626 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Auckland College

auckland college


Our specific mission is to: value the spiritual and moral development of each child, as well as their intellectual and physical growth enable children to be creative and to develop their own thinking At Auckland College we are dedicated to providing an education of the highest quality which motivates every pupil to reach their academic and personal potential. Our pupils thrive in a happy, safe and family atmosphere where warm relationships are fostered with each other and with teachers and staff, and between the school and our parents. We welcome and actively engage our parents as equal partners in their child’s education. We enjoy sharing and celebrating the range of activities and experiences on offer to our pupils, at the heart of which is our approach to individualised learning and enrichment. By encouraging a positive attitude towards learning, our children enjoy coming to school, and so acquire a basis for lifelong learning and the ability to succeed throughout their lives. We teach a rich and varied curriculum which reflects the individual needs of our pupils and have a team of dedicated, committed and enthusiastic staff who encourage pupils to reach their full potential, and celebrate their success during their journey. We cherish the uniqueness of our school by developing the enriching experiences on offer, and always keeping the needs of our children, and parents, at the heart of everything we do. Our parents welcome and appreciate the wrap around childcare that is provided at Auckland College, where the cost of breakfast club, after school club and holiday clubs are fully inclusive of the school fees. We are delighted to announce that we are now an Outstanding school deemed by Ofsted, an accolade that we feel is fully deserved in recognition of the hard work and dedication of the Directors, staff, parents and of course the students of Auckland College.

Rigpa UK

rigpa uk


Rigpa Fellowship was founded in 1979 by Sogyal Rinpoche, a Buddhist teacher from Tibet, who was also the author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Rigpa has the gracious patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and each national Rigpa association has charitable and non-profit status. Meditation and Compassion through to traditional Buddhist studies Our courses and programmes share simple meditation techniques and methods for training in compassion, which have been developed over centuries, yet help us deal with the challenges of everyday life. Meditation and compassion have been shown to be beneficial in many different ways, including bringing peace of mind, tackling stress, depression and other mental health problems. They can also help us to develop more kindness and warm-heartedness for ourselves, our families and those around us. For those who wish to go deeper into studying and practising Buddhism, Rigpa also offers study and practice programs including courses in the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition of Tibet, a traditional study college (shedra) and short and long practice retreats (drupdra). Inviting teachers of all traditions A unique feature of Rigpa UK’s event programme is that it regularly hosts teachers of all Tibetan Buddhist traditions as well as Buddhist masters of other lineages, and teachers from different spiritual traditions. Such diversity is a continuation of the rimé or ‘non-sectarian’ approach, advocated by Sogyal Rinpoche’s master Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö who was an incarnation of one of the initiators of the Rimé movement—the great 19th century master Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. Rigpa UK Booking information: We do not store credit card details nor do we share financial details with any third parties. Event bookings can be cancelled and refunded up to 24 hours before the event.

Southgate Islamic Centre

southgate islamic centre


Southgate Mosque was founded in 2021 as a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing prayer facilities to the local Muslim community. Southgate Mosque and Community Centre Ltd is a Registered Charity in England and Wales with charity number 1201327. We opened the doors to the Alan Pullinger Centre in Southgate for Jumuah prayers in November 2021. Within a few weeks, numbers had grown through word of mouth, and less than a year later, we were at full capacity. Our community Iftar event during Ramadan was over-subscribed, and over 400 people attended Eid-ul-Adha prayers in Groveland’s Park. There is a growing Muslim community in Southgate and surrounding areas (Oakwood and Cockfosters) made up of a varied demographic, ethnic and socio-economic population that makes an essential contribution to the fabric of the area. Our social, spiritual and educational needs continue to grow and hence the urgent need for a mosque in the area. We now have a unique opportunity to acquire a truly spectacular building set within its own extensive 3 acres of grounds in the heart of Southgate. The building itself is Grade II listed and is of special interest to English Heritage. If we were to succeed in establishing our centre here, we would be able ensure that in addition to meeting the current needs of local Muslims, we would be restoring a valuable asset within the local area, and would secure a legacy for generations to come. This project will not be easy and will take time, however it will only be possible with the support and contributions of the local community. We therefore appeal to you to donate generously and help us in whatever way you can to secure a unique legacy in Southgate for both Muslims and the wider community.



