6291 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

BALIFE Limited

balife limited

Once upon a time there was a small group of Business Analysts and they had a simple yet great idea: A Business Analysis conference for BAs, created and hosted by BAs ...and so BA Life was born. What follows is our story and the thinking behind BA Life and its creation... BA Life | What's in a name? BA Life is an acronym which describes both the idea and the people involved in its inception; its full title is 'Business Analysis Learning & Innovation Festival Edinburgh'. The 'Business Analysis' part is easy, all involved are Business Analysts with many years of experience. The 'Edinburgh' ending is because that is our home - and when the COVID craziness finally subsides, that wonderful city will be where the live 'in person' conference will take place. We then have the middle part... BA Life | Passionate champions for the growth of Business Analysis and BAs Like all great disciplines, Business Analysis has grown and developed and in turn has gained a highly regarded reputation in the IT world for the incredible positive impact Business Analysts have on a project and business as a whole (yes, we know some folk have still yet to catch up on this fact, but they'll get there!) This means 'Learning & Innovation' is a key part of our success, now and into the future - and we want to champion that. Not all IT conferences really 'get it' and so there's only so many times you can hear the merits of 'Waterfall' or Kanban! What about new and improved approaches? What about fresh takes on old ideas? What about ideas that break the mould? We then have 'Festival' and as I'm sure you know already, Edinburgh is renowned across the globe for its wonderful International and Fringe festivals in summer, the largest in the world ...and we love that about our city. What's more, that passion, enthusiasm and joy is how we feel about Business Analysis. So BA Life isn't just a conference, it's a festival in the truest sense of the word, celebrating the wonders and greatness of Business Analysis. Neither is it a flash-in-the-pan... BA Life | The company Last year was an amazing success and this year, and every year from now, we aim to surpass that. So, to ensure this happens, BA Life Limited has been incorporated. Being BAs, naturally we like to things the right way, so we are fully GDPR compliant and more importantly we have a firm belief in inclusivity. And, of course, everyone involved is a Business Analyst! MORE... BA Life | Our promise to you We want to ensure EVERY attendee feels welcome and appreciated throughout the whole day. So with that in mind, your attendance at BA Life is backed by a solid promise of inclusivity, a 'code of conduct' if you will. Just as in the real-world, we will not stand for any form of marginalising or unfriendly behaviour. BA Life is a safe and supportive environment of friendliness, non-judgement and celebration of difference in all its forms. BA Life | Awards We are delighted to say that BA Life was a finalist in the ‘National StartUp Awards’ in 2022. To have got that far was fantastic, particularly as Professor Dylan Jones-Evans OBE, the creator of the StartUp Awards National Series, said: “Given the sheer volume of phenomenal startups we’ve heard from… We’ve been blown away by the standard of entries in this first year.” The story and ethos behind BA Life The BA Festival in a Day




Welcome fellow luminous beings, sisters, brothers, co-creators, and light-workers, I'm Nadia-Anne, but you can call me Nadia. I'm a Sound Visionary Artist, Healer and Coach. This means, I create and heal from sound then help facilitate space for others do the same through my immersive sound journey’s and coaching. Whilst I travelled the world as a professional dancer during my 20’s, I was lucky enough to absorb the variations of sounds, patterns, colours, textures, and cultures not only from local people, hill-tribes, remote craftsmen, Buddhist monks, and spiritual leaders, but also from the colourful souls I met along the way. I learnt that sound is the universal language, and that it is the thread that weaves humanity together. I have been deeply connected to music, sound and vision my entire life, which came to light, as a mature student at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design (CSM), London, which I started immediately after returning from living and performing in Ibiza (2006-07). During my studies, I accidentally invented BeatWoven; A transmission, weaving invisible geometric sonic soundscapes, into our artistic visual landscapes through coded woven threads and innovative technologies. The idea came to me as an epiphany on the dance-floor, at Space Ibiza in 2006. I was lost in the frequency of the music listening to the iconic DJ Carl Cox, immersed in lights and tuned-in to a moment of higher consciousness. Above our heads, I could see the laser beams weaving patterns in and out of each other in sync with the sounds, similar to threads weaving upon a loom. I instantly became excited about the concept of expanding our universal language into our decorative visual reality, through the medium of patterned fabric, bringing deeper and more meaningful connections to the world in which we live in. I learnt during my research that I had a form of syntheses, a sensory response I had shut down form a young age, where I can sense colour and pattern through sound. Working as a professional performer eventually led me to burn out in 2013. Throughout my life, I had unfortunately been exposed to external trauma’s and was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). I found myself immersed in the epicentre of psychotherapy’s and holistic remedies desperate to heal myself so I could full-fill my commitment to BeatWoven. My turning point came when I took a break, and escaped to one of my favourite Island’s called Koh Phangan, Thailand for an Intensive 200 RYT Yoga Teaching Training Course. We meditated everyday at 6.30am in the middle of a jungle with buddhist monk teachers, ate an Ayurvedic diet, participated in 4 hours of yoga a day, and studied the philosophy of yoga. It was upon my return in 2019, I began training with the lineage of Don Conreaux gong masters. As a certified sound healer, yoga & meditation instructor (RYT), I am passionate about helping other people manifest their ideas into reality, using the ancient technology of ‘Frequency Medicine’ to cleanse our emotional and physical bodies so we can live a life of being in high-frequency. The rise of the new tech age in this ever-changing world increases our need to be anchored in our human ‘truth’. Tuning - In to ignite positive vibrations, will help us navigate through, and dissolve any seeds to illnesses such as mental health, depression, anxiety, stress and trauma, as well as help us authentically co-create an incredible world for humanity.

