57984 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Daisy First Aid Northampton

daisy first aid northampton

Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas

Newquay Tretherras

newquay tretherras



You will always be guaranteed a warm welcome at Newquay Tretherras, an inspiring and vibrant school at the heart of our Newquay community. Tretherras students are a pleasure to teach and learn with. They understand that their education is important for their life chances, and they take full advantage of the incredible range of clubs, experiences and facilities offered to them at our school, both within and beyond the classroom. We are ambitious for every single young person and your child will be offered an array of opportunities to grow and develop into a responsible, well-rounded individual. We aim to equip all our young people with the necessary resilience, confidence and aspiration to challenge themselves, and us, to achieve the highest standards possible. We want our students to be healthy and happy young people and so we offer an inclusive and extensive curriculum which offers aspirational opportunities for all to succeed. The aim of the Tretherras curriculum is to enable our students to Achieve Highly, Communicate Convincingly, Decide Wisely and Engage Fully. Our holistic curriculum is rich, ambitious and well-sequenced and is designed to take students on a creative, exploratory and inspiring learning journey. As well as studying a body of academic knowledge, our specialist subject areas also focus on developing transferable skills such as communication, leadership and empathy. We focus on developing students’ reading and vocabulary, to give them the confidence to express their ideas meaningfully in order to progress and succeed. We understand how challenging it can be to be a teenager and we have strong and caring people and structures in place to support students pastorally and academically. We are committed to developing students’ social, moral, spiritual, cultural and economic confidence in order to prepare our young people for further education or training, employment and successful citizenship. Our strong belief is that Tretherras is a place where dreams can come true, and we put our students at the heart of everything we do. We are an inclusive learning community, working hard together to support our students to succeed in every possible way, whatever their talents or ambitions. Our relationships at Tretherras are inclusive and special: we are a family in which everyone matters. This is, without doubt, a very happy place to be. As a school that achieves great examination results for our young people, we know it is the quality of our relationships with parents and students, our high standards and our inclusive ethos, which is the key to this success. We look forward to meeting you personally and to us working in partnership to ensure that your children are inspired, achieve remarkable things and become the best they can possibly be at Newquay Tretherras.

Urban Bees

urban bees


Urban Bees helps bees in towns and cities by working with communities, charities and corporates to educate people about the importance of bees and improving forage and habitat in urban areas. We provide ‘bee makeovers’; practical steps for transforming our environment and our thinking to help bees and other pollinators – from planting trees and flowers that offer year-round food, to making and installing homes for wild bees. Urban Bees was set up a few years ago by Brian McCallum and Alison Benjamin. They wanted to share their passion for their new beekeeping hobby with other city dwellers and to make the urban environment more bee-friendly. Their first training apiary was in Battersea, south London. With funding from the Co-op Plan Bee, they set up a teaching apiary in Camley Street Nature Reserve in King’s Cross and a community apiary in Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park. They now produce Regents Park honey from their apiary in the royal park, maintain hives and bee-friendly planters for a number of corporate clients, and advise and educate through books, newsletters, talks and consultancy about how to help wild bees. ""Brian McCallum Brian runs Urban Bees. He is a qualified teacher and worked for nine years as a part-time seasonal bee inspector for the government. He is a member of the Bee Farmer’s Association and the co-author of four books on bees, Keeping Bees and Making Honey, A World without Bees, Bees in the City, and The Good Bee: A Celebration of Bees and How to Save Them. Brian provides 'meet the bees' sessions for a number of corporate clients and other organisations. He created the 'hive talking' bee map to match existing and aspiring beekeepers and people who want to host hives. He educates children, young people and adults about bees, writes blogs. He tweets @Beesinthecity. Alison Benjamin Alison co-founded Urban Bees. She is a journalist, author, educator and bee-friendly plant expert. She co-authored Keeping Bees and Making Honey, A World without Bees, Bees in the City, an urban beekeepers’ handbook; and The Good Bee: A Celebration of Bees and How to Save Them. She was part of the team that designed the award-winning King’s Cross Bee Trail App. And she created a solitary bee garden at the 2018 RHS Chelsea Flower Show with River of Flowers which won a silver medal. After a 20 year career at The Guardian, Alison is now pursuing her passion for wild bees, by doing bee makeovers, creating and maintaining bee-friendly planters, writing newsletters, giving talks and developing partnerships to improve forage and habitat for bees and pollinators in towns and cities.

