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Steve Nobel

steve nobel


We are passing through interesting times. This is a dimension (one of countless many) where personal and spiritual growth happens through an interplay of dark and light forces. ‘Light’ is an evolutionary force that reconnects us to our divinity, higher frequencies of light and our true multidimensional nature. ‘Dark’ is an anti-evolutionary force that seeks to keep us in separation and locked within a lower density. This is how the game of spiritual growth has been played out within this 3D density dimension. This is all about to change in the coming years. We are coming to the end of a period of great spiritual darkness on the earth. In this period between 1987 and 2030 a great shift of consciousness has been initiated. We are moving rapidly towards a 5D paradigm of existence where the old game of dark and light will no longer play out in the same painful way. The challenge for lightworkers is one of spiritual hygiene and clearing out karmic patterns that can be released to the light. Now is a time of ascension, both for the planet itself and many millions of souls on the planet. Not everyone has chosen this path and many will continue their spiritual growth elsewhere. There are many starseeds on the planet who are waking up to their mission here. In this dense dimension it has been very difficult to maintain a high consciousness. This is because the underlying energetic structures of the earth have not supported it. This has been changing over the past decades as a new high frequency grid has been established on the earth. Many star races have contributed to this new grid, in particular the Arcturians, Pleaidians and Sirians are very active in this regard. This site includes a FREE Online Resource Library containg all of Steve’s work to support those going through the ascension/awakening process. A simpler way of putting it is this planet is going from fear to love, from separation to unity consciousness. This shift has been planned for some time. Many Starseeds have incarnated here to help with the shift. This is not an easy mission as many of you may have gathered. Starseeds come from a higher density dimension and are here to take part in this shift. As you may have discovered 3D density is tough. Some Starseeds have been here for many lifetimes and some are here for the first time. This website offers resources in the form of information, Ebooks, meditations and transmissions to help Starseeds awaken and get on track with their mission here on the earth.




I have always had a personal interest in self help and assisted therapy and began training in NLP (Neuro Linguistic programming) over 20 years ago, I have trained with both Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna who are both recognised leaders in this field. Gaining qualifications in both hypnotherapy and psychotherapy I am a member of the National Counselling Society and the National Hypnotherapy Society and my training reflects the standards and ongoing training required by active members. I have ensured that my training provides the most recognised and up to date therapeutic interventions which I believe enhances my natural ability to understand and offer help to those who feel that therapy will empower and enable them to live the life they choose. Using an eclectic approach I am able to tailor bespoke treatment plans using the strengths of the client to gain understanding and achieve the best possible results. I am trained in the use of CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy), PCT (person centred therapy) and psychodynamic therapy. As a published author I write all my own scripts when using hypnotherapy ensuring they have maximum effect enabling change at a subconscious level. I understand the life journey that brings a client to therapy is unique and on that basis I will offer a bespoke therapeutic package just for you. By running my practise from home I can offer a safe and comfortable environment without losing any of the professional standards you would expect. Confidentiality is foremost in my work and I work with the code of ethics that is required as a member of the National Counselling Society, and The National Hypnotherapy Society. Linda Hilditch has full healthcare indemnity insurance & undertakes regular supervision.