5873 Educators providing Courses delivered Online




Welcome fellow luminous beings, sisters, brothers, co-creators, and light-workers, I'm Nadia-Anne, but you can call me Nadia. I'm a Sound Visionary Artist, Healer and Coach. This means, I create and heal from sound then help facilitate space for others do the same through my immersive sound journey’s and coaching. Whilst I travelled the world as a professional dancer during my 20’s, I was lucky enough to absorb the variations of sounds, patterns, colours, textures, and cultures not only from local people, hill-tribes, remote craftsmen, Buddhist monks, and spiritual leaders, but also from the colourful souls I met along the way. I learnt that sound is the universal language, and that it is the thread that weaves humanity together. I have been deeply connected to music, sound and vision my entire life, which came to light, as a mature student at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design (CSM), London, which I started immediately after returning from living and performing in Ibiza (2006-07). During my studies, I accidentally invented BeatWoven; A transmission, weaving invisible geometric sonic soundscapes, into our artistic visual landscapes through coded woven threads and innovative technologies. The idea came to me as an epiphany on the dance-floor, at Space Ibiza in 2006. I was lost in the frequency of the music listening to the iconic DJ Carl Cox, immersed in lights and tuned-in to a moment of higher consciousness. Above our heads, I could see the laser beams weaving patterns in and out of each other in sync with the sounds, similar to threads weaving upon a loom. I instantly became excited about the concept of expanding our universal language into our decorative visual reality, through the medium of patterned fabric, bringing deeper and more meaningful connections to the world in which we live in. I learnt during my research that I had a form of syntheses, a sensory response I had shut down form a young age, where I can sense colour and pattern through sound. Working as a professional performer eventually led me to burn out in 2013. Throughout my life, I had unfortunately been exposed to external trauma’s and was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). I found myself immersed in the epicentre of psychotherapy’s and holistic remedies desperate to heal myself so I could full-fill my commitment to BeatWoven. My turning point came when I took a break, and escaped to one of my favourite Island’s called Koh Phangan, Thailand for an Intensive 200 RYT Yoga Teaching Training Course. We meditated everyday at 6.30am in the middle of a jungle with buddhist monk teachers, ate an Ayurvedic diet, participated in 4 hours of yoga a day, and studied the philosophy of yoga. It was upon my return in 2019, I began training with the lineage of Don Conreaux gong masters. As a certified sound healer, yoga & meditation instructor (RYT), I am passionate about helping other people manifest their ideas into reality, using the ancient technology of ‘Frequency Medicine’ to cleanse our emotional and physical bodies so we can live a life of being in high-frequency. The rise of the new tech age in this ever-changing world increases our need to be anchored in our human ‘truth’. Tuning - In to ignite positive vibrations, will help us navigate through, and dissolve any seeds to illnesses such as mental health, depression, anxiety, stress and trauma, as well as help us authentically co-create an incredible world for humanity.