For years I was a PA for small and large companies but always had a passion for Yoga and other fitness concepts, however I always came back to Yoga. I have suffered with sciatica and I also have Spondylolisthesis and was referred to a physiotherapist. My condition was treated and Pilates was recommended. I noticed that my posture was misaligned, due to age, sitting down for long periods of time and generally bad habits. After sessions with a chiropractor and physiotherapist because I was suffering with headaches, I discovered I had Spondylolisthesis in my lumbar spine and arthritis in my cervical spine. I had not at that time experienced any real pain and because I was practising Pilates and Yoga regularly I was doing what I needed to. I know what can aggravate it and avoid back bends which I also have experienced sciatica which is painful and debilitating and can be a bi-product of spondy. Both of these conditions are painful and Spondylolisthesis can be progressive and would need an operation is I got to Level 3. Since I was diagnosed in 2010 at Level 1-2 I have not experienced any problems and hope by putting in the work with Pilates and Yoga I can keep an operation at bay!!! I started my training for my own personal reasons however, because the benefits are huge, I decided to start teaching and haven't looked back. My posture has improved immensely and I am aware that Yoga and Pilates is a lifetime improvement programme, one tried and tested over the years. I completed my Yoga 200 hour alliance training with FRYOG, their motto is "Friendly yoga with a smile". I particularly enjoyed learning the philosophy and history of yoga and enjoyed reading and studying the spiritual texts, and have benefitted hugely in my life practising pranayama and meditation.

The Insight Institute

the insight institute


I work as a wellbeing coach and specialist autism support worker guiding, supporting and empowering the people I work with to live the best lives they can. I aim to be a a catalyst in individuals transformation, ushering souls towards their fullest potential and most authentic and integrated versions of self. I believe that every person has the potential to actualise a life with wellbeing, purpose and deep meaning at the forefront; with the right resources, support and self-belief anything is possible. My Integrative Wellbeing Coaching approach comes from a belief that a holistic approach to wellbeing through combining physical, emotional and spiritual well-being is vital to improved long-term wellbeing. I am a 500hr qualified yoga and meditation instructor, with a passion for spirituality and related practices. I have worked in various settings that inform how I work. My work with the charity S.A.N.E on a mental health helpline and W.I.S.H (women in secure hospitals) gave me a deep understanding of lived experiences of mental health. My time in various community settings both in youth and adult services offering support and wellbeing services, has developed my awareness of the factors from our childhood and youth as well as socio-economic and environmental factors that inform the adults we become. In recent year my interest has been in working with individuals and groups to get deeper into the work of creating transformation in their hearts and lives. My practice is informed by my own journey through mental health challenges and addiction recovery. Its my lived experience that gives me a genuine compassion, directness and approachability. Alongside my wellbeing work I work as a Specialist Autism Support Worker with the National Autistic Society. I am passionate about working with the unique strengths and challenges of neuro-diversity, having pursued a late diagnosis of ASD myself in 2017.

The ReWild by Dani Hiro

the rewild by dani hiro

Dani was born and raised in the metropolitan city of São Paulo, Brazil where she resided for 18 years. In this bustling city, she explored dance, acting, bodyworks, music, and spirituality from a young age with the encouragement of her parents who are also deeply connected to spirituality and the arts. Being from a mixed-race of Asian and European backgrounds Dani always felt she was neither Japanese enough to belong in the Asian communities in her own country and was always regarded as 'the Japanese girl' in the 'non-Asian' groups in school. This outcast dilemma led her to dive deeper into Yoga and individuality where she learned to accept herself and also follow her own calling to explore the world. At 18 she moved to Dublin which became her home base from travels around the globe and the city where she first established herself as a Yoga teacher and Spiritual facilitator. Over the years Dani explored the world to learn the many different ways we can connect to each other and the Spirit. She believes that in order to find freedom and flow in life we must ReWild ourselves to our original state by connecting to the Spirit - our source of Wildness and Inner Knowing. By caring for our bodies, minds, and spirit with the support of a safe, diverse and sacred community we can not only ReWild our inner worlds into a healthier state but also ReWild the world we live into its natural state of flow and interconnection with all its living beings. Dani can be found deep into books, foraging in the wild, skinny dipping, pilgrimaging across the Earth, sharing music, and making people laugh at her silliness. She hopes The ReWild to be a welcoming, diverse and sacred community where together we can help each other to find freedom in our own nature.

Wioletta Diamondhear

wioletta diamondhear


I am Wioletta Diamondheart , my yogic name is “Jai Dev Karam Kaur”. I am enthusiastic, dynamic, uplifting and inspiring Kundalini Yoga & Meditation level 1 & 2 teacher, Kundalini Yoga for Conscious Pregnancy and Shakti Dance Instruktor, Member of KYTA, IKYTA, SDTA and Holistic Therapist. My journey is long and rocky with an amazing views and experiences that I share from my heart with those that are wanting to love their lives fully. “She is passionate about helping the others achieve mental, physical, spiritual balance and to live in The Light, in The Truth, In Sat Nam. Wioletta is dynamic and passionate about life and its transformations. Her energy and enthusiasm for the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as thought by – Yogi Bhajan is deeply motivating and encouraging.” She teaches from the heart and from her own experience. She directs her classes to inspire the students, to enable each participant to catch the glimpse of their own true self and find The Master within. About Wioletta looks to bring the essence of everyday life into her classes, sharing Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations that are relevant to the changes we face in the world, so we are able to withstand the pressure of times, live in joy and find peace within. Her passion for life, people and commitment to serve others creates a high vibrational sacred space for healing and transformation to occur in a safe space. ” I am also Holistic & Ayurvedic Therapist, Enthusiastic Traveller & Life Coach. My Mission is to Bring out The Master Within each student, participant, client. I Runs Woman Circles & Ceremonies in Red Tents, as I believe in creative power and love of The Goddess, of The Mother, of the Creation. I Offer help and support during Fasting and Detoxing.

Sarah Savage Yoga

sarah savage yoga

I started practicing yoga in my early twenties with a vague but niggling sense of wanting to do something to soothe a stiff body and an anxious, overactive mind. I’d always done a lot of sport but considered myself inflexible. I’d never really had any kind of spiritual practice. I remember that first, strange and captivating savasana in the chilly scout’s hut - a door had opened. Yoga has been a portal to discovery ever since. As a teacher, my aim is to guide students in exploring all that their bodies know. I believe that through kind attention and the magic of motion we can start to feel into new areas, release unhelpful patterns and find a greater sense of joy, freedom and connection that ripples into all aspects of our lives. For me, this is the magic of yoga and why I am so passionate about my own practice and sharing it with others. I share embodied, heart-led practices of movement, breath and meditation. I offer a space for you to move without rules and without rushing, a space for self-expression and to feel what is waiting to be felt. Informing my teaching style is an interest in neuroplasticity, heart and body intelligence, functional movement, trauma and mindfulness teachings. You can take a look at some of my inspiration here. I love feeling hot sun on my skin, peanut butter and jam in my porridge, and spotting cute dogs in the park with my partner, Tommy. I completed my 250 hour Yoga Alliance Professionals teacher training with Stretch in 2019, with Carl Faure and Calli Popham. I am also a qualified pre- and post-natal yoga teacher having completed an intensive training with Stretch in 2021.

Creative Lab Academy

creative lab academy


The Creative Lab Academy is based in the UK and is an innovative global education provider that trains, equips, up-skills and mentors musicians and Creatives within the local church worldwide. All our training, teaching and expertise in face-to-face and online delivery enables us to write and develop bespoke curriculums in Worship Music and the Creative industries for students from all walks of life, all abilities and from all countries. Our primary focus is Worship Music and Creative students attending or serving in local churches in developing countries who are not in a position to access highly specialised education. We help students explore and develop artistic and Creative talents for personal, ministerial, entrepreneurial and academic enhancements. All courses are bespoke and reflect the values and expectations of industry practice and mainstream education. We seek to prepare students to enrich and enhance worship through Music and the Creative Arts in the local church whilst being prepared for access to the global Creative sector. The Creative Lab exists to train, equip and up-skill a generation of Worship leaders, musicians and Creative industry practitioners Background to the Creative Lab Academy We believe that there is power in Creatives to build and edify the church. We want to see the most amazing fruit of creativity in every church, leader and worshipper. We want to work with others to create skilled workmanship, beautiful worship, art and music. We believe that the church can connect with a lost world through creativity and to undertake projects that resource the Kingdom. Worship changes cities and nations and to train Creatives through spiritual principles will equip them as they seek to serve and expand His Kingdom. Creativity, Worship and the presence of God are intertwined and the significance of this embedded within the DNA of all that we do

Valley College

valley college


A very warm welcome to Valley College, situated on Ewood Campus. I am delighted to be Head of Valley College , an educational environment which is focused on its mission statement 'Preparation for Adulthood, Citizenship and Employment' (PACE). It is so important to ensure all learners gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives, and become informed, active and responsible citizens in society. Having been appointed as Head of Valley College and Ewood Campus in September 2021, I would like to share some information about the provision for Valley College learners. Valley College learners are supported by skilled and familiar staff and alongside their advocates, create a bespoke individualised pathway to ensure future aspirations are achieved. Learners are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of the college and their communities. Learners have the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing into adulthood. Within Valley College, learners are able to develop new skills and access the community, and sessions are focused on preparing learners for adult life. Valley College ensures all learners leave with relevant qualifications (if appropriate) and gain their desired aspiration destination. We work together with our learners to increase their independence, so they can take more control over their lives. Valley College is a friendly place where learners can develop interests and gradually gain the skills and confidence they need to move on to the next stage of their lives, preparing them for adulthood, citizenship and employability.