641 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Art Classes

art classes


My career as an artist started in 1996 when I was asked to illustrate articles from a national religious magazine in Italy. Through the years I developed skills in both digital illustration and hand paint with watercolour and acrylic. In 2002 I decided to take it further and attend a school of art and, in 2005, I graduated as a Comics illustrator and special effects artist. Since I was always attracted by the movie world, I decided to use my new certificate to approach this fantastic world. I worked few years for a production company which took me away from my Country of origin and gave me the opportunity to develop my skills as an artist and writer. I wrote several screenplays for the big screen and illustrated storyboards on a daily basis and here is when I started thinking about writing and illustrating stories for children. “The first tale of Sarah” in fact was born as an idea for a children’s movie but not developed more than a script. In 2015 I moved in the UK and I started working on my first personal project “The Tale of Sarah”, a three books series which I’m writing and illustrating. The first one was published in 2017 and I’m currently working on the second volume. My goal in sharing these stories is to share a message of hope with readers of all ages. As an artist I keep on developing my skills every day and trying new ways and techniques to improve my illustrations. In 2018, I enrolled BA in Illustration at the Open College of the Arts.

Home Education Uk

home education uk


For most, home education is far more like university than school. It's about curiosity. Formulating a question or thought and researching it. The parents roll is not to formally teach but to facilitate that journey. It doesn't really matter too much what the child is curios about, the trick is to develop and facilitate curiosity, kindle it like a precious flame, and ultimately develop those critical thinking skills necessary to formulate new ideas for so it becomes a raging inferno. That sounds complicated perhaps, but it's really not. It's what all parents do for their children especially when they're small. Every time a child asks a question you start a journey of discovery. If parents see themselves not as teachers but as facilitators in this way, they will see progress they didn't imagine possible. It's exciting and fun but it can also be scary. Scary because as a parent you've been led to believe children need to be steered along a certain path, that there's a set of knowledge all children should have. But if that's not the child's path, or if it's a part of a journey your child has not yet encountered, you're effectively imposing ideas on the child and run the risk, along side millions of other children, of alienating your child from the learning process, suppressing their own intrinsic curiosity for the imposed ideas of others. How often has a child asked "what's the point in this?" Far too many I suspect. Spark a child's curiosity, facilitate their journey of discovery, put the child behind the wheel and they will take responsibility for their own course and progress, because they will be intrinsically motivated to satisfy their curiosity. For the overwhelming majority of parents, this is the beauty of home education. By answering questions they themselves pose, they retain what they learn because it's part of their own journey. Something they questioned themselves. Covid-19 Home Schooling Support We have created a support section entirely for those caught up in the covid crisis. We also have a FB Forum just for you. Experienced home educators are on hand to welcome you and help with issues relating to your child's education at home. We can't promise to answer every question, but many of the issues you will face will already have been dealt with by home educators who are the experts in educating in the home. The group is the Home Education UK School Closure Support Forum. now with over five thousand members The Supremacy of the Family - & Why. “The totalitarian state tries to separate the child from her family and mould her to its own design. Families in all their subversive variety are the breeding ground of diversity and individuality. Hence the family is given special protection in all the modern human rights… The child is not the mere creature of the State.” Baroness Hale, President of the Supreme Court 11th June 2008 LG Ombudsman rules against routine visits The Local Government Ombudsman ruled that councils must be clear with parents of home educated children whether a home visit is routine or triggered by concerns following Leicester City's attempt to initiate actions based on anticipating, future government proposals currently being considered Download a Free Poster Many parents remain unaware that home education is legal, or if they are aware, where to find support. This poster could be put up anywhere parents and children might benefit. a3 poster download Download a poster today, print it, pin it. Help other children learn freely A4 Poster download Educational Heretics Press EHP publishes books and kindles on many topics related to home education and learning systems that are alternative or complimentary to state schooling. Including books on how and why home educators home educate. book cover A great introduction to alternative education. Many EHP books are available as Kindles, at low prices and you don't need a kindle to read them, there are app's for all brands of smart phone and tablet. Build your own library of 'read anywhere Home Education - a Human Right "The respect of parent's freedom to educate their children according to their vision of what education should be has been part of international human rights standards since their very emergence." (The Special Rapporteur to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 8th April 1999) Parents are responsible for the education of their offspring regardless of whether they are in school or out of it. In law the right to an education is an obligatory right, it may neither be denied to, nor refused by, a child. Thus since children may not refuse education and there is no academic consensus on what constitutes an effective education, we believe that the state must be flexible in defining what a 'suitable' education is. While the law expresses the right to home educate as a parental right, it is my belief that, in the same way that young people have the right to decide upon medical procedures, a specific education should not be imposed upon them. This is not only right in principle but in practice, since intrinsically motivated learning will most readily "achieve that which it sets out to achieve". Learning cannot be imposed.

