599 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Forest Schools Education

forest schools education



Forest Schools are nature-based communities where trained practitioners nurture learner-led exploration and discovery, nurturing meaningful experiences for positive lifelong impacts. Wellbeing is the foundation of our practice and through recognising the social, emotional and physical needs of participants we provide the guidance and facilitation for our time in nature. Through creating learner inspired experiences based on exploration and discovery, we recognise opportunities to mentor holistic growth over the course of long-term programmes. In developing the community, we nurture a culture based on collaboration and of embracing challenge so that we can allow, over time, for the blossoming of character, resilience and empathy, and for a greater sense of connection, with nature and for our shared future. What are the Benefits of Forest Schools? Improves Confidence Improves Resilience Improves Physical Wellbeing Improves Empathy Gives an Insight into the Natural World Learner-led Learning Improves Physical Wellbeing & Motor Development Long-term Observation & Guidance from Leaders A Typical Day in a Forest School Meeting outside the woodland, excitement is in the air. The birds are chirping, the gentle wind rolls across the hills while wellington boots search for puddles. The woodland has been checked and the equipment is ready to be taken with us, our focus in on the wellbeing, physical and emotional, of each person within our community. Gathering together, we check in on how each person is feeling and what they wish to explore during their time in nature. We introduce new ideas and invite them to engage our help when they wish to. The woodland space is a blank canvas, full of textures and materials to enrich the senses and stimulate the learning journeys that we will all undertake. As leaders we have both an idea for the direction of the day should learners need us to provide this for them, but also understand the importance of encouraging them to decide their own direction. During this time of exploration and discovery, our role as a leader is to provide the nurturing they need whilst also encouraging them to stay with challenge and to make sense of the experiences they have. Through review and reflection their voices are heard, and their emotions are recognised.

Big Soul Network

big soul network

The Big Soul Network is a different kind of business network. It's a light hearted welcoming MAGIC SPACE for purpose led change makers, entrepreneurial light workers, and heart centred business owners who value kindness, friendship, genuine connection and collaboration more than competition and cut throat business practices.   I'm Kim Macleod, the founder of this community and I have a mission to create a kinder more gentle world where we can all rise together. To do this I am bringing together elements of spirituality, positive psychology, personal development, joy, entrepreneurship and good business practices to encourage and support you to be the best version of yourself. Together we can all create the life and business that our souls call us to.  Running a business is the biggest learning experience many of us ever have. We all need business friends who "get us", people we can be honest with, people to reach out to and ask for help. As a business owner (of two different businesses for 18 years) I know the power of a strong network. My business friends have been a source of inspiration, wisdom and encouragement through all the ups and downs.  I have grown my clients through referrals from business friends more than any other marketing route. But I also know that many people, struggle with finding a business network that suits them.  At Big Soul Network we bring the "woo woo" and the business world together - you can expect discussions about universal energy, intuition, visualisation and soul journeys alongside sales, marketing and business plans. Business is an inside job, so we are opening up ways to share wisdom, go deep, connect with each other and raise our vibration. We have membership options to support you and host online and in person networking events, mastermind groups, mini business retreat days and one to one mentoring.  Local in-person event locations will increase as the network expands and new facilitators and event leaders are in place. This is the place for you if you want to: * connect you with other like minded people  * tune into your own soul purpose * access opportunities for personal development and spiritual growth * love your business and be rewarded well for your work * find opportunities to collaborate and grow your business * encourage and share kindness * flow with the universal energy of abundance. 

Empower Life Academy

empower life academy


Being Human is more than just what we need to learn for our careers. As social beings it’s about understanding how the relationships we create impact our lives in every moment. We teach the world the art of truly living extraordinary, fulfilling, happy lives by helping to redefine the family relationships that shape us, the relationship we build with ourselves and everyone we journey with. “We’re constantly researching, exploring, and optimising family transformation to ultimately help us connect with ourselves, our children, our communities and the planet, in a way that transforms all our interactions with love.” Nicole Telfer, Founder of EmpoweredKidsTV At EmpowerLife Academy, learning is a lifelong adventure The EmpowerLife Academy curriculum is designed to reduce conflict in our families, help families heal and learn to connect more deeply than ever before. This way we raise a generation of kids that are open and eager for our guidance, kids that are confident, stepped in their own sense of self-worth and value, shares compassion for others and our planet. Kids that are truly Empowered to make the difference they want to see in our world. But beyond the tangible, there’s also something else going on beneath Empower Academy’s surface… Our teachers and families tell us there’s a certain magic in everything we do. A sense of joy, playfulness, love, and authenticity. Some have come to call this the ‘Connection Effect’ – and we’d like to think it’s a big reason why many of the world’s greatest teachers, from Byron Katie, Bruce Lipton, Gabor Mate, Gordon Neufeld, Shefali Tsabary, Dan Siegal (to name a few) choose to share their wisdom on our media and educational platforms. And why many people consider EmpoweredLife Academy not just a company – but an extension of their family.

Oadby Yoga & Fitness

oadby yoga & fitness

Oadby Yoga & Fitness would like to welcome you to our purpose built Yoga studio available for 1:1s and small private classes (up to 5 people). Each class can be tailored to your own requirements making it an ideal way to complement other sports or activities, ie running, swimming, football, martial arts etc. Our aim is to provide friendly tuition, suitable for all ages, levels of fitness and ability. We specialise in Beginners' Yoga as well as helping those who have been practicing Yoga for a while who would like to deepen their practice, always with an emphasis on correct alignment and breathing. By limiting the number of students in each class you are guaranteed our complete attention providing you with a safe, productive and enjoyable Yoga experience whether you are online or in person Throughout your practice you will be introduced to new, interesting and fun ways to get fit, stay healthy, mobile and strong. Online Classes If you are joining us online, our classes are run via the Zoom app which is free to download and easy to use If you require we will guide you through the setup process and run a test class so you can make sure everything is set up at your home before joining a group class. Please contact us if you require any more information DSC05490_edited.jpg DSC05492_edited.jpg Why choose Oadby Yoga? Our Yoga is not just another exercise. Without doubt postures performed correctly will tone, strengthen and make your body more flexible, we call this 'functional mobility' But our Yoga is much more than this, our Yoga is a mindset, a connection to the moment, and awareness of the breath, so helping with stress and teaching us how to slow down OadbyYoga is far more about the journey rather than the destination. Take some time for yourself relax, let go and just be.

The Dharma Toolkit from The Buddhist Centre Online

the dharma toolkit from the buddhist centre online

Welcome to the Dharma Toolkit! The pandemic is still disrupting life for everyone around the world. Everywhere, we are coming to terms with the loss of the past two years. We want to continue supporting you in finding the Dharma resources you need to stay connected and inspired whenever you’re apart from your friends and loved ones. And to explore how online community and practice can be an antidote to some of the issues we all face in life every day. Like any context, online will only work for us if we set up the conditions well. We hope this space can be part of what helps you figure that out! You’ll find a great set of resources within our dedicated online spaces: A range of brilliant live events on all aspects of leading a Buddhist life. Daily open sit meditations to help you stay grounded and in connection with others. Community podcasts with a diverse range of guests and voices to renew your sense of a wider sangha standing with you. And specially curated home retreat courses to give your practice week a shape and focus if the going gets tough! We’ve been using our new community toolkit space to bring you a regular supply of the best Dharma content from around the world – new features and teaching, plus highlights from our extensive archives. Join us there to offer your own resources and support to others from wherever you are. If you prefer to get your inspiration on social media, we’ll be there too: connect with us on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Subscribe below to get the Dharma Toolkit Newsletter and we’ll keep you posted by email on new resources as they become available. May you be well! Whatever our situation, community can still grow and flourish among us!

Sarah Savage Yoga

sarah savage yoga

I started practicing yoga in my early twenties with a vague but niggling sense of wanting to do something to soