589 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Ninelands Primary School

ninelands primary school


If you're moving into Leeds or want to change schools in Leeds, you need to make a school transfer – often called an in-year application. Moving schools can be a difficult experience for a child. You should always speak to your child's current school before trying to move to see what support they can offer you How to apply for an in-year place We are part of the Leeds coordinated in-year application scheme. This means you can apply for a place online using the Leeds in-year application form at Before you move schools (leeds.gov.uk). You can apply for places at our school and most other Leeds schools at the same time on this form. If you have moved house, please upload evidence of the house move with the online application. You can find out what you need to provide on the above website. We have to offer places by applying our admission policy criteria to your child’s application and we will contact you with our decision about offering you a place. We will tell you our decision no later than 15 school days from when you apply. If we cannot offer you a place, we will write to you to explain the reasons, explain how you can appeal and add your child to our waiting list in case a place becomes free. Our waiting lists are kept until end of each school year. You will need to make a new application if you want to be on the waiting list for the following school year. Appeals If you are not offered a place at the school you requested, you will have the right of appeal. The appeal panel is independent of the school and council and the decision is legally binding. Before you appeal you: should accept any place that you have been offered in case your appeal is not successful should think about why you are appealing and check if it's likely to be successful could read the advice for appealing school places on GOV.UK could get independent advice on making an appeal from a charity Leeds City Council arranges our appeals and you can find the appeal form at School appeals (leeds.gov.uk) If you are applying for a Reception place for September 2023, you need to submit your appeal form by the above deadline to ensure the appeal will be heard before the summer holidays. Appeals for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 – these classes are limited to 30 pupils per teacher by law. This means that appeals for these places are less likely to be successful. If our school refuses your child a place because of this limit and you want to appeal, you will need to make an infant class size appeal. You can see if your reasons are likely to be successful by reading the Department for Education's information about infant class size appeals. Other appeals - You can appeal because you want your child to attend a particular school. These are successful if the panel agree that the reasons for your appeal outweigh the school's decision not to admit any more children. Wanting your child to go to a school because you think it is the best one in the area is not likely to convince the panel that your child should get a place there Look at the Leeds City Council school admissions video Ninelands Primary School Admissions Policy 2022/2023 Admissions Policy Appendix A - Map of catchment area Admissions Policy Appendiz B - Local Authority supplementary application form 1a Admissions Policy Appendix C - Local Authority supplementaty application form 1b Nursery Application Form 2021/2023 Nursey Application Form 2023/2025 Nursery Admissions Policy 2021/2023 Nursery Admissions Policy 2023/2025

iStudy UK

istudy uk

We understand more than anyone how important it is for you to get the right qualifications at the right time. We also understand that when you have a lot to do, you might not always have the time free to go to a place of study. That is why we created this site, so you can take all the time you need to learn more about your chosen topics as well as be able to do the whole thing from home. We believe in empowering people by offering them opportunities to expand and extend their knowledge and skill set as well as giving them the support they need to achieve great things. With thousands of courses available and a team who will do just about anything to help you, it is safe to say that you will not find a better course provider on the internet and so we would love to work with you to make sure that you get the best experience and best results out of your education. WHAT WE DO Here at iStudy we provide a range of online training courses for those who want to gain new skills, and qualifications and update their knowledge. iStudy training courses are delivered entirely online through our sophisticated student learning portal. The student learning portal is an online learning management system that allows students to study for their courses online. This innovative technology means there is no need to attend any classes or take time off work to study. Professionally accredited courses All our courses are delivered in partnership with nationally recognised awarding bodies so be assured that what you learn with us matters when it comes to achieving your career goals. Study that suits you You do not have to give up your job or your life to get a new qualification, you can learn anytime, anywhere.

West Coventry Academy

west coventry academy


In practice, this means that we expect students, staff, parents and governors to model these core values. Student Expectations Respectful Students show respect for themselves, their peers, staff and the community. Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Listen and respect other people’s views Have respect for the school site and learning environment Have a healthy, active and proactive lifestyle, with self-respect and self-discipline Recognition that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Students are responsible for their own behaviour and their consequences. Students are responsible for their own learning Students are responsible for wearing the correct uniform, bringing the correct books and equipment to school. Students are responsible to complete their work (including homework) Students are responsible to attend/complete any sanctions issued due to inappropriate behaviour or missed work. Students are responsible to report any inappropriate behaviour to an appropriate adult Resilient Students become more resilient when they realise that it is important to make mistakes and learn from them When finding work difficult, students should not just give up Re-read the work, look at previous work, have another go! Only ask for help when the above has been done Have high expectations of yourself Learn from experiences, in order to become stronger and better at tackling the next challenge Ready to Learn Students attend school in correct uniform, on time and with the correct equipment books Be punctual for all lessons, enter rooms calmly, take out equipment and start the Do Now in silence Make sure all home and prior learning tasks have been completed Have the right attitude to learn and actively engage in lessons Staff Expectations Respectful Staff model respectful behaviour to promote a culture of mutual respect Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Feedback on work respectfully, showing students that their work and effort has been valued. Show respect through being fair and consistent when dealing with students Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Staff are responsible for creating a positive and calm learning environment Teachers are responsible for delivering well planned and meaningful learning experiences Teachers understand the responsibility of their role as a tutor Staff understand the responsibility of working in a school Staff are responsible for modelling expectations Staff are responsible for challenging poor behaviour and uphold school policies consistently. Resilient Support the whole school community to build resilience Identify vulnerable students that may have barriers to learning, support them in reducing barriers and equip them with the skills to build their resilience Praise student’s efforts Teach students that we learn from make mistakes Be open and flexible to new initiatives Develop a Growth Mindset Ready to Learn Ensure lessons are well planned and have impact for all students Ensure you are punctual to lessons and greet the students in a positive way Ensure school rules are applied consistently and fairly Listen to student concerns and help students overcome barriers to learning Empower students to become independent learners Parent Expectations Respectful Promote respectful behaviour within their families Communicate with the school in a calm and respectful manner Respect that all school decisions they are made with best interests of the students Respect the school rules and explain to their child the importance of them Respect the importance of education and teach their child the value of it Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Parents are responsible for their child’s attendance and behaviour Parents are responsible to ensure their child is kept safe and well. Parents are responsible to ensure their child has the correct uniform and equipment. Parents are responsible for communicating with the school to flag any issues that may affect their child’s learning. Parents are responsible challenge poor behaviour and celebrate success Resilient Build up their child’s resilience through supporting them emotionally and helping them to show determination in the face of adversity Promote the importance of “Learning from mistakes” Demonstrate a positive attitude about education and their child Praise their child’s efforts and not just their academic achievements Ready to Learn Ensure their child attends school on time, in the correct uniform and with the right books/equipment Support their child with their learning Develop a partnership with the school Keep track of their child’s homework and behaviour by accessing classcharts regularly Encourage their child to read and to become an independent learner

