589 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Coombeshead Academy

coombeshead academy

Newton Abbot

Coombeshead Academy is a thriving 11-18 school with students joining us from a range of partner primary schools across Newton Abbot and the surrounding area. We also welcome students from other secondary schools into Year 12 where they can study A Levels and vocational Level 3 courses in our successful Sixth Form collaboration with Teign School and South Devon UTC. Our school forms part of Education South West (ESW) where we work in partnership and collaboration with other schools to build success for young people across South Devon. Our school vision is based on: Inspiring Excellence We believe that every young person should have the opportunity to learn in a stimulating and inspirational environment where they can be challenged at the highest levels, as well supported and nurtured, to achieve their very best. Our core values of Positive Attitude, Endeavour, Achievement, Community and Enrichment underpin all our decisions and interactions with students and families. We offer a broad and balanced academic curriculum. We focus relentlessly on the experiences and outcomes our students receive during their time with us so that they are fully equipped with the qualifications and life experiences needed to be successful adults. ‘Growing you whole self’ by accessing the wider curriculum offer that is available at school is a central element of our school. The whole self is about being a leader, taking part and generally exploiting every opportunity that is offered by the school. These core values are encapsulated in our motto of the Coombeshead Way Turn up and be ready: We want every student here at school every day. We know that good attendance guarantees good outcomes and therefore better life chances to get the jobs they want in the future. By being ready to learn with the right attitude and the right equipment no learning time is wasted and the progress our young people make every lesson can be maximised. Work hard: By putting in 100% effort every lesson, every day and never giving up even when facing challenges with new learning and with more difficult concepts. Be nice: We want all our young people to focus on treating each other with respect and tolerance as well as allowing everyone to learn and excel in every lesson We have a caring, disciplined, family atmosphere. All our students are known and treated as individuals. We have high standards, and we place particular emphasis on school uniform 11-16, exemplary behaviour, attendance and punctuality. We value all our staff, and we ensure their skills and knowledge are second to none through a comprehensive professional learning programme.

Weatherfield Academy

weatherfield academy


Coombeshead Academy is a thriving 11-18 school with students joining us from a range of partner primary schools across Newton Abbot and the surrounding area. We also welcome students from other secondary schools into Year 12 where they can study A Levels and vocational Level 3 courses in our successful Sixth Form collaboration with Teign School and South Devon UTC. Our school forms part of Education South West (ESW) where we work in partnership and collaboration with other schools to build success for young people across South Devon. Our school vision is based on: Inspiring Excellence We believe that every young person should have the opportunity to learn in a stimulating and inspirational environment where they can be challenged at the highest levels, as well supported and nurtured, to achieve their very best. Our core values of Positive Attitude, Endeavour, Achievement, Community and Enrichment underpin all our decisions and interactions with students and families. We offer a broad and balanced academic curriculum. We focus relentlessly on the experiences and outcomes our students receive during their time with us so that they are fully equipped with the qualifications and life experiences needed to be successful adults. ‘Growing you whole self’ by accessing the wider curriculum offer that is available at school is a central element of our school. The whole self is about being a leader, taking part and generally exploiting every opportunity that is offered by the school. These core values are encapsulated in our motto of the Coombeshead Way Turn up and be ready: We want every student here at school every day. We know that good attendance guarantees good outcomes and therefore better life chances to get the jobs they want in the future. By being ready to learn with the right attitude and the right equipment no learning time is wasted and the progress our young people make every lesson can be maximised. Work hard: By putting in 100% effort every lesson, every day and never giving up even when facing challenges with new learning and with more difficult concepts. Be nice: We want all our young people to focus on treating each other with respect and tolerance as well as allowing everyone to learn and excel in every lesson We have a caring, disciplined, family atmosphere. All our students are known and treated as individuals. We have high standards, and we place particular emphasis on school uniform 11-16, exemplary behaviour, attendance and punctuality. We value all our staff, and we ensure their skills and knowledge are second to none through a comprehensive professional learning programme.

