57982 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

The Pivotal Change Academy

the pivotal change academy


We are unique in our service, developing a highly effective program model to provide adequate time to build momentum and create lasting change in your dog. Many who've graduated from our Behaviour Dog Parenting Training (BDPT) have remarked how we've made them into a positive dog-parents and behaviourist for their dog, learning how to identify, analyze and effectively address behaviour issues before they become worse. Together, we apply knowledge, the gift of time and additional energy to your dog, delivering a powerful, life-changing shift in the way they think, feel and behave. We don't accept clients who might be unsure of their ability to do the homework required. Our client roster is full of people like you, who've committed to spending at least an hour more each day to engage in our program or decided to take our option for bi-weekly sessions. Your first step when trying to figure out a solution to a behaviour problem may be to talk to your Vet. Your Vet may refer you directly to PivotalChange.ca or they may suggest you go to a Veterinarian Psychiatrist. While we are recognized by the Complementary Medical Association (CMA) as a Canine Psychologist, it can be confusing. What is the difference? A Veterinarian Behaviourist/Psychiatrist has significantly more years in animal education, medical training and must have graduated from a Veterinary College. A potential alternative to a Veterinarian Psychiatrist is seeking a highly educated, Canine Psychologist and a Canine Behaviourist like myself. In addition to the CMA, I am accredited by the International School for Canine Psychology & Behaviour. I am also an IAABC Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant. The IAABC is an international body who has reviewed by work and recognizes those with the highest education and experience in their field. Our programs take advantage of an advanced education and experience in Strategic & Systems Thinking, and over 30 years applying current neuroscience, psychology & change science to human beings. We surround you and your dog with a team of professionally trained psychology-based behaviour specialists, with my end-to-end oversight of the behaviour progress. This allows us to flex with your schedule, and provide consistent quality results to change any behaviours.



Hi, I’m Alison and I’m absolutely delighted to welcome you to Little Bees with Alison! Little Bees is founded and run by me, a mum of two and a primary school teacher of over 16 years, with a huge passion for Early Years Development. During my teaching career, I have specialised in and led Additional Learning Needs and Foundation Phase across the school. I was also identified as an ‘Outstanding Teacher’ and was one of only 8 teachers to be selected across SE Wales to particpate in an ‘Outstanding Teachers’ Programme. After a long battle with infertility, I finally achieved my dream of becoming a Mummy when Joseph was born in 2016. Three years later, we completed our family with Charlotte. I absolutely love teaching and have often thought about other ways I could use my skills whilst also having a positive impact on my local community. I had noticed firsthand the lack of groups for new parents in my local area and the idea of Little Bees started. Having experienced the impact massage had on my own little ones and our bonding, this was something I was excited to share with other new parents and carers. In 2019, I trained with Hands on Babies, the first UK baby massage and baby yoga training organisation to have received accreditation from the Royal College of Midwives for its courses. I enjoyed the massage course so much that upon gaining accreditation, I immediately set to work on completing the lovely yoga course! My mission with ‘Little Bees with Alison’ is to offer friendly and relaxing classes for all parents and carers in a supportive and non-competitive environment within their local community. As a new Mum, I was desperate to not only do lovely activities with my baby, but I was also keen to make new friends. This is exactly what I want to bring to my community with ‘Little Bees’. I completely understand the challenges new parents are going through and thought of supporting them brings me great joy. I am fully insured, DBS checked and have completed training to enable my classes to be ‘Covid-secure.’

The One School of Dance

the one school of dance


Being a former dancer, classical dancer, it informed me as a human being just in terms of the grace I guess. Ballet is a very graceful form of art. You also become very aware of your body and your mind and your body is working in conjunction. That kind of helps you in acting as well. It is not only using your mind, it is like making your own mind communicate this character into your body so that you can bring it to life and physicalize it. Cara began dancing at a very young age taking part in ballet, tap, modern jazz, street dance, lyrical and musical theatre lessons throughout all of her childhood. She went on to study Sport at college alongside doing her teacher training within dance. Cara then went on to study musical theatre and dance at a full time professional college, alongside teaching dance at the weekend. After having to pull out of college with a serious injury she decided being a professional performer wasn’t for her as she LOVED every second of teaching, so focussed all of her time on gaining 10 teaching qualifications within the IDTA. Alongside teaching for nearly half of her life, Cara has also taken part in many amateur dramatic companies performing in musicals, worked for professional dance companies in shows and events and completed many training courses including physical literacy, nutrition, Zumba, exercise to music, and smoking cessation. She has a background of working with families and children in helping them live a healthier lifestyle as part of a Derby County Community Trust program and continues to work with DCCT delivering sessions for different programs they run. 14 years of teaching dance has given Cara lots of experience in working with a wide variety of children, including those with behavioural and learning difficulties. She has worked in many primary and secondary schools across Derby and Nottingham and continues to do so with pride. A fact about Cara: Alongside running The One School of Dance, she is a mummy to two small children (so please be patient with her).

