57991 Educators providing Courses delivered Online



At Brawd we live life to the full through the body, adventure and mind. Brawd was born on the South Coast of Wales in 2013 on Barry Island Beach in the Vale of Glamorgan. Brawd is Welsh for brother as we're one big happy fit & healthy family. Our expert team of coaches have a unique approach that centres around you getting stronger and fitter, but most importantly you MUST have FUN doing it! In fact we absolutely insist on camaraderie, laughter & leaving your ego at the door - this is what sets Brawd apart from the rest. It's health and fitness for real people with jobs, assignments, kids, and other responsibilities. ALL of our images are of our clients past or present. We refuse to use images of fitness models. We had a humble start running bootcamps on the beach of Barry Island in the depth of winter which we still run today and they've only gotten better and better! Training in the wild & running bootcamps on the beaches made up a pillar of what makes Brawd then and it still does now in our DNA but we've now expanded and began to offer so much more to our clients! Our HQ in the heart of Barry is a former Train Engine Repair Shed which we've transformed into an action packed facility with all the fitness toys you could ever want for our sprawling supportive community of adventurers & friends. The other part of what we do is Adventure, particularly using Stand Up Paddleboards! We've also been doing this since 2013 and have run adventure trips to the wilds of Scotland,  Cornwall and Europe! So if you want to experience something different and become part of a community that truly believes in using Fitness and Adventure to get the best out of you and your life, then just get in touch... we promise you won't look back. Lloydy - Brawd Founder

Early Intervention Aberdeen

early intervention aberdeen


Lara Goldie is a dedicated and passionate Speech and Language Therapist and mother to 4 young children. She has a BS in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, and a Master's Degree in Communication Disorders and she is fully certified in the United Kingdom and the United States (CCC-SLP, MRCSLT, and HCPC-cert) and has 12 years of post graduate experience. Lara has worked in a variety of settings including Early Intervention, hospitals, Schools and voice clinics. She is skilled at treating a wide range of speech, language and voice disorders. Lara has worked extremely hard in her education and training in order to understand communication difficulties and to know the most efficient way to treat them. She is committed to providing current, research-based, and effective treatment and it brings great satisfaction for her to be a part of someone's journey to improve. linda Linda Lumsden is a local business woman and mother to 4 children, she became one of the United Kingdom’s youngest entrepreneurs, at the age of 18 with the assistance of the Princes Scottish youth business trust. She has owned and operated her businesses for over 21 years. In the late 1990s - early 2000s, She was one of three entrepreneurs involved in a Scottish government initiative “Think Business” which was part of the secondary education curriculum to inspire the next generation of Scottish entrepreneurs. Linda has a BA (Hons) degree in Law and Management and various SVQs and HND units in Business, Law and Childcare, She recently completed a Post Graduate certificate in Autism and Practice and is currently in her final year studying a Masters in Education at The University of Aberdeen. Her final research project is focussed on Pathalogical Demand Avoidance (PDA). Linda was deprived of schooling at the age of 14, when she was failed by the education system. She also has vast experience navigating the local authorities social care system following her brothers aquired brain damage. One of Lindas sons is twice exceptional and has an Autism Spectrum Condition diagnosis. His progress since working with Lara at the age of two has been phenomenal. The lack of funded support and services offered to improve the life chances of neurodivergent children, particulary those considered to be at the high functioning end of the spectrum, has given her the determination to help empower other families in similar circumstances. amanda Amanda Nicolson is a dedicated and passionate Social Care Professional with substantial experience at senior management level and comes with a proven track record managing large services and staff teams. Amanda started her career in care homes for the elderly as a Carer. She also has vast experience working with various vulnerable groups including children and adults with learning disabilities, the elderly and those with mental health challenges. Amanda is passionate about quality service provision, social justice and meaningful inclusion. Amanda met Linda while they were both studying at university. They both believe that everyone can flourish if they are given the support and resources to access the same opportunities that many of us can take for granted. Amanda has a BA (Hons) degree in Law and Management where she opted for modules that were relevant to her work experience including Child Care Law. She also has various SVQs and HND units in Business, Law, Health and Social Care. Amanda is currently studying several courses covering health and wellbeing topics at the Open University. Michelle Blake is a self-employed neurodivergent counsellor/coach with extensive experience working with neurodiversity. Michelle has lived experience of being both Autistic and ADHD as well as having children who are Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic, and hearing impaired as well as a deep theoretical understanding of both ASD and ADHD. Michelle’s professional background includes working as a counsellor/coach primarily within educational settings specifically working with students who are neurodivergent. In 2013 she co-founded a Social Enterprise Company specialising in delivering Ecotherapy projects outdoors, supporting neurodivergent clients to access green space. The projects developed through Michelle’s love of research when she identified that ‘those who are more active in natural spaces have a greater sense of wellbeing and have lower rates of depression and anxiety (www.mind.org.uk/ecominds). All her work centres around her core passion for supporting and advocating on behalf of neurodivergent individuals and their right to be included. Michelle has an Honours Degree in Person-Centred Counselling as well as being a qualified Clinical Supervisor and is BACP registered. She has recently completed her PG Cert in Autism and Learning at the University of Aberdeen and is currently completing her PG Cert in ADHD and Neurodevelopmental Conditions. Once finished Michelle plans to complete her Master’s degree with a research project on Autism and ADHD

Pudsey Grangefield School

pudsey grangefield school

Overview Welcome from the Headteacher Equality Objectives Governors Promoting British Values Prospectus Values and Ethos Our History About Us Pudsey Grammar School is a heavily oversubscribed mixed comprehensive secondary school located in the heart of Pudsey. Distance shot - school building (Small) The school has over 1200 students with a thriving Sixth Form of 180 students, all taught in a state of the art building. The innovative and unique design of the building creates a calm atmosphere, very different to that of many secondary schools. The school has a long tradition in the town being established in 1905. It met in the town hall until the first purpose-built school known as Pudsey and District Secondary and Technical School was opened in 1911. The school subsequently became known as Pudsey Grammar School. Although the school is taught in a state of the art building, our core values are highly traditional based on the goal of ensuring that every student reaches their true potential. Our school is not just about the students gaining knowledge and qualifications although these are extremely important. We believe in teaching young people core values of decency, social skills and how to be a good citizen in an ever changing world. We want their character to develop and grow and for them to leave us with an inquiring and independent mind. We want our students to gain the best qualifications they are capable of whilst experiencing a range of opportunities which are second to none. As a result, the school is extremely popular with our community and is significantly over-subscribed every year. Our Sixth Form has grown in recent years and we now have 180 post-16 students studying at Pudsey Grammar. This allows us to run a range of courses and provides our staff with valuable experience teaching subjects at this level. Our staff are exceptional in their dedication and commitment to the students. Relationships in the school are extremely strong and this underpins the ethos of the school. We have an excellent pastoral system with a team of dedicated staff who provide support to our students in a number of ways. We have Form Time every morning. This provides every student with a teacher who can support them every single day. In addition to this we have a non-teaching Year Leader for each year group who works closely with students, parents and staff to provide further support and guidance. Teaching and learning is the key focus of the organisation and everything that we do is designed to ensure that the classroom experience for the students is excellent. We pride ourselves in the fantastic support and professional development that we offer to staff which ensures that they are equipped with all the necessary skills to deliver excellent lessons to the students on a daily basis. We have an excellent record in preparing our students with the necessary skills to allow them to go on to their chosen career paths. We have well established links with universities and encourage students from an early age to consider going to university. We also hold information evening for parents regarding the benefits of sending a young person to university if it is the right path for them. As direct result of this is that we sent 24% of our Year 13 students to the prestigious Russell Group of universities. We also have strong links with local colleges and employers which ensures that our students are extremely well prepared for their chosen career paths when they leave. The school is also a Foundation Trust school and our partners include global companies such as HSBC bank, the IT company RM, Warwick University which is member of the Russell Group of UK universities, alongside leading local business and training providers Appris and the Place group. The school has already felt the benefit of these links with many staff completing MAs through Warwick University. We will be further developing the work of the Trust over the next year so that more staff and students experience the benefits of these excellent links. Pudsey Grammar School has a long and proud history of being a school at the heart of the local community, providing an education which has allowed our students to leave not only with excellent qualifications but also fully equipped and prepared to realise their aspirations in the next phase of their lives. Mark McKelvie B.Eng. Headteacher, Pudsey Grammar School

