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Lord Grey School

lord grey school


I am delighted to welcome you to Lord Grey Academy. Samantha Satyanadhan, Associate Principal of Lord Grey Academy Lord Grey Academy is a diverse and vibrant learning community where students develop skills in, and beyond, the classroom to ensure they flourish. We ensure that every student has access to an outstanding education and is given the best life opportunities. We create a positive atmosphere, an “I can achieve anything” attitude through our core values and motto, Lord Grey Can! Lord Grey Academy focuses on knowing each of our students and their individual needs, and by developing purposeful and personal relationships, guide them to achieve their potential. It is our belief that engagement with parents and external agencies are invaluable. The success at Lord Grey stems from pastoral care. Our dedicated non-teaching pastoral team ensures all students are valued and included. Students at Lord Grey build close relationships with fellow peers and staff and enjoy being part of a close community. The behaviour and attitudes of our students is very positive and we are proud of our students and the kind and caring attitudes to each other that they display. This ensures an environment in which learning is good and better for everyone. We are relentless in our pursuit of excellence with a focus on academic rigour with compassion. We insist on outstanding behaviour within a harmonious and respectful culture, where students feel happy and safe. We encourage our students to become confident and ambitious young adults, balanced by compassion and respect for others. Our motto, Lord Grey Can reminds all members of our community that there is no limit to our ambition and that imagination can become reality.

Dudley Sixth

dudley sixth


See why learning is about more than exams and textbooks. Dudley Sixth doesn’t believe in spoon-feeding learners with information or teaching them merely to pass examinations. Of course exam success is vital to your onward career at university or work, but so is the ability to think for yourself, to question norms and to explore the ideas that grab your interest. Thought-provoking discussions – rather than textbooks and lectures – can help to inspire a lifelong love of learning in us all. At Dudley Sixth we aim to nurture generations of inquiring minds. To help you thrive in your studies, we have created an environment that is happy, warm and supportive. We will celebrate your successes and encourage you to be the best you can possibly be. Feel respected and nurtured in a place that is welcoming to all. When you choose Dudley Sixth, you’re here because you want to be, not because you have to be. Our teaching staff are delighted about that and will naturally reward your maturity by treating you as an adult. In return, we expect you to take responsibility for your learning, behaviour and attendance – and to show respect for the education you and your fellow learners are being offered by attending every lesson on time. Dudley Sixth issues essential textbooks on extended loan to all learners but you will be expected to provide your own stationery. Naturally, teachers will expect you to be properly equipped for every lesson and to have done your homework! All learners will be assessed at end of first year for satisfactory academic progress and conduct before being enrolled on to the second year.