626 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Fresh Expressions

fresh expressions

In the late 1990’s and into the New Millennium, things were changing and stirring…. Disciples of Jesus were trying new and different things in response to where they saw the Holy Spirit at work. People in a number of denominations and mission agencies worked together reflecting on the 90’s church-planting movement and beginning a process of investing and pioneering new forms of church. These fresh expressions weren’t simply a fad or an attempt to be cool but looked to address a rapidly changing culture in the UK and a change in attitude to attending church and to a spiritual life. New things were taking place in different contexts, locations, times, as these different expressions sought to re-imagine church for this new environment, whilst staying true to a missional and Christ-centred gospel. In 2004 the Mission Shaped Church Report, instigated by Archbishop Rowan Williams, listened and noticed what was happening, and new language began to develop such as ‘the mixed economy.’ The report went on to make recommendations for the future practice of this pioneering mission movement. It has gone on to be one of the most widely read and purchased Church of England reports ever. It argued that… “The time has come to ensure that any Fresh Expression of Church that emerge within the Church, or are granted a home within it, are undergirded with an adequate ecclesiology” Mission Shaped Church Report All of this was exciting and encouraging for many practitioners at the time who were working hard to disciple people and develop new and imaginative expressions of Church but found them hard to be accepted as ‘church.’ The report recognised their importance, placed value on their role in a ‘mixed economy’ or Church and furthermore recognised the need for the “identification, selection and training of pioneer church planters, for both lay and ordained furthermore recognised the need for the “identification, selection and training of pioneer church planters, for both lay and ordained ministers” (MSC pg.147.) From this the Fresh Expressions initiative was born, as a partnership between the Church of England and the Methodist Church and initially led by Bishop Steven Croft (now Bishop of Oxford) with Revd Peter Pillinger as the Methodist Team Leader. Over the next 15 years new denominational partners joined the movement – the United Reformed Church, the Salvation Army, the Church of Scotland and the Baptist Union of Great Britain – all of whom identify growth and encouragements in these new experiments in Church. The initial team identified: “a Fresh Expression is a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church”

Yoga with Chet

yoga with chet

Yoga and meditation makes me feel strong and in tune with my spirit. For thousands of years mankind has praised and celebrated our spirit. But modern society seems to have cut our spirit connection and the material realm has taken over. “Yoga is a very practical and effective way to rediscover and understand ourselves, and strengthen our bodies. I want to share this with my students. It’s important to have a place where we actually have the time to learn about ourselves, have a good stretch and everyone leaves the mat ready to tackle anything with a clear, calm mind!” Chet is a dedicated hatha, and vinyassa flow yoga teacher. She did her teacher training in Goa, India, with Mohinder Prassad of Mahi Power Yoga. She has a worldwide-accredited yoga teacher training qualification and is a member of the Yoga Alliance (the largest international community of yoga teachers, schools and advocates). Her journey started studying meditation and yoga at the age of 18. As many people know, yoga originated in India. A spiritual experience led her to Osho’s ashram in Pune, India, at the age of 21 where she studied more yoga and dynamic meditation. She has since spent many years training in Shaolin Tiger Crane Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Chi Gung with the Nam Yang Pugilistic Association. She has taught both adults and school children, performed in South East Asia and at the Chinese New Celebration in Trafalgar Square, London. Some of the meditation teachings in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali were later used in martial arts. Kung Fu was derived from yoga and Chet was lucky enough to find a genuine, traditional kung fu art. Her amazing teachers, Master Iain Armstrong, and Grand Master Tan Son Tin, took her to British national championship in four years where she won a Gold medal for her kung fu routines. In recent years, she has concentrated on yoga, studying hatha, vinyasa, yin, kundalini and aerial yoga. She has always been interested in Asian arts and doing things that seem impossible. As well as this, she has enjoyed a varied career, including a media career for over 15 years in PR, TV, and radio. Chet understands working under pressure both in, and out of, the office, and the importance of having an exercise routine that actually fits around your life and career. Yoga is perfect for this. You don't need a partner and you can train whenever you can. Chet’s mission is to help you reach your most supple and healthy as this ultimately leads to happiness. As well as improving fitness, you will learn about the history and philosophy of the ancient art of yoga, and develop practical ways to deal with the stresses of daily life

