589 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Craft4Smiles C.I.C.

craft4smiles c.i.c.

Papworth Everard

Craft4Smiles C.I.C. is a crafting community that provides inclusive, accessible high quality creative papercraft and mixed media online programmes for adults. Our courses are social and interactive whether delivered online or in-person. Our aim is to introduce and build crafting skills, improve wellbeing and to develop the basic skills needed for success in the workplace and at home, including self-confidence, problem solving, communicating in a group, basic maths and English. We teach over 45 different paper craft and mixed media techniques. Each course is carefully constructed to help you develop your crafting skills and knowledge.   Crafting and our courses are mindful, taking us away from the day-to-day. Participants have consistently reported improvements in their wellbeing.  Anyone who wants to learn new skills can join our programmes.  No previous experience of papercrafting or mixed media work is needed. We have delivered courses successfully in Cambridgeshire for 6 1/2 years and have worked with 280 Cambridges residents during this time. 86% of participants state that what we offer has helped to improve their wellbeing. 75% state that it has made a positive difference to their daily lives.   Our Courses:   1.  Short Courses: Standalone 3 to 10-week/session courses. Each 2-hour session runs sequentially so that  you can build your paper crafting and mixed media skills.  Currently we offer:  * Quilling: 10 sessions/weeks * Introduction to Paper Craft and Mixed Media: 10 sessions/weeks * Memory Book: 3 sessions/weeks * Memory Album: 3 sessions/weeks 2. From Beginner to Advanced Crafter available from January 2025: a 40-week/session long course delivered over approximately 13-14 months that follows on from the Introduction to Paper Craft and Mixed Media 10 week course. Each term should be followed sequentially, however, you can book in 10 week blocks. There is a discount of 10% if booking all 5 terms.  During this course, you will be introduced to over 45 paper craft and mixed media techniques and will learn about the vareity of paper craft and mixed media materials and equipment available and how to use them. By the end of the course, you will be a competent crafter and able, if you wish, to start selling/your own business. The equipment provided includes an electric A4 die cutting machine and a variety of dies and a scoreboard. and basic materials and equipment e.g. glue, a variety of tapes, alcohol pens, acrylic paints. You do not need any previous experience of paper crafting to join this course.  Fees for all courses include all the materials and equipment that you need for each lesson - supplied in a package with kits clearly labelled by week at the beginning of the course/term.  This means that you do not need to have any materials or equipment of your own. For all courses, the equipment and any leftover materials from all courses are yours to keep. Testimonial The first 2 cohorts on our online 18 month 'From Beginner to Advanced Crafter' course finished their courses in April. One individual provided a full A4 page of feedback. We are sharing that here - it is great to know that what we offer has an impact and helps. We hope that this feedback will encourage others to join us. Everything was made easy Enrolling Turning up to online sessions’ Having the equipment provided – so very well organised. The way the sessions were run encompassing everyone’s different pace and abilities. The welcoming atmosphere at the sessions. We all achieved the week’s task. This was important as I was struggling and would not have been able to deal with another thing, or complication, or something for me - so would have opted out. I was giving so much of myself elsewhere, to feel valued and be looked after was comforting, motivating and energising.  The lack of money doesn’t prevent attending. I felt welcomed in the group, whichever group I attended, and built-up rapport with the others in an easy going light hearted way – it was fun. I felt able to undertake the activity and supported throughout the session– Gray is just brilliant. This had a positive impact  There was no negative impact on me. I am grateful the sessions lasted as long as they did which I appreciate is difficult. It gave me time to feel the maximum benefit of improved mental health and general wellbeing, confidence building, skill and creativity development, and helping me to deal with everything else that was going on in my life. Specific When the flyer for the course was emailed me at work on a general circulation I read it and thought it sounded like something I needed and would like to do. I felt so drawn to it I contacted you to see if I was eligible. I was so very tired. Worn out with two years of covid emergency response work on top of my day job, pretty much spending 7-7 at my computer each day. In addition my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I decided to leave work in March 2022 to spend more time with her and care for her and support her children. Another member of my family was struggling with her mental health and I needed to spend more time with and supporting her too. Taking early retirement had a significant impact on my finances as I was only 60 and this was going to put pressure on us but as a family we agreed where my priorities needed to be. I was feeling overwhelmed, anxious and very low. The accessible, friendly, welcoming, creative space helped me cope. Initially it was time for me. Then it was something to look forward to and something to share. It was fun, relaxing and easy to lose yourself in making something and learning new skills. When things deteriorated for me, it was a constant and a safe, supportive environment. We may not have met the other participants in person but we soon bonded and cared for each other. It was Ok to turn up and not talk, not have your camera on, or to share sad news or how you were feeling. I will miss it and need to continue to carve out time for me to maintain the benefits going forward.