Compass Education and Training

compass education and training


About Compass Education and Training At Compass Education, we strive to keep our courses the best they can be. Since the beginning, our courses have been based on knowledge, experience, and a passion for animals. Our courses are written, edited and published by professionals with years of teaching and first hand experience with animals, giving you the best quality of study material available. A word from our Director For anyone embarking on a course of study it can be a difficult time, deciding which course, whether or not you will enjoy it and wondering what you will get for your investment are just some of the things that you will be considering. I hope that by telling you something about myself, my passion for and life of involvement with animals you will understand a little of the enthusiasm that has gone into creating Compass Education and Training over the last 23 years. Apart from my time in the forces I have had dogs in my life since I was five years old and being in my sixties that means a lot of dogs, everything from working breeds, toy breeds, terriers, utility breeds to hounds. I have seen the joy of puppies growing up, the hard work of the elderly and infirm dog and experienced the devastation of losing many friends, the pride of being unconditionally accepted by them, the frustrations and elations of working with rescued dogs and everything in between. We currently have 11 dogs and I cannot imagine life without them, they are an inspiration, no more so than when I was going through treatment for cancer 11 years ago. David Montgomery David Montgomery Without qualifications I felt that despite my knowledge and experience I could only be regarded, like so many others working with animals, as a keen amateur. I read books, picked up information from television, trained my dogs and rescued any injured wildlife I came across or was brought to me. It was then I decided that if I was to become truly professional I needed a better education, so in 1994 I enrolled at Oxford Brookes University on a combined studies degree of Psychology and Animal Behaviour. Three years later I achieved my 2:1 BSc (Hons) and for those of you wondering if it’s possible whilst working in your late thirties and paying a mortgage, there is the evidence. After graduating I studied Counselling Skills at University College London and went on to professionally offer behaviour counselling.

Future Path Life Coaching

future path life coaching

Being a Mum is a constant assault on all your senses – physically and mentally demanding from the very start to the very end of each day. To see our families work well, we need to be operating at our very best, feeling energised and equipped to flourish. My name is Jackie Meek and I am a qualified Life Coach. I love meeting new people and helping Mums to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset. I am passionate about the impact coaching conversations can have, helping mums to build healthy family foundations and home environments. I am committed to enabling Mums to function to the best of their ability and seeing them thrive as powerful leaders in their family units. I love being a Mum, but it has come with its challenges. I have two precious children, born in 2008 and 2010, but I have a difficult birthing story, including experiencing giving birth extremely prematurely, the loss of a baby and I have also experienced post-partum psychosis and post-natal depression. My career, starting in 1990, has spanned a variety of commercial and not for profit organisations, primarily working in recruitment, HR, administration and finance. In 2014, once both my children were both at school, I undertook a series of life coaching sessions which resulted in a dramatic improvement in the quality of my relationship with my husband – and it was me who changed, not him! My life coaching sessions were inspiring and empowering and left me feeling energised and equipped to flourish in my role as a mother, wife, daughter and friend. I decided to build on my people skills, developed over the last 25+ years, by training to become a qualified life coach and undertook a course with Full Circle Development in London. I qualified in March 2016 with a Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice and I am an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation. I love the privilege of having personal conversations with my clients and enabling sustainable change to take place. Spending quality time with my family is a high priority for me and as a family we love to ride off-road motorbikes and go motor racing together. In my spare time I enjoy horse riding and you’ll find me at my happiest surrounded by my family and friends. I love being organised and creative and running Future Path Life Coaching ticks those boxes. I am good at building relationships quickly and am open, friendly, calm and confident.

Siawns Teg

siawns teg


Siawns Teg is a social inclusion charity that works in the community of Powys to break down the problems and issues surrounding unemployment, personal learning opportunities and health. Siawns Teg has a highly motivated and experienced team of Trainers and mentors and is connected to a number of other local support groups with similar ideals. We are well known locally and internationally for our innovative and effective ways of engaging people in their own destiny and opportunity. We challenge two misconceptions: 1. Some service providers say that “people with problems are hard to reach”. We say that people with problems often don’t have the resources to travel and research what services are available. The problem is that people find services hard to reach. We believe that service providers should be working to break down barriers of access for people they aim to support, not the other way round. 2. Some funders provide money for organisations like Siawns Teg based on the numbers of people who will benefit. In Powys numbers are much less than in urban populations, and so outcomes for funders are not so exciting. We believe that the problems facing people in rural areas are just as difficult as for those people in urban cities, and that rural communities should have the same opportunities. What we do Siawns Teg takes pride in helping people to help themselves. We do this impartially and without discrimination, regardless of what situation, difficulty or problem comes through our door. We provide a holistic approach, working with individuals either alone or in groups to look at problems and planning solutions. We are good at supporting people to fit in with their community at work and play. We see it as a community effort, that is not only a problem for the individual, but one for the community as well to help address. That’s not to say that individuals can dodge the responsibility, each person is motivated to see what they can do and to own their progress. We run local courses and mentoring for individuals that guide people to realise their worth to themselves and the community. The course are tailor made and can cover anything from giving people confidence to attend a course to starting their own business. Some courses carry a recognised qualification! Our style of support is unique and proven with partner organisations in Europe. We have a high success rate of engaging with the unengaged, and getting people into work.