Daisy First Aid Clitheroe

daisy first aid clitheroe


Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas

Expectancy - complementary therapy courses for midwives

expectancy - complementary therapy courses for midwives


Yet again, mainstream media has sensationalised what they perceive as “witchcraft” – the use of “alternative” therapies by midwives. The Sunday Times has now waded into the melee, castigating midwives’ use of aromatherapy, acupuncture, reflexology and “burning herbs to turn a breech baby” (moxibustion). The article by Health Editor Shaun Lintern also denigrates practices which are not classified as complementary therapies, such as water injections for pain relief, hypnobirthing for birth preparation and counselling sessions following traumatic birth. Some of the accusations focus on their (inaccurate) statement about the lack of complementary therapy research, whilst others deplore trusts charging for some of these services. A letter to the Chief Executive of the NHS has been sent by a group of families whose babies have died in maternity units that have now come under scrutiny from the Care Quality Commission and the Ockenden team. Amongst those spearheading this group is a consultant physician whose baby died during birth (unrelated to complementary therapies) and who has taken it on himself to challenge the NHS on all matters pertaining to safety in maternity care. That is admirable – safety is paramount – but it is obvious neither he, nor the author of this latest article, knows anything at all about the vast subject of complementary therapies in pregnancy and birth. The article is padded out with (incorrect) statistics about midwives’ use of complementary therapies, coupled with several pleas for the NHS to ban care that they say (incorrectly) is not evidence-based and which contravene NICE guidelines (the relevant word here being guidelines, not directives). The article is biased and, to my knowledge, no authority on the subject has been consulted to provide a balanced view (the Royal College of Midwives offered a generic response but did not consult me, despite being appointed a Fellow of the RCM specifically for my 40 years’ expertise in this subject). I would be the first to emphasise that complementary therapies must be safe and, where possible, evidence-based, and I am well aware that there have been situations where midwives have overstepped the boundaries of safety in respect of therapies such as aromatherapy. However, I have not spent almost my entire career educating midwives (not just providing skills training) and emphasising that complementary therapy use must be based on a comprehensive theoretical understanding, to have it snatched away because of a few ill-informed campaigners intent on medicalising pregnancy and birth even further than it is already. For well-respected broadsheets to publish such inaccurate and biased sensationalism only serves to highlight the problems of the British media and the ways in which it influences public opinion with untruths and poorly informed reporting.

Oxford Learning College

oxford learning college

All the courses offered by Oxford Learning College are distance learning courses. That is to say, we do not have college premises for students to attend and all courses are accessed online. We offer distance learning courses online from Level 2 Diplomas and GCSEs through to Level 7 Diplomas and foundation degrees. Oxford Learning College is a registered educational institution and is an independent, self-financing organisation. Oxford Learning College has developed quality, flexible and open distance learning materials for adults and continues to invest in the development of innovative learning systems, from first levels to degree and professional training programmes. Oxford Learning College works in conjunction with other institutions to provide students with the most comprehensive learning materials and support them in fulfilling their academic aims. Oxford Learning College offers students a flexible approach to learning which makes education possible for those who may otherwise not be able to complete a programme due to geographical restrictions and/or work or home-life commitments. It also benefits those who prefer to be in control of their studies. Please read the full course description and time-scales for each course. About Distance Learning Distance learning in the past used to involve sending coursework and assignments by post to a college and waiting for a tutor to respond with feedback by return post. Now students use our online learning environment to access the course study materials and to contact their tutor. All correspondence is online, so you don’t need to worry about delays and can access your tutor or materials anywhere in the world – at any time. Studying via distance learning – whether for an A Level in Biology, a BTEC in Business Studies or a Level 3 Diploma in Counselling – gives students flexibility. We do not set homework deadlines or issue class timetables, so you can study in your own time, when it suits you. Distance learning requires students to be self motivated, which will help lead you to fantastic grades. Our student services team and tutors offer support and guidance throughout the course, and new students are given their study materials and helpful documents as soon as they enrol. You could enrol today and be starting your studies by this evening! Tutor Support Our tutors are available online to answer student queries and to mark assignments, thus offering high levels of support and guidance throughout the course. Our Student Services department team are also here to answer calls and emails from current and potential students. In this way you can feel supported every step of the way. Whether you are accustomed to distance learning or are considering it for the first time, talk to us today for advice about any of our distance learning courses.

Links Therapy Company

links therapy company

Leamington Spa

Baginton Fields School, Coventry admits secondary aged students with severe and complex SEND. The school commissioned Links Therapy Company to provide specific advice, support and expertise to further develop a newly implemented curriculum for students with ASD. Links Therapy provided a bespoke support programme including student observations and assessments, staff tutorials and feedback sessions that focused on personalising best practice for individual students within the context of the emerging curriculum. Staff expertise was enhanced considerably as a result of mutual professional respect and aspiration to provide optimum opportunity for student progression. I was particularly impressed by the extensive expertise demonstrated by Links Therapy colleagues who were flexible and professional throughout their time at Baginton Fields. Simon Grant - Headteacher, Baginton Fields School, Coventry We were very pleased with the work carried out with one of our students. There was a variety of OT packages to choose from. We decided on an initial consultation and a follow up of 6 "hands on" sessions. These were carried out weekly on a 1:1 basis. The practitioners were very professional and liaised with school staff throughout. We were provided with a detailed report after the intervention and will continue to implement the detailed guidance. I would definitely recommend Links Therapy and would use them again in future. Julie Miles SENCo St. Elizabeth's Primary School, Coventry Links Therapy Company were originally commission to provide professional support to our Occupational Therapist. Being a small charity our therapists are at a greater risk of becoming isolated from their profession. Links Therapy company have provided a link for our therapists to discuss any professional queries they may have. Their role has developed to the point where they are now helping us to develop and take our service forward. Their input has been essential to us now having an Occupational therapy team in place. There friendly and professional approach to their work has impressed us greatly and look forward to continuing our relationship with them. Sarah Hemings - Centre Manager, Tiny Tims Childrens Centre, Coventry RNIB Three Spires Academy cannot recommend highly enough the services of Links Therapy. All our pupils have special educational needs, some of these can be quite complex. We understand that interventions such as Sensory Diets are so important to helping pupils self-regulate and get ready to learn. Becky has worked closely with our teachers and school leadership to develop individualised programmes for our pupils as well as advising on the purchase of specialist equipment plus delivering in-services training. Becky takes the time to get to know our pupils and how our school functions so that a truly tailored approach is delivered. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Links Therapy.

Daisy First Aid Epsom, Ewell, Kingston and Surrounds

daisy first aid epsom, ewell, kingston and surrounds


Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas

Daisy First Aid Cheltenham, Gloucester, Stroud, Cirencester

daisy first aid cheltenham, gloucester, stroud, cirencester


Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas

Daisy First Aid North West London

daisy first aid north west london


Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas