589 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Bute Tai Chi

bute tai chi

Isle Of Bute

Testimonial "Personal online Tai Chi lessons with Alex Swainson are improving my mobility, my posture and my thinking.  I've been having the lessons each week for nearly a year.  In spite of me having learnt Tai Chi about 20 years ago, Alex has reintroduced me to the underlying principles and practice.  He is a thoughtful teacher, sharing the knowledge from his personal research into the movement and balance of the human body and mind.  He puts a strong emphasis on using the natural force of gravity to move in the easiest, most effective and most powerful way. I find it combats the mobility problems associated with ageing.  His teaching is supportive and informative, feeding back on the way I move as I go through the Tai Chi form, picking up on the problems that he sees and working on how to overcome them. He is a mine of information on the way the human body works in terms of its posture, spine positions and movements, the movement of joints and the working of the nervous system.   Through the 1 to 1 online relationship, Alex demonstrates the application of the principles he has learnt and developed, both in demonstrating the Tai Chi form but also in the movements that are necessary not just for good Tai Chi, but for use and application in our everyday lives.   Alex makes a recording of each lesson which he sends to me to help with my practice during the time between lessons.   Learning online can sometimes be more difficult in explaining movements or postures compared to face to face learning, where the teacher can make physical interventions to show what's needed.  However, the recordings are invaluable for seeing things again, watching myself in action, picking up things that Alex has said that I'd missed the significance of in the session itself.   Watching myself performing the Tai Chi form is often a revelation of the difference between what I think I'm doing and what I'm actually doing! I am getting a great deal out of the learning sessions.  I have met a number of Tai Chi teachers and in my experience Alex is as principled, thoughtful and capable as a teacher as any that I have met.  And I have worked with some good ones.  The lessons are challenging, no doubt about it.  But Alex takes care to work at my pace and is very clear that the learning I do for myself is the key to the development of my understanding and the improvement of my practice.  Being able to move well in older age is a thing to treasure and nurture and in this Alex is helping me enjoy my later life." Offer Description Learn Tai Chi at your own pace with expert guidance. Alex is a highly experienced teacher with deep knowledge of the art, making him ideally suited to one-to-one teaching. Standing 60-minute slots are available on TUESDAYS ONLY. Sessions can be purchased in blocks of 3 or 6 months, which includes video recordings of each session as an essential reference for practice.  N.B. This offer is for people who want to seriously invest in their own self-healing. If you are ready to commit to an authentic practice rooted in an understanding of how to harness the forces of nature for health, wellbeing & personal development, then I'm here for you. THE OFFER COMES WITH A 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. 

Bernie Wright

bernie wright

More information about my professional qualifications & approach. Bernie Photo April 2021.jpg BACP-Logo-18963.png ncfed-logo-1.png ‘‘Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace” Albert Schweitzer I began my therapeutic journey when I first qualified as a Counsellor in 2005. When I first started out after qualifying I very quickly recognised a common denominator in a significant proportion of my clients. So often they were presenting with low self-esteem, self-loathing, a limited ability to be kind to themselves, poor body image and problems with assertiveness tending to use anger as a way of communicating or were easily intimidated/bent against their will. Furthermore, I was working with a lot of clients who were clinically obese or painfully thin and I learnt very quickly that even the ones presenting with normal body weight were often abusing themselves by self-harming, substance abuse and poor diet. This is frequently coupled with difficult, challenging relationships with themselves and others, and they were commonly using food/alcohol/nicotine or other mood-altering substances to self-medicate. These early observations lead me on my first steps along the special interest path of eating disorders. In 2007 I trained as a Master Practitioner in Eating Disorders and Obesity at The National Centre for Eating Disorders (NCFED) and after qualifying I went on to become a Registered Supervisor. Over the following years through my specialist work, I built a solid reputation of being a caring and approachable therapist. I have an innate ability to very quickly put clients at ease at the same time as getting directly get to the heart of the presenting issues and work collaboratively to get the job done, whilst supporting the individual to move into psychological health and to live the life they deserve to live. After many years of established private practice work I began to turn my attention to an area I had often experienced as lacking when working with clients. Very frequently it became apparent that clients were experiencing a lack of awareness when it came to eating disorders from GPs, general counsellors and other relevant first points of contact. In response to this I began developing training sessions for professionals to begin to bridge the knowledge gap. After several years of running successful training alongside my practice, I have taken the decision to focus largely on the training side of my work. I do continue to supervise the work of practitioners seeking support in the field of eating disorders and people in larger bodies, as well as offering breakthrough sessions for new clients and undertaking family support work.

