185520 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Lush Lunar

lush lunar


Newcastle upon Tyne

BEAUTIFUL SOUL, I'M SO GLAD YOU'VE LANDED HERE. TRUST THAT YOU'RE HERE FOR A REASON.  Welcome. I hope this marks the beginning of a transformative journey for you.  My name is Sally, and I discovered energy healing when I was seeking solace for my own struggles with poor mental health. I came to a point on my path where I felt that if I did not heal, I may not survive here on Earth. So, I sought healing through yoga, meditation and lifestyle changes, which led me to energy healing, sound healing, light language, plant medicine, nature and community. What I didn’t anticipate, was that I would be strongly called to train and offer healing for others. I answered the call. I believe that my many dances with darkness and my own healing journey have provided me with the experience and initiations required to work with energy, support others, listen to, and truly emphasise with the tremendous pain that one can feel when navigating dark or unsettling periods of life. I am still healing, evolving and learning, but these practices have truly transformed my life, so I feel incredibly honoured to share them with you.  Energy healing can support us on our path in a myriad of ways. If you’re feeling lost, stuck, at a cross-roads, or struggling with poor self-image, self-worth, indecision, or illness, energy healing can help us to find balance, clarity and encourage our body’s natural ability to heal.  It can also offer us so much more. Embarking on a healing journey can help us to reconnect with our soul purpose, our reason for being here on earth at this time. It can support us in recovering our gifts and passions, and help us to find our inner fire so that we can share them with others, or step more fully into who we truly are.  You hold so much knowledge and wisdom inside of you, but so many of us have forgotten how to tap into our inner truth or connect to our intuition. I create sacred spaces and ceremony, so that you can remember who you are. To reawaken your inner fire, release trauma, and connect to likeminded souls in beautiful community.  We do not need to walk this path alone, and it would be my honour to connect with and support you on this strange, remarkable, and joyous journey through life. 

Cheryl Hawkins

cheryl hawkins


Great and necessary course for anyone working with young people. Cheryl is an excellent instructor. Thank you! Excellent use of personal stories to help use as examples to explain the different types of mental health. Cheryl was patient and supportive with technical glitches. Useful having her phone number to text. Cheryl was knowledgeable and gave us confidence in our approach to a young person in crisis in the way we can try to help and support them. The course was informative, and I found the individual learning actives and tasks accompanied with the teaching worked extremely well. The videos provided were engaging and remained focussed on the topic. I particularly felt Cheryl dealt with some of the topics that were difficult, with a high level of sensitivity and care. There was briefing prior to some of the topics. I would have possibly liked a debrief however I believed the course was excellent and I feel it will be so important for my organisation in supporting with our service users. It has now prompted me to continue further learning around mental health and building on what I have learnt from the course. Thanks to Cheryl again for her delivery of the course and demonstrating her passion. Really enjoyable and engaging course...really useful for me going forward The course is very good at highlighting all the different aspects of mental health. it doesn't just talk about depression but all the other areas that affect young people. The videos were very good and engaging. Especially the personal testimonies. The website is very well presented and the lessons run very well on this platform. Thanks so much, Cheryl. This has been invaluable Really useful thank you. Even late on a Thursday evening it has been very accessible, informative and great to network with fellow carers too Fantastic course - really interesting and it is great to be able to access it from home. Really enjoyed the break out rooms and being able to discuss aspects of the course. It is very thought provoking and helped me to look at support for mental health from a new perspective Excellent! Cheryl was a brilliant instructor during the course and I felt re-assured and supported by her. The online sessions were very informative and teamwork was really nicely encouraged by Cheryl. The content of the course is extremely valuable and the book will be a very helpful resource for me on a longer term. I'm confident that I will be able to use my knowledge to support my own child and other young people in the future. Thank you so much Cheryl!