Roundwood Park School

roundwood park school


With Grammar schools in nearby St Albans, that meant that it was in reality a secondary modern school although as its pupils reached school leaving age (15 in those days) it soon became apparent that many wanted to stay on into the fifth year and take ‘O’ levels so that facility was provided. The school opened with three teaching blocks – still recognizable as ‘B’ block, ‘C’ block and the hall, gym etc. where the staff room and offices were. There were three forms, one in each of the second, third and fourth years and three first year forms, making a total of 179 pupils. There were ten teachers including the first head teacher – Mr Arthur Foxwell. The school was organised into four houses – Braille, Campbell, Grenfell and Nightingale – thus providing a competitive element for the popular Sports Day and, from 1961 when the town’s pool was opened, the Swimming Gala. After three years, the school had reached its planned maximum size but often exceeded that over subsequent years due to its increasing popularity with local residents as well as those in Wheathampstead and Redbourn. Now we receive many pupils from the other villages – Markyate, Flamstead and Kimpton. This is partly due to the closure of smaller secondary schools in Redbourn and Wheathampstead so that the ‘economies of scale’ can be taken advantage of, full comprehensive provision within Hertfordshire and also due to parental preference. Mr Foxwell retired in 1976 after 20 years as Headteacher and Mr Turnbull took over for 2 years, being followed by Mr Haydon Luke who stayed for 17 years. Andy Cunningham stayed for 6 years and was replaced by Mr Nick Daymond who also stayed for 6 years until he was succeeded by the current Headteacher, Mr Alan Henshall. At various times in between, the Deputy Heads have held the fort – Mr Lucas, Mr Surtees and Ms Linda Graham – all contributing to the continuity and stability that have been part of the Roundwood ethos. Roundwood21There have been many changes over the past 60 years resulting in upheaval and disruption – increasingly frequent times when the site appeared more like a building site as a new Sixth Form/Modern Foreign Languages block was constructed, soon to be followed by a new Maths/Music building and a Sports Centre. The school is also now an Academy. The changes have not affected the ethos of the school and Roundwood Park remains the same, continuing to educate local children in a caring and supportive way that encourages them to develop their best talents through a broad and balanced curriculum. This article is adapted from the original produced for the 50th celebrations by Ruth Martin & Christine Hood. UPDATE On 13 September 2018 Roundwood Park was proud to officially open a state of the art 3G artificial pitch on the school site. A joint venture with Harpenden Colts FC, and with a £500,000 grant from the Premier League and the FA Facilities Fund, it allowed us to replace the existing grass pitch, which was unsuitable for football during the winter months. The new pitch is used by all students and players from the school as well as Harpenden Colts FC, who operate around 60 teams across eight different training venues. Watford FC Community Sports and Education Trust also use the pitch to deliver sessions for female and disabled football, as well as its use for regular summer holiday camps and coach education workshops.

HG Beauty Academy

hg beauty academy

Ellesmere Port,

Meet Amanda Flewitt, Owner & Trainer: As my 45th birthday is coming up, it got me thinking about how lucky I am to be doing a job I love. I have come a long way, literally, as I was born in New Zealand and moved to the Wirral when I was 2 years old! I’ve always been creative. I gained my Graphic Design degree from Newcastle University, then I worked in the advertising and design industry up and down the country, in Liverpool, Edinburgh, London, and Manchester. But, as it often does in life, fate intervened. I was made redundant 3 times before I was 3- years old and I decided to retrain while looking for another job. I learned how to do nails, and I carried on doing them part-time when I got a job as an Art Director in Manchester. Once I had completed my nail qualifications, I built up a client base in my spare time, carrying out treatments after work and evenings, and eventually renting a small room in a hairdresser’s. My small business grew and I decided to take the plunge to rent a larger premises and even employ staff. On the day I picked up the salon shop sign I got made redundant from the Manchester job! Wow that was not what I was expecting. But forced me to focus on making the most of it and I have never looked back. After owning a few salons in the area I an now based in the a gorgeous room in the very professional Stanlaw Abbey Business Centre, where I offer Private small group and one to one accredited training and even manage to find time to pamper my lovely loyal clients that have followed me over the last 13 years. And I love it! l have also taught beauty and nails, multi media design and even retail at West Cheshire college for 10 years, and community leisure courses in basic skincare and makeup. I love teaching, and I get such a buzz from helping someone to learn a new skill. But even better, is the feeling I get when I know that I have helped them to pursue a completely new career, or to start their own business. I personally teach all my courses, either in small groups or one to one. I love passing on hints, tips, and professional techniques to my students. I always offer them support after the course, and I invite them back to resit it if they feel like they need to. They also get access to a private Facebook group, where they can get support, access videos, and much more. My aim is to have every student leave my courses with not only a sense of achievement, but the confidence and ability to be a fantastic therapist. My work makes me feel proud, and so does juggling my career with being a mother to my wonderful, and cheeky 6-year-old son. He is my motivation, my inspiration, and my constant reminder of why I do what I do every single day. Please feel free to call me Amanda 07434994783 for more information or to make an appointment to discuss your course interests further.