Bath Festival Orchestra

bath festival orchestra


The Bath Festival Orchestra is the future of classical music. We represent a new model for orchestras, placing the education and training of future audiences and musicians at the forefront of everything we do. Led by our values, we are committed to ensuring a sustainable future for classical music, and to creating impactful experiences that go beyond genre and traditional boundaries to encourage greater access to art. Our aim is to take classical music to diverse audiences in overlooked communities, by turn inviting them into some of the world’s finest concert halls to contribute, listen, see, feel and enjoy the exquisite music that has been and will be written for the orchestra. We are committed to innovation in the area of enhanced live performance, harnessing the creative possibilities of augmented reality, virtual reality and hologram technology. We will experiment with and explore new scientific capabilities to advance musical dialogue in the streaming and broadcast arenas. Founded in 1959 by Yehudi Menuhin, the Bath Festival Orchestra has long been established as the beating heart and resident ensemble of The Bath Festival. Our reach is now international, having used the power of digital media and technologies to establish ambitious collaborative projects for worldwide audiences. Collaboration, access to music at every level, and cross-genre collaboration, are values of our Founder and remain interwoven into the orchestra’s identity and work. We relaunched during the Covid-19 pandemic, in a move indicative of our devotion to offering opportunities for all, and amplifying engagement in the arts. We are flinging open the doors to classical music, providing open access at every level. We are led by a dedication to seeing our audiences and musicians reflect the society we live in – to truly diversify the socio‐demographics of our industry. Our first engagement, following our relaunch, was an education project to give young people access to the best music training in schools. We are equally at home here as we are when connecting with audiences at live events, from those held at the recently refurbished Bath Abbey to those at the renowned Badminton House. We are looking forward to sharing our plans for 2021-22 in the coming months.

Inspiring Skills

inspiring skills


Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales prides itself for supporting young people across Wales to achieve excellence. We do this by supporting vocational learning through Skills Competitions and the Have a Go initiative, to help encourage young people to excel in the world of work. The project, secured by the Skills Ambassador Network (SAN) in 2014, is a Welsh Government funded initiative led by Coleg Sir Gar. The SAN, was established in 2011, and consists of a dedicated network of colleges, work-based learning providers and employer-led organisations. Its primary focus, in 2014, was to develop vocational excellence, and encourage and enable greater participation in Skills Competitions by widening the knowledge and expertise across the education and training sector. We recognise that Skills competitions specifically enable young people to achieve their full potential whilst raising their skills levels to meet employer needs. They can drive productivity and prosperity in our economy and create more resilient communities. Investment in skills is an investment in the future of our country, our businesses and our people. The success of the ISEiW project saw the initiative expand in 2016 to delivering what it is today. The project spans across three platforms; Have a Go, Skills Competition Wales and WorldSkills UK Wales, and inspires and elevates young people to achieve excellence. The project provides young people in Wales with improved employability skills and life changing opportunities, with employers benefiting from an additional competitive edge – through the employment of highly skilled individuals bringing proficiency, added value to their businesses and contributing to the prosperity for Wales as a whole. The project establishes a culture across colleges and training providers that delivers more than simply qualifications – it develops world class skills, with experiences that build the confidence and life skills of individuals. A joined up approach to sharing of good practices and expertise is a priority, contributing to raising the standards of teaching and learning across Wales and embedding Skills Competitions as a method of assessing the quality of provision. Through capitalising on the creation of a Team Wales ethos we drive to raise standards and support the creation of a larger pool of highly talented individuals.