Amalfi Corporate Solutions Uk

amalfi corporate solutions uk


Based in Surrey we are Automated Penetration Testing specialists, cyber security advisors, GDPR consultants, virtual DPO’s, cyber security awareness trainers, password management guru's, email security kings and offer the most flexible and cost effective IT support for SME's Automated penetration testing from Pcysys, Cycognito and Neuralegion overcomes the limitations of traditional periodic human based penetration testing thus improving and maintaining your security posture. We offer solutions for automated penetration testing of your infrastructure with Pcysys Pentera, your applications with Neuralegion and your Web Attack Surface/Shadow IT with Cycognito . In response to questions related to automated penetration testing a research VP at Gartner is quoted “I think we can risk saying Pen testing as it is today will cease to exist” We work with customers large and small Image British Film Institute Image Image Image Image Data Protection Officer - DPO Services Innovative program - from one day per month - no long term contract - makes having your own DPO affordable. Support Services With no complex on-boarding process we simply take on what you have and run with it. We don’t do ‘packages’ or introduce complexity, our contract is two pages, our price is fixed and our service is top drawer. Automated Penetration Testing Automated Penetration Testing – the bad guys never sleep. It is no longer enough to test once a year or rely on outdated technologies to detect weaknesses and attacks. AI and ML with real-time detection are now must have technologies. Email Security Health Check - FREE 30 seconds is all it takes for this Email Security Health Check and it is FREE. Works for in-house/cloud hosted/O365/GSuite. Test to see which of 17 email bourne threats get through your defences. Security Services From fully managed security awareness training programs and managed email protection systems which automate removal of malicious content to simple endpoint malware we cover the whole spectrum. DMARC - FREE email protection recommended by City of London Police and Global Cyber Alliance It is FREE and just needs to be configured and enabled. It helps protect against phishing, Business Email Compromise, Whaling and Spoofing as well as reducing SPAM Get a Personal Service IT support contracts get a personal service rather than a helpdesk Our range of services, enterprise in class but delivered at an SME price point, are designed to help you protect your data whilst not breaking the bank. Why Amalfitech For SMB and Enterprise Our solutions are tailored to the size of the company whether small, medium or large. Our small and mid-size business solutions are designed with costs and sustainability in mind, so you won’t get offered a low entry point and then get hit with high cost professional services. Everything is upfront, open and above all we are honest. Run by Techies Our customer facing staff are techies. The company is owned by techies. We don’t do high pressure sales. We just offer great advice and service. No Weekend Rates Is your current support company taking you offline during the working day to fix problems, or charging out of hours/weekend rates for services? Our fixed price unlimited, all-inclusive remote support packages have no extra charge for problem solving out of hours or at weekends. . IT Security Specialists and IT Support We are a GDPR and Data protection consultancy, IT security specialists and IT support company for small businesses. We are run by techies for the benefit of techies. Virtual CISO and DPO GDPR, PECR and Compliance Managed Security Internal Fraud Prevention Automated Penetration Testing Security Awareness Training IT Support and Maintenance Cloud Cost and Performance Optimisation The 'IT Sanity Check' for CEO's Image Image IT Solutions We provide new and creative solutions to difficult problems. Our goal is to help you through the minefield of rhetoric and marketing to make the best choice you can make, within your budget and that above all it works. Automated Penetration Testing Attacker and Insider threat Detection Email Phishing Testing, Prevention and Training Email and File Encryption Email/File/SharePoint Backup and Archiving VOIP Unified Endpoint Management OS and Application Containerisation Anti-Malware

Warrington Russian Language School Solnyshko

warrington russian language school solnyshko


It all began in June 2012, when a team of parents-enthusiasts set up a Russian speaking parent and toddler group, called “Solnyshko" (loosely translated as “Sunshine”). The aim of this group was to create a Russian speaking environment for their young children and help them in learning the Russian language. The parent and toddler group is aimed at children from 1 to 3 years and operates all year around, excluding school holidays. The sessions include the staples of singing, dancing, nursery rhymes, puppet shows, crafts and sensory activities for the younger ones, as well as themed sessions aimed at expanding vocabulary of a particular topic of the week, basic numeracy and knowledge of the alphabet. Following growing demand and in response to a number of requests, the Committee decided to open a Saturday school for teaching Russian language to older children in more depth. Thus, in September 2013 Warrington Russian Language School “Solnyshko” opened its doors to older children. The opening ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Warrington and accompanying dignitaries. "Solnyshko" has been expanding ever since and currently offers classes to children aged from 3 and 16 years. Classes are organised according to age and knowledge of the Russian language. The curriculum includes lessons of Russian language and literature, expanding vocabulary and music, preparing for Russian language GCSE exam. Our goal - creation of friendly Russian-speaking environment for children, helping them to learn the language, make friends and have fun. We are truly an international school, we unite people from different backgrounds and ethnic groups. The school holds regular “open lessons” and special children performances involving the school’s pupils, where parents have the opportunity to observe the development and success of their children. The Committee and school staff are tirelessly working on creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere in the school, which is important not only for children, but also helps adults to develop and maintain social ties and support each other. The school has a system of seeking parents feedback - in addition to regular parent surveys through written questionnaires, parents are invited to write their comments and suggestions and drop them in the “suggestion box”, located next to the entrance. They are also encouraged to ask questions or make suggestions at any time. The Committee is always glad to welcome new volunteers, who wish to join the management of the school. All school staff are DBS is checked. School teachers have appropriate pedagogical education and experience of working with children. Classes are held each Saturday from 9.30 to 11:50. From 12:00 a selection of clubs start. "Solnyshko" is a not-for-profit organisation, registered with Warrington Borough Council. Families, who have two or more children attending "Solnyshko" are eligible to discounts. Anyone, who is struggling to pay school fees, is encouraged to talk to the school’s Committee, where arrangements could be considered. *** Given the momentum and public support Warrington Russian Language School has received during its temporary closure on 12th of March 2022, we work closely with Warrington Borough Council on two matters: 1. On preventing bullying of kids with links to Russia or Russian language at this difficult time. 2. Working together helping Ukrainian refugees to quickly and successfully integrate into the community by providing translation/interpreting, advice and free lessons in our language school (English, Russian and Ukrainian), as well as access to art/painting, craft, music band, football and other activities in Russian language (as you know, most people in Ukraine can speak Russian language). We have a small database of local people (as well as our own teachers) willing to give their free time to teach various subjects and translate as necessary for the Ukrainian refugees. We also work closely with the community and can propose and host "tea and advice" meet up events in various locations. The temporary closure of our classes on 12th of March was very tough for everyone at Russian Language School "Solnyshko" (parents, pupils, teachers). We were so glad, however, to receive such overwhelming support from local community and happy it's behind us now. We look forward to even closer links to the wider community, St Wilfrids Primary School and Warrington Borough Council.