Guidelines for your practice given the current COVID-19 pademic There are a few things that we now have to do... You MUST book your space online as class numbers are limited. If you or anyone you have been in contact with has or thinks they may have COVID-19 please do not attend the session. Bring your own mat, equipment, blanket, and water to the session. Scan the QR Code fo the NHS Track and Trace App if you are using it. We must always keep 2 metres between us and place our mats to allow this. I will have some cones to mark out mat placement. I will not be adjusting you hands on during practice or providing the hands on settling during relaxation. Please be kind to your fellow yogis – we are all coping in different ways and some of us are more apprehensive than others. General Information about the classes. All classes are designed to be suitable, safe and enjoyable for beginner and intermediate Yogis. Adults of all ages are welcome. Please let me know if you have existing conditions by email or telephone prior to the class. For the 90 and 75 minute class - Class format is generally a gentle warm up followed by a flow of postures to increase body temperature and then a range of poses to build strength and increase flexibility. We then move to gentle stretches and twists to cool down. The end of the class usually consists of a breathing practice to calm the body and mind with a final section of relaxation to close the session. For the Beginners class - Class format is similar in order but focuses on the foundation poses with extra time taken to ensure correct allignment and movement into and out of postures. For the Gentle Yoga class - Class format is similar in order but at much less intense level. The class is aimed at those with limited flexibility or reduced strength who want to gradually build and improve both areas. For all classes each person is encouraged to focus on their own practice and to do only as much as feels right for them. We are all different so a posture that one person finds easy another might find more difficult. Yoga is an excellent way to improve your own strength and flexibility against your own starting point - wherever that may be. I use a combination of demonstration, verbal guidance and adjustment. Each posture will be taught with options to practice the next stage or level if the Yogi wishes Every week will have a different focus; some postures will be familiar every week others will be introduced to keep the class interesting and fresh. For the Beginner... It is best to wear comfortable clothing such as leggings or jogging bottoms and a T shirt. Socks, a warm fleece or jumper, maybe even a blanket are useful for relaxation at the end of the class in cooler weather. Some water to sip on is a good idea in hot weather. Please bring your own yoga mat.

London Dreamz

london dreamz


London Dreamz was founded by Shamsa Lakhani. She has been in your shoes and walked the path you dream to walk. ‘’I came to London in 2008 as a student to study and make a life here in UK. While studying, I worked part time but having no past work experience it was a bit difficult initially. Over the course of time I stumbled but quickly learnt from those mistakes. It was a great learning experience for me and I never looked back since that. I always wanted to help students who were new to this country, so I could support and guide them in their journey into this new life but didn’t know how. So I decided to become an Educational Consultant and I knew this was my calling. I completed my course of becoming an Educational Consultant, registered with British Council, and started my company London Dreamz Limited. London Dreamz Limited is about helping students to fulfil their dream of coming to UK to study, work and build their career/ life in London or other parts of UK. We are based in London and will help, guide and support you not only with your University Admission process but also after you arrive in UK.‘’ Why Choose London Dreamz? We have walked the path you dream of walking, have overcome the challenges you may face, so we know how to guide you best. Every individual is different with different aspirations and dreams so we can tailor your requirements in choosing the right course at the right institution in the right city. We will help you decide the path of your career goals and help you in this journey. 1. Customised Counselling. ‘I am not sure of what course to take? What university to go to? Which city to opt for?’ Do any of the above questions come to your mind? As an aspirant international student, you may want advice in selecting the right course, the right University, submitting your University application and also in your visa process. Our experienced counsellors will help you identify and secure the university or college where you can thrive. We will work with you closely as per your requirement, supporting you and your family, throughout your study abroad journey. 2. Supportive Education Consultants We have several Education Counsellors as London Dreamz. Our counsellors were international students as well and are ready to help you find the right course and University. They’re international education experts certified by British Council, ready to go the extra mile and help you as per your requirements. They have been there and walked the path you intend to walk and are willing to share their learnings. 3. Support every step of the way. We not only help you with the admission process, until you get your acceptance letter (CAS) but at every step of your journey including Visa assistance, pre departure guidance to post Arrival assistance. When in UK we will guide you to the way of life here, accommodation and also post study when you need assistance with your Graduate Scheme application.

CHaRM Management Specialists

charm management specialists


CHaRM specialises in all things HR and Organisational Development related and we are here to help forward thinking business get the best from their people. Find out more about us by clicking on the pages below or browse our website to see the type of support we offer.CHaRM Management Specialists provides you with dedicated human resource management and organisational development support to drive the performance of your business through your people. CHaRM began life in April 1996 to provide HR support to small and medium sized businesses that did not have the benefit of receiving professional HR advice and support in the same way as large organisations did. At that time there was no-one else providing this type of support, so to be an external provider of HR support as if we were an internal part of the organisation was quite unique. We took the best HR practices from the bluechip organisations in which we had previously worked and converted them to make them useful for smaller organisations. We were very pleased to celebrate our 21st birthday in 2017, with our philosophy of building great relationships with our clients still very much at the heart of how we operate. For us, our clients always come first. On 1 April 2021 we celebrated 25 years of working in partnership with our clients, and during that time our support has grown and evolved to encompass a wide range of Human Resource and Organisational Development activities, along with delivering training programmes, but the core element of how we operate has not changed. We build long term relationships with our clients, providing HR and OD support at all levels within their businesses, and our range of training solutions has helped many managers progress through their organisations, both for their personal benefit and that of their oganisations, who have retained them. More information about what we do can be found across the pages of our website. Please browse around for more information and if you can't find what you are looking for give us a call on 0115 984 3119. Our friendly team of HR professionals is always on hand to help. All of the testimonials and feedback on this website are genuine and have been freely given. We cannot attribute the testimonials we receive unfortunately due to the nature of the work that we undertake. Our clients want confidentiality and appreciate the fact that their people operations are kept private. "I want to thank you so much for all your support during my time as Administration Manager. You have been a pleasure to work with and helped me no end!" "The team are a delight to work with and have offered valuable support and guidance through many different, and sometimes challenging, situations. The experience has been completely positive and I would highly recommend CHaRM for all HR and business management requirements." "As a small organisation that doesn't have an HR department, we have found CHaRM to be an invaluable asset to our business. Working in partnership with the high calibre individuals who make up the CHaRM team, we have been able to manage some potentially difficult employment situations with confidence and efficiency."

Wiseup Team Building

wiseup team building

West Malling

WiseUp Team Building prides itself on delivering team building activities that engage participants. We encourage young people to develop new skills in a fun environment. It is our belief that outdoor education should be accessible to everybody. As a consequence, we are continually developing new methods of delivery to guarantee that all participants’ needs are met. Who We Are Founded in 2011 by Richard and Alexandra Wise, WiseUp Team Building is a mobile company. We provide fun and educational activities all over the country by bringing the equipment to participants. The company started with just one van going out and delivering activity days. Now on our busiest days, we have up to nine teams out all over the country. Richard and Alexandra have over 35 years combined experience working in the outdoor education sector. Working both abroad and in the UK gave this dynamic duo a vast amount of experience working with young people. Additional years at both privately owned and government run establishments meant running activity days for students of all different backgrounds. Whilst working at a large multi activity centre, Richard and Alexandra realised the demand for an outreach service. Chatting to teachers highlighted that bringing young people off site was becoming difficult and certainly more expensive. As a result, Richard and Alexandra founded WiseUp Team Building. A fully mobile service offering the same activities run at outdoor centres to schools across the UK. Running fun and challenging activity days on school grounds significantly reduces the cost. Consequently, this means students from lower income families who can’t usually afford traditional outdoor centre visits can participate. By coming to you, WiseUp removes the complicated planning involved taking pupils off site, which is always a good thing for everyone. Most importantly, students in both Primary and Secondary schools are able to access quality outdoor education. The Team A core operational team support Richard and Alexandra with the logistics of managing WiseUp. Our fantastic activities team uses their years of experience in the outdoor industry to develop new and exciting products. WiseUp is all about innovation, not imitation. Each year, we hire and train additional instructors to deliver our activity days to the highest standard. Many of our Lead Instructors return each season. As a result, it’s not surprising to see some familiar faces returning to your school year after year. WiseUp just would not be complete without our hardworking maintenance team. They spend hours during every season making sure every piece of equipment is completely safe and beautifully painted. This results in our kit coming to schools looking great. National Awards WiseUp Team Building is often recognised for its achievements. Over the years, we have won a number of awards. For example, in 2015 Richard and Alexandra won The Kent Business Award. Previously Alexandra was listed as one of the top 30 under 30 entrepreneurs in Kent. The History A significant feature of a WiseUp Team Building activity day is our distinctive vans. Consequently, the ever growing fleet tells the story from our foundation in 2011 to the present day. Heading Image Source & Gallery Images: WiseUp Team Building

Educ8 Training Limited

educ8 training limited


The Educ8 Group was established in 2004 by Group Chairman, Colin Tucker, and provides Apprenticeship Programmes and training for customers across South Wales. Now employing nearly 200 staff the business is run by CEO, Grant Santos, with a strong values-first approach and a relentless focus on delivering quality educational and growth opportunities to the employers and learners that we work with. The Educ8 Group has an unrivalled track record of delivering high quality vocational training programs, including Kick-start, ReAct for those who’ve been made redundant, traineeships and Apprenticeships, to employers of all sizes, from micro organisations, through to SME’s and global multi-nationals corporations. We offer a bespoke support package to both our employers and our learners, maximising the quality of our service delivery. Our designated team of Customer Account Managers are here to support and guide businesses, at every step, throughout the recruitment journey. Our team can help you to create and advertise your job vacancy whilst supporting you with your training and development needs. Recruiting an apprentice is a straightforward process, one that we are here to guide you through and make as simple, effective and time-efficient, as possible. Our learners benefit from an innovative, Estyn-recognised, blended learning model that allows the freedom to learn flexibly: we know that it can sometimes be difficult to fit learning around home or work life, which is why we've made it as easy to do so as possible. Our industry expert Trainer Coaches will support you, on a one to one basis, to ensure you are able to achieve your best and acceler8 your career. At Educ8, our people mean everything to us. Without our motivated and engaged workforce the company would not have achieved the accolades it has. We’re proud to have been listed in the Sunday Times Top 100 Best Companies To Work For, for the last 6 years and named both Best Educational and Training Company and Best Mid-Sized Company to work For in the whole UK, 2021. Educ8 is run with an ethos driven by the values of honesty, integrity, respect and positivity and a passion for ensuring our learners, employers and staff reach their full potential. Founder and Chairman Colin Tucker has said: ‍ “It is a privilege to have been part of a journey that began 16 years ago: an organisation employing 14 people has evolved into the go to provider of Apprenticeships. We’re lucky at Educ8 to have, what I think, is a world class Board of Directors. In Grant Santos I truly believe that I have a leader of the highest quality, his leadership during the pandemic has been exemplary and his commitment to the ethos of leading a values driven culture and environment are fundamental to our success. Grant is supported by his fellow board members, Steve Lewis CFO, Jude Holloway (Director of Operations), Kathryn Wing (Director of Quality), and Ann Nicholas (Customer Account Director). In my humble opinion, we really do have a Board of Directors that is sector-leading and genuinely reaching for the stars."