The People Speak

the people speak


The People Speak CIC inspires communities to be creative and provides training and opportunities to people in East London. The company’s activities will provide benefit to all of the various community groups in East London and beyond, by creating an inclusive, non-judgemental, non-hierarchical space for inter and intra community dialogue. We seek to promote creative dialogue between people of all ages, classes, genders, ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds.  The company’s activities primarily benefit local community groups in Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham. We work with people of all ages, classes, genders, cultural and religious backgrounds that live side-by-side in these boroughs. Through formats like Talkaoke – a pop-up talkshow – we promote speaking, listening and exchange of ideas and perspectives between these groups, helping to strengthen community cohesion and dialogue and supporting creative and collaborative initiatives, which positively impact their neighbourhoods. We work with a wide range of organisations and charities to deliver our activities nationally, including facilitating community consultation to inform local cultural, community and placemaking strategies. What we do: Provide creative and interactive group activities for the communities in Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Newham and the wider UK by using a multi-arts approach, technology and creative facilitation; including online events Facilitate regular discussion forums such as Talkaoke – the pop-up talk show; Facilitate community consultation to inform local, cultural, community and placemaking strategies; Provide open-door creative support for people who come to our premises in Aberfeldy Street, Poplar Provide training and opportunities to local young people and emerging creatives. Benefits to the community: Supporting local participants to learn new skills creatively explore their interest and meet people outside of their usual lived experience, Providing activities and events that are free for all communities to access, Strengthening community cohesion through running events and activities that bring all sections of the community together, Empowering people from across communities by ensuring their voices and ideas are listened to and reflected in plans that directly impact where they live, Developing diverse and disadvantaged young people and emerging creatives’ skills, particularly around facilitation and listening, digital and live production and delivery.

The Bwrt Institute

the bwrt institute

The Institute is the Training Arm of the BWRT® methodology - If you're searching for therapy, please visit https://bwrt-professionals.com BWRT has already been the subject of a Ph.D. awarded from Lincoln University, UK, and a clinical trial is currently (at May 2022) in progress: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34696777/ The trial is being funded and conducted by the University of Bergen, Norway, after professors there were impressed with its performance. The Terence Watts BWRT Institute was formerly known as The Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy. It was renamed in October 2018 to better show the therapeutic origins of the process. BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® - BWRT® - was created in 2011 by Terence Watts, a therapist, author of many books and training courses and principal of the Essex Institute in Essex, UK. Like many great ideas it was born out of a moment of inspiration while reading about some experiments carried out in 1983 and later which appeared to show that we don't actually have free will in the way we usually think of it. More than that, it showed that decisions were made and acted upon by our mental processes before we become consciously aware of them. Who is Terence Watts? Click here to find out. It was immediately evident that this process accounted for a huge number of the psychological difficulties which so many people have to put up with, and obvious, too, that with some research it could provide the basis for a profound therapeutic intervention, something potentially more powerful and effective than anything that existed to date. Terence had for some time been working on an idea to work with several complicated issues: Why we sometimes can't stop ourselves doing things. Why we sometimes feel that we just cannot do something we would really like to. Why we so often limit ourselves from getting on with life. Why we sometimes give up on something without even trying properly to do it. Why we sometimes fear something when there's no real reason to do so. Why some situations 'trigger' uncomfortable feelings, even though we have no idea why. Why therapy doesn't always work as we want it to.

Project Theatre

project theatre


Award-winning performing arts organisation working with young people and communities across Falkirk and pushing what’s possible. We provide classes, holiday programmes, stage productions and more to help everyone learn without limits, experience new adventures and perform to your potential. We provide performing arts training and performance experiences with the power of potential at their heart and our diverse organisation is always seeking to grow pushing what’s possible through creative approaches, innovative audience development and educational outreach work. Mission, Aims & Ethos Project Theatre exists to promote community and youth involvement in performing arts across the Falkirk area through classes, workshops, productions and community initiatives. Our Aims: To provide a supportive and safe environment for young people to engage in high quality performing arts related activities on a regular basis. To encourage and facilitate the development of skills related to performing arts through classes and workshops. To provide opportunities for all members to take part in regular productions and performances. To give members the opportunity to take part in additional experiences and events. To provide a place for people with an interest in performing arts; drama, music, dance to meet, make friends and have fun. Work with other organisations to exchange information and work on joint projects. Take part in activities which promote good practice in youth arts and for the benefit of the community. Our Ethos: Accessibility – We believe that everyone should have access to the arts and do the upmost to ensure our activities are for everyone as much as possible. Performance – We believe in giving our students as many opportunities to perform through musicals, plays, dance performances, summer courses, and one-off opportunities including outdoor performance. Professionalism – We believe in training young individuals with the necessary skills to develop them into well-equipped performers prepared for the creative and performing arts industry or further and higher education if that is where they are headed as well as vital skills for lifelong learning and development. Individuality – One of the most important things at PT is to be yourself. We aim to bring out the best in each of our students whilst never being ashamed to be who they truly are.