Minerva Consulting Services

minerva consulting services


The VUCA environment demands that dispersed organizations are agile – able to focus, organize and engage people efficiently and effectively as the operating context changes. Covid-19, resilience and business continuity demands the same. Beyond the C-19 pandemic; employees will expect more choice in how they work; regular remote working will become the norm, and Artificial Intelligence will soon make many current jobs redundant. Agility requires collective leadership capability – an adaptable, durable enterprise approach to leading and leadership which develops, executes and evolves strategy in the face of changing context and unexpected progress while pursuing change, transformation, innovation and business performance improvement. Agility requires the creation of 'directional clarity' and 'emotional engagement' on a dynamic basis; this is harder to do in dispersed and remote working conditions. Yet remote working can enable greater participation and collaboration as perceived hierarchical power is eliminated when everyone is a '2 inch box on a screen', and leaders are forced to trust their people more than they have done. This increases people's feelings of 'psychological safety' which is an essential pre-condition for learning and changes to ways of working. Distributed leaders in a team of teams make strategy meaningful to align thinking and priorities; shared leadership, facilitated de-centralised decision making and collaborative planning harnesses peoples’ expertise and commitment, and releases energy and creative thinking and ideas. Doing this remotely requires 'meeting leaders' to develop their basic coaching and facilitation skills while keeping calls focused and minimising 'repetition and deviation''. Structural agility influences how quickly decisions are made, and how co-ordination and collaboration are enabled. Rapid reconfiguration is facilitated by a common approach to defining role-relationships and aligning accountability and authority (both vertically and laterally). Influence, not 'telling' is essential in human relationships, and roles lacking accountability-authority alignment, are ultimately untenable. Our approach to decision-making practice , informed by and combined with digital exploitation, builds cognitive and competitive advantage. VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity; a term first used in the US Army War College, 1987. Practical, Scalable, Adaptable Initiatives Embedded with Speed and Accuracy We are a network of experienced senior consulting, business, public sector and academic professionals. Our mission is to provide clients with cost-effective, scalable, coherent and sustainable leadership, transformational change and organization design solutions; in order to address and exploit the strategy, digital, resilience and people challenges and opportunities facing enterprises. The speed, accuracy, economy and effectiveness with which we deliver results set us apart from process-driven and high cost alternatives. With a track record of innovative, pragmatic and effective delivery, the difference we bring is in our depth of understanding, speed of response and cost-effectiveness. We operate without ‘administrative drag’, but with the experience and wisdom to understand our client sectors and the understanding of leadership, strategy execution and culture change gained from personal experience of ‘doing it’ rather than ‘advising about it’. Our ethos stems from our backgrounds of service and motivation to 'add value'. We harness ICT and our network to disrupt large consultancies. We ‘horizon scan’, think strategically and personally lead tactical delivery with speed, accuracy, agility and practical fit to the client requirement. We deploy 'clever creatives' and 'disruptors' who are committed to their work, not to career advancement, to challenge and question the unquestionable. We exploit our combined business, public sector and research experience and insights to anticipate needs and to propose simple, practical solutions to improve the moral, conceptual and physical components of business competitive advantage and organizational effectiveness. Our services deliver real value. We collaborate, research, question and challenge to co-create and embed scalable, durable and adaptable consultancy and applied learning solutions. We fuse live challenges —transformation and change, business continuity, innovation, market disruption— with leadership and strategy execution capability development. We don’t do the transformation to you; we help you to make the transformation yourself and develop your internal expertise to ensure that initiatives are holistic, embedded and sustainable. We support participants and their line leaders in making 'new ways', the 'new norm' by exploiting 'exposure and experience' and not by relying on programmes of 'education and training'. Where are we based? We are based in the Reading, UK area; with associates around the UK, Australasia, Asia, USA and Europe. We have delivered large scale initiatives ultimately reaching 2,500 participating leaders with teams delivering services concurrently in Asia, USA and UK. These teams have comprised mobile subject matter experts, local associate consultants, coaches and actors, and trained client internal consulting and L&D personnel.