Dyslexia Care Foundation

dyslexia care foundation

Dyslexia Care Foundation was established by Lola Oluwasuyi who has lived with Dyslexia throughout her life. Despite the difficulties of experiencing this condition firsthand, Lola has been hugely appreciative of the educational support that she has received over the years which has helped her to excel in her education, including successfully achieving her undergraduate degree. She is now studying for her Master’s degree. Lola’s experience demonstrates that with the right support, people with Dyslexia can thrive and reach the same academic heights as anybody else in life. That is why she established Dyslexia Care Foundation with the motto ‘Fair Learning Opportunities’ to provide support and guidance to others. Our work Working throughout the UK we are dedicated to providing a range of services to support people who have experience of Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD or Dyscalculia. Our main objective is to provide guidance on how to access quality educational opportunities and we offer assistance to people from the age of 7 onwards. Our mission Our mission is to provide services to the Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD, Dyscalculia community in the way that empower them and lead to their bright future. We work to innovate, support and implement things in a dynamic way. Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD, Dyscalculia is not a single condition but in reality affects people in many different ways. Our motto is ‘Fair Learning Opportunities’ and we work with adults and children and their families to help them to get the best from educational opportunities and to find ways to succeed whilst managing their condition. We are all unique According to the NHS, dyslexia affects 1/10 people in the UK. What is most interesting about this condition is that it is unique from person to person and everyone will experience it differently. In our experience what can be particularly difficult is for care givers and parents to know the best way to support someone who has Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD or Dyscalculia. This can also apply to educational establishments and employers as well, so that is where Dyslexia Care Foundation can help. We are here to provide advice, guidance and news on the latest developments, as well as to signpost to resources, education and training which has been proven to help those who experience Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD or Dyscalculia. Our team Our dedicated team is made up of people who have firsthand experience of living with Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD or Dyscalculia, either having experienced it themselves or having supported loved ones with this condition. If you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD or Dyscalculia it can really help to have contact with someone who understands the condition and has had the direct experience of negotiating the support that is on offer.

Every Day A Mindful Day

every day a mindful day


Well-being in schools and colleges Would you like to bring mindfulness (and yoga) to your students? Whether they are experiencing exam stress, difficulty in settling in or need to improve their attention and focus, we have a programme to offer you. Perhaps you might want to consider mindfulness as an alternative to detention, offer it as a lunchtime or afterschool club or as part of your PE or PSD provision? Maybe your school’s/college’s teaching and support staff could benefit from relaxation practices and learning how to find more space in their days? Or you could be a group of parents who are home schooling and would like access to mindfulness to help build resilience and confidence. Lydia has 16 years’ experience of teaching in state schools in the Buckinghamshire area and understands the issues facing students, teachers and parents. She can offer a range of programmes for all Key Stages, INSET training or taster sessions, online or in-person. Well-being for people with limited mobility Do you know an individual or a group who could benefit from yoga or meditation? Lydia has recently qualified as a Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga teacher and can design and deliver classes for seniors, people in wheelchairs, people with dementia and anyone who finds it difficult to do yoga on a mat. All the benefits of yoga can be made accessible to anyone, this includes: range of physical movement; cognitive ability; bone density; muscle strength; managing stress and anxiety; better sleep and improved confidence and self-esteem. We are happy to travel to care homes, communities or rehabilitation facilitates etc. Or we can offer on-line sessions. Well-being in corporate settings Research by the HSE suggests that stress, depression and anxiety generate around 17.9 million sick days in the UK each year. Eighty-three percent of businesses report people turning up to work who are not well enough to be productive and this costs the UK businesses about £15.1 billion each year (Mind, 2011). Almost half of the UK’s workers report that they have considered leaving a job because of the stress levels with 60% saying they would be more motivated if employers took action to support their mental health and well-being (Mind, 2013 & 2020). Lydia and Doug both teach chair yoga, a form of yoga that can be done at a desk and is specifically designed to target the physical stresses of sitting all day. We are also both trained in teaching a range of mindfulness practices to adults and younger people. We would be happy to discuss a programme to suit your company’s needs that could be delivered in-person or online. Contact us today and begin a discussion that could change lives.