Newquay Tretherras

newquay tretherras



You will always be guaranteed a warm welcome at Newquay Tretherras, an inspiring and vibrant school at the heart of our Newquay community. Tretherras students are a pleasure to teach and learn with. They understand that their education is important for their life chances, and they take full advantage of the incredible range of clubs, experiences and facilities offered to them at our school, both within and beyond the classroom. We are ambitious for every single young person and your child will be offered an array of opportunities to grow and develop into a responsible, well-rounded individual. We aim to equip all our young people with the necessary resilience, confidence and aspiration to challenge themselves, and us, to achieve the highest standards possible. We want our students to be healthy and happy young people and so we offer an inclusive and extensive curriculum which offers aspirational opportunities for all to succeed. The aim of the Tretherras curriculum is to enable our students to Achieve Highly, Communicate Convincingly, Decide Wisely and Engage Fully. Our holistic curriculum is rich, ambitious and well-sequenced and is designed to take students on a creative, exploratory and inspiring learning journey. As well as studying a body of academic knowledge, our specialist subject areas also focus on developing transferable skills such as communication, leadership and empathy. We focus on developing students’ reading and vocabulary, to give them the confidence to express their ideas meaningfully in order to progress and succeed. We understand how challenging it can be to be a teenager and we have strong and caring people and structures in place to support students pastorally and academically. We are committed to developing students’ social, moral, spiritual, cultural and economic confidence in order to prepare our young people for further education or training, employment and successful citizenship. Our strong belief is that Tretherras is a place where dreams can come true, and we put our students at the heart of everything we do. We are an inclusive learning community, working hard together to support our students to succeed in every possible way, whatever their talents or ambitions. Our relationships at Tretherras are inclusive and special: we are a family in which everyone matters. This is, without doubt, a very happy place to be. As a school that achieves great examination results for our young people, we know it is the quality of our relationships with parents and students, our high standards and our inclusive ethos, which is the key to this success. We look forward to meeting you personally and to us working in partnership to ensure that your children are inspired, achieve remarkable things and become the best they can possibly be at Newquay Tretherras.

Faith Brooke Academy

faith brooke academy


Founded in 2013, Grace Brook Academy is a Christian School, located in Syokimau. We enrich the lives of our pupils, their families and the community through dedication to the principles of academics, discipline and faith. Our diverse student body, comprised of children from different regions, benefits from a progressive, modern, and congenial school setting, designed to foster academic achievement. We provide a safe, positive, learning environment that encourages the scholastic achievement of our pupils, as well as the development of their spiritual and social lives. Our staff is committed to providing high quality relationships, including faith in God, and practical skills as part of our school and life preparation. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Grace Brook Academy is to provide a Caring, Christ-centered education producing students who thrive in the word. This is derived from the acronym CARE – Christ-centered: GBA sees its primary purpose to be a welcoming school where students can be exposed to the rich life of God’s love by knowing Christ personally. It is our desire that every student comes to a point where Christ is the center of their life, influencing every thought that they have and action they make, and in so doing they can spread His Word even further. Accessibility/Affordability: Allowing Christ to influence every thought and action, we model our school after Jesus’ example of making Himself available to all that would come to Him. He did not set Himself aside for the most privileged or most affluent, but rather was welcoming to all that wanted to hear Him. Following His lead, our goal is to be accessible to the greatest number of students and families possible. Real-Relationships: Motivated by love, God sacrificed His own Son, so that we could have a real eternal relationship with Him (John 3:16). Likewise, the evidence that we have a vital relationship with Christ shows up in the way we love one another. Having a personal relationship with Christ is central to every other relationship we have and as we pursue this relationship with Him, He will increase our desire to serve one another. Educational Excellence: Finally, as a school, these values are expressed in an excellent Christian education. We don’t believe excellence is compromised with accessibility and therefore we dedicate ourselves in the pursuit of academic excellence unmatched by both public and other private schools. It is our desire that each student develop a lifelong love of learning and improving themselves for the future. Our Vision To be a leading Christian based institution for early childhood education and to become a center for academic excellence. Objectives and Goals Grace Brook Academy is committed to preparing all students to thrive in the 21st century by providing a solid foundation in Christ and an education that will allow them to excel in college and beyond. GBA strives to develop critical thinkers who can give well-reasoned answers to challenging questions.

Wood Green School

wood green school


Wood Green is a true comprehensive school in the thriving town of Witney, 10 miles west of Oxford. Our motto, ‘Excellence for All’, means that we strive to create a school in which all students are motivated to learn, achieve highly and develop the wider skills and qualities necessary to be happy and successful. We are a school with strong values and everything we do - our curriculum, the wide range of enrichment opportunities and a focus on student achievement and welfare – are based on these values and contribute to ensuring there truly is excellence for all. Some features of Wood Green School include: Our GCSE results in 2018 were the best ever for attainment and progress, demonstrating year-on-year improvement. In February 2017 Wood Green and three other schools in Oxfordshire co-founded the Acer Multi-Academy Trust. This is typical of our desire to collaborate with like-minded schools and brings more opportunities for staff development and student enrichment. Our Sixth Form works in close partnership with Henry Box School and Abingdon and Witney College to ensure our students have the widest choices anywhere in Oxfordshire. Our curriculum and wider enrichment are organised into our Wood Green Baccalaureate, which ensures that every student from year 7 through to year 13 are recognised for their achievements and effort. As a lead school in the National Baccalaureate Trust, we are working with schools nationally to create the very best curriculum for all students. We develop creativity and confidence through our extra-curricular programme, including our specialist Arts provision. Wood Green is a designated provider of the Oxfordshire Excellent Musicians Programme, one of only three such schools in the county. Starting from our bespoke Academic Enrichment programme in year 7, through to our compulsory Extended Project Qualification in Year 12, and many opportunities to participate in public speaking competitions, throughout the school we develop the range of thinking, talking and writing skills to be successful life-long learners. Our excellent links with universities, including the University of Oxford, and businesses ensure that every student develops aspirations beyond school. We believe that wellbeing is vital to being successful. Wood Green was chosen in 2015 by Nuffield Health to be their partner school nationally. Some quotes from our most recent Ofsted report describe the school we are developing: Strong personal relationships between teachers and students contribute to students' learning. Students’ social, spiritual, moral and cultural development is promoted effectively across the school and strongly contributes to the school’s caring ethos All students have an equal opportunity to succeed Over their time at Wood Green School, students gain a broad range of skills and are consequently well prepared for the next stage in their education, employment or training. The more-able students achieve well. The proportion of students attaining A* and A grades is well above average in a range of subjects The conduct of sixth formers in all parts of the school is exemplary and they provide excellent role models for younger students.

Oasis Academy Enfield

oasis academy enfield


Everything within Oasis Community Learning is framed by our ethos. Our ethos is rooted in what we believe and who we are. Grounded in our story, it is an expression of our character; a set of values that inform and provide the lens on everything we do. A passion to include A desire to treat people equally respecting differences A commitment to healthy, open relationships A deep sense of hope that things can change and be transformed A sense of perseverance to keep going for the long haul It is these ethos values that we want to be known for and to live by. We are committed to a model of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope, and perseverance throughout all the aspects of the life and culture of every Oasis Hub and academy community. We encourage every member of our family, be that staff or student, to align themselves to these ethos values. The values themselves are inspired by the life, message and example of Jesus but we make it clear that we will not impose on anyone, the beliefs that underpin our ethos values. We recognise and celebrate the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community, respecting the beliefs and practices of other faiths in the hope that we will provide a welcoming environment for all. The Oasis 9 Habits The Oasis Ethos is aspirational, inspirational and something that we have to constantly work at. It is important to remember that every organisation is made up of its people, and people don’t always get things right. This means that there can sometimes be a dissonance between what we say we are, as stated in our ethos values, and what we actually do and experience. Recognising this is helpful because it reminds us that we each have things to work on; we have space to grow, develop and change to become the best version of ourselves. To help us in this process of personal growth and development we have the Oasis 9 Habits. It is our bespoke and unique approach to character development. We know that by living the way of the Habits, the Oasis Ethos will become second nature to us. We also believe that this process of continually developing our character and being transformed to become the best version of ourselves is really important for every student and staff member alike. Therefore, we actively promote and practice the Oasis 9 Habits which are an invitation to a way of life characterised by being compassionate, patient, humble, joyful, honest, hopeful, considerate, forgiving and self-controlled. We believe that by becoming people who live this way, by becoming the best version of ourselves, whether we are a staff member or students, we are transformed, and we are also able to play our part in bringing transformation locally, nationally and globally.

Clair Anderson

clair anderson


Hi 😊😊 I’m Clair. Founder of be your own kind of beautiful - community local well-being hub fb page of inspiration reiki training academy Also.. A human being - or rather a spiritual Being having a human experience 😊 A mum - of 3 beautiful ones A nannie- of 2 gorgeous little ones A wife of the less conventional kind… we don’t live together but we do life together as a team❤️ ( Dave lives above be your own kind of beautiful😊) A cat owner that is in fact totally owned by her cat🤪🤪 A daughter who’s parents have supported me so much through the years I am totally Blessed 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 A woman, with a mission to be my own kind of beautiful regardless of what society says I ‘should be’ Or should do. On a mission to inspire you to be your own kind of beautiful too. I’m Obsessed with self help self development self healing and reiki 😊🙏🏻 I have been an avid implementer of ‘do what you can with where you are at and with what you got’ I have many chronic physical health Conditions that slow me Down, but never hold Me Back. I’ve endured & overcome- Crippling anxiety & depression, PTSD x4!!! Agoraphobia A Mega negative mindset!! An emotionally abusive soul destroying marriage Thyroid cancer Chronic illness A decade of undiagnosed illness The Food banks & Pinch loo roll kinda poverty I could be an agony aunt lol !! I’m not. I’m a Reiki & Meditation Teacher. NLP Life Coach and my full time job is Uber ing my kids about 🤪 But all of this is what drives me to help others take their power back and help themselves to help themselves. Reiki allows me to live well despite my health issues. Infact being on a constant self healing and rising back mission - my health issues are the driving force behind everything I do! I am dedicated to my Path, I’m here to serve, so much so I actually Married the universe at crosby beach a couple Of years ago 😊🙏🏻 with my little people and a statue As my witnesses 😊😊 Be your own kind of beautiful, was a dream I had of ‘passionate about your well-being’ teachers and therapists all available In one place so that you can explore and experiment and find the well-being magic that works for you. Right on your doorstep. But also as a platform for new passionate teachers and therapists to find their feet. And get their magic out to the world. Supporting with a space to work from. advertising, marketing, and any advice I can help with in getting started in business. I teach Reiki in the studio- group classes and one2one training. This year imy first ever online Reiki Training adventure 😍 I’m in the therapy room Tuesdays for Reiki & Relaxation sessions and one2one training. You can join me for all things Reiki in my free fb group 👇👇👇 Be Reiki




