57984 Educators providing Courses delivered Online



Free yourself from unconcious habits and patterns which are no longer of use Through skilful and experienced 'hands on' and verbal direction, your body and mind are enabled to let go of attachment to habitual patterns of holding, tensing, tightening and shortening. This is replaced by a general freeing, easing, lengthening and expanding tendency in both body and mind. Regain, through consciousness, what we used to have, as small children, through innocence With balanced body and balanced mind (the one goes with the other) performance and pleasure in all our activities is enhanced. Perfect balance, poise and freedom of movement To find out more about the Alexander Technique, how it may help you and what happens in a lesson, please contact me or click here to visit the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) Look after your back and your back will look after you The Alexander Technique Can Help You to heal your back or other physical discomfort to regain freedom, poise, ease and elegance in movement and posture to improve performance and prevent injury in music, sport, drama, singing to enhance your public speaking and presentation skills to change the conditions that stop you enjoying a happy and healthy life The Art of Running Having undergone further specialised AT training and become an 'Art of Running' instructor I am able to help you * improve your running style * avoid injury * run further and faster * enjoy your running more A three session package is recommended. Video analysis is utilised to identify unhelpful habits and monitor progress over the 3 sessions. There will be general 'postural' work as well as specialised bespoke guidance to help you improve your particular running style. Please contact me for more information and booking and feel free to browse my website.

Defence College

defence college


The Defence College is a UK-based organisation specialising on providing technical short courses to engineers and applied science professionals working in defence sector. It also offers engineering R&D consultancy services. The organisation is served by a number of highly experienced academics specialising in the defence technical educations. One such example is Dr Bidur Khanal. He is a senior academic with a long and established track record of teaching engineering courses in UK Higher Education sector. In particular, he has developed a niche in teaching/training defence engineering courses. He was working at Cranfield University’s Centre for Defence Engineering (CDE) as a lecturer in Complex Weapons, where he spent a number of years teaching defence engineering topics in military land vehicle propulsion, transmission system design, weapons design, and fighting vehicle design. He still supports CDE’s courses. Dr Khanal has delivered short courses to defence organizations (currently to US & UK Army and Canadian defence personnels) as an external consultant, and the teaching are focused on weapons engineering courses e.g. Military Engine Technologies, Military Tracked Vehicle Transmission Systems and Designs, Gun System Designs, Fighting Vehicle Design etc. Dr Khanal is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a member of Royal Aeronautical Society, UK. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK. He is also an active researcher in computational fluid dynamics, and has published numerous research articles in journals and conference proceedings. Some of his most recent research projects include CFD studies on large calibre gun muzzle brake flowfield, thrust reverser design, High-Pressure turbine blade design and transient missile release from a military aircraft. We are also supported by Major Santa Pun MBE, Major Pun is a senior advisor to Defence College. His experience in UK Military and continuing service in UK MOD means we are strategically supported by a defence professional with life long experience in defence.

Driver Instruct Partnership

driver instruct partnership

Business As the owner of your own business, you’ll be in charge of the hours you work, giving you flexibility to work around family, social, or other career requirements as needed (ideal if you’re taking c-ADI training, for example). You can vary your driving instructor salary easily by taking on more clients or toning down your schedule as necessary. However, remember that it can take some time for a new ADI to build up a reputation, and you may not have the opportunity to work quite as many hours as you’d like during the first few months of owning the business. Franchise/Partnership The good things about franchises is that you’ll still have some degree of control over how much you work, although many companies will require you to commit to working a minimum number of hours per week if they have a large client database. You may also be tied into a contract that can dictate the number of hours you work. Many contracts are set at 6 or 12 months, with some simply being ‘rollover’ contracts that continue until you provide notice of cancellation. Overheads Business If you’re going down the ‘own business’ route, you’ll be wholly responsible for any business overheads, which for driving instructors can be quite significant. You’ll be required to supply your own vehicle, pay fuel costs and insurance, and ensure the vehicle is safe, well maintained, and is serviced annually. As a new business owner, you may be required to be in business for a number of years before your profits are significantly higher than your business outgoings. Becoming a driving instructor isn’t always easy, but rest assured it’s worth it in the end!