The Abbey College

the abbey college

Abbey College Abbey College in Malvern is Number 1 for student progress out of 4470 Schools and Colleges in England (most recently published by the Department of Education). Abbey College offers a variety of high quality and flexible programmes, in the academic field, pre-university level and in the English language field. We are a boarding school with traditional values, and our diverse international student body gives us a very modern outlook. We offer a fully residential package with fees covering the majority of what students need from the moment of arrival to the moment of departure. Abbey College Mission Statement – To be a learning community of global citizens, helping individuals to achieve their potential and study at the university of their choice. Academic Courses Academic courses are any that last for eight or more weeks and occur during term time. Academic courses are divided in two main bodies. Our younger students concentrate on preparation for pre-IGCSE/IGCSE examinations. At the higher level, students work towards either the traditional AS and A Level qualifications or our specialist university foundation programmes, both of which lead directly to university entry. Abbey College in Malvern Academic Courses A Message From The Principal Welcome to Abbey College in Malvern Situated in the outstandingly beautiful Malvern Hills, near the stunning and culturally rich town of Great Malvern, Abbey College provides an internationally recognised education and pastoral care you can trust. Having developed our high quality education and boarding with a family atmosphere over more than half a century, today’s school welcomes students from around the world onto British academic courses as well as onto English language courses. Whether you join us to study IGCSEs and A levels or for a two-week summer course in English, you become part of the Abbey College family. We are an inclusive school where standards of achievement are high. Our academic courses lead to world-renowned British qualifications. Examination results have been outstanding in recent years. Our experienced teachers and boarding staff are professionals who go the extra mile to ensure that all students are offered the opportunity to fulfil their potential both in and beyond the classroom. The result is that, whether they are seeking places at top universities in Britain and around the world, or returning to continue their education in their home country, Abbey College students are well-equipped to take the next step in their education. We are equally proud of our excellent academic performance and of the extra-curricular opportunities for sport and the arts, community service, touristic visits and adventurous activity that are available at Abbey College in Malvern. We take seriously our responsibility to prepare young people to make their way in life as confident, caring and responsible citizens of the world. The health and well-being of our students remains a priority and despite the prevalence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) the College has implemented measures that aim to minimise the risk of infection for both students and staff. If you would like to find out whether Abbey College is the right school for you, we would be delighted to hear from you. Daniel Booker – Principal Local Enquiries You’re invited to contact us at any time to arrange a tour of the school. Activities on the day will include: School Tour Meeting the Teachers Hear from our Headmaster Learn More About our Scholarships

Carole Capon Consultancy

carole capon consultancy


Carole Capon Consultancy works closely with all its clients so together we can build the right solutions to meet your needs. Having over 30 years of business experience to draw on helps to make this possible. Our services include: Offering executive and employee coaching sessions. This can be done on a 1:1 basis, for group or team sessions. They can be for 30, 90 or two hours and offered on an adhoc basis or through an agreed programme. We can support your business with any workplace disputes. Being certified in workplace mediation means conflicts and grievances can be resolved quickly to ensure there is minimal impact on business and reach a win-win solution. According to Forbes, 60-80% of all difficulties in organisations come from strained relationships among employees. This results in colleagues taking time off because of stress, anxiety or workplace conflict resulting in a total of 21 days of absence. A typical manager will spend 25-40% of their time dealing with workplace conflicts. As MHFA England mental health practitioners, we can offer you professionally prepared courses to either train your people to be mental health first aiders, or mental health champions. We also offer half-day mental health awareness training which is a must for all people managers so they can spot the signs early and learn how to have what they might feel is a difficult conversation. Being MHFA England approved means you will be recognised by the MHFA England and receive a certificate at the end of your course as well as receiving their books and training material. If MHFA isn't for you, we can develop our very own one-day or half-day programmes for mental health and wellbeing support, as well as working with you to develop your Wellbeing strategy. Certified in PROSCI Change management methodology has meant we have been able to work with companies to help with transformational change in a more structured and people focused approach. With the expectation that worklife will never go back to work it was before, never before has it been more important that your managers and leaders can adapt their styles to support their teams in the workplace as well as at home. We offer workshops to establish your teams values, mission and vision and breakdown of any barriers to establishing a successful team charter. These can be individual workshops or delivered through a leadership and management programme. Our HR consultants have years of experience working with corporates through to start-ups offering expert advice throughout the entire employee cycle. We bring all our knowledge and experience and work with you to help identify issues, develop engaging content and deliver it in a practical, friendly but professional way, to ensure maximum engagement and achievement of your goals. All of our solutions are developed with you in mind, so getting to know your business and your desired outcome(s) is paramount to our mutual success. We truly believe that everyone has the ability to be their best self and excel at what they do. We just need to tap into your strengths and help with anything that may be getting in the way. Want to experience the expertise of Carole Capon Consultancy for yourself? Give us a call today or email us at carolecaponconsultancy@gmail.com and let’s discuss what we can do for you.



I started yoga reluctantly in my late 30s after being told I had High Blood Pressure. Rather than go on medication Sue suggested I try Yoga which might help me relax.I signed up to a local class and the first thing I noticed was I was the only guy in the room so I just hid at the back. The course was for 8 weeks so I needed some form of proof it was doing something positive so I set myself the target of being able to touch my toes from a standing position. I had never been able to do this so I thought this would be a good measure. Every week I tried to force myself to reach my toes and each time I only got midway past my shins. Then in week seven as I tried again (and failed) the teacher came over to me and said ‘You are trying too hard – try easier”. Try easier? What’s that? My whole life had been about trying harder. So I thought what the hell and bent over and basically tried not to touch my toes. As I did this not only did my fingers reach my toes but the palms of hands landed gently on the floor next to feet.I was amazed but there was more than this going on. I was at the time in charge of over 400 members of staff and they had started to see a change in me. Instead of talking at 100mph when they came to see me (because they knew I would interrupt them before they had finished), I was listening and being more aware. At my next check-up at the Doctors, my BP has also dropped and my knees were not hurting either. So I was hooked and within a couple of years trained to be a Yoga Teacher to try and encourage more men to take it up. When I moved to Cornwall I ran Yoga Weekends for over 10 years alongside my Digital Marketing Agency. I taught 1000s of students from around the world, some of whom went on to be teachers themselves. Eventually, I started to feel under pressure again as my main business continued to grow. I tried using other teachers and although successful the market was changing so I wound the teaching side of the yoga business in 2014. I continued to practice yoga at home but as work got busier it started to fall away. Then in 2016 following a couple of health scares (including Tinnitus- read my success story here), I would go days and then weeks without practising. This carried on for a while and I started to notice that some yoga postures I used to be able to do easily were become hard to do or just not possible. I thought as I approached my 60s this was probably a natural sign of ageing. However, in 2018 as my ‘Walk to Work’ started to pay dividends to my health I decided to revisit yoga. This time I would go back to basics and just accept what I could do and feel my way into postures without forcing. I basically left my ego at the door. So I started a daily practice of about 45 mins, followed by a 20min meditation practice. I have kept to this ever since. Perhaps it is muscle memory or just letting go of where I thought I should be but all those postures that I thought were out of reach all came back one by one.

Wireless Education

wireless education


Wireless Education is the new training and e-learning portal for Wireless Tech Safety. We have dedicated ourselves to education and training for the safer use of wireless technology in our homes, places of works, schools and other public buildings. It is our sole aim to present this complex scientific information in a non-biased, easy to understand way, so that we can use this technology in a safe manner.Our aim at Wireless Education is to provide everyone everywhere with the information needed to make informed decisions about wireless technology usage and how to reduce levels of microwave radiation exposure. Our e-learning courses are tailor-made for children, parents, teachers and industry professionals who are using wireless technology at school, in the home or in the office. Quite simply we visualise a day when: Children tell their parents to switch off the wireless router or turn their mobile into flight mode, because they learned about the risks at school. Teachers are learning about microwave radiation exposure safety as part of their continued health and safety education. Every parent has easy access to information about the risks of wireless technology and microwave radiation exposure, and is able to make informed decisions about the use of their family’s wireless devices. IT specialists work together with occupational health and facilities managers, before building Wi-Fi / 3G / 4G / 5G working environments in an office: assessing the risks and ensuring all reasonable measures are taken to create a safer working environment. Leading Edge Learning We work closely with the leading research institutions worldwide to ensure we are at the forefront of the latest research. We also capture the most recent legislative changes, and the current biologically-based medical recommendations in order to provide this crucial information to wireless technology users. All our work is aligned to the guidance issued by the Vienna Medical Association, the Council of Europe, RNCNIRP, Building Biology Standards SBM-2015 and EUROPAEM EMF 2016. Feel free to share our information card with others in your family, schools or organisation as they join the conversation. The team at Wireless Education Cecelia Doucette: Director, Education Services Cece is a technical and professional writer by trade, who helped the first public school district in the United States adopt Best Practices for Mobile Devices. Cece also worked with her public library to become the first in the nation to host a film series on Electromagnetic Radiation and Health, and to put on loan a microwave radiation detection meter for residents to borrow. She further collaborated with legislators to introduce a number of bills (in Massachusetts and in New Hampshire) addressing wireless radiation and public health, and worked with her Department of Public Health to draft EMF Fact Sheets. Cece is humbled by the opportunity to help educate global citizens through on-line course development and promotion with Wireless Education. Mikko Ahonen (PhD): Trustee, Research & Development Mikko has worked as a researcher at the University of Tampere in Finland and Mid Sweden University for over 20 years. During the past decade Mikko has immersed himself in bioelectromagnetics research. He has written many scientific publications which focus on risk-management of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in schools and workplaces. Additionally, Mikko has conducted EMF surveys (measurements) and delivered risk management workshops and webinars for both corporate and educational organisations. He also brings experience in educational technology, mobile learning, videoconferencing and information systems.

Enable South West Community Interest Company

enable south west community interest company


Enable was formed from the challenging life experience of a professional person, and a vision to create a different approach. When meeting people who are encountering difficulties in life it is often the norm for helpers to show them how to accept and manage these daunting emotions and circumstances. Agencies and support networks may become involved and “take over” life tasks. Commonly intervention become something that is “done to us” and with each level of support an individual loses a little bit more control or ability to manage that area of their life. Enable seeks to address the question “what do people need in order to get back in the driving seat of their lives”? Enable exists to support, coach and mentor forward. Ultimately the journey and the choices remain that of an individual. We will help, however, to help identify skills, strategies and community to help someone fully engage with life. Each Journey is individual and the process starts from exactly where a person is. We take time to get to know our participants. Each six-module programme uses the same model; but crucially is individually tailored. With empathy we listen, and walk with, those on the programme though to a place of empowerment. About Maree Kivlichan Maree is the founder and managing director of Enable. Maree has a wealth of experience helping others to overcome barriers and achieve their goals. Having positively addressed and broken through the darkness of her own serious mental health issues, she has progressed to extending help to others. Maree has been privileged to speak to professionals across many industries about the benefits of social inclusion, fostering of purpose and improved mental health. With delight, empathy and kindness generated from personal experience, Maree comes alongside participants and relates to their struggles. Although people may have entered the process without hope, and or purpose, they are empowered, encouraged to identify their own life goals and to fulfil their potential. They gain a sense of identity and belonging. Maree Kivlichan "In my role of Operations Manager working on DWP funded programmes I worked very closely with Maree Kivlichan. The purpose of the programs was to move clients forward to a position where they had improved their lives and then and (hopefully) into work. Maree impressed me on many occasions with her ability to engage with clients who in the main had many challenges facing them. The large majority of these clients were lacking in motivation and self-belief and would lay out their issues (both real and perceived) before them whenever they were asked or expected to engage in anything. Maree was always very honest and truthful when discussing issues with clients however had a certain way with them which enabled Maree to engage with the clients in their current situation whilst having the skills to explore with the clients what their vision or goal was and then guiding them towards achieving this goal using small achievable steps. I can particularly remember Maree facilitating a small group of 6 extremely hard to help clients with multiple barriers that stopped them moving forward, one dropped out after the first day, the rest stayed for the whole programme and even requested to attend sessions with Maree after the course had closed, Maree continued to work with them and this resulted in all of the clients having moved forward in their lives (taken from evaluations at the time) and two actually gained meaningful employment."

Dermaplaning Pro

dermaplaning pro


DermaplaningPro is a professional training provider for Dermaplaning, Microneedling and Chemical Peel treatments across the UK. Our mission at DermaplaningPro is to provide high quality training in a friendly learning environment. DermaplaningPro was established in 2018 and has had 1000s of students, all of whom give outstanding feedback. We provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable you to confidently and competently provide these much sought after treatments to your clients at the highest standard. Our courses are comprehensive courses including both theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to carry out safe, effective treatments. We take our responsibilities as a training provider seriously, this means that our courses are extremely thorough, we don't just cover the basics. This level of training will give you the skills and knowledge to stand out from competitors. We also cover business information and tips to help our participants succeed. Ongoing support is available after the courses for as long as needed, we don't put time limits on this. Our trainer is an experienced Level 7 qualified Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner. She runs her own busy aesthetic clinic, providing Dermaplaning, Chemical Peels and Microneedling treatments alongside injectables and other skin treatments. Our courses are fully accredited by ABT and the nationally recognised CPD certification service and are insured by Hamilton Fraser. We are an approved training provider for 4T Medical. We offer a variety of options for our Dermaplaning, Microneedling and Chemical Peel training courses across the UK. Bespoke one to one and team training courses are available to book at your clinic/salon. Dermaplaning, Microneedling and Chemical Peels are much sought after treatments. Our courses are extremely thorough and include everything you need to know to make these treatments a successful addition to your business. We believe that treatments such as Dermaplaning should compliment the services and you products already offer in your business rather than being tied to buying additional specific products. We therefore do not try to sell you any of our own branded products and will advise you on how to incorporate it into your business. We provide templates of consent forms that you can add your logo to so you really are ready to start straight after the course!

Triple A (All About Autism)

triple a (all about autism)


Triple A is an autism charity working across all of Cumbria. It was set up as a charity in 2016 as a response to a perceived ‘360 degree’ vulnerability within the autism community in Cumbria, and to provide better support among autistic adults living in Cumbria. Triple A was founded by Helen Storey, who has a long and successful record of developing projects to support marginalised communities. Helen has first-hand experience in the field of autism, underpinned by accredited learning (University Of Cumbria). Helen went on to become our first CEO, overseeing our incorporation as a CIO (a Charitable Incorporated Organisation) in 2018 and leading the charity until 2021. Our journey since 2016 has involved two office moves (we’re now based right next to Penrith bus station, in a lovely pink building), the development of a range of services to support autistic people right across Cumbria, and a range of autism awareness training programs. We now have a small team of dedicated staff, and in 2022 we welcomed Nick Rosenthal to the team as our new CEO – just in time to help us roll out two major new projects: running an NHS-funded post-diagnostic course to support newly diagnosed autistic people and launching a scheme to help autistic adults across Cumbria into paid, long-term employment. In the background we have a team of committed Trustees, many of whom are neurodiverse. We don’t want to point out which of our trustees and staff are autistic, as many people consider that to be very personal information, but lived experience of autism lies at the very heart of Triple-A. The Triple A team has designed a pathway of support for autistic adults (shown below), which focuses on social support, criminal and social justice but also on health and well-being for autistic people in Cumbria. Our charity aims to facilitate positive and sustainable change for autistic people – to raise awareness of the issues & challenges that autistic people face, and to bring people together to create and develop solutions. We may have seen a few changes as we’ve grown since 2016, but our core values remain the same!

Mtm Educational Consultancy

mtm educational consultancy


For more than 35 years, MTM Consulting has supported schools (state and independent), universities and other education providers to remain in business and to develop and thrive, whatever the economic climate. We are all about providing solid data, insightful analysis and clear recommendations to enable organisations to plan for future stability and success and to uphold their responsibilities to parents who entrust them with their children’s education. In fact, we’ve worked with more than 500 schools and researched more than 250,000 parents. Our feasibility studies, supply and demand analyses and stakeholder research projects are all designed to help school business leaders to understand the potential of their organisation’s market, where they stand against their competitors, what the market wants and what it does not want. MTM equips education decision-makers with the information and insight they need to make the right choices for the future of their organisations. Education business expertise MTM’s team are all education business specialists with many years of experience. We understand the challenges and opportunities of the education sector and we want to use our expertise to help schools and other education providers to find the right course and achieve success. We are friendly and approachable We want to help We enjoy designing bespoke market research, marketing and business strategies to meet individual clients’ specific needs We encourage questions We communicate throughout We present or report on our findings and recommendations in a way that best suits each client We love to provide all the detail our clients need We follow up to see if we can help further We keep in touch Meet MTM’s expert team… Evidence-based decision-making MTM Consulting’s support of its education clients is based on facts, expertise and experience. Our market research projects focus on providing the data and information required to make crucial decisions on resourcing and activities to: improve recruitment and increase the school roll minimise student attrition and improve retention and raise the organisation’s profile in its target market and the education sector in order to attract families, teaching and non-teaching staff, leaders and governors who will bring their skills and work as a team to ensure the organisation’s future success MTM uses UK-wide demographic information and a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods to acquire exactly the data required to inform clients of the realities of their organisation’s situation. Of course, we don’t expect our education clients to be experts in market research themselves – through a series of friendly, collaborative discussions our team members are able to work with clients to ascertain the information that would be of greatest benefit to them in their decision-making. We ensure that the pricing of our products is transparent, and realistic in relation to education organisations’ budgets. In fact, we have recently revisited our offer in order to break down projects into distinct elements to improve affordability, particularly with smaller organisations in mind. We also offer subscription packages and the opportunity to spread payments over time. MTM’s suite of market research projects is infinitely customisable to suit the needs of individual clients and can be combined to create a totally bespoke market research project designed to meet clients’ needs exactly. Real-world insight, analysis and recommendations for success MTM is a long-established education market research company, which has a true understanding – built over three decades – of education, coupled with unparalleled skills and experience to support education business leaders to make the decisions that will lead their organisations to be steadfast and successful in the long-term, for the benefit of their stakeholders, staff and students. Our researchers have at their fingertips many years’ worth of sector- and country-wide data and are adept at using this to benchmark our clients’ performance. This helps business leaders to develop a real understanding of their organisation’s position and to see ‘the bigger picture’ and the potential in their market. Sometimes it is not just about what the data shows, but what it doesn’t show – our experts are able to draw attention to the gaps in an education organisation’s performance that can be crucial when making decisions on areas of future development. MTM works with a team of business professionals, all with proven track records in their fields, who work with our clients to maximise the opportunities revealed by market research and analysis. Business, marketing and international expertise is on offer to ensure that the client is able to develop a practical action plan – and a set of key performance indicators that will allow it to be assessed and scrutinised – as the organisation heads towards achieving its objectives. Our business professionals are collaborative team-workers, but they also have the strength and experience to draw our clients’ attention to areas of weakness and aims that are unachievable. We know that facing up to realities makes for a healthier business in the long term and ensures that funds and resources are focused on attainable goals. Supporting education It is our great pleasure to see our education clients succeed. There can be no better business to be in than education, and MTM is a staunch supporter of parents’ right to choose the environment in which their children are taught – state or independent, small or large… We work with education providers of all kinds and we are firm believers in the importance of a breadth of offering to suit all families. Early Years: MTM’s Feasibility Studies provide vital market information to schools and groups considering opening a new nursery or re-shaping their existing provision. Independent schools: MTM’s market research, business and marketing strategy projects are designed to help schools to be successful and sustainable in the long-term so that they are able to offer their pupils the education they deserve for the duration of their school careers State schools: MTM offers great insights into pupil and parent satisfaction and staff wellbeing to help schools to engage with the school community and ensure that educational resources are being maximised. School groups: MTM is able to advise groups (independent and state academies) on the potential success of new acquisitions and to help streamline the business of education for efficiency and to ensure maximum resources are available for education. Higher education: universities and higher education providers turn to MTM to help them to understand the opinions of their students on the quality of education they are receiving and the potential effect on their next steps in education and employment. Long-standing relationships with education clients We maintain very strong relationships with our clients, many of whom we have worked with on a regular basis for decades. To see real examples of MTM projects, please read a selection of our case studies. Over the past three decades, MTM has worked with big and small names in independent and state education, early years providers, higher education providers and education suppliers and investors. Rather than engaging MTM as a supplier, we like to think we are part of the team, offering information, skills and experience to support education organisations to maximise their business potential and provide a secure learning experience for their students well into the future. Communication with our clients is on-going and we constantly ask which aspects of our service they have most appreciated, and which could be developed. We act on our clients’ feedback and hone our products and services to make sure that they offer our clients exactly what they need.