Wine Education Service Limited

wine education service limited


What makes our wine tastings, wine courses and wine tasting events special? Over 10,000 Satisfied Customers Great Tutors An Unparalleled Range of Courses Small Classes Flexible Booking Impartial Advice Satisfied Customers We have been running wine tastings and wine tasting courses in London for over 25 years, in Manchester for over 15 in Aberdeen and Birmingham for over 10 and in Belfast for 4. Over this time, we have created a following of over 10,000 satisfied customers. And today, over 60% of new customers book for our wine tastings and wine tasting courses on the personal recommendation of a friend or colleague. Great Tutors Our tutors are at the top of their profession. All are qualified to WSET Diploma level and are members of the UK Association of Wine Educators, the professional body for those who make their living in whole or in part from teaching about wine. Many are also members of the elite Circle of Wine Writers. All travel widely to keep their wine knowledge up to date. Skilled communicators, they know how to make wine tasting and learning about wine fun. An Unparalleled Range of Courses We were the first in the UK to offer a comprehensive range of wine tastings, wine tasting courses and wine tasting events designed primarily to appeal to wine consumers rather than aspiring members of the wine trade. In addition to weekly wine tastings in London, we organise over 30 introductory wine tasting courses a year in London and other UK cities, over 20 intermediate and advanced wine tasting courses and, for those with hectic weekday schedules, wine tasting workshops on Saturdays, when lunch is an integral part of the day. Although wine consumers still make up the majority of our customers, our London wine tastings and intermediate and advanced wine courses are growing in appeal to people studying for their wine trade qualifications, especially WSET Diploma and the prestigious, but for many, elusive Master of Wine qualification. Small Classes We know of some wine course providers who pack 30 people or more into a class. We think that’s way too many. In a class of that size, learning is more difficult, participation is inhibited and you never get to know the other people in the room. We limit bookings for our introductory, intermediate and advanced wine tasting courses and our Saturday wine tasting workshops to 16 people – much more sociable, much more fun. Flexible Booking Many people who sign up for our wine tasting courses on weekday evenings lead busy lives, working under pressure and travelling on business, often at short notice. We understand the problem. If you have to miss a course session, you may either send a substitute or pick up that session on a subsequent course. Just let us know and we will make the arrangements. We make no charge for this and set no time limit! Impartial Advice Many wine tastings and wine tasting courses are run by wine merchants. Nothing wrong with that. It’s a great way to get potential customers into their stores and promote sales of their wines. We are not wine merchants. We don’t sell wine. We are not paid by any wine merchant to promote their wines. So, at our wine tastings and on our wine courses, you will never come under any pressure to buy wine. The wines we select for you to taste are intended to illustrate the main points of the wine course session or the theme of the wine tasting. We hope you will enjoy most of the wines we give you to taste but don’t necessarily expect you to enjoy them all. Your course tutor will help you to understand what makes a wine enjoyable. But he or she will also tell you if a wine is too young, too old, too acidic, too alcoholic or just plain faulty. Just imagine a wine merchant doing that! Wherever possible, we buy the wines we give you to taste from local retail outlets. We will tell you where we bought them and how much we paid. So, if you like a particular wine, you can shop for more with confidence and without difficulty.