Steve Nobel

steve nobel


We are passing through interesting times. This is a dimension (one of countless many) where personal and spiritual growth happens through an interplay of dark and light forces. ‘Light’ is an evolutionary force that reconnects us to our divinity, higher frequencies of light and our true multidimensional nature. ‘Dark’ is an anti-evolutionary force that seeks to keep us in separation and locked within a lower density. This is how the game of spiritual growth has been played out within this 3D density dimension. This is all about to change in the coming years. We are coming to the end of a period of great spiritual darkness on the earth. In this period between 1987 and 2030 a great shift of consciousness has been initiated. We are moving rapidly towards a 5D paradigm of existence where the old game of dark and light will no longer play out in the same painful way. The challenge for lightworkers is one of spiritual hygiene and clearing out karmic patterns that can be released to the light. Now is a time of ascension, both for the planet itself and many millions of souls on the planet. Not everyone has chosen this path and many will continue their spiritual growth elsewhere. There are many starseeds on the planet who are waking up to their mission here. In this dense dimension it has been very difficult to maintain a high consciousness. This is because the underlying energetic structures of the earth have not supported it. This has been changing over the past decades as a new high frequency grid has been established on the earth. Many star races have contributed to this new grid, in particular the Arcturians, Pleaidians and Sirians are very active in this regard. This site includes a FREE Online Resource Library containg all of Steve’s work to support those going through the ascension/awakening process. A simpler way of putting it is this planet is going from fear to love, from separation to unity consciousness. This shift has been planned for some time. Many Starseeds have incarnated here to help with the shift. This is not an easy mission as many of you may have gathered. Starseeds come from a higher density dimension and are here to take part in this shift. As you may have discovered 3D density is tough. Some Starseeds have been here for many lifetimes and some are here for the first time. This website offers resources in the form of information, Ebooks, meditations and transmissions to help Starseeds awaken and get on track with their mission here on the earth.

Embrace Finance

embrace finance


Rachel provides training, mentoring and workshop facilitation for Embrace Finance. Director of Welbeck, an established accountancy and financial management practice providing services to the third sector. Rachel is a qualified chartered accountant and professional trainer. After qualifying, Rachel spent 12 years in senior roles within charities ranging from the British Tinnitus Association, to the Institute of Cancer Research. Rachel has over 20 years’ experience supporting a variety of social impact organisations from small charities to major research institutions. Key projects Rachel has worked on include developing and leading Charity Finance Group’s small charities training programme and writing NCVO’s Financial Management website resources. Finance trainer for the Association of Independent Examiners Finance mentor for the School of Social Entrepreneurs Finance trainer for Small Charities Coalition Our sector is fantastic at social stories In our sector, we are fantastic at social storytelling. We weave clear and simple stories from real world wicked problems and use those stories to solve those wicked problems. It's nothing short of remarkable. Our stories make people's lives better and communities stronger. They clean oceans and preserve habitats for endangered species. They move hearts and win minds. They make change happen. We are not, in our experience, as good, when it comes to our financial storytelling. All too often, the financial stories which we tell ourselves and those who wish to work with us, constrain our potential. Our lack of financial confidence - in our numbers and in our decision making - holds us back. But less so at financial stories Yet, we know that it is when changemakers really embrace the finances, own the numbers, understand the stories behind the numbers, use these stories to marry money with mission, they can extend their social impact and realise fully their social ambitions. We also know that for many changemakers, the biggest barrier to owning the numbers is not technical but attitudinal. We are told that keeping on top of the numbers can be boring, difficult, anxiety provoking. We help you find your financial story That is why we bring our love of numbers to all of our work. Our love of numbers, all numbers, enables us to bring the same clarity to your financial storytelling as you bring to the social storytelling. Our love of numbers helps you to take the fear out of finance. Our love of numbers means that we work with you to build your financial confidence while you build your social impact. Not all heroes wear capes. Some change the world with stories. And others do it with spreadsheets.