School of Dialogue

school of dialogue


Arabella Tresilian MAHons PGCE FRSA Dialogue Facilitator, Mediator & Conflict Coach: Mediation, fully-accredited by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) Dispute resolution for Employment, Workplace, Civil, Commercial & Community cases Specialist in health and social care, including mental health, autism & disabilities Download a copy of my one-page profile here: Arabella Tresilian Mediator Profile Overview ‘Arabella Tresilian is a CEDR-accredited mediator, and a conflict resolution trainer, specialising in facilitating dispute resolution and employee wellbeing in the public sector. She has twenty years’ experience as a management consultant, leader and educator, and set up the School of Dialogue to teach conflict resolution skills. Arabella mediates independently and on behalf of the Medical Mediation Foundation, Resolve West and other panels where she specialises in lending her ‘expertise by experience’ in the fields of mental health and neurodiversity. Arabella’s 70+ case history since 2016 include mediations in the fields of Judicial Review, Court of Protection, Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act, Local Government, workplace, employment, community and public sector dispute resolution.’ I am an independent consultant specialising in dialogue facilitation, conflict resolution and partnership-building. My business development experience, studies in educational leadership and experience in dispute resolution combine effectively to allow me to support organisations, employees, families and individuals in finding win-win resolutions within complex scenarios. I have 20 years experience working in a strategic capacity for public, private and third sector organisations in the UK and overseas, and I have specialist consulting experience in the fields of sustainability, education and health/social care. I have also taught and managed at secondary level internationally and in the independent sector in the UK, and founded/directed a theatre company devoted to promoting the understanding of mental health and social exclusion. I am a CEDR-Accredited Mediator qualified to undertake employment, workplace, commercial, civil and community mediation. In 2017 I became a CEDR Associate with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), joining their world-renowned training faculty. In the community setting, I am a Certificated Mediator with Resolve West (previously Bristol Mediation) resolving neighbour disputes and hate crime cases. I am also the cofounder of Equisphere Employability and a workplace mental health trainer for Bath Mind. In the healthcare setting, I am a mediator, trainer and conflict coach with the Medical Mediation Foundation. I am a Quality Improvement Coach with the Q Community (NHS Improvement & Health Foundation) and a Public & Patient Involvement advisor for the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). I am a Member of End of Life Doula UK and have undertaken Advance Care Planning training with Living Well Dying Well. I am also a qualified Mental Health First Aid Instructor training groups to become Mental Health First Aiders in their contexts. I am a member of the Civil Mediation Council as a Member of the Association of South West Mediators. I abide by the European Code of Conduct for Mediators. I have DBS clearance and am fully insured as a mediator, trainer,educator, mentor and coach. Professional Experience & Skills Overview Facilitation and Organisational Dialogue Strategic development and team coaching in the workplace Communications and engagement for public-facing organisations Design and delivery of multi-organisational commercial partnerships Stakeholder engagement for effective policy development Conflict Intervention and Negotiation Interpersonal mediation and conflict resolution for workplace contexts Conflict coaching and mediation for highly-escalated community conflicts Brokerage of interorganisational partnerships for socio-economic benefit Leadership Design / delivery of Leadership Skills for Employability training for University of Bath Postgraduate certificate in Educational Leadership & Management (2011) Founder of three social enterprises and experienced team leader and manager International Competence Partnerships negotiator for European Green Capital 2015 Merger & Acquisition consultancy – UK/Spain Educator in vocational, business and enterprise skills – Coimbatore, India Training and Coaching Experienced teacher, trainer, mentor and coach specialising in communication Mentor to young leaders in enterprise on Future Talent programme Mental Health First Aider and specialist trainer in mental health with Mind Charity My style and my specialisms I came to the practice of Conflict Resolution and Mediation through two distinct routes. One was through doing management consulting in the public and private sectors, and coming to understand just how much stress, inefficiency and sadness arises from communication and conflict difficulties in the workplace. The other route was through being a patient, a parent of children with disabilities and a family carer, and witnessing how difficult it can be to make plans for the future when the present involves difficult discussions and many people. So I specialise in making sure that people feel comfortable with the process they undertake with me, and that it leads them towards feeling comfortable and confident about their future. I aim to be thoroughly supportive, reassuring and encouraging at all times. My professional work and personal experience in health and social care mean that I am particularly experienced in supporting people who are living with any form of illness, disability, mental health condition or life-limiting condition. I have particular personal experience of working with people who are deaf or hearing impaired, on the autism spectrum, experiencing mental illness and living with dementia or stroke. Why I love being a mediator I came to mediation through a confluence of circumstances which made me think, ‘There must be a better way for people to deal with their difficulties than to threaten legal action, or refuse to engage in communication at all!’ I realised that a great deal of my management consultancy work was really… conflict resolution. It gave me such pleasure and relief when long-held rifts within and between teams melted away after some good, authentic communication. This piqued my interest to find out more about the art of conflict resolution, and I did my first certificated training, and started practising as a community mediator. Later I qualified as a civil and employment mediator, and have been mediating ever since. It’s astonishing to witness people’s lives turn from a turmoil of distressing, intractable ‘stuckness’, to a new phase in which, for example, neighbours can conceive of greeting each other again; or work colleagues re-establish trust between each other after maybe years of mistrust, stress and non-communication. Mediation takes empathy, patience and persistence, and it is a skill I will develop and hone endlessly over years to come, but its core aspect is a belief that people really can find peace again, given the right support and a safe space to explore options for settling differences. Facilitating such processes is a real honour. Nothing beats the sight of former disputants smiling, shaking hands, or even (more often than you would think) hugging, at the end of a mediation.