Comma Comma

comma comma


Getting great results for my clients is like the adrenaline rush of hitting a PB in a 10k or half marathon (that’s a PR for you over-the-pond ‘ers). That feeling when you’re hitting every single mile split, and you just know you’re going to break all your previous records? LET’S MAKE THAT HAPPEN WITH YOUR NEXT EMAIL SEQUENCE. Who’s writing your email copy? Comma Comma is very deliberately a micro-business. This means when you book Comma Comma for a project, you get me – Liz Painter – working on your copy, with my 17 years of experience as a professional writer, 15 years’ experience as a business owner, and 8+ years experience of getting results for brands like Symantec, Veritas and Shopify, as well as 100s of fabulous smaller businesses. I MIGHT BE MORE INTERESTED IN YOUR INDUSTRY THAN YOU ARE If we get to speak, ask me what my current obsession is. I’ll regularly work my way through a pile of books on one specific topic before moving on. I’m essentially a book addict, and instead of a 12-step program, I have to operate a one-in, one-out policy so my bookshelves don’t collapse. What that means for you is I’ll be super interested in your business. I’m insatiably curious and I get excited about digging into dev team workflows, martech, sustainable natural deodorants, the finer points of trade mark law and most other things you care to throw my way. Once you’ve got one sequence bringing in customers automatically, you might want to look at adding more – filling in the gaps, till all of your email sequences are performing for you. Then your emails become a significant player in creating long-term, sustainable growth.

Cleveland Scientific Institution

cleveland scientific institution


In his presidential address in 1920 to the Iron and Steel Institute, Dr Stead revealed that he had discussed many years earlier with Andrew Carnegie his ideas for a technical institute which would facilitate "the continual acquisition of knowledge by the staffs and workmen of the iron and steel industries". Andrew Carnegie was impressed by Dr Stead's conception and told him "he would pay for just such an institute in Middlesbrough, and equip it with the standard technological books if the directors of the industries would maintain it". Discussions took place between Dr Stead and individual ironmasters who, while approving the scheme, would not act without further consideration. Andrew Carnegie died so his offer was no longer available. It is to the credit of the ironmasters that in spite of this they responded to the vision and enthusiasm of Dr Stead and the Cleveland Technical Institute was born. After many years of patient perseverance and hard work the Cleveland Technical Institute opened on 22nd September 1921. By then Dr Stead's health was failing but he became the Institute's first president, a position which brought him deep satisfaction. Iron and steel, shipbuilding and engineering were the basic traditional industries of the Cleveland area and it was to the leaders in these industries that Dr Stead made his first approaches. A joint Committee representing the Cleveland Institute of Engineers and the North-East Coast Institute of Engineers and Shipbuilders was formed and held its first meeting on 5th January 1919, in the Cleveland Club, Middlesbrough. Members of the Joint Committee were: Cleveland Institute of Engineers - Dr JE Stead, JH Harrison, RH Archer-Coulson and RE Cowell. NE Coast Engineers and Shipbuilders - EL Ord, E Hall-Brown, Harald Dixon, EH Fraser-Smith and GM Harroway.

UCL Special Collections

ucl special collections


UCL Library Services consists of 17 libraries and assorted learning spaces located across London, covering a wide range of specialist subjects ranging from bio-medicine and science to arts, architecture and archaeology, plus learning spaces in the Student Centre, Senate House and the Graduate Hub. Our digital library is one of the best in the world, and we manage UCL Discovery, the institutional repository which enables the world to access our researchers' work for free. We've also started the UK's first completely open access university press, UCL Press. Together, UCL Library Services is at the heart of providing the information to support UCL's academic excellence and research that addresses real-world problems, as set out in the UCL Research Strategy. Read our Mission Statement. What we provide expert staff to help you get the most from UCL's resources; inspiring spaces for learning (individually and in groups); a vast and rich collection of books, e-resources and journals; access to UCL Special Collections with treasures from UCL's history at the forefront of scientific research; a place to come together and share expertise. We are a global leader in Open Science policy and implementation. The Office for Open Science and Scholarship co-ordinates work in this area across UCL. The specialist tools we've developed in bibliometrics and data management are helping researchers to exploit data as it becomes available at UCL and supporting UCL researchers to demonstrate the impact of their work. We support UCL students and staff, NHS staff and the general public both online and on site ensuring they can access the library resources they need wherever they are. We also engage staff, students and external audiences through academic teaching sessions, exhibitions, special events, community and school links and social media.

The Academy Of Franchising

the academy of franchising

Welcome to The Academy Academy of Second Language Learning, universally known simply as "The Academy" to all, is an extraordinarily professional association of second language instructional institutions that are now franchised and available across the USA. We appreciate your interest in The Academy, and we welcome you to our franchise website. There is much information to review on our website. We encourage you to preview our entire website before contacting us about the possibility of franchise ownership as a Regional Developer or as a Franchisee. You may also be interested in our other franchised instructional institutions, Academy of Private Investigation and Loss Prevention www.theacademyfranchise.org and Academy of English Language Learning www.theacademyenglishfranchise.com - All schools are available for franchising in major metropolitan areas across the USA, providing professional-level instruction to many of the same students, which makes these schools a superior tandem franchise team. We look forward to hearing from you. We strongly encourage detailed and lengthy communication by telephone where questions and answers are best related. Our franchising process is detailed later in our website. Completion and submission of our Questionnaire will permit the optimum level of discourse throughout the process, so we encourage you to complete it and submit it at your earliest convenience. Once again, welcome to The Academy! About The Academy Academy of Second Language Learning is headquartered in the Phoenix, Arizona area. It is universally known simple as "The Academy." It is owned by Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc., an Arizona corporation. Its sister instructional institutions are Academy of Private Investigation and Loss Prevention and Academy of English Language Learning. The Academy [Academy of Second Language Learning] has developed and written the methods and practices, course curriculums, and text/work books for its professional private instructional institution that is now a Franchise. For its second language courses, The Academy has recorded its own proprietary audio recordings.

Brian Tracy Training Uk

brian tracy training uk

Milton Keynes

Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 70 other countries worldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year. He has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top selling author of over 70 books that have been translated into dozens of languages. He has written and produced more than 300 audio and video learning programs, including the worldwide, best-selling Psychology of Achievement, which has been translated into more than 28 languages. He speaks to corporate and public audiences on the subjects of Personal and Professional Development, including the executives and staff of many of America's largest corporations. His exciting talks and seminars on Leadership, Selling, Self-Esteem, Goals, Strategy, Creativity and Success Psychology bring about immediate changes and long-term results. Prior to founding his company, Brian Tracy International, Brian was the Chief Operating Officer of a $265 million dollar development company. He has had successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate development and syndication, importation, distribution and management consulting. He has conducted high level consulting assignments with several billion-dollar plus corporations in strategic planning and organizational development. He has traveled and worked in over 107 countries on six continents, and speaks four languages. Brian is happily married and has four children. He is active in community and national affairs, and is the President of three companies headquartered in Solana Beach, California.

Cove Park

cove park

Cove Park’s unique programme of residencies, commissions and collaborative projects respond to and support the diversity of contemporary artistic practice in all the art forms. We host national and international artists from all cultures and career stages. We create a supportive and stimulating context in which new work and ideas can be developed, tested and shared. The bespoke and award-winning spaces we provide for residents and visitors to live, meet and work in, are located on an outstanding site overlooking Loch Long and the Firth of Clyde, just one hour from Glasgow, on Scotland’s west coast. Founded in 1999 by Peter and Eileen Jacobs, Cove Park is a charity funded by Creative Scotland, by trusts and foundations and by the generosity of individuals. Since 2000, Cove Park has hosted over 1,500 artists and our former residents include Margaret Atwood, Ann Carson, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Mariana Castillo Deball, Alasdair Gray, Beca Lipscombe, Tom Morris, Ciara Phillips, Elizabeth Price, Charlotte Prodger, Simon Starling, Christos Tsiolkas, Jan Verwoert and Louise Welsh. We develop residency programmes in partnership with leading national and international companies, art schools and organisations, including Varuna – Australia’s National Writers’ House, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, the Gaelic Books Council, Lolli Editions, Senegal’s RAW Material Company, The Royal Scottish Academy, CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts, Fluxus Art Projects, The Work Room and more. We host and facilitate residencies devised and led by prominent organisations, such as BBC Scotland, Magnetic North, Cryptic, and Playwrights’ Studio Scotland. We also commission new work and work collaboratively with partners on major national and international projects such as Scotland + Venice 2019 and Creative Carbon Scotland’s Climate Beacons. Cove Park co-leads, with Saari Residence (Finland), the Nordic Alliance of Artists’ Residencies on Climate Action.

The Leeds Library

the leeds library


The Leeds Library is the oldest surviving subscription library of its type in the UK and was founded in 1768. Annual membership from £66. Founded in 1768, The Leeds Library is a gem of a heritage library and the oldest surviving subscription library of its kind in the British Isles. We have a fascinating history. We’re Leeds’s oldest cultural institution—a thriving hub of creativity, ideas and inspiration and a book lover’s paradise! Amongst our founding members were eminent doctors, surgeons, clergymen, leading industrialists and businessmen, alongside members of The Royal Society. Revd Dr Joseph Priestley, our first secretary and most likely the primary driving force behind the Library’s creation, was perhaps the most famous of these men. A leading enlightenment thinker, radical preacher, and Fellow of The Royal Society, Priestley was celebrated for his experiments concerning electricity and oxygen—and the invention of carbonated water! In the beginning, the Library occupied a back room at Joseph Ogle’s bookshop on Kirkgate and he became the first librarian. When he died in 1774, his daughter, Mary, was appointed Librarian and remained so for another 37 years until her death in 1813. Over this period, the Library proved to be so successful that it outgrew this modest first home and moved further along Kirkgate to the Rotation Office. A few years later and a move to new premises was required once again to house the ever-growing collection of books. In 1808, the Library moved to a new purpose-built home on Commercial Street where we remain to this day. Built by Thomas Johnson, the town’s leading architect, the grade II* listed building is a rare surviving example of a Georgian public library.

The ReWild by Dani Hiro

the rewild by dani hiro

Dani was born and raised in the metropolitan city of São Paulo, Brazil where she resided for 18 years. In this bustling city, she explored dance, acting, bodyworks, music, and spirituality from a young age with the encouragement of her parents who are also deeply connected to spirituality and the arts. Being from a mixed-race of Asian and European backgrounds Dani always felt she was neither Japanese enough to belong in the Asian communities in her own country and was always regarded as 'the Japanese girl' in the 'non-Asian' groups in school. This outcast dilemma led her to dive deeper into Yoga and individuality where she learned to accept herself and also follow her own calling to explore the world. At 18 she moved to Dublin which became her home base from travels around the globe and the city where she first established herself as a Yoga teacher and Spiritual facilitator. Over the years Dani explored the world to learn the many different ways we can connect to each other and the Spirit. She believes that in order to find freedom and flow in life we must ReWild ourselves to our original state by connecting to the Spirit - our source of Wildness and Inner Knowing. By caring for our bodies, minds, and spirit with the support of a safe, diverse and sacred community we can not only ReWild our inner worlds into a healthier state but also ReWild the world we live into its natural state of flow and interconnection with all its living beings. Dani can be found deep into books, foraging in the wild, skinny dipping, pilgrimaging across the Earth, sharing music, and making people laugh at her silliness. She hopes The ReWild to be a welcoming, diverse and sacred community where together we can help each other to find freedom in our own nature.