Gianpietro Pucciariello

gianpietro pucciariello

"Photography is a tool to give voice to the voiceless and to give light to shadows within ourselves and in society“ Hello, my name is Gianpietro Pucciariello and I am an Italian visual storyteller and participatory facilitator based in London. My main work focuses on pushing the boundaries between social impact, dialogue and human conditions. This means that I work following ethical conduct to bring dignity and hope to people's faces and lives. Through my work, I want to celebrate, using empathy, respect but also playfulness, the beauty of the human soul along with its daily struggles and vulnerabilities. I use photography as a medium and a tool to give a voice to marginalised communities and organisations that want to address social and environmental issues in the places they operate by telling stories that mainstream media formats do not often tell, to encourage critical consciousness and influence policy. To do this I usually combine four themes, 1) Human beings, 2) places, 3) food 4) actions for impact, and five elements 1) focused questions, 2) metaphors, 3) storytelling, 4) Participation 5) Action-Driven Challenges. I grew up in the Lake Como area, where I got used to beauty already at an early age, in a family that, despite not being particularly affluent, provided me with a rich and safe place for growing my never-ending curiosity and learning, the value of an authentic soul, and the fundamental importance of social justice. I was lucky enough to have my mother, a kindergarten teacher, leading me by example with playfulness, self-expression and empathy and my father, working for the Italian railways, sustaining my development with strict rules and pushing my need for achievements, but always supporting my learnings with travels and books. I grew up as a really serious and introverted child - many people wouldn't believe so, as I developed more into a shy extroverted character through the years - with a huge inner world and having difficulties expanding outside in words. This is how I first discovered art and particularly photography. What I liked about taking pictures was mainly the idea of using an organic process for self-expression and for absorbing, summarising, explaining and creating knowledge around the social and environmental causes I cared for, and I was involved in since my teenage years. My need for expression became even more evident when my father was diagnosed with a rare neurodegenerative disease in 2003, after 5 years of unusual emotional outbursts, apathy and depression, tremors and personality changes. I put myself more and more on the front line of volunteering in the communities I was part of, and I focus my University Studies on the social sector and welfare, but at the same time, it became even more difficult for me to communicate my inner feelings on the outside. Despite this difficulty, I'm glad I took Economics as a Major subject. This gave me the chance to reflect and work deeply on human behaviour, motivational science, mental models of choice and root causes of oppression. Though, Economics gave me fewer opportunities to express my artistic side. I moved to London in my late twenties, and after a few years, I got stuck between a career I felt detached from, and together with my family situation, I got into a period of severe anxiety and inner chaos. One evening in October 2012 thought, returning from work, I found a leaflet about a course in photojournalism with the City & Guild in Tower Hamlets. That's how my journey in photography restarted. With and through photography, I restarted again to explore in deep the world around me, the condition of human beings and the causes I cared about. Even more important, I rediscovered myself, and my artistic skills, and boosted my self-confidence. Without rediscovering photography I wouldn't have gone back to practice facilitation and I wouldn't discover and loved other practices I work with right now, like coaching, social impact and innovation consulting. Without photography, I would have never become an entrepreneur and I wouldn't have nurtured other creative skills, like sketch noting & doodling. Photography helped me meet inspiring human beings that became friends, mentors, and some of the most important people in my life. That night in 2012 I drew a line in my life with a simple decision. I strongly believe that photography is one of the best ways we have to discover ourselves and the world around us, focusing on the present moment, one shot at a time. This is why I want to support you in using photography differently.