Pips Seminars

pips seminars


Professional development workshops for Counsellors and Psychotherapists. PIPS offers training workshops for Psychotherapists and Counsellors in the UK. The workshops are experiential, interactive and aimed at personal and professional growth. Places are limited. Please have a read... I love my garden it brings me such a sense of peace. As I was tending a particularly troubled rose bush, regularly troubled by black spot and aphids, I thought about how much I grow with my garden and how much of me is in it. I enjoy a sense of my own agency as I make things happen. This is not through controlling and forcing plants to be what they are not but expecting to get a healthy return in our relationship accepting limitations and sometimes choosing not to continue to grow something where I get little return or don't like what is available. This reminds me of how I have come to view relationship that if I expect to be loved and cared for in general this happens and if it does not then this is not solely my doing. I can choose to end relationships which are draining and unfruitful. The rose bush reminds me of a family member who can often cause me concern and attack me. I am now aware of how much I can safely give that relationship, without feeling drained or prickled. I get some returns enough to keep the rose bush with its limitations. I am able to keep myself open to more enriching relationship such as the honeysuckle which bounds up and offers freely this helps me tolerate the disappointments of the rose and the Lilly of the valley, which has never survived despite my efforts.

Wilnash College

wilnash college

In 2018, I went along to the Potters Bar carnival and despite never having done this type of work before, I decided I wanted to join as a carer after seeing all the information and talking to the staff. I was invited to an interview and the rest is history! The company is great, so friendly and flexible to work for. My typical day consists of checking my rota and visiting my regular clients. Each client is different, with morning visits getting people out of bed and feeding them breakfast, lunch time visits can be more about companionship, with evening visits a time to ensure everyone is ready for bed and happy to settle for the evening. I was so scared of changing jobs after 18 years working in retail, however over the past 12 months I’ve built up some amazing relationships with my clients and I know they are so pleased to see me when I visit them in their home. The company has a real open-door policy - all the carers meet on regular basis, and discuss ideas, improvements, clients and have a general catch up over a cuppa. The role is different every day as you are dealing with people and building trust, but it’s so rewarding and I would thoroughly recommend Wilnash – a great family feel company, who have given me the confidence and skills I need to carry out this role. Wilnash accelerated my training and helped me to qualify for the Care Certificate in under a year - I am so happy having made the change in careers; I am so much more fulfilled than I ever was plus I have more time with my family.

Amber Rose Wellbeing

amber rose wellbeing


Through personal experience, I know how vital self-care is. I have designed some classes to allow people to take the much needed time away to relax, which in turn will reduce their stress and anxiety. I feel it is even more crucial now as we are dealing with so much uncertainty around us! What is hypnosis? Well, before you say it, no it isn't turning people into chickens! Hypnosis allows you to go into a deep relaxation. Once in a relaxed state, guided imagery is often used alongside positive suggestions such as "you will have a calmer and more positive week". It is important for me to point out that you remain in complete control throughout the whole experience. Many people have said that they have left feeling totally calm after the experience and it is often seen as a way of escaping from reality for a little while! In my practice I use a combination of techniques and tools to tailor make the experience for your individual and specific needs. I work in an integrative approach and deal with many issues at once as I believe they are all interlinked. I am bound by an ethical framework and I am part of the National Hypnotherapy Society and National Counselling Society. I offer training and 1:1 sessions. Even if you do not decide to go with me, please ask the therapist what qualifications they have, this is something I feel strongly about as when working with you we need to be open and competent in our ability to help you to feel the best you can. Feel free to click the link below to find out more about what I can offer you and please do feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Stem In Style

stem in style


The Defence College is a UK-based organisation specialising on providing technical short courses to engineers and applied science professionals working in defence sector. It also offers engineering R&D consultancy services. The organisation is served by a number of highly experienced academics specialising in the defence technical educations. One such example is Dr Bidur Khanal. He is a senior academic with a long and established track record of teaching engineering courses in UK Higher Education sector. In particular, he has developed a niche in teaching/training defence engineering courses. He was working at Cranfield University’s Centre for Defence Engineering (CDE) as a lecturer in Complex Weapons, where he spent a number of years teaching defence engineering topics in military land vehicle propulsion, transmission system design, weapons design, and fighting vehicle design. He still supports CDE’s courses. Dr Khanal has delivered short courses to defence organizations (currently to US & UK Army and Canadian defence personnels) as an external consultant, and the teaching are focused on weapons engineering courses e.g. Military Engine Technologies, Military Tracked Vehicle Transmission Systems and Designs, Gun System Designs, Fighting Vehicle Design etc. Dr Khanal is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a member of Royal Aeronautical Society, UK. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK. He is also an active researcher in computational fluid dynamics, and has published numerous research articles in journals and conference proceedings. Some of his most recent research projects include CFD studies on large calibre gun muzzle brake flowfield, thrust reverser design, High-Pressure turbine blade design and transient missile release from a military aircraft. We are also supported by Major Santa Pun MBE, Major Pun is a senior advisor to Defence College. His experience in UK Military and continuing service in UK MOD means we are strategically supported by a defence professional with life long experience in defence.

