57990 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

British Compressed Air Society

british compressed air society


In a world of constantly changing legislation and standards, BCAS plays a crucial role in driving progress in the compressed air industry. Founded in 1930, the British Compressed Air Society is the only UK technical trade association open to manufacturers, distributors and end users of compressors, vacuum pumps, pneumatic tools and allied products. Our role is to provide unbiased advice on legislation, technical standards, education, compliance, safety and environmental matters that affect suppliers and users of compressed air and vacuum systems. BCAS Structure There are tiers of activity within BCAS: BCAS Board Permanent Committees The board is made up of the President, Vice President, Last Past President and Executive Director plus elected and co-opted seats. Each group member has a permanent place on the board. There are 5 board seats elected by the membership and the remainder are co-opted for skills required within BCAS. Elected & Co-opted board members stand down at the first change of president but may be re-elected/re-co-opted to serve on the board. BCAS also has sector committees, special committees and working groups, which are set up from time to time to address specific issues. The chair of the committee is selected by ballot of the sector committee. The current committees are: Compressor Committee Low Pressure & Vacuum Committee Air Treatment & Applications Committee Distribution Committee Training & Development Committee Statistics Committee In addition, BCAS plays a crucial role in upholding standards and advising its members about changing legislation and standards to ensure compliance and safety within the industry. It is also an active member of Euris to lobby on UK matters , Pneurop to lobby on European legislation, BSI and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Crucially, BCAS is an independent source of advice and technical help to ensure that compressor equipment, its installation and maintenance is energy efficient, compliant and safe. BCAS is calling on compressed air users to save energy from their compressed air system with the 10% Taskforce.

Oxford BSAC Scuba Diving Club

oxford bsac scuba diving club


Oxford BSAC Scuba Diving Club is the award-winning Oxford Branch of the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC). The branch was founded in 1956 – a few years after the BSAC itself, making it one of the oldest diving clubs formed in the UK. As you might imagine we have a rich history and some very experienced members. Our club is run entirely by volunteers. We train people to dive and snorkel but we also welcome qualified divers to join us (whoever they trained with). We organise regular diving trips to Dorset and inland sites. We run several trips a year to longer-range destinations – in the recent past, these have included the Red Sea, Gozo (Malta), Scapa Flow, Sound of Mull, Plymouth and the Isles of Scilly. We also have close relationships with other local BSAC branches including the Oxford University Underwater Exploration Group (OUUEG) with whom we often collaborate. The activities of the branch centre around three areas, the clubhouse, pool training and diving. We also carry a decent level of equipment and have a great hard boat moored in Weymouth – all of which help to make us a successful dive club which has been going for over 60 years. We are a mature club with a friendly and enthusiastic atmosphere. The branch has around 70 members from the Oxford area stretching from Bicester in the North to Didcot in the South and from Witney in the West to Aylesbury in the East. We even have some members who live here during the week and go home on weekends. We cover a good cross-section of Oxford society. Ages range from young children who snorkel to senior citizens that dive or who are social members. We are always happy to welcome new members, be they untrained novices, experienced divers or instructors – no matter who they have trained with. You will be made very welcome, so please enquire about joining Oxford BSAC.

Eternity College

eternity college

My life changed when I began believing that I was uniquely created. I got excited about waking up! This was a feeling I hadn’t experienced in awhile. It’s a rush knowing that God has work for me to do, and He doesn’t want anyone else to do it for me. Do you believe this? Do you believe there is a specific, God-given mission you are to accomplish here on earth? Whether you believe it or not, it’s true. God says to Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 God knew Jeremiah before He formed Him! He had work for him to do before he even came out of his mother’s womb! God says of believers, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10. He prepared good works for me in advance. Much like Jeremiah, you and I have been entrusted with a task! This is why we exist. My heart is to see Eternity Bible College train young people for their mission. Too many people waste precious years of their lives chasing after the temporary and unfulfilling. The college years are vital. Proper training can save us from years of boredom. Our mission goes beyond education to discipleship. Our desire is that students will not only learn from teachers, but know them. We don’t expect students to observe a healthy church, but to be a critical part of it. We plan to place students in secular settings where their faith is going to be challenged, and walk with them through the battles. At the core of all we do is discipleship. Eternity Bible College isn’t the best college for everyone. Pray and explore. If God leads you here, let’s make every day count.

