626 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

St Michael's Catholic Grammar School

st michael's catholic grammar school


Thank you for visiting our website and I hope you find the information you require here, although to get a true impression of the many strengths and outstanding features of St. Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – you will have to visit us at one of our open days! St. Michael’s is a very special place, it is first and foremost a Catholic school; the ethos implanted here by the Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus who founded this school. The trustees, governors and staff remain committed to enabling our students become the person God intended them to be; supporting them to make sense of this complex world and to seek out their unique purpose in life. St Michael’s is a place of spiritual formation – we recognise that Jesus has taught us that we should “love one another as he loved us” – and this gives a focus to the pastoral support we offer our young people. St. Michael’s is also a place of intellectual exploration and achievement. This school is extraordinarily successful – this has been recognised by Ofsted on numerous occasions and every year our students achieve outstanding A Level and GCSE results. Whilst the results are impressive – the true value of these results is what our students are able to do with them. For our students, their A Level grades enable them to open doors to the most prestigious universities and courses. This school exists to enable its young people to move on to the next stage of life’s journey, equipped with the qualifications which will lead them to success, but also the skills and attitudes which will enrich their life and enable them to take up positions of influence in our society – and so change it for the better. If you visit us, the first thing you will notice is the calm atmosphere around the school site and especially in the classrooms. We have very considerate and hardworking students as well as highly capable and caring teachers. In all schools, the success of any child depends upon the partnership between parents, teachers and child – and at St. Michael’s there is not just a partnership – but an active and effective commitment to what is being achieved for our young people.

Missionary Servants Of The Poor Tw

missionary servants of the poor tw

The Missionaries of the Poor are always seeking men who wish to answer Our Lord’s invitation to serve the poor. Members of the Missionaries of the Poor take four vows: (1) poverty, (2) chastity, (3) obedience and (4) free service to the least. To learn more about the life of the order, simply contact us. M.O.P. FORMATION As you begin the journey of discerning your vocation, be assured that you are not left to yourself. The Missionaries of the Poor provides a comprehensive formation program that includes the opportunity to experience the life of brotherhood, a rigorous theological and spiritual training program and years of hands-on experience in our work. This formation consists of five stages: 1. Aspirancy (6 months to 1 year): New vocations begin with one year of introduction to the life and work of the Missionaries of the Poor. This period of formation takes place at the MOP mission in your home country. The goal of this period is simply to assist you in discerning whether God is calling you to serve Him with us. 2. Postulancy (6 months): Formation continues as you continue to test your vocation to religious life. If you grow in your conviction that the religious life is in fact God’s will for you, postulancy ends and you remove to the Institute’s headquarters in Kingston, Jamaica to continue formation. 3. Novitiate (2 years): The first year (canonical) of the Novitiate emphasizes prayer and contemplation and includes a 40 day retreat. The second year (apostolical) emphasizes the work or apostolate of the Missionaries of the Poor. 4. Juniorate (6 years): At the end of the Novitiate, temporary vows of six years is made. During these three years, brothers in formation continue to grow in the knowledge of the mission and works of the Institute. 5. Seniorate (life): With the approval of the Institute, brothers in formation may be admitted to perpetual profession, that is, vows for lifetime service. DID YOU KNOW? MOP formation includes a comprehensive program in theological and biblical studies? Brothers receive over 5 years of college-level instruction in every area of basic skills, spirituality, prayer, philosophy and theology needed for the life of a Missionary of the Poor.