Nina Cooke Business Growth Mentoring

nina cooke business growth mentoring

Hi, I am Nina Cooke. I’m a Mindset Coach for entrepreneurs. I help entrepreneurs breakthrough limiting beliefs to achieve their business goals, to create more impact & make more money. I’m a coach for business owners who have internal blocks around growing their business. My superpower is DIGGING DEEP to find the root cause of why they’re struggling. And then showing them how they can clear out their resistance. So they can charge their value, serve a wider and deeper audience, and have easier relationships. I get a huge kick out of seeing my clients have a 180 degree turnaround – from looking to the outside world for the solution to their business struggles to looking within themselves and finding the answer. And then they experience richer, freer, and easier lives which is a bigger result than they signed up for. (And they aren’t complaining 🙂 ). And I’d love for you to have that, too I know you’re a busy business owner and don’t have much time to work on yourself . Which is why my coaching doesn’t require you to carve out any prep or homework time. All changes happen within the sessions. And you make the changes deep within your subconscious, so you don’t have to use will power or effort to keep the changes in place – they’re permanent. Here’s what Linda has to say after working with me: “I loved working with you, Nina. The work that we did together was the most transformational of any work that I have done with anybody – ever. It went way beyond mere concepts, and answered the toughest question I have run across to date – how do I change my limiting beliefs? The change that you facilitated is at such a deep level, and affected the ‘me’ that I am, to such a degree that I quickly ‘became’ the change that we created. With that kind of freedom, I’m excited about how much fun and success I will be experiencing as I keep on stepping out to grow my business.” – Linda Flynt Why I started to coach people like you I’ve always been curious why some people are courageous and see a world of opportunities, while others are fearful and see a world of limitations. I trained in NLP and hypnotherapy to sort out my own fearful stuff and find my courage. But my life changed when I bumped into Morty Lefkoe because he showed me how to clear out my limiting beliefs that had kept me small and fearful. A couple of years after training with Morty, I worked with a successful business owner. I’d known her for quite a while and I’d always thought things were going really well for her. However, she was frustrated because her business wasn’t growing the way she wanted it to. She thought it was because she kept hiring the wrong team, when really it was something internal keeping her stuck. Since then, from the many conversations I’ve had with successful, but stuck, business owners, I’ve seen, time and time again, that one of the biggest reasons they’re struggling to grow is this: They believe it’s something practical, something that’s going on out there in the world (virtual or in-house teams, systems, etc), when actually it’s an inside job, something in their head they’re doing unconsciously. Working with business owners on a one-to-one basis allows me to go deep and help them breakthrough their hidden blocks so they can build a deeply satisfying and fulfilling business. My favourite things (in this order): My family – especially when we’re sitting round the table enjoying my husband’s delicious food (I bought him a cookery course for his birthday – best money I ever spent). My friends – I’m grateful to live in friendly Saffron Walden. Green tea (I carry my green tea bags in my handbag, just in case) – in my favourite giant-sized plain white mug. Yoga – it’s hard work but I know it’s doing some good 🙂 Knitting – I picked up my needles after 12 years, encouraged by Ann, my patient knitting mentor and friend. I’m excited to see my stripey jumper grow day by day! Meet Eddie. His favourite things (in this order): Long walks – particularly if squirrels and rabbits are around. Swimming – he likes to swim in circle, barking. He looks crazy, but he’s happy. Food (especially his favourite snack, a juicy sausage, after a long walk)

En-light It Up!

en-light it up!

Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Freelance Account Director, Jan–May 2018 Marketing and communication strategy development for ADHD and Eradication programme for HCV. Spoken Brand Narratives, London, UK Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Freelance Account Director, May–Sep 2018 Marketing and communication strategy development for ovarian cancer, acute coronary syndrome, Dravet syndrome. Cherry Advertising, London, UK Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Freelance Account Director, Jan–April 2018 Marketing and communication strategy development for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma and radioactive iodine -refractory differentiated thyroid cancer. Concentric Health Experience, London, UK Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Freelance Account Director, Oct–Nov 2017 Marketing and communication strategy development for the global launch of a new antibiotic against nosocomial pneumonia infections. McCann Health, London, UK Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Account Director, May– Sep 2017 Marketing and communication strategy development for breakthrough validated comprehensive genomic profiling of tumours; painkillers; COPD and asthma. Havas Lynx, London, UK Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Freelance Account Director, Mar–Oct 2016 Marketing and communication strategy development for EU lobby/PR project in immuno-oncology. Publicis LifeBrands Resolute, London, UK Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Freelance Sr Account Manager, Sep 2015 – Feb 2016 Marketing and communication strategy development for the first vaccine against dengue fever. TBWA\PW, London, UK Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Freelance Sr Account Manager, Jun – Sep 2015 Marketing and communication strategy development for oral care, life science diagnostics. Sudler & Hennessey, London, UK Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Freelance Account Manager, Jun 2014 – May 2015 Marketing and communication strategy development for cardiology, primary and secondary care. Peaxi Communications, Milano, Italy Healthcare Marketing and communications consultant, founder & director Apr 2013 – May 2014 Healthcare advertising and medical communication advisor and consultancy. QBGROUP, Padova, Italy Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Key Account Manager, Feb–Mar 2013 Medical education/event-communications agency with advanced ICT assets, including augmented reality, 3D graphic design and holographic production. Sudler & Hennessey, Milano, Italy Communication and Marketing Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Account Manager, May 2011 – Jan 2013 Medical education (events and web-based programmes), promotion and advertising for diabetes, oncology, COPD, angioedema, rheumatoid arthritis. GDS Brand Consultancy, Milano, Italy Consulting agency offering brand strategy implementation services Freelance Consultant, Feb–May 2011 Events organisation and promotion support. Wyeth Consumer Healthcare (later Pfizer), Milano, Italy Pharmaceutical company Junior Product Manager, Mar–Sep 2010 Marketing and branding activities for OTC and vitamin supplements. Value Relations International, Milano, Italy Communication and Media Relations Agency in the Health and Pharmaceutical Business Account for media relations, Nov 2009 – Jan 2010 Media-relations activities for multiple clients. MolMed, Milano, Italy Biotech company Business Development & Communication Associate, Apr 2007 – May 2009 Business development for research, development and clinical validation of innovative therapies to treat cancer and gene therapies. EDUCATION AND TRAINING CTI Co-Active Life Coach – International Certification (validated by ICF), London, UK Co-Active curriculum and International Certification completed in May 2019 Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge, founded by Vianna Stibal Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner and Certified ThetaHealing Instructor Jun 2018 – present Courses and certifications received with abilitation to teach: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, SoulMates, Growing Your Relationships series (You and your Significant Other, You and the Creator, You and the Earth, You and your Inner Circle), World Relations, Manifesting and Abundance. Courses and certifications received as advanced practitioner: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, SoulMates, Growing Your Relationships series (You and your Significant Other, You and the Creator, You and the Earth, You and your Inner Circle), World Relations, Manifesting and Abundance, Intuitive Anatomy, Disease and Disorders, Planes of Existence, DNA 3. City, University of London, London, UK Short course: Business and Management – Coaching for Business, Jan-Mar 2018 Business School “Il Sole 24ORE”, Milano, Italy Full time Marketing & Communication Master, May-Nov 2009 University “Vita-Salute San Raffaele”, Milano, Italy Specialty degree in Medical, Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology (drug development processes in bio-pharma companies), Oct 2004 – Mar 2007 Score: 108/110 MolMed, Milano, Italy AIDS Gene Therapy Laboratory, Sep 2005 – Mar 2007 Experimental laboratory project for graduation. Final thesis on the following research project: “Analysis of the possible interference of lentiviral vectors on HIV-1 integration”. University “Vita-Salute San Raffaele”, Milano, Italy Bachelor’s degree in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (human health), Oct 2001 – Oct 2004 Score: 110/110 DIBIT, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy Oncology Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Nov 2002 – Oct 2004 Internship in an academic research laboratory; learning of basic experimental techniques.

Oasis Academy Enfield

oasis academy enfield


Everything within Oasis Community Learning is framed by our ethos. Our ethos is rooted in what we believe and who we are. Grounded in our story, it is an expression of our character; a set of values that inform and provide the lens on everything we do. A passion to include A desire to treat people equally respecting differences A commitment to healthy, open relationships A deep sense of hope that things can change and be transformed A sense of perseverance to keep going for the long haul It is these ethos values that we want to be known for and to live by. We are committed to a model of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope, and perseverance throughout all the aspects of the life and culture of every Oasis Hub and academy community. We encourage every member of our family, be that staff or student, to align themselves to these ethos values. The values themselves are inspired by the life, message and example of Jesus but we make it clear that we will not impose on anyone, the beliefs that underpin our ethos values. We recognise and celebrate the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community, respecting the beliefs and practices of other faiths in the hope that we will provide a welcoming environment for all. The Oasis 9 Habits The Oasis Ethos is aspirational, inspirational and something that we have to constantly work at. It is important to remember that every organisation is made up of its people, and people don’t always get things right. This means that there can sometimes be a dissonance between what we say we are, as stated in our ethos values, and what we actually do and experience. Recognising this is helpful because it reminds us that we each have things to work on; we have space to grow, develop and change to become the best version of ourselves. To help us in this process of personal growth and development we have the Oasis 9 Habits. It is our bespoke and unique approach to character development. We know that by living the way of the Habits, the Oasis Ethos will become second nature to us. We also believe that this process of continually developing our character and being transformed to become the best version of ourselves is really important for every student and staff member alike. Therefore, we actively promote and practice the Oasis 9 Habits which are an invitation to a way of life characterised by being compassionate, patient, humble, joyful, honest, hopeful, considerate, forgiving and self-controlled. We believe that by becoming people who live this way, by becoming the best version of ourselves, whether we are a staff member or students, we are transformed, and we are also able to play our part in bringing transformation locally, nationally and globally.