Institute of Computer Training Academy

institute of computer training academy

INSTITUTE of COMPUTER TRAINING ACADEMY (ICTA) is a national program of information technology education and development. ICTA Registered as Autonomous Body,under Govt of West Bengal based on central govt TR act,1882, Govt of India. ICTA Registered under Trade Mark Registry Act,1999, Govt of India. Registered under MHRD (CR Act), Govt of India. ICTA An ISO 9001-2015 Certified autonomous body. ICTA Registered under Department of Labour Govt of NCT (Delhi). ICTA Faculty ICTA Faculty are full time, qualified and friendly professional, always there to guide the students, specially trained to understand students psychology, internalise the knowledge uniformly and put accords difficult to understand concept with ease, thus making students learning ventures smooth and easy. The whole training time is equally divided into theory and practical sessions. A part from regular computer times. Student are allowed to utilize unlimited machine time to exercise their minds, boots their creativity and increase their level of curiosity. This build up there self confidence, allow them to explore the wide horizon of computer and gradually shapes them into confident professional. LIBRARY INFRASTRUCTURE The ICTA center have a huge stock library with a collection of around 500 volume comprising functional programming, parallel processing system database management system, client server computing, Network, operating system, multimedia, object oriented programming etc. COMPUTER LAB ICTA Center have a good computer lab.The computer lab contains high configuration computer networked with Wi-Fi. THE PLACEMENT CELL The placement cell of ICTA is responsible for coordinating the placement activities of the students of the institute. A placement coordinator from the faculty heads the placement cell with committee members representing the students. Almost all the placement activities are organized and coordinated by the students under the able guidance of faculty. PLACEMENT PROCESS An early information of the intended schedule would facility arrival at mutually convenient date. The company may deliver pre placement talk either earlier or before the campus requirements program itself. At the campus the company may conduct a written test and or interview etc. Job offer or response may be routed only through the placement coordinator. In some cases if a company wishes to conduct off campus requirements as well, they may provide the travelling allowance for such outstation selection. REGISTRATION PROCESS To get registered, students have to fill the application form provided along with information brochure. Student can buy the information brochure from any of our ICTA Authorize center. The registered center of ICTA name and code are mentioned in the Applications form. DOCUMENTS OF STUDENTS REGISTRATION Two recent passport size photo. Self attested copy of last educational qualification. Caste certificate (if sc/st/obc). COURSE STRUCTURE ICTA Course can be classified by Certificate Course. Diploma Course. Advanced Diploma Course. Vocational Course. ELEGIBILITY OF CERTIFICATE COURSE All certificate course students have must qualified class viii passed. ELEGIBILITY OF DIPLOMA COURSE All Diploma Course students have must qualified class X. ELEGIBILITY OF ADVANCED DIPLOMA COURSE All Advanced Diploma Course students have must qualified x+. EXAMINATION AND RESULTS The minimum qualifying marks for course are as follows. Practical 50 Theory 50 TOTAL. 100 Percentage Grade 80% A+ 70%-80% A 60%-70% B+ 50%-60% B 40%-50% C RE-EXAMINATION PROCESS A student at least 40%marks in each semester to qualify the exam. A students who does not clear the examination in one sitting will be allowed to re appear in the failed exam. Students failling to appear in the re examination with in the specific period of time shall not be entitled for the certificate or for further re examination.such students are to go through the complete registration procedure to get a re admission. EXAMINATION SYSTEM ICTA has only allowed OFFLINE examination system. EXAMINATION PROCEDUR The declear of exam date then students are filled by exam form our ICTA Register center and paid his/her exam fees. The pattern of questions will be the OBJECTIVE TYPES. The details of examination (date,time)will be announced by website notice board. The duration of examination will be of 1hour. Theory exam will comparison of 50 questions of 1marks and no negative marking.practical exam will carry total 50marks. STUDENT BENEFITS Quality education provide at very affordable charge. Off-line exam at your home center who is registered our Organization. Global accepted certificate after the complete of course. OUR AFFILIATION Registered as autonomous body, under Govt of west Bengal based on central Govt TR act,1882,Govt of India. Registered under trade mark registry act,1999, Govt of India. Registered under MHRD (CR Act), Govt of India. An iso 9001-2015 certified autonomous body. Registered under department of labor Govt of NCT(New Delhi). Registered under MSME(Govt of India). AFFILIATION PROSES Rules of our ICTA Authorize Centre. If any person's are interested to ICTA franchises, so the following rules are maintained You must have 5-10 computers. 1 theory and 1 practical rooms. 2 Bathrooms are required must .ladies and gents. Minimum theory rooms 200sqft. and practical rooms must be 200sqft. Must have internet connection. Good faculty. Good Electricity. Timings Maintenance. WHAT YOU WILL GET? Agreement paper. ICTA Authorized certificate. Student Registration form. Details of institute our official website www.ictaindia.com Flex 6*3 size. Sample Certificate Marksheet.