Curative Care Alliance

curative care alliance


About Us With our organisational members in over 100 countries, we provide a global voice on hospice and palliative care The Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA) is an international non-governmental organisation focusing exclusively on hospice and palliative care development worldwide. We are a network of national and regional hospice and palliative care organisations and affiliate organisations. Our mission is: To bring together the global palliative care community to improve well-being and reduce unnecessary suffering for those in need of palliative care in collaboration with the regional and national hospice and palliative care organisations and other partners. We believe that no-one with a life-limiting condition, such as cancer or HIV, should live and die with unnecessary pain and distress. Our vision is a world with universal access to hospice and palliative care. Our mission is to foster, promote and influence the delivery of affordable, quality palliative care. The WHPCA is registered in the UK where our secretariat staff are currently based. WHPCA Key Messages Hospice and palliative care aim to relieve suffering and to improve the quality of life of people and their families and carers facing life threatening and life limiting illness. At least 40 million need palliative care annually, including 20 million at the end of life. 18 million of these die in avoidable pain and distress. Pain management is essential to hospice and palliative care and the WHPCA works to improve access to these essential medications. Over 75% of the world’s population lacks adequate access to the medications needed to treat their pain. The WHPCA believes that the person accessing care should be at the centre of their care. Palliative care looks after the physical, psychological, social, practical, legal and spiritual needs of the person and their family. The WHPCA advocates for hospice and palliative care worldwide and supports national and organisations to integrate hospice and palliative care into their country’s health systems. The WHPCA works with partner organisations to care for people, their family members and carers to alleviate pain and distress and promote quality of life.

Darleen Klug

darleen klug


Darleen is an Empowerment Coach, with qualifications in Professional Life Coaching and Hypnosis, as well as years of experience as a safe space facilitator. She is also constantly focusing on broadening her knowledge in many different areas. Making her incredibly resourceful when working with clients. She was born in Germany but raised in Portugal for most of her childhood. At 18 years of age, she took a leap and moved to the UK in the hope to find purpose as she had always felt out of place. At the time, she didn't know where she was headed or what for, all she knew was that her intuition was telling her to jump... Seven years have passed since the day she set foot in England. Since then, she has moved 7 times and explored many different career paths. It has been a roller coaster, but one worth going on. Darleen always felt drawn to spirituality but was afraid of being seen as crazy. So one of her first spiritual eye-openers was a book called The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield. From then on, small and big encounters have shaped her beliefs and shown her that she was not alone on this journey. When she attended her first Women's Circle in 2019 (held by Ella Grace Denton), all the judgment, competition and fear she had felt towards and from other women in her life was replaced by love, respect and compassion. It made her feel so abundant and helped her realise that we are all one and that we do not have to go on this journey by ourselves. The moment she arrived home that day, she knew it was something she would love to facilitate for others, as she always wanted to help people. After months of avoiding her intuition (as we are conditioned to do) she finally gave in, looked past the fear of judgment and began to hold space for others. She also began to coach people, as well as share all the knowledge that life has given her via Instagram. Now she has fully committed to her calling, aiming to help her soul clients in every way possible.

Wellbeing in Your Home

wellbeing in your home

The Art of Living Well at Home. Meet the team behind Wellbeing in Your Home Gosia Federowicz Yoga, Creativity & Cooking, Co-Founder of Wellbeing in Your Home Gosia loves teaching yoga and meditation, which she’s been doing since 2012 and has over 700 hours of yoga teacher training including 500h Yoga Alliance certified Advanced training. She’s been teaching corporate yoga and meditation classes since 2014, both in offices in person as well as via digital platforms. Her passion is seeing her students transform through yoga and meditation, becoming calmer, more focused and productive. Her yoga path has taken her through many different styles over the years, which has strengthened her own practice and her teaching, as well as helped her become a more confident person and lead a healthier life overall. Gosia is a mum to 2 year old Sophia and when not practicing or teaching yoga, she looks after her vegetable and flower garden, loves writing, mixed media art, baking and cooking, as well as learning Spanish and travelling. Her motto is ‘to just step on the mat and take it one breath at a time’. Zach Fairbanks Mindfulness Meditation & Aikido, Co-Founder of Wellbeing in Your Home Zach is a qualified Mindfulness Meditation teacher completing his training with Mindfulness Now recognised with the British Psychological Society(BPS). A bulk of his knowledge and experience comes through Aikido which he currently holds 5th Dan so Hombu at the World Headquarters Aikikai. Zach has been practicing Aikido for over 35 years and has travelled to the Headquarters in Tokyo Japan several times for regular instruction. Zach says ‘Aikido is a training system for mind and body. It has martial, spiritual, mental and physical fitness benefits’. There are many principles to be learnt and discovered though constant practice that can be applied in many situations of work and life – Connection over Attachment, Harmony, Centring and Shoshin – beginners mind. Essentially, Aikido is an embodiment of Mindfulness Meditation’ Zach openly suffers with anxiety and it can very often take its toll, especially when attempting too much multi tasking or chasing perfection. In order to help with this, Zach started yoga to compliment Aikido. Then, through yoga, he learnt to meditate something that is very much part of Aikido. “When I finally understood the point of meditation and practiced it daily, I became more grounded and centered”.