Calderstones School

calderstones school


I am exceptionally proud to lead and work in such a richly diverse school community in which students with different languages, cultures and religions learn together in harmony. The school's comprehensive nature is something that we value immensely. Our students are encouraged to explore, discover and question through a range of exciting learning opportunities both within and outside the classroom. The staff endeavour to provide a calm and stimulating environment where good behaviour and mutual respect is modelled by everyone and where everyone is valued. We work closely with parents/carers and the wider community to ensure the success of our students. We believe that children deserve the best possible chances in life and that they learn best when there are strong links between home and school. Over the last few years we have spoken constantly about raised expectations and we will continue to push this throughout this academic year, particularly as we look to re-set and recalibrate on the back on the impact of the pandemic. In every aspect of school life, we will raise the bar for students and staff with the view that 'nobody rises to low expectations'. In terms our curriculum delivery, student achievement and progress, their involvement in school and community life, the ways in which students wear the uniform and present their work with pride, the ways in which they speak to each other and the behaviours that they demonstrate within the school and the community in which it resides ... in all of these ways, our expectations will be more ambitious and explicit than ever before. To this end, we have developed a ‘Manifesto for Change’ which sets out the ways in which we aim to continue our journey to excellence and identifies the long-term priorities for the school. One of our main priorities this year will be to ensure, as far as we can, that no child is left behind and that every child is challenged by the curriculum that we have in place. Students should find things difficult, although not impossible, at times. They should struggle at times and be expected to think deeply about the work that they do. They shouldn’t be getting everything right all of the time; if they are, the work is too easy and they’re not being challenged. None of this means that they shouldn’t be enjoying their learning; being challenged can be enjoyable. The curriculum is the bread and butter of our educational offer and should be inspiring a real thirst for learning; we can only do this through supporting and challenging. I hope you enjoy finding out more about our school by browsing our website. Visits are encouraged and welcomed; we would be delighted to show you around our wonderful school.

Her Next Chapter

her next chapter

Leamington Spa

Tenacious. Terrific. Trustworthy. Truthful. And sometimes Trouble. When you ask my family, friends and coworkers about me, they will probably list these attributes. Or qualities. For good and for bad. I am the only child to my mother Grace and my father Ken who met in Blackpool, England during the Second World War, which means much of my family resides in England. Including my daughter who met my son-in-law during her junior year abroad at Oxford University. I grew up not knowing that my mother had an accent, never understanding the difference between English and American terminology so that even today I will say a word and people will look perplexed, and I realize I am using the English word and not the American one. I’m an only child because my parents decided traveling back to England would be very difficult with more children. My father made a point to keep me from being spoiled which was a double-edged sword because his lack of praise left me with a feeling that I had to try twice as hard as anyone else just to keep up. The end result is one very motivated woman, and I constantly seek continued learning and new challenges. My first words were undoubtedly “When are you going to give me a horse?” and thus Patience Prize and I became a team when I was 14. My father once again made sure I knew the horse was not to be taken for granted when he said, “Now you’ve got a horse, you’d better get a job. And you won’t be paid for mowing the lawn anymore.” My love of animals produced my first job at the local veterinarians cleaning up cages and feeding animals. One small dog had broken her two front legs, was terribly vicious, and no one could touch her. After her surgery she was crammed up in a corner while still asleep, and I moved her into a more comfortable position and, of course, petted her and spoke to her. After that I was the only one who could open her cage and touch her without getting bitten. She must have known my smell. Years passed and I became both a photojournalist and regular journalist with local Berkshire County Massachusetts newspapers. When I returned to college to complete my bachelor’s degree, my journalism provided me with life experience credits and thus I completed my BA in English. What to do next? I had student loans, so I needed either grad school or a second job. My daughter waitressed at a local restaurant open only on weekends and they said they needed a dishwasher, so she said, “My brother needs a job.” Then they asked, “So who else do you have at home?” and she said, “My mom.” Thus, I tried the second job routine as a waitress. We served wine in long-stemmed glasses and carried them on a tray. During one shift I was at a table of two women and the tray started to tilt, and I couldn’t stop it! So, I stood there and watched the wine glasses crash down on the table and splash everywhere. It was not a happy time for all involved. So, I said, “That’s it, I’m going to grad school.” I took my daughter and son to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, we ate at the Russian Tea Room, and I told them they couldn’t bug me for two years. The non-traditional program at Vermont College of Norwich University was a full-time program so I had a full-time job, a full-time grad school program, a son in high school and a daughter in college. During my internship I worked 7:00 a.m. to noon, drove to Albany, New York (a one-hour drive one way), worked at a public relations firm from 1:00 to 6:00 and stopped at the restaurant where my two offspring worked about 7:00 for a glass of wine and a light dinner. Then I realized I didn’t have time to clean the bathroom, so I hired a cleaning lady (very inexpensive in a small town back then) and decided that was an expense associated with grad school. That was a valuable decision. The downside of a small town is that a master’s degree doesn’t allow for many jobs at a living wage. I decided I would move. After networking for several years and finding a church in Washington, DC I moved to northern Virginia on October 2, 1999, never having lived more than 6 miles from where I was born. I got a job the second day. I bought a house that January and a horse, Sonny Madison, in January 2001 and have never regretted my choice or looked back. At some point in 2018 I found Her Nexx Chapter and started writing for them. It provides me with a chance to get in touch with my creative style since my most prevalent job has been a technical writer. Now I’m also the Editorial Project Director and a member of the Advisory Board. It’s a tremendous value to women everywhere, and I always enjoying learning something new and sharing my blogs with the community. So here I am. I’m still horseback riding and trying to keep fit. I try to look for the positive side of life even in times of turmoil – notice I said “try” because sometimes life gets to be a tad difficult. But that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Buy Coursework Online

buy coursework online

San Francisco

In the fast-paced world of school, students often have to deal with a lot of problems, such as meeting tight schedules and taking a lot of difficult classes. When this happens, a lot of students choose to buy coursework online, which can b [https://studybay.com/buy-courseworks/]e [https://studybay.com/buy-courseworks/] very helpful and convenient in many ways. Let’s talk about the most common situations when students buy coursework, the main reasons they do this, and consider examples to show the benefits of this method. When Do Students Buy Coursework Online? There are many times when students need to or would benefit from getting online help. Here are some common situations: * Tight Deadlines: When students have a lot of work due quickly, they may buy schoolwork to make sure they meet all the due dates and don't fall behind. * Challenging Subjects: Some classes or modules may be very hard for a student, so they may need outside help in the form of pre-written homework. * Balancing Workload: Students with busy schedules, like those who have to balance work, extracurricular activities, and family duties, may purchase coursework to help them better handle their work. * Lack of Expertise: Some students may not have the skills or background information to do an assignment well, which is why they look for professionally written coursework. Reasons Why Students Buy Coursework There are a number of reasons why students choose to buy their coursework, such as: * Time management: Buying papers can save students a lot of time and work, giving them more time to focus on other school and personal obligations. * Improved Grades: Homework that is well-written and based on study can help students get better grades, especially in subjects where they are having trouble. * Convenience: When a student buys coursework, he or she doesn't have to do as much research, writing, and citing other sources. This makes the task process easier for them. * Overcoming Writer's Block: Students who have trouble writing or “writer's block [https://www.uis.edu/learning-hub/writing-resources/handouts/learning-hub/writers-block]” can find help by using pre-written material as a starting place. * Access to Expertise: Coursework that is written by a professional writer can give students access to deep information and skills that they may not have themselves. Examples Take the example of Sarah, a student who is having a hard time in her economics class. In two weeks, she has to turn in a test paper, but she also works part-time and has other work to do. Sarah decides to buy a well-written and well-researched coursework on the subject. This way, she can turn in a good paper without having to do a lot of study on her own. This helps Sarah keep up her good grades while also taking care of her other duties. Alex, on the other hand, is in a literature class and has trouble with formal writing. He makes the choice to buy coursework to help him understand the assignment's style and structure. With the help of the homework he bought, Alex is able to improve his own writing skills and turn in a better paper than he would have otherwise.