The Kidz Stop Ltd

the kidz stop ltd

The Kidz Stop is a family owned business situated in Bo'ness and Linlithgow offering Nursery and Out of School care to children from 3 months to 12 years. Since opening in 2003, we have been providing early learning and childcare for hundreds of families in the local area. At The Kidz Stop we are focused on creating a homely atmosphere where your child is looked after in a safe, secure, and nurturing environment. Our small rooms enable staff to build a more personal and supportive relationship with our families, where self confidence and independence skills are encouraged and developed. Rooms are reviewed and resources changed regularly to ensure that the range of experiences offered will enhance your child's social and emotional wellbeing and development. Children have daily access to outdoor play and learning from loose parts play in the garden, to ball games in the park, to hide and seek in the woods, or a trip to the library or the loch to see the wildlife. Our newly renovated outdoor areas provide the children with ample opportunities for outdoor learning in all weathers. Our staff team is highly qualified and undergo regular training to ensure that they are well equipped to support children's learning and development in an environment that is stimulating and creative. We’ve been graded ‘very good’ in all areas by the Care Inspectorate and you can find out more by visiting www.careinspectorate.com While our website is designed to give you a flavour of the services we offer, we would love to show you around and give you an opportunity to meet the team. If you would like to find out more then just call or email and we would be delighted to arrange an appointment at a time that suits you.




Little Yoga Studio aims to empower children and adults, in mind and body, through a fun, creative and inspiring approach to yoga. My children’s classes focus on exploring a child’s natural flexibility. Improving their own strength and poise, while helping them nurture a strong sense of self and awareness of others. The journey isn’t dissimilar with my adult classes. With each class, we work on bringing inner harmony through movement, breath and meditation. Uniting the body, mind and spirit to awaken our true Self. My teaching journey began shortly after the birth of my daughter. Having practiced yoga for 10 years, I found motherhood gave me a new perspective. Wanting to deepen my practice, I found myself taking to the mat in between my classes. And as I moved through poses or paused in meditation, I noticed her watching with curiosity. Before long she was on my mat, copying the poses and demanding more ‘mummy yoga.’ Soon she had her own mat (in her favourite colour, purple, of course) and we were practicing yoga together daily. Really I have her to thank for setting me on this path. As watching her little character flourish in our practices together has inspired me to share this with both little and bigger minds alike. My 200-hr training with Avani Yoga Academy and Yoga Bananas means I am now honoured to share the ancient practice of yoga in an authentic and heartfelt way to adults, children and families alike. Of course yoga is a lifelong journey that is forever evolving. I am honoured to continue my own discovery with a 50-hour Yoga Nidra Immersion with Avani Yoga Academy and Naomi Absalom’s 6-month Liberate mentorship, among others.

Youth Justice Legal Centre

youth justice legal centre


The goal of YJLC to be a centre of excellence on youth justice law came at a time when very few resources existed for professionals and there was no requirement that lawyers representing children in the criminal justice have any kind of specialist training. The legal landscape has progressed in a short time, in no small part due to the work of YJLC. YJLC works in collaboration with civil society, legal bodies and educational entities to ensure that the capacity and knowledge of those working with children in the criminal justice system is constantly evolving and improving. It was always clear to us that children in the criminal justice system should be represented by specialists. The aim in creating YJLC was to fundamentally improve the way these children are represented. YJLC has exceeded those original dreams and continues to grow, support and celebrate this important community of people providing a key, frontline role in society. Shauneen Lambe, Co-Founder Just for Kids Law and Youth Justice Legal Centre Taking a global approach, evolving legal understanding domestically, the need for YJLC continues to be strong having become an established and respected sector leader. Ensuring that children who do end up in the criminal justice system get the best outcomes both legally and for their futures. YJLC, like all of the strands of work in Just for Kids Law, developed out of what the young people told us they needed. Sometimes the stories they told us of their experiences were funny, sometimes they made us furious but mostly we heard stories of a communication gaps and gaps in social understanding. To the young people we have worked with over the years, thank you, for inspiring, motivating and making even the driest parts of the work more enjoyable. If it wasn’t for you, for us, it wouldn’t be worth doing.