Word Fountain Christian Ministries

word fountain christian ministries



Word Fountain Christian Ministries (WFCM) is led by God through Pastor (Mrs) Dupe Adefala and a team of Christians as part of the universal Church. WFCM seeks to be an ark of safety for everyone and an oasis of love where men, women, youths and children are Redeemed Refreshed, Revived and Equipped to give God pleasure, build bridges in relationships and develop in the plan and purposes of God. We pay attention to the flock and commend everyone to God and the word of His grace that is able to build us up and give us an inheritance among all that are sanctified – Acts 20:28 and 32. We bring to focus the manifold inheritance (all things that pertain to life and godliness) that God has packaged for all before even the first man or woman was created! Our main thrust is as follow: Reverential worship of the living God through prayer, sound teaching of biblical principles and its application. Promoting and celebrating the richness of human diversity. Reaching out to the community with the word of faith. Fostering an environment for development of leaders and every member in the knowledge of God. We thank God Almighty for the privilege to serve Him in His glorious vineyard. SERVING THE COMMUNITY We work towards facilitating social inclusion and integration of the diverse community in Oxford. Word Fountain is a registered member of National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), Oxfordshire Council for Voluntary Organisations (OCVA) and Oxfordshire Community Champions. In addition to the spiritual input of the five-fold ministry, the need to develop and deploy internal competencies fit for successful living in the world is critical to our mission. We have organised and funded an Economic Empowerment Day with input from various organisations, Parenting Club was co-funded by the Oxfordshire County Council, Play Day 2009 funded by Oxford Play Association, Women and Sexual Health Seminar, Managing Money God’s Way with Stewardship, etc. In addition our Annual Youths/Children Day as well as Praise Night events have been vehicles for reaching and serving the wider community. We are currently working with the Horspath Residents’ Association to develop a Youth mentoring and engagement scheme for the community. We thank God Almighty for the privilege to serve Him in His glorious vineyard.

Ripon College Cuddesdon

ripon college cuddesdon


With a residential community at its core, Cuddesdon has grown to be able to provide a broad range of full-time and part-time pathways and courses to meet the needs of people with different circumstances, stages of life, and academic experience: Ripon College Cuddesdon full-time residential, context-based and part-time training for ordained clergy ordained pioneer ministry training in partnership with Church Mission Society the Cuddesdon School of Theology & Ministry offering a part-time course for independent students a Retreat and Conference Centre for hosting our own programme of guided retreats and events, and also available for external hire for conferences, meetings, parish away days, summer schools and clergy holidays Cuddesdon Gloucester & Hereford part-time training for ordained clergy, Readers and independent students at centres in Gloucester and Ludlow Gloucester Foundations in Theology, Ministry and Mission in partnership with Gloucester Diocese for independent students Portsmouth Pathway Cuddesdon part-time training for ordained clergy, Readers and independent students at St Luke's Church in the centre of Portsmouth Our History There has been a theological college in the village of Cuddesdon for over 160 years. Cuddesdon College was established in 1854 by Bishop Samuel Wilberforce, whose vision was for a college independent of any specific Church faction, and with a focus on the discipline of daily prayer and spiritual formation. A merger with Ripon Hall in the 1970s, forming Ripon College Cuddesdon, brought in new resources and fresh thinking, and helped develop a new and open approach to theological study. The incorporation of the Oxford Ministry Course in 2006 (now the Part-time Pathway), the West of England Ministerial Training Course in 2011 (now Cuddesdon Gloucester & Hereford) and the Portsmouth Pathway Cuddesdon in 2015 has enabled the College to offer a wide range of outstanding part-time courses that have been well established for over forty years. From 2014, a partnership with Church Mission Society has enabled us to offer training for Ordained Pioneer Ministers. The Cuddesdon Sisters In 2012, the remaining Sisters from two Anglican religious orders - Communities of St John Baptist and The Good Shepherd - joined the College community, providing a praying presence throughout the year. Sadly, due to the pandemic, they moved in the autumn of 2020 to St Mary's Convent and Nursing Home in Chiswick. We miss them being here greatly but keep in close contact with them. To learn more about the Sisters, please click here.