hrough years of experience and her own meditation and mindfulness practice, she has developed a unique and richly relaxing blend of wellbeing and stress management which brings together a number of practices from Laughter Yoga, Meditation and mindfulness. As well as Mindfulness, Sue is a trainer in Emotional Intelligence and is EQi 2.0 qualified, she is also a qualified DiSC practitioner. Supporting people to understand their emotional intelligence and behavioural traits means she encourages her clients to learn and adopt mindfulness techniques. Sue is keen to bring mindfulness into every element of her life and work – and through that to bring it to everyone she is in contact with. She loves showing people how they can support themselves by seperating out their beliefs and thoughts, and gain more understanding on how both beliefs and thoughts are driving actions – which may often not be productive or work out so well. “Like everyone, I have a busy life, I’ve run my own business since 1997, balanced it with bringing up a family, and worked on a number of community campaigns including sustainability and protecting green spaces (one of which resulted in me standing in the General Elections) and throughout that time, I have endured plenty of moments of stress. Mindfulness and Laughter have been key elements in my life that have kept me on an even keel” Sue’s work in Mindfulness means she is often in demand by individuals, local businesses and organisations. She often delivers bespoke training for stressed out executives and employees, and runs mindfulness retreats in Devon for people to get a taster of mindfulness, or go deeper into their own practice. “It is a real pleasure to work with clients to support them not only in their communications challenges, but also in their personal success plans. I use a range of techniques, including Mindfulness, visualisation, humour, coaching and even EFT to support my clients.” Sue is also a trainer for Big Results Training and Creative Laughter and she delivers courses throughout the UK to support individual wellbeing and emotional resilience. For her psychotherapy practice, please see: https://www.suehaswell.co.uk Contact: sue@mindfulness-uk.co.uk, 01626 864458

Bite Size Ltd

bite size ltd

Bite Size have been the pioneers in delivering a typical one day Microsoft Office Course in bite size chunks of learning for over 14 years. Since 2007, we have continued to grow our customer and learner base by creating new products and services to meet the ever-growing needs of the digital world today. Our Microsoft trainers are specialists in their field. When our customers needed more than Microsoft Office learning to support staff in their daily work, we started to look at growing our content by partnering with like-minded e-learning professionals. Say hello to Personal Development Introducing Workplace Learning Solutions – where Microsoft Office meets Personal Development all in one place. We know that Microsoft Office is only a part of workplace learning. Learning just Excel in isolation is not enough. So why not combine Excel with Finance for Non-Finance Managers or Presenting Yourself with PowerPoint? Our e-learning library is now packed with Microsoft Office and Personal Development lessons and courses, giving your staff just-in-time bite size e-learning delivered from one searchable My Bite Size library. Partnering with like-minded e-learning creators We have teamed up with like-minded e-learning creators who can deliver our customers the same Bite Size experiences in Soft Skills and Personal Development. Partners that have the same business philosophy of delivering short, engaging and relevant e-learning for today’s busy workforce. Staff today find it hard to commit to long training sessions and are demanding more short bursts of learning in bite-sized chunks that they can engage within their own time. Learning should be interesting and fun Our Bite Size lessons are quick for you to complete, fun for you to learn, and easy for you to retain. They are cost effective and tailored for your needs. Learning should be interesting and fun, and at Bite Size that is exactly what it is. The Bite Size team are extremely passionate about creating and delivering affordable on-line training in an interesting and fun way – giving you the tools needed, just when you need them.