The Fox Studios

the fox studios

I set up The Fox Studios so that I had a bricks and mortar place in Warrington, where I could teach my passion, Jewellery. I had been planning this for some time (around 3 years), before I went ahead and took the plunge. I chose Warrington for a few reasons, it's my home town, it's quite central (directly between Liverpool and Manchester) and because, well, where else would I set up Jewellery Classes? I have been creative for as long as I can remember. When I left school I couldn't decide whether I wanted to do Fashion or Fine Art. I chose Fashion. I'm not quite sure why. It was an experience, and I enjoyed the journey, but I'm not sure I'm very fashionable. I have continued to sketch and paint, and have done so for many years. Due to a big life change in 2000, I started an evening class in Jewellery and Silversmithing and I can quite safely say I was hooked. I eventually went back to University as a mature student and finished my degree in 2008. A few short months later I was back teaching on the evening class where I'd first picked up the bug and it turned out I loved teaching. I've been a jeweller for around 20 years now. I never expected to become a teacher, but it's something I really enjoy it (and I hope it's something I'm good at, students do keep returning). I try to tailor the learning experience to the individual student, so that you can get the most out of the course. The Fox Studios is a friendly workshop where you can come and spend a couple of hours and make something beautiful, no matter what skill level you are. You will find it a lovely relaxing environment where you're supported and encouraged to make your ideas a reality, or if you're not sure what they are, I can help you make a sparkly thing or two to get you started. You will learn at your own pace, no pressure. The workshop is fully equipped for a range of different jewellery techniques, from simple ring making, stone setting, to enamelling and even colouring your own anodised aluminium. What I'm trying to say is that I have a variety of skills and a whole load of interesting equipment which you can use to make pieces of jewellery that are unique to you. I have a range of different Jewellery Classes, from taster sessions, one day classes and term time sessions as well as one to one sessions. They are all for a range of abilities, from beginners, intermediate and some more advance techniques. I am based in The Old School in Warrington, which is full of amazing creative people, as well as a quirky cafe that sells fabulous food. In the workshop you'll always find refreshments are on tap, tea, coffee (both normal and decaf), and if I'm organised, biscuits as well, but there is always Mini Rolls. I had grand plans of having beautiful cakes, but I've realised I'm just not that organised (and haven't baked in years). I hope I've covered everything, but if you do have any questions please get in touch and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Heather x

Yasmin Zaman - The Portable Guru

yasmin zaman - the portable guru

For 20 years I’ve dedicated my life to inspiring others by teaching the self-awareness and self-care practices of connecting to the body and mind through various styles of yoga, mindfulness meditation, physical activity & trauma sensitive approaches to healing and recovery. My own life, and decades of working with diverse groups of people all over the world, taught me that when we take good care of ourselves, we value and appreciate others, and forge a better connection with the natural world on which we depend. My Bio includes more on my background, training, research papers and publications About four decades ago, yoga originally began as a way to care for my sore bones and tender tissues traumatized by a childhood fall, taught by a specialist teacher, practising what was then known as remedial yoga, today commonly referred to as yoga therapy. I know, without a doubt, that yoga and mindfulness meditation can heal the body, centre and focus the mind and restore sagging spirits. But being human and subject to the pressures of life, I didn’t always listen! Insecurity had me chasing a career: from teaching to working my way to senior roles alongside the great and the good in global Public Relations and communications for various not-for-profits and humanitarian organisations. The stress levels were stratospheric though it provided a dubious kind of glamour! Then one day I was diagnosed with a TIA (a stroke). And I listened. You don’t have to go through the same! Today, my work is varied: working therapeutically with patients referred for psychiatric care in a team of psychiatrists, psychotherapists and others; to teaching mindfulness-based and yoga classes & courses to the public who come in all shapes, colours and sizes. I am also interested in healing traditions from other cultures as a pathway to wholeness, e.g., shamanism. It’s been my privilege to lead programmes in partnership with local government agencies, GPs, academics, schools and corporate organisations to support everyone from children, young adults, working people, stressed, anxious and clinically depressed people, & those suffering with trauma diagnoses to learn ways to restore their wellbeing with skills and knowledge with an evidence base in science, mindfulness and yoga-based traditions. I have enhanced DBS and teach either group or one-to-one sessions online or in person: Weekly group yoga and mindfulness-based meditation classes (online & in person) One-to-one sessions and courses (online & in person) Yoga and mindfulness courses & workshops for all levels (dates to be confirmed) A blog and social media posts to inspire and provide resources to oil the wheels of your week (irregular!) A few retreats a year where you can immerse yourself in learning body wisdom and mind craft among kind, friendly and welcoming groups of like-souled people. In my free time I enjoy travel or watching travel documentaries, learning languages, walks with Mother Nature, the gym (not really but I do resistance exercise), music, art and dancing – Argentine tango and historical dances from the Baroque and Regency periods with the Winchester Baroque Dancers and Duke of Wellington’s Dancers. I am a Jane Austen superfan or Janeite and appear in a BBC documentary commemorating 200 years of her death in 2017! I have twin nephews and a niece, who all started practising yoga while very young. I’m hoping to add a rescue pug to the family very soon.

