11963 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Bw Business Solutions (Uk)

bw business solutions (uk)



BWBS Education Consultants is a global leader in counselling and providing full application support to place international students into UK Universities. We are a British Council certified and UCAS registered Agency. We offer exercise international students access to unequalled quality of standards and the flexibility to select educational institutions in fulfilling their academic as well as career aspirations. Backed by a strong knowledge and skill base, we link education industry through a worldwide network of students and education providers. Majority of our consultants are former international students who experienced the difficulties and the opportunities UK higher education provides. They come from a variety of nationalities themselves and have been trained by our trusted university partners. Our head office is in London and we speak 20 different languages across our 15+ branch offices in 12 countries globally. All our consultants are expertly trained to give the best possible, free, accurate and impartial advice. BWBS represents 70+ UK higher education institutions. We have 98% visa success and 99.6% student satisfaction rate. In 2020, our website and social media platforms had a combined reach of over 17 million unique visitors. So that BWBS can continue to change the future of our prospective students and help them meet their dreams in 2021 and beyond, we welcomed nearly 50 new team members in 2020 in spite of the unprecedented challenges of Covid-19 pandemic. Our goal is to expand in existing as well as new markets by opening 50+ global branch offices by 2024.

Rigpa UK

rigpa uk


Rigpa Fellowship was founded in 1979 by Sogyal Rinpoche, a Buddhist teacher from Tibet, who was also the author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Rigpa has the gracious patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and each national Rigpa association has charitable and non-profit status. Meditation and Compassion through to traditional Buddhist studies Our courses and programmes share simple meditation techniques and methods for training in compassion, which have been developed over centuries, yet help us deal with the challenges of everyday life. Meditation and compassion have been shown to be beneficial in many different ways, including bringing peace of mind, tackling stress, depression and other mental health problems. They can also help us to develop more kindness and warm-heartedness for ourselves, our families and those around us. For those who wish to go deeper into studying and practising Buddhism, Rigpa also offers study and practice programs including courses in the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition of Tibet, a traditional study college (shedra) and short and long practice retreats (drupdra). Inviting teachers of all traditions A unique feature of Rigpa UK’s event programme is that it regularly hosts teachers of all Tibetan Buddhist traditions as well as Buddhist masters of other lineages, and teachers from different spiritual traditions. Such diversity is a continuation of the rimé or ‘non-sectarian’ approach, advocated by Sogyal Rinpoche’s master Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö who was an incarnation of one of the initiators of the Rimé movement—the great 19th century master Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. Rigpa UK Booking information: We do not store credit card details nor do we share financial details with any third parties. Event bookings can be cancelled and refunded up to 24 hours before the event.