194 Educators providing Courses delivered Online




Herne Bay

Anna trained at the Deborah Capon College, and was also heavily influenced by her time training and working in America. She was represented by Terpsichore Entertainment in New York and worked within theatre and television. Following this she became the company's UK talent representative, responsible for identifying and guiding talented artists seeking legal employment and representation in the USA. Anna went on to train as a teacher, running her own school, the Hasland Dance Studios, for 6 years, achieving her Licentiate and Fellowship qualifications with the ISTD, and becoming a mutually recognised teacher with the Royal Academy of Dance. In 2015 she became an Approved Tutor for the ISTD and created Anna Morgan Dance, offering bespoke teacher training for the Diploma in Dance Education qualification. Anna spent a number of years on the Ballet faculty at Performers College before joining Bird College as a Ballet Tutor in 2016, and is also the staff representative to the Board of Directors at Bird College. In 2021 Anna joined the teacher training faculty of the Royal Ballet School to deliver their 'Inspire' teacher training seminars in the UK and internationally. Anna is also an adjudicator for the British and International Federation of Festivals, and is on the Advisory Board for the TIRED Movement (Trying to Improve Racial Equality in Dance) Before the pandemic Anna pursued teaching and choreography throughout the UK and America, including choreographing two original works for Bailar Al Sol in New Jersey. Alongside American Company 'United We Dance' Anna is currently involved in pre-production of an original Contemporary Ballet to be performed by a brand new, international company once travel restrictions permanently ease.




GeeLearn’s Social Mission GeeLearn’s social mission is centered around the delivery of science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM), and in particular science education, to children in developing OECD countries. Leveraging our strengths as an innovator in online learning design, development, delivering, and funding, we volunteer our skills and energy and partner with organizations to deliver STEAM education to children in these developing nations, starting with Colombia. In 2020, after an intense 5-year review, Colombia was welcomed as the newest OECD member. In 2021, GeeLearn Ltd. Partnered with the Children’s University at the University of EAFIT (Universidad de Los Ninos de Universidad Escuela de Administración, Finanzas Instituto Tecnológico) in order to volunteer its skills, knowledge, and talents to expanding the reach of Children’s University via digital learning throughout not only Colombia but the whole of Latin America. Background of GeeLearn Ltd. and its Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative: Online Science Education for Children: Colombia to Latin America 2020 – 2023 GeeLearn Ltd. is a social enterprise headquartered in The Melting Pot, “Scotland’s Leading Centre for Innovation”. This volunteer effort for EAFIT Universidad de Los Ninos on behalf of GeeLearn Ltd. represents a social good and comprises a major part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative over a period of three years. The CSR initiative was approved by the company’s board of directors in the Autumn of 2020. The goal of the company was to engage with an educational initiative to help serve children in a developing country that is a member of the OECD. Colombia became an official member of the OECD in 2020, the 37thcountry to do so in the organization’s 60-year history. The directors of GeeLearn Ltd. have identified 6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that its volunteer cooperation with EAFIT’s Universidad de Los Ninos touches upon and will help Colombia achieve. These include:

Staff Direct 4 U Training

staff direct 4 u training


Excellence in RecruitmentThis statement is made as part of SD4U’s commitment to eliminating the exploitation of people under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act). It summarises how SD4U operates, the policies and processes in place to minimise the possibility of any problems, any risks we have identified and how we monitor them, and how we train our staff. This statement is published in accordance with section 54 of the Act, and relates to the financial year 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. It was approved by the Board of Directors on 29 March 2022. Our Business SD4U is a limited company operating in the recruitment sector. We supply temporary workers in the logistics sector. SD4U is an independent business Who we work with All the hirers that we work with, and all the work-seekers we provide, are known to and identified by our staff. All the temporary workers we supply are identified by our staff. The hiring companies that we work with are located in the Midlands. The work seekers and workers we supply live in the Midlands. Other relationships As part of our business, we also work with the following organisations: sector-specific professional and regulatory bodies sector-specific industry bodies the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (www.rec.uk.com) and the Institute of Recruitment Professionals (www.rec-irp.uk.com) Our Policies SD4U has a modern slavery policy. In addition, SD4U has policies which incorporate ethical standards for our staff. Policy development and review SD4U’s policies are established by our directors based on advice from HR professionals, industry best practice and legal advice, and in consultation with other stakeholders. We review our policies on a regular basis or as needed to adapt to changes. Our Processes for Managing Risk In order to assess the risk of modern slavery, we use the following processes w

APS Training Ltd

aps training ltd

The APS SPORTS AND TRAINING Football Club is a competitive soccer club founded in 2015 based upon the founders desire to teach life lessons through soccer. The Clubs commitment is to use its resources to provide world-class training, develop first-rate facilities, and engender a passionate love for the game of soccer. While the players, coaches and staff strive to succeed at the highest possible level, the development of the player as a person is emphasized first and foremost. The APS SPORTS AND TRAINING Football Club is a nonprofit entity that qualifies as a charitable organization of the Internal Revenue Code. The Club strives to make its programs available to all youth players who have a sincere desire to learn to play soccer at a competitive level, and the Club has an active scholarship committee that makes financial aid available to those who need financial assistance to participate in the Clubs programs. The Club is governed by a board of directors that meets on a regular basis, and the day-to-day activities of the Club are implemented by the Director of Coaching. The APS SPORTS AND TRAINING Football Club has been a positive force in the local soccer community for over a decade. More importantly, our Club has been important in shaping the lives of children through the great sport of soccer. We believe our Clubs goals, values and culture make us uniquely qualified to help youth soccer players in our community learn a great sport while experiencing the lessons of life that are learned through sports. The following are some of the factors we would encourage you to consider when you evaluate our Club and select a soccer home for your player:

Institute of Economic Development (IED)

institute of economic development (ied)


The Institute of Economic Development (IED) is the UK’s leading independent professional body representing economic development and regeneration practitioners working for local and regional communities. Representing You…. Established nearly 40 years ago, the IED’s key objective is to represent the interests of its members and ensure their views are widely expressed and noted. The IED is committed to demonstrating the value of economic development work for local and regional communities; the pursuit of best practice in economic development and the attainment of the highest standards of professional conduct and competence. Connecting You…. We manage a valuable network of professionals engaged in economic development and its associated professions from both the private and public sectors enabling you to share best practice, enhance your knowledge and accelerate your professional development both at a local and national level. Supporting You…. We provide and promote a range of Continuous Professional Development opportunities at national and regional levels. Our introduction of the Excellence in Economic Development and the associated Self-Assessment Toolkit allows organisations in both the public and private sector to develop the competence of their people, projects and processes, facilitate the exchange of best practice and enable benchmarking over time. Our Board…We are a not for profit company run by a Board of elected Directors. For more information about our current Board of Directors, please follow the links on the left. Our latest Annual Report can be found by clicking on the link in the left hand menu. Our Patron…The Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, formerly Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy from July 2016 to July 2019, is the new Patron of the Institute for Economic Development (IED). Mr Clark takes up the unpaid role from retiring Patron, Sir Howard Bernstein, who held the position for the past four years. For the press release on this appointment please click here. Business Development Plan Jan 2020 - December 2022…Follow the link below to read a summary of our recently developed Business Plan.

The Film and Video Workshop

the film and video workshop


The Film and Video Workshop is an educational charity founded in June 1997 by Simon Oatley. Our objective is the education of adults, children and young people in the art of film, video and other types of media. We aim to work particularly with those people who are in need by reason of disability, age or economic circumstance. The company has grown steadily since its formation and is now the largest producer of child and young people directed moving image work in the United Kingdom. Many of the films we have helped produce have been shown in international film festivals and some have won prestigious awards. Each year we work with approximately 1000 film makers and produce some 300 films. Past clients include Tate modern, Tate Britain, The National Portrait Gallery, Arts Council, Film London, Film Council, Skillset, Cartoon Museum, Learning and Skills Council, Tribal Education, London Development Agency, ten of the London councils, BBC, Channel 4 and Nickelodeon. Recent premiere screenings have been held at the London Imax Cinema and the Odeon West End. In addition we provide adult training, specialising in the creative use of digital technology. The current courses selection includes four video production courses, stop motion, animation techniques, after effects, Avid and FCP. We subsidise a selection of introduction courses to enable people to start filmmaking as well as provide CPD for professionals. All our courses have a 40% reduction for concessions. The media centre is open 6 days a week with over 80 weekly users. The company is managed by an unpaid board of directors to whom we are very grateful for their long standing support. They are: Jan Pitt — (Chair) Director of Commercial Publications – ABC Andy Doyle — Director of STA bikes Kate Middleton – Drama Therapist Rob Humphreys — Author for Rough Guides (London, Scotland, Prague, Vienna +) Cary Bazalgette – Freelance media specialist (ex Head of Education at BFI) Brian Bench – Headteacher at Hungerford School Paul Callaghan – Manager at Discover Stratford (ex manager at filmworkshop for 7 years Our office is based in a purpose built media studio in the playground of Hungerford School, the majority of our work takes place off site. The building has full disabled access.