Soulful Vision

soulful vision

SOULFUL VISION was born out of Steve Radley’s journey of healing as a military veteran of Iraq & Afghanistan and is informed by his training as a Priest and a Photographer. Is Mindfulness any good? We read a lot about the benefits of MINDFULNESS but chatting to people I discovered lots of us find it strange and not ‘my sort of thing’. It can feel quite inaccessible with all its talk of focusing on our breathing, letting go of our thinking and centring in the moment. I first came across MINDFULNESS whilst studying psychiatry at King’s College London and there can be no disputing the research – it’s good for us and is an ancient practice modern society has rediscovered. But I know what my people mean – it can feel hard to do because – well let’s face it – we have lots of things competing for our attention and spending time sitting cross legged meditating is not something we have the time or desire to do. Making Mindfulness accessible Through my photography training I realised this art form is an easy way into mindfulness. And this creates a wonderful possibility – we’re all taking pictures on our phones, so rather than teaching something completely new, we can simply adapt something we already do to access the benefits of mindfulness. SOULFUL VISION retreats and workshops take your photography (whether with a smartphone or camera) and help you discover how this can become a mindful activity, helping you find moments of calm within the demands of modern life. Wellbeing with a difference There are many excellent wellbeing courses and providers but many of the techniques taught are premised on self-care (eg. time management, boundary setting, kind non-judgemental thinking, etc). This is important but I believe it can only form part of the answer. There is a danger when the focus is purely self-care, that we can feel we have failed if we struggle in our life and work – we can feel we are not resilient. We will only thrive and find resilience if the environments we live and work support our resilience. Our relationships are of equal importance and we each need to support one another. For me the process of taking a picture can be both an activity of self-care and care for one another. This creates environments and cultures in which we can find resilience together, finding peace and enabling us to thrive in life. One writer on wellbeing called this a ‘virtuous circle of kindness’. Join us on a workshop or retreat. Learn a mindful approach to photography which is an act of self-care and how to share your images to learn about yourself and one another. By facilitating conversations with one another through your pictures I hope to create shared vision and understanding. This can help strengthen not only our own, but one another’s resilience and mental health as we develop a shared vision and learn about the different ways we each see life. My workshops are premised on the 5 Steps to Wellbeing, which is an approach endorsed by the NHS and described below We do not focus primarily on the technical aspects of photography. Steve will help if you get stuck! All you require is a camera you can use and an open mind to try.