Liz Tyler Consulting

liz tyler consulting


You need to be sure that we feel like a good fit before you book a session, so let me tell you a little about me Early influences I was fortunate enough to grow up always surrounded by animals and nature, where no two days were ever the same and different challenges popped up constantly. Whether it was dealing with the weather or having to help birth an animal in the middle of the night, I learned to deal with the situation in front of me and respond accordingly. It helped me feel confident to think on my feet and give the situation whatever it needs, rather than stick to a prescribed reaction because that was what was ‘expected’. There is no sitting back and waiting for things to happen in farming life; you need to get on with things and make them happen and I love that I can bring that energy and those skills across into my coaching approach for you. My early start in farming and the love for animals and the environment that followed sparked a keen interest in understanding the relationship between ourselves and the planet and the interconnectedness of the cycles of life, whether that be farming cycles, the changing seasons, lifecycles of flora and fauna, of the human race and even on a spiritual level, an interest in the life cycle of the seven chakras. These core values underpin everything I do both in my personal and professional life, and have informed the ‘whole-person’ coaching approach that I have developed. All change After a career working in the corporate world for almost a decade, something shifted and I wanted more. I wanted to do something which was more aligned with my own personal values, reconnecting with the influences of my early life on the farm. So over the following years I retrained in beauty therapy, personal training, sports therapy and sports massage and headed in a completely different direction.

The National Counselling And Psychotherapy Society

the national counselling and psychotherapy society


We play an important role within the profession of counselling in the UK and in May 2013 the Society was one of the first organisations to gain Accredited Register status with the Professional Standards Authority Accredited Register programme. Our belief is that counselling (and related therapies) should be seen as a vocation (not just a job but a worthy occupation) and that the relationship between counsellor and client is important for the outcome of therapy. We support and promote counselling and counsellors, offering a wide variety of benefits to our members and training providers. We have also created and published online CPD courses to support healthcare providers and those in public-facing roles. As an Accredited Register holder we meet the robust and exacting standards set by the Professional Standards Authority with particular emphasis on public safety and assuring that the best interests of the clients are protected. The National Counselling Society believes that all Accredited Registers should be seen as equal. To this end, we were instrumental in gaining recognition within the NHS for all Accredited Registers. NHS Choices information list Accredited Registers to reflect what should be equality of choice for all clients and patients. In addition, NHS Employers has added content encouraging the use and detailing the benefits of Accredited Registers, and the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme recognises the NCS alongside other Registers. We’re also very pleased that, again as a result of our efforts, Health Education England has amended the information on the NHS Health Careers website also to be in line with the aforementioned changes on NHS Choices and NHS employers sites, and promote inclusive hiring practices We are a not for profit organisation and the high standards of our Accredited Register are externally verified by the Professional Standards Authority. The organisation is bound by appropriate rules of governance including a constitution, codes of ethics, and a complaints procedure.

The Food Safety Company

the food safety company

After leaving University I worked for a bakery company which is where my journey in Food Safety began: I went on a basic course where the trainer (an Environmental Health Officer) showed us an disturbing object which he had found in food, and told us various horror stories such as seeing rats in kitchens and about many other experience during his work. This is where the fascination began. Not a glamorous career for a young girl, looking down drains and climbing down to dirty cellars, but it provided plenty of tales to fascinate people at dinner parties! After a career change which resulted me spending 25 years as a government food inspector, I decided to hang up my badge and defect to the other side. Literally Game keeper tuned poacher or should I say head chef turned food critic? I wanted to help businesses obtain a good rating and allow them to not feel terrified when the inspector calls at their premises So I set up The Food Safety Company in 2015 and have successfully helped many businesses to obtain – and maintain – high food hygiene ratings. I have also enjoyed conducting accredited and bespoke training courses for clients, and creating bespoke food safety management systems for many businesses. To date I have a 100% success rate with clients wishing to obtain a 5 rating (if they follow my advice!). This include all types of business; from small cafes to large, prestigious wedding venues I would like to share this success with you. On a personal note, I consider myself to be a foodie: I like talking about food; cooking it; eating it and more importantly sharing it with friends and family. People often ask if I think about anything other than food. My answer is “very rarely”! I also like to visit food festivals and restaurants, trying to keep ahead of the current food trends and products, and I support Alice Charity Food Bank.

The Employers Forum for Sharrow, Heeley and Norfolk Park Limited

the employers forum for sharrow, heeley and norfolk park limited

Welcome to The Employers Forum Sheffield The Employers Forum (TEF) is a non-profit organisation based in Sheffield and has a proud history of supporting those in our communities who are disadvantaged, to find and keep employment. The Employers Forum has over 23 years’ experience of delivering high quality tailored employability programmes that equip hard to reach individuals with the support they need for a path to sustainable employment. We work in partnership with companies to put inclusion and belonging at the heart of their culture, in the drive for a level playing field. We empower individuals to build their careers and ensure they can flourish and progress in life. The Employers Forum assists individuals to develop important life skills, work ready skills, strategies and confidence to overcome their challenges and barriers, as a means for achieving positive outcomes in education, training, employment and personal well-being. Our mission To guide and inspire people to realise their true potential and achieve their goals. To empower and enrich our communities through interventions that cultivate enterprise, promote active citizenship and embrace cultural diversity. To promote economic regeneration through activities that empower the community and secure prosperity through enterprise. To empower communities and improve livelihoods. To actively champion positive social change, create strong partnerships that benefit local people and transform communities through advocacy and enterprise. Our vision Enriching lives, helping people, transforming communities: empowerment through employment. To use our community links to promote and sustain community regeneration and enhance intermediary services through cross- sectored networks of support. The values underpinning our mission are: The economic enhancement of the community in which we are embedded. A supportive and inclusive culture. We celebrate the diversity of the community in Sheffield and this reflects in all our work. Harnessing social capital and providing access to services. Professionalism and responsibility in all that we do. Sound financial management and continual improvement of our processes and the way we are accountable to the communities that we serve. Environmental protection/conservation.

Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences

ajanta vihara institute of spiritual sciences


At Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences, we believe every individual deserves to experience peace, joy, harmony, abundance and love in every aspect of their lives. We also know what prevents us from moving forward on the path towards abundance; these are experiences long-held, habitual behaviours and dominant-negative thought patterns. These patterns must be identified and healed. These habits must be transformed and replaced with new, more self-supportive and self-honouring ways of being. Our therapies, courses and workshops are highly experiential and designed to transform you at the core of your being. It is our intention that every participant will have an experience that allows them to remember the truth of who they are in order to be more peaceful, joy-filled and loving in the midst of any situation or circumstance they encounter in their lives . Ajanta-Vihara’s team of energy mentors use their combined years of study, practice and experience in the fields of behavioural therapy, psychology, hypnotherapy, energy therapy and their diverse life experience to guide individuals through compassionate conversations and powerful, transformational exercises. Our mentors undergo rigorous training under the AVISS Faculty Development program with a focus on continuous self development, knowledge and skill building; this ensures they are able to cultivate a holistic approach to our practices while providing practical information and tools to use once the engagement ends. What individuals experience, hear and learn creates a solid foundation and gives the inspiration they may seek to improve their careers, relationships, sense of purpose and, most important, their sense of personal power. We offer classes and workshops facilitated by founder director Ms. Jyoti and the faculty of the Institute. Our therapies, courses , workshops, energy camps, personal coaching sessions and the happiness collective series are designed to support individuals in having a deeper experience of themselves in order to understand their life’s experiences through elevated human consciousness. We invite you to explore one of our signature programs for an experience that is sure to change your mind, heart and life forever.

Ashlawn School

ashlawn school


As the Principal I am delighted to welcome you to Ashlawn School. I am proud to be part of its heritage, its success and its future: we are a school where excellence is at the heart of everything we do. I believe passionately in education and I know that Ashlawn provides the very best educational experience for all its young people. We are a happy school where high standards and expectations lead to outstanding academic results for all our students. Respect for each other and high standards of behaviour are values which we all share and for which we are all responsible. My colleagues and I are committed to providing an inspirational environment where our students are engaged and enthused, and where learning enables all young people to realise their academic potential and acquire the skills and values they need for life’s journey. Whilst academic success is important we recognise that there is more to education than exam passes; confidence, adaptability, learning skills, creativity and resilience are all necessary life skills. Success is celebrated in all aspects of school life as we recognise the needs of each individual and where everyone really does matter. As a bi-lateral school, Ashlawn is the perfect blend of tradition and innovation. We are a forward-thinking and exciting centre of learning with excellent results and our young people are proud to belong to a school which offers the range of opportunities that our unique curriculum affords. Our record of success is reflected in our A level and GCSE results and we are committed to providing the highest standards of provision. In 2013 we were delighted when Ofsted recognised the school as outstanding in every category and shortly afterwards we were designated a National Teaching School with responsibility for teacher training and supporting other schools in our region. This success is testimony to the aspirations and efforts of our community – our students, their families and our staff.

Susy Dance Fitness

susy dance fitness

After working as a Self-Employed Performing Arts Teacher and Pound Pro alongside my 9-5 job, I finally took the plunge to be fully Self-Employed in September 2018. I grew up enjoying Performing Arts; from the age of about 3 I took dance classes, and when I was 7, I joined Spotlight Performing Arts School as a pupil - I am now the Manager of the Saltburn School! From then on, I performed in as many community based shows as possible with Spotlight PA, and other groups too! This led me to study my Level 3 in Musical Theatre full-time at Middlesbrough College, and then my BA (Hons) Dance at Teesside University. I discovered my passion for teaching whilst at university - completing my work placement at Redcar Academy (now Outwood Academy, Redcar), where I also completed my teaching placement for my PGCE:TLLS. My love of teaching Fitness classes came after I finally found joy in Group Exercise! I had joined a gym whilst at university and didn't really enjoy it that much - but liked the results I was getting. Unfortunately this gym didn't offer much in the way of Group Exercise classes, which is what I found more motivation in, rather than just wandering around the gym floor between cardio/weights... My husband and I were then gifted a 14 day membership at another gym which offered far more, and we signed up for a full year's membership - where I discovered that I could fit the gym into my schedule and made myself accountable by booking into Group Ex classes to make sure I kept going!! Fast forward 2 years and I took my Pound Pro (Instructor) Training and planned to leave my full time job to pursue the Self Employed life. That's the very condensed version - for more snippets into my life you can follow me on my social medias! Susy x