Ongoing - Mixed Media Mosaic Courses, PlayShops, Spring and Summer Schools. Welcome!  Come and have fun exploring the joy and wonder of our innate creative gifts through the process of making mixed media mosaics together.  My intention is to support and encourage you in exploring your true creative potentiality through the wonderful process of making mosaics 'Peace by Piece' Sharing the deeply restorative process of gently reawakening creativity through brokenness.   I look forward to welcoming you. Thank you for your interest. Emma's Background Feeling deep appreciation for my early life, growing up in a super abundant garden, bursting with wondrous flowers and bountiful blossoms. Learning from a young age how to meet with nature in her fullness of spirit. Family life was coloured with complexity, tragedy and challenge.  I found great solace within the wholeness of garden space, which heightened my awareness of our deeply interconnected, cyclical nature. Our bohemian home was full of floral interiors, antiques, un-conventional ornaments and myriad curiosities.  Many of which continue to inspire and adorn my mosaic art today. In my early twenties I began exploring the process of making sculptural ceramics for many years at a local art school.  During that time I was invited to join a weekend course making mosaics.   I loved the idea of working in instant colour and form. I meandered with mosaic process and fell in love! I later became artist in residence at a local historical house and spiritual centre, which offered courses, retreats and B&B.  People visited from all over the country and around the world, which enabled me to meet and explore with many colourful seekers.  My studio was the ground floor of a small 17th Century listed cottage in the grounds of the center. The cottage looked out onto a wonderful walled garden, which I helped to care for, harvesting inspiration for my art.  Inspiration I appreciate the beauty and generosity of our natural world.  Offering an authentic, curative ground of endless wonderment and creativity.  My garden is a great source of delight and inspiration.  Teeming with every colour and tone, heartening aromas and kindred vibrations.  I’m passionate about vintage china.  I love how it offers endless possibility of pattern, hue, myriad tender tones and expressive textures.  Inspiring a deep sense of memory and creative potentiality within.  The fragments have a fine body and reliable quality, which allows for clean, strong cuts. I find this material very pleasing to create with. The whole process of making mosaics is a miraculous quest of gathering together diverse materials, from house clearances to charity & curiosity shops, enabling an endless enchanted flow of abundant potentiality and great fun!  I’m always in deepest appreciation for unique donated gifts of broken antiques, vintage wonders, figurines, vases and re-claimed stained glass.  Technique My studio is abounding with many colour-coded palettes, brimming with vintage china treasures, enabling me to be in spontaneous mosaic flow with ease of application. I spend quiet time, musing with mosaic movement.  Creating space for day dreaming, wondering and glimpsing potentiality. I appreciate my precious tools.  Various hand cutters and nippers of many shapes and sizes.  Remarkable, reliable, dear old friends. As I begin making mosaics I often just sit and start loosely nipping and cutting.  Feeling into and aligning myself with little sparks of inspiration.  Gently shaping each piece, miracles begin transpiring through mosaic metamorphosis. I use various cement-based adhesives and PVA glues for fixing the fragments to the different surfaces.   I often use natural pigments to colour the final grout application, which creates depth and helps to unify the whole piece. Goal My intention is to encourage harmony to emerge from diverse and discarded materials. Sharing the deeply restorative process of gently reawakening creativity through brokenness.  ‘Peace by Piece’ facilitating harmony & beauty.   Sharing the joy and wonder of our innate creativity through making memorable mosaics - 'Peace by Piece' Ongoing mixed media mosaic courses, playshops , Spring and Summer schools. Thank you for your interest. In kindness and blessing, Emma