All Silver Clouds Kmf

all silver clouds kmf

Decluttering to Get Organised With an extensive background in Interior Design and Contemporary Art logistics and installations I have a great eye for detail and plenty of solutions for organisation, styling and storage. I aim to create freedom from things and functionality in spaces that have ceased to fulfil potential. This extends to archiving materials such as photographs and documents; decluttering and packing in preparation for a move; unpacking and dressing a new space. My clients may aspire to a goal such as home decluttering with the view to redecorate afterwards. I really enjoy being part of this fresh start and so we can get stuck into the painting and finishing touches together. In the case of a commercial space, this is something I can organise as a service. I have an initial consultation with new clients to assess the job and needs and wants, and then I’ll go away and devise a plan of action. Once you are happy with the plan the exciting new journey begins. Clients may have suffered a bereavement and find it challenging to go through the emotional process of letting go. Other clients may have a tendency towards collecting, or hoarding, and find it challenging to let go due to the relationship between the items and memories. I manage this in my own life and so I have many techniques and fresh ways of re-looking at your objects and what they represent in your life. I will be sensitive and patient. Objects often unlock memories that you need to take the time to process before you let go and I understand that. We are working together towards success in your long-term goals Professional organising and one-to-one coaching are my passions Many clients choose one-to-one coaching. We spend time together focusing specifically on personal goals and ways of achieving them. With most of my clients I aim to introduce movement and light exercise, new hobbies (I teach calligraphy, digital photography, arts and crafts, writing and poetry, easy to follow dance workouts…), dealing with triggers and developing coping mechanisms (relating to conditions such as anxiety), building confidence, tackling difficult social situations and practical advice on areas such as overcoming anxiety before an exam, e.g. driving, job interview techniques, and managing stress. Don’t worry about the light exercise – it is all feel-good factor and nothing to do with training or learning routines. We are going to have fun together. I will make a programme tailored to you and you will be amazed where you can be in four weeks, three months, six months, a year... I have personal experience with PTSD, anxiety, panic disorder and depression. I know these conditions change your life, but they don’t have to limit it. Please do consult your doctor before making changes to your lifestyle. I always follow their advice and medical judgement. If you have any issues with mobility or certain environments (crowded places, loud noises etc.) please do let me know.

Starry Rose Education Company

starry rose education company


The Rose Education Foundation was set-up by Margaret and Maurice Dimmock following the tragic and sudden loss of their youngest daughter Emma. Emma was dedicated to uplifting and empowering, getting alongside young people and helping them to reach their full potential. This passion, shared by Margaret and Maurice, who have both been involved in youth-work and education for many years, led them to set up a charitable trust. The Rose Education Foundation continues to build on the example that Emma had set for many, by supporting the work of projects in the North-East of England and Thailand which build up and empower young people. Margaret and Maurice tell their story here, in their own words… Watch the ‘Our Story’ video Video Player 00:00 00:00 The story so far… had been a very happy one, for us, as a family, although we experienced the usual ups and downs of life nothing too devastating had happened. All of this changed in June 2007. For nearly 3 years, Emma our youngest daughter had been battling with a severe form of ME and although her life was very difficult and painful she was expected at some point in the future to make a full recovery. Sadly on June 17th of 2007 Emma died suddenly of a burst ulcer and acute peritonitis. Our world was shattered, our hearts broken and life would never be the same again. There are no words to adequately describe to you the pain or the extent of our loss as we travel a path we would never have chosen. It is only the continuing help and support of our family & friends combined with the outpouring of the love of God which sustains us on this journey. We cannot change what has happened but we can control our reactions and responses to this overwhelming tragedy. We are confident that Emma is now living in heaven and is happy and content and we feel that to honour the person she was whilst she lived here with us we must in some way work to bring some good from such sadness. Emma was a very caring person who above all else loved God, her family and friends and sought to help others wherever and whenever she could. Following her example and approach to life we have founded the Rose Education Foundation which seeks to improve, enrich and enhance the quality of life for children and young people both in the UK and abroad. At the foundation we believe that education is one of the keys which will help alleviate many of the problems facing children and young people of this and future generations. The need is different in each country and area but as Nelson Mandela is quoted as saying “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” and the Rose Education Foundation endeavours to prove this truth by demonstrating Love in Action.