Achievable Ways Of Living

achievable ways of living


Achievers is our tuition-based service. Grouping together ambitious minds who have a desire to push themselves to new academic heights. Achievers is a combination of personal and academic development. Created to provide the opportunity to study and learn in a high performing environment for students who are willing to stretch themselves and challenge each other's knowledge for the purpose of achieving a common goal. The concept of placing like-minded students in an environment that is set up for them to be able to focus and learn amongst peers who are of a similar or greater level of intelligence holds the potential to change the way education is being approached and perceived for young people. Contact Us Rickeem INSPIRING BELIEF 1-2-1 Mentoring And Life Coaching Inspiring Belief is our bespoke mentoring programme which focuses intensely on the individual needs of each client we work with. Our philosophy is ‘one glove doesn’t fit all’ We approach our clients in a way which is suited to their personal circumstance and learning style. We deliver our sessions with the intention of getting to the root of the client in order to figure out how best to help move them forward. Inspiring Belief allows us to apply focused attention, in order to understand every aspect we have been assigned to improve. This is a specialised service and we deliver a well-thought solution to help our clients become more aware of their potential and guide them in a way which expands their vision of themselves. Contact Us 6586F728-F7FA-4207-83DB-73DDA71D2AE8_Original MINDSET MATTERS Personal Training And Physical Intervention Mindset Matters is a physical intervention created for students who are interested in a physical challenge and for students who find it difficult engaging with education. Mindset Matters is designed to instantly target and draw out the limiting beliefs within the student's belief system through an exercise to help them push beyond their comfort zone. We are using intense exercise and boxing as a way to develop new beliefs about what’s possible. We understand all students learn in different ways, which is why we created Mindset Matters. It was to leave no stone unturned so we are able to reach students who are not as engaged with the theoretical side of learning. Through Mindset Matters, we are still able to deliver the same message and philosophy but in a different way. Mindset Matters is for students looking for inspiration and to get a taste of what they are capable of once they refuse to give in.




I am often asked what my style of yoga is. I find this really difficult to answer. I trained with the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), but I attend a lot of yoga days and weekends with various teachers, many from the Satyananda tradition. In May 2014 I started the Satyananda Integration Teachers Course. Satyananda yoga is traditional yoga, looking after the whole person; giving us tools to help with the busy lives we all lead. It includes all the asanas, the breath work, meditation, mantra and chanting, and it is where the practice of Yoga Nidra originated. Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation – and we all need a bit of that! I love being out in the garden or walking. Being in touch with all of my sense. I have a deep love of nature and often weave that into some lesson plans! The scope of yoga is vast and I rule nothing out – but I only share what I have tried and think others will find beneficial or interesting. My suggestion is to come along for a couple of sessions, and if you like my way of teaching fantastic. If not I can try and help you find someone more suitbale for you. We all have different needs at different times. I have been teaching weekly classes since April 2010; weekend retreats since December 2012; and in 2014 I started running regular monthly workshops – allowing a little extra time to focus on different elements of yoga. When you practise yoga you are working with the mind, the body and the breath. In Hatha Yoga (‘Ha’ means sun and ‘tha’ means moon), we are working to balance the solar and lunar – the yin and yang – energies in the body, mind and spirit. It really does not matter what other name you give your practice, as long as you are practicing with awareness, being here and now – and really importantly, accepting and appreciating what you have now. I am often told that ‘I cannot do yoga as I am so inflexible’. My response is always ‘if you are breathing you can do yoga – in fact you already are doing yoga’! By practising the asanas (postures) you become more flexible, but yoga is so much more than just the asanas, it helps you breathe properly, it helps you relax, we learn to meditate to help find that peace within…I could make a huge list! Please give yoga a try. It really can make a difference to how you feel and how you cope with the stresses and strains of our Western society.