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Resilience For Modern Life by Clan Wellness

resilience for modern life by clan wellness

HI! I'M VIRGINIE FERGUSON, FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR OF CLAN WELLNESS. Here at Clan Wellness, we believe that everyone deserves to show up as their best version of themselves and be able to take on life's challenges with confidence. We want to help you master your emotions, lift the clouds from your head, and feel healthier by building mental and emotional resilience. With us, there is no judgment. We all come with our own experience package that has shaped how our nervous system has adapted to keep us safe and alive. Our lives have evolved far quicker than nature has had time to catch up, and our nervous system is no longer adapted to the fast-paced, demanding lives we live today. This is wy Resilience For Modern Life exists. I wasn't always the content woman I am now. Throughout my life, I had bouts of anxiety, insomnia and even depression when I was 19 years young. It’s through my own experience, as a stressed-out and overwhelmed mum of two, working full-time as a project manager in the life science industry, that I went searching for ways to help. Today, as a certified yoga teacher and HeartMath coach, having left the corporate world behind, I blend ancient wisdom with modern science to create a safe and open environment, so that others can become the resilient, healthy, and happy person that they’ve always wanted to be with techniques proven to work. THIS IS WHY WE OFFER A HOLISTIC, NO-NONSENSE AND PRAGMATIC APPROACH THAT IS BACKED BY EVIDENCE-BASED SCIENCE. Around 79% of British adult experience work related stress, and 41% feel it everyday. This means there is a huge opportunity to make things better for your employees and leaders. With the Resilience For Modern Life’s approach, we can break down the stigmas of mental and emotional health in the workplace, and replace them with a supportive and caring work culture driven by compassionate leadership. Supporting employees and leadership team will not only yield more success for your organisation, it will impact them positively in all other areas of their lives too. Our promise is that employees will be healthier and happier, fostering creativity, better communication, and amplifying engagement and performance to fuel business growth and retain talent.

Find Bliss Within

find bliss within



Energy Healing Reconnect To Your Full Potential, Awaken The Greatness Within You. We live demanding, busy lives, and this can sometimes create imbalance and suffering. It leaves us depleted, exhausted, depressed, unhappy, and vulnerable. Find Bliss Within offers London energy healing sessions to support you on your healing journey. In our energy healing therapy, we use over 3000 years old ancient wisdom past down from a teacher to a student. Those healing sessions will support you in restoring you to your true self. Ancient Mystery School path of progression is to Know Thyself. Reconnect to your full potential and awaken the greatness within you. Book Now Life Activation - activate your physical and spiritual DNA, awaken your blueprint, and begin the journey to remember your greatness, so you can live a joyful and fulfilling life. The two-day Program Empower Thyself is the next step and offers an opportunity to learn ancient tools of empowerment. It helps us to be true leaders in our life, having power and light to transform what is no longer, seeing solutions and opportunities vs getting stuck in pain and suffering.    The leader of the future! There is a place that exists within all of us that is peaceful, strong, free and solidly rooted - all at the same time. This is exactly what the leadership of the future is about. In order to lead others, you must first learn to lead yourself. To be a leading star, you must live like one! Empower Thyself: 2-day program is all about empowering yourself. You are given the tools to find your passion and drive. You will learn how to change the feelings and thoughts that are stopping you from creating what you want! It will help you to both see and live the life you want. This program is for you who want to take leadership in your and possibly others' lives, - and understands that to be a leading star, you must first become the star in your own life. If you are a leader, entrepreneur, or just someone who simply wants to change their life, reach out!" Together we will create a better tomorrow. 

Rhonda Felton - Licensed Menopause Champion

rhonda felton - licensed menopause champion



Hi, my name is Rhonda and I am the founder of MyNuMe Ltd. In my mid 40’s I started experiencing changes mentally and physically that I couldn’t really understand. At the time I was a Top Consultant for one of UK’s leading weight loss organisation’s, having this experience I thought I had a sound knowledge of how to look after myself. However, as time went by, I didn’t seem to be in control of the changes happening to me, I was gaining weight particularly around my tummy and nothing was working anymore, also for the first time in my life I was experiencing anxiety and unusual low moods, irrational mood swings and heart palpitations. I visited my GP who ran blood tests, which came back normal so was prescribed anti-depressants and beta blockers!!!! This medication made me feel so poorly, I felt increasingly worse and had very little medical explanation as to why, so this is where my self-study started, and I soon learnt I had started perimenopause; I had no idea – I had heard about hot flashes/flushes, but I had no knowledge of all the other 60+ symptoms or the stages of menopause. With this fresh and cathartic education, I embarked on a more holistic approach towards my health and wellbeing. During my mission to support myself, I studied Menopause, Nutrition, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Wellbeing, Behaviour Change and Meditation and became passionate about sharing my knowledge. As an accredited Coach in all the above, I have developed my skills, supporting women to understand the nutritional, mental and physical components of all the stages of Menopause and how to become healthier and happier in this liberating, second spring in a women’s life.