Casual Rice

casual rice

Cranmer Road

I’m Xuan (pronounced Sawn). I was born in Vietnam from Chinese Vietnamese parents and I am proud to be one of the original Vietnamese boat people now living here in the UK. In the late 1970s, the aftermath of the Vietnam war and the growing oppression of the ethnic Chinese living in Vietnam forced my family to flee their home. We left Vietnam on a small overcrowded and ramshackle boat that wasn’t fit for the open water and sailed the perilous South China Sea to Hong Kong. At age 2 my first and only memory of Hong Kong is a hazy image of the orange skies. After 6 months we left the tropical heat of Hong Kong and immigrated to the cold, or you could say dreich (Scots for dreary) climate of the Scottish winter. We lived in the quiet outskirts of Glasgow for four years before moving and settling in London, which was a hubbub of culture and activity. By the age of 14 I had lived in four vastly different countries and each of these places have influenced the person that I am and the food I love to cook and eat. My own cooking adventure started at an early age – washing the rice grains for steamed rice and undertaking the long and meticulous task of cleaning and snapping the tails off bean sprouts for my parents spring rolls. This you can say was my training for the future food lover in me – or feeder. As a child of refugees, love was often shown through food rather than words. From these duties and by always keeping my belly full, my parents quietly passed on their own rich food heritage and family history to me through the years. In my 20’s I became a sushi chef at a vibrant restaurant in Central London, and spent 4 years learning the meticulous art of preparing, filleting and slicing fish for sushi, maki, nigiris and sashimi. I have since run a number of supper clubs in London and Dundee, including a charity Chinese hotpot that raised over £2,000 for the charity – Sarcoma UK. This year, I’ve taken the next leap in my food adventure and launched my online cookalong classes, which have been great fun and allow me to reach new like minded food enthusiasts far and wide. Casual Rice is all about sharing my love for food and my own culinary heritage through authentic but informal Vietnamese and Chinese meals I devoured when growing up, with Japanese influences from my sushi training days. The name Casual Rice comes from The Mandarin Way, a book by the inspirational Cecilia Sun Yun Chiang. A pioneering woman who in the 1960’s opened one of the first authentic Chinese restaurant in North America. In her book she writes “when we sat down to meals as a family, we adopted a much simpler mode of eating … such meals were known as “pien- fan”, “casual rice” or what might be termed home cooking”. As the saying goes, food is a universal language that brings people together. I am hoping through this website and cookalong classes I am able to share personal recipes from my own home, that you can make and share in your homes with your loved ones. Thanks for visiting.

Sarah Louise Dix Upholstery

sarah louise dix upholstery


Sarah Louise Dix Upholstery was formed in 2005 by Sarah Dix. The business comprises of the Couture Label, the Pink Label, SLD Upholstery Services and upholstery courses & workshops. The Couture Label evolved from fusion ideas and specialises in the design and upholstery of quality vintage furniture inspired by the construction and form of clothing. The label’s designs are part artwork part furniture creating highly individual finished pieces. Some designs physically incorporate a vintage garment creating a surreal air while others have structural elements such as corsetry, the Corset Chair, or tailoring. Sarah’s furniture was shown at the London menswear show Stitch in February 2010 on the Blaqua menswear stand and were stocked at their shops in Newburg Street W1 and Kings Road SW3. In November 2013 Sarah bought an antique chaise longue from Katherine Higgins on BBC Put your Money Where your Mouth Is and reupholstered it in red velvet and faux fur with a corset back. Then in February 2014 She sold the Corset Chaise to Jeff Salmon on the Channel 4 TV programme Four Rooms for £1200. 2010 saw the launch of the Pink Label. The Pink Label is the diffusion range and produces the Corset Chair at a more affordable price. The original Corset Chair design has been simplified, the frames are new exact copies of the original Victorian shape and are upholstered using modern materials. Sarah also sold the chairs at Follet in Petworth, Sussex in 2012. The Upholstery Courses were introduced in January 2012 and run for ten weeks. The first teaching venue was at The National Trust property the Barge Building Shed. Dapdune Wharf. Guildford. Sarah had a residency there and courses run throughout the year in stunning surroundings, on the banks of the River Wey. She also launched courses in the studio space at The Art Works in East Horsley. This was a unique space selling contemporary arts and crafts. Other course locations were in Farnham, Grayshott and Cranleigh Arts Centre. Once Sarah was able to take on her own space in Godalming, the courses ran inhouse from then on. The spaces include Studio 22 and Bargate House and the current property in Farncombe. The courses are very popular and often over subscribed. Sarah also runs Beginners Footstool day workshops once a month on a Saturday. The workshops give a great introduction to upholstery and helpful when considering undertaking a ten week course. SLD Upholstery Services offers a full reupholstery service for clients. This service has been running alongside the design side and courses from the beginning. The workroom now has four professional upholsterers working on various pieces of furniture for customers. This can range from a cushion cover to a three piece suit. The company has undertaken work from a variety of people such as titled Ladies, artists to royalty, Pop Stars (a pink latex bed for Nicki Minaj’s world tour 2018), partners in top London banks and Mrs Judge from around the corner. She gets to visit the most amazing houses including one once owned by Chris Evans and Mary Wondrausch's unique home crammed with her pottery. Sarah continues to expand the shop and fabric accounts with fabrics available from fabric houses such as Designers Guild, Romo, Osbourne & Little, Christian Lacroix.