Naomha OM - Teacher: Maimouna

naomha om - teacher: maimouna


I am a Healer from a generation of healers in my family, a Holistic Therapist, a Shaman and an Essenian Therapist. I am also an Artist and a Writer. I am a woman committed to love, life, and the natural world, the same world we will leave to our children. I thrive on writing, singing, dancing, listening to music. I restore my energy balance in Nature, in quiet and peaceful environments. Forests fascinate me with their mysteries, sounds, movements, secrets, and all Nature’s beings living there and communicating together. It is a resourcing and healing place for me. Jesus and Mother Mary guide me since my childhood even though I’ve become aware of that much later in my life. It is, therefore quite natural that they are both very present in the therapies I offer. Even though I am very close to the Christic and Mother Mary energies, my work has nothing religious. I am not part of any religion, nor am I attached to any spiritual movement or current, which allows me to be free in my choices to serve the Divine Source, only the Divine Source. This Divine Source in who I believe, the Divine Source Mother&Father God and I recognize the Divine Source in everything, in every being, spirit, shape, life. I see the Divine Source in You, in Nature, in the Universe, in Me, in All. I like to say: “All is One, One is All, All is in One, One is in All”. During therapies sessions I offer, I listen to you with all my love, heart, and availability in respect of your free will. The Divine Source guides me to achieve the energetic harmonization you need. This can be Essenian therapy, shamanic therapy, reiki therapy. I can use crystals, healing musical instruments and channelled songs to accompany the session. Heavenly spirits, guides of light, and spirits of Nature might Join the session, especially those of the totem animals that accompany me daily. I don’t know in advance. However, they always manifest themselves with the greatest love, and they are always a gift to you and me. The session of energetic harmonization will allow you to set out the self-healing process within yourself, the process we all have within us. Sometimes, if I am allowed, I use the gift of magnetism with hands given to me by the Source to ease or even remove pain. I am the channel through which the Divine Source passes to bring you what you need, in the present moment, you are your own healer.

Fudan University School of Management

fudan university school of management

Fudan, literally meaning “heavenly light shines day after day”, is derived from Shangshu Dazhuan, the hermeneutic version of the earliest historical book in China. The name signifies Fudan University’s perpetual pursuit of excellence since the moment of its foundation. Education, as a promising and sustainable cause, requires our unremitting endeavor year after year before any glorious goal can be achieved. For more than one hundred years, generations of Fudan people have kept such a belief, and commitment, which led to the university’s brilliance and glory, and cast upon the university’s brand its spiritual core and cultural basis. "Dedication to Learning, Passion for Accomplishment; Growth with Great Virtues, Readiness to Help Others" Since its reestablishment in 1985, School of Management at Fudan University (FDSM) has grown along with the historic process of reform and opening-up in China. Driven by our School’s noble mission of "setting roots in China in its progress, dedicating itself to innovative research, and cultivating academic specialists, business elites and social leaders with global perspectives and local insights", all the faculty and staff at FDSM have spared no effort to not only enhance our teaching and research competences in an all-round manner but also cultivate large numbers of outstanding management talent for China’s prosperous economic development in the future. The great contributions made by generations of faculty and staff have been the driving force for the School’s consistent advancement, impressive breakthroughs and eventually have forged an unfolding path of exploration and development to the management education, which benefits both China and the world. In the past 30 years, significant improvement has been made in its disciplinary structure as well as teaching and research standard. The School obtained international top-level accreditations at an unprecedentedly fast pace around the world and many of its degree programs also made remarkable achievements in different authoritative international rankings. These honors are recognition of our School’s long-term dedication to academic research, talent cultivation and social services. They are also milestones along our journey toward becoming a world-class business school and toward a brighter future. We are deeply aware that the realization of our goal of becoming a world-class business school shall never be based on short-sighted, hasty or impulsive steps. With the goal on our mind and responsibilities on our shoulders, we will continue our tireless dedication to providing high-quality business management education, cultivating outstanding talent, and contributing cutting-edge management concepts for China’s economic development. We firmly believe that, with China’s rise as the wind beneath our wings, our School will soar and advance among the leading business schools around the globe. Let’s work together hand in hand and look forward to the future!