change • Staff retention and a reduction in sick leave • Improving attendance, attainment and behaviour in schools • Fostering inclusive residential environments and a reduction in re-offending In 2012, the Restorative Thinking team began delivering face to face training and coaching. In 2013 we also started to develop intervention programmes for a variety of settings and groups: prisons and probation services, schools, youth offending services, parents and carers. Our parenting programme won the CANparent Quality Mark in 2014 and our curriculum programme for primary schools won the Teach Primary Resources Award in 2019. In 2020 we began to develop e-Learning CPD, creating our own learning platform and an innovative blended learning offer for all our working partners, allowing organisations and individuals to access restorative and relational practice via: • e-Learning CPD • Consultation • Face to face training/coaching • Zoom/Teams training/coaching • Action Learning Sets • Supervisions • Guided self-study • Restorative Practice Intervention Programmes Restorative Thinking has a comprehensive offer for working with colleagues in the field of restorative and relational practice. We are able to tailor our provision with each working partner, based on strengths, needs, intended outcomes, budgets. Our team continuously strives to operate and co-operate differently and better – being purposeful about improving our own brand of restorative and relational practice, guided by our belief in (and growing evidence base of) positive outcomes for those we work with.