Tel Tutors

tel tutors


Welcome to FAHAD Tutors Academy! Here we provide qualified home tutors and online tutors specializing in various subjects inside and outside Pakistan. We cater to the unique needs of students and prepare them for important entry-level exams for their bright futures. Highly Qualified and Verified Teachers We make no compromises when choosing the best teachers for our academy. On the contrary, we carefully do an educational background check on every teacher that applies and only select those who are academically flourishing as individuals and capable of making others so. You can rest assured that every tutor in FAHAD Academy is 100% verified as well as appropriately certified. Every tutor holds the power and capability to provide you with the highest quality of education. Teachers From a Range of Experience and Subjects We have a diverse group of teachers available here at FAHAD Academy. Through them, we offer a wide range of home and online tutoring services within and outside Pakistan. All our teachers have varying levels of experience, so we can find you a tutor that matches your level. Moreover, no matter what subject you want to get tutored in, we will have a teacher for you here. Are you afraid of math? You only need to count on our online maths tuition. We are confident in the skills and experience of our teachers, and you will know why when you take their class! ● Maths: Maths is a subject many students fear and also despise. With our online maths tuition, you will hopefully get rid of that fear. Just hire an online math tutor from FAHAD Academy, and you'll see: that there's nothing to fear because math is fun and easy! ● English: Do you want to develop your English? Hire an English tutor online from Farhad Academy and see how far your grammar and vocabulary go. Online English teaching is not easy, but our teachers can apply their skills to make it possible. ● Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics: You name it, and we will provide you with the tutor you need. You no longer have to find physics frustrating because your online physics tutor will make you realize how interesting it is. Chemistry also doesn't have to be a headache because your online chemistry tutor will show you the easiest way to understand and memorize everything. ● Languages: We already provide the best online tuition for English. But we also have tutors for various languages, like Arabic, German, Spanish, Korean, and others. These languages are considered necessary internationally, so learning them will help you go a long way. Not only can we teach you spoken languages, but we can also teach you different computer programming languages like Python, C++, and Java. We Will Match You With the Tutor That Is Best for You Hence, every student has unique and specific needs; hence, the same education method will not benefit every student equally. We also know that some students are better at spotting a problematic topic, while some find it harder to do. Considering all your specific needs and preferred methods, we will gladly match you with the tutor who can help you most. All you need to do is let us know your various requirements. For example, whether you will be more comfortable with a male or female teacher, what level and pace you want the teacher to teach you, and what schedule works best for you. We will try our best to ensure every one of your preferences is met so that you can study comfortably. Therefore, you will have a wide range of options with FAHAD Academy. And if we match you with a tutor but you don't click with them, we will immediately match you with another one. Complete Preparation for Important Exams Our tutors will, of course, help you out with short-term goals like the quarterly exams at your institution. But more importantly, our primary purpose is to simultaneously prepare you for the long-term and more important goals. And by that, we mean various entry tests according to your future career plans. This includes exams starting from NED, IBA, SSUET, CBM, Szabist, LUMS, NUST, and FAST to GRE, NTS, GAT, GMAT, SAT I, II, BCAT, ECAT, and MCAT. Whichever test you are aiming for, our tutors will align the teaching method accordingly. It's also okay if you haven't decided which exam you want to prepare for yet. In that case, the approach will be more general until you finally choose. No Geographical Boundary Our tutoring services aren't limited to Pakistan. Instead, you can study online from any part of the world! Aside from Pakistan, our tutors already have students from various countries, including Dubai, the U.S., UK, Canada, and Australia—to name a few. And no matter where they are in the world, everyone gets equal treatment. Even if you are in Pakistan, you can still study online if that's what suits you better. Home Tutoring for Face-to-Face Classes Online tutoring isn't suited for a lot of students since many lose their focus when they have a device in hand. Moreover, it is difficult for teachers to fully understand their students through a virtual space. That's why private tutoring can be very beneficial for students who need some extra care. FAHAD Academy also provides home tutors with the same kind of range and qualifications as online tutors. Our home tutoring services stretch to the whole of Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and all over Pakistan. We plan to extend it further and hopefully reach even more students in the future! Valuable Assistance With Homework FAHAD Academy tutors are also willing to provide homework help to all students. Many kids are worried about homework, and you might be one of them, especially for subjects like math, which can be exhausting to solve. But with some online math help, it is not difficult anymore. Our tutors make sure to motivate you to complete all your homework on time and develop a plan for it. Of course, we are not doing your homework for you. Rather, we give you just the guidance you need to do it yourself after finding the drive to get up and finish it. This is also something our teachers are properly trained in. Contact Fahad Tutors Academy Today for Home Tuition and Online Tuition Call us at +92300-2391994, and let's discuss what you are looking for, what you need, and what we can provide. Visit our online tuition website to learn more. We also offer demo trial classes on Zoom and Skype for those who want to take online courses but are still unsure. Whether you require a home tutor or an online tutor, you will have one within only 24 hours!

IIL Europe Ltd

iil europe ltd


At IIL, our fundamental values of Intelligence, Integrity, and Innovation guide our actions and achievements with each customer, partner, and colleague. Our deepest purpose is to foster the growth and success of individuals, teams, and organizations through enduring relationships and top-notch learning content delivered through various methods. Explore our learning categories: NEW Generative Artificial Intelligence Agile and Scrum Business Analysis Business Relationship Management Cybersecurity IT Management Lean Six Sigma Microsoft Project Project, Program and Portfolio Management INNOVATION IN PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING IIL offers a wide variety of delivery methods to ensure an optimal learning experience. Using its proprietary Many Methods of Learning™, IIL delivers innovative, effective and consistent training solutions through a variety of learning approaches: * In-Person Classroom Courses * Self-Paced On-Demand Training * Live Virtual Classes * Simulations * Free Videos & Webinars * Mobile IIL ACCREDITING BODIES AND PARTNERSHIPS IIL is a PMI® Charter Global Registered Education Provider and member of PMI’s Global Executive Council as well as a Microsoft Partner (with a Microsoft Gold Project and Portfolio Management competency), IIL is also an Accredited Training Partner for: * PRINCE2 * ITIL * Association for Project Management (APM) * PeopleCert on behalf of AXELOS * IASSC Accredited Training Organization® * The American Council on Education (ACE), an APMG International Accredited Training Organization (ATO) * Scrum Alliance REA organization * Authorized CEU Sponsor Member of the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). * IIBA® Endorsed Education Provider. IIL is the training solution partner of choice for many top global companies.  * Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) corporate member.