The In House Training Company

the in house training company


WHAT WE DO We offer top-quality in-house training, in a wide range of subjects, at a sensible price. All our programmes are delivered by independent subject specialists who also have outstanding training skills. We have rigorous standards and refuse to work with anyone but the best trainers. Our extensive network means that we have a choice of trainers to offer for all of these subjects, partly to ensure the best ‘fit’ between trainer and client and partly so that we can resource large-scale ‘roll-out’ programmes when required. We use a core team of around 40 associate trainers, with about another 150 specialists available on an ad hoc basis. WHERE WE DO IT Generally, we send the trainer to train up a group of people on your own premises. We work across the UK and internationally. WHO WE DO IT FOR We have an incredibly wide range of in-house training clients, of all sizes and across all sectors, as the following small selection of current and recent clients shows: Private sector • Accelerated Bridging Finance • AGD Equipment • Airbus • Alcoa • Altechnic • Appleyards • Aquaterra • AQL • Archant • Arinc • Arvato Loyalty • ASK-Mercury • ASOS • Assura • Atlas Copco • ATS Euromaster • Babcock International • BE Aerospace • Berkmann Wine Cellars • Bell & Clements • Biffa Waste Management • Bluefin • BM Trada • Bridge Hall • BSkyB • buy-a-gift.com • Carillion • CBS Butler • CG Power • Compass Group • Computacenter • Crowcon • Dalys Systems • Dawson Group • Davies Tapes • De Lage Landen • Demco Europe • Dental Supply • Domex UK • e2v technologies plc • EADS • Elstree Golf Club • Eminate • En Route • EPOQ • ESD • Fairbanks • Fourways • Fresh Student Living • FrontlineGB • Genus Construction • GeoNetworks • Gonative • GPS UK • Grace Foods • Grant Thornton • Guardian Global • GVS • Harveys Furniture • Hellmann • Hicks • Horiba • Hutchison Whampoa • Hydro International • IIJ • ILX Group • Intellident • IT Builder • Jacksons Bakery • JE Hartley • Johnson Matthey • KCE FM • Kembrey • Kennedys • Kent PHK • Lasnek • Liberty Bishop • London Underground • Longhurst Group • Mashpac • Mayflex • Meadow Foods • Michael Lewin Solicitors • Millbrook Healthcare • Mole Valley Farmers • Moon Beever Solicitor • Morris Lubricants • My Family Care • Mumford • Natixis • Network Resources • New England Biolabs • NFC Food Services • NLP Planning • Ocean Sky • OpenText • Otis Ltd • Oxford Instruments • Pegasus • Personal Group • Ping • Pudlo • Reaction Engines • Rentokil • Renewable Energy Systems • RIAS • Roadchef • Roythornes • RTC Group • RTS • RWD • RWE npower • S Farmer Consulting • Sage UK • SEA • Schroff • Scottish Power • Seico • SFPL • Sharkey & Co • Sherford • Shield Pest Control • Skincare • Sledge • Smiths Detection • Stanco • Strutt & Parker • Swift • Systech • Tennants • Tinies • Ultra Electronics • United Healthcare • Urbaser • Utilize • Vapormatic • Victoria Palace Theatre • Wasabi • WDR • WEG • Whitbread • Wincanton • WK Linkline Group • Wolverine Proctor • Xchanging • Yorkshire Water Services Public sector / education • Aylesbury College • Bedford Design Group • Berkshire Healthcare Authority • Big Lottery Fund • Brighton & Hove Council • Bromsgrove & Redditch Councils • Carmel College • Central Bedfordshire Council • City and Islington College • Daventry District Council • East Kent NHS Trust • Environment Agency • Greenwich Community Health • H M Treasury • Herts County Council • Hertsmere Borough Council • Medical Research Council • Mid-Yorks Hospital • NHS Cambridgeshire • NHS Yorkshire • NHS Western Isles • Ofsted (ALI) • Open University • Orchard Centre • Peak District National Park Authority • RAF Brize Norton • South City College, Birmingham • Stoke Sixth-Form College • Telford Sixth-Form College • University of Portsmouth • University of Southampton • Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council • Windsor & Maidenhead Council Charities / housing / not-for-profit • 4children • AgeUK • Association of Aircraft Engineers • BFI (British Film Institution) • Charities Aid Foundation • Chime • Guy Chester Centre • Hexagon Housing • Housing Plus • Independent Age • LCCA • Life • Magenta Living • Methodist Church • MS Trust • National Pharmaceutical Association • NAVCA • North Herts Homes • Nuffield Hospitals • Origins Housing • RNLI • Royal British Legion • Stevenage Leisure • Supported Independent Living • The Wine Society International African Development Bank (Tunisia) • Aramco (Saudi Arabia) • Camco Global (China) • DDB (Morocco) • Difko (Denmark) • East-West Seeds (Thailand) • NHMFL (USA) • OpenText (Germany) • Oyo State (Nigeria) • Staurus (Dubai) • Syngenta (Greece) Open course clients / partners Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce • IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) • Institution of Mechanical Engineers