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Southend High School For Girls

southend high school for girls


It’s a great privilege to introduce myself as the Headteacher at Southend High School for Girls, and on behalf of our students and staff, I’m pleased to welcome you to our website. The school has over a hundred years of history, tradition and success – educating the brightest young minds. As Headteacher, I’m passionate about the learning and development of our students and am delighted that you’ve shown an interest in our wonderful school. SHSG is a unique school. Students and staff cherish its traditions, such as celebrating the school’s birthday just before October half term and presenting birthday presents to the school. Clocks are a popular gift! Our 1,200 students and 140 staff are joined by past pupils, governors and headteachers in the hall – singing the school’s song, Jerusalem, with gusto – a great example of the SHSG family coming together. Indeed, once a member of the SHSG family, always a member of the SHSG family. Southend High School for Girls is a high-performing grammar school – academic excellence is at the core of our purpose and commitment to students and parents. Teachers are passionate about their subjects and are experts in their fields. We are unashamedly ambitious for our students and challenge them far beyond the National Curriculum. For example, in Year 7 students learn Latin and classical Greek, in addition to learning how to code in computer science. At GCSE, students can take Further Maths and Statistics, including additional subjects beyond the curriculum, such as Critical and Contextual Art. At A Level, students study four subjects and the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Of course, we’re about far more than just great academic outcomes. Developing the whole person and seeing our Year 7s grow into confident, articulate and highly motivated young adults strong in self-belief and ready to start their next chapter after Year 13 is why we’re here. A student’s journey at SHSG is full of adventure, and we encourage students to get involved. There’s something to inspire and challenge everyone. Students relish opportunities to participate in Duke of Edinburgh and World Challenge expeditions, to be leaders, to perform in school shows, and to represent the school in our nationally renowned sports teams. SHSG is an inspiring and vibrant place, full of energy and laughter – and amazing people! It’s a school where we constantly aim to meet the challenges set out in our principles of ensuring that everyone is safe, happy and successful.

Mama Wellness

mama wellness

It was never going to be a straight forward journey and many things had to happen to get to here, so let’s start at the beginning. My son was born in 2007 profoundly deaf and it changed everything for me, I never knew love like it. Mother and baby groups were hard to come by back then and I spent a lot of time alone just Joseph and I, I was fine with that but I always felt I needed something more. Eventually I managed to get a place at a local class with other Mums and babies, I was so excited to meet other Mums and arrived at my first class so eager. After our first class, I remember feeling so broken, my beautiful baby was just not responsive like others, he had his little hearing aids on but wasn’t able to hear through them until many months later after cochlear implant surgery. I remember thinking this is a sensory class, how do I learn how to play with my baby? I was young and clueless, I felt very alone and parents didn’t talk to me, maybe because they felt awkward I don’t know, or maybe because I was closed off and had already set myself up to fail. I went to that class once more and knew it was not for me, I hated the way I felt and I knew that I never would want anybody else to feel that way. And so it began, as Joseph got older my knowledge of play and communication with deaf children grew. I became so passionate about language development in babies and how important it was as a parent to play, talk and give love. At the age of 13 months, Joseph had his cochlear implant surgery and was able to hear for the first time. It wasn’t like the videos you see of deaf children hearing for the first time, it was a long process, from listening to a series of beeps through a new mechanical device, it was a year of turning those beeps into recognisable auditory sounds. The process took a very long time and by 30 months first words started to emerge, at the age of 7 he had caught up with his peers. Being the Mother of a deaf child still is an epic adventure, that we have to be prepared to stop everything at the drop of a hat, if something major happens to the equipment or there are any signs of infection around the implant site, It is part of our daily life to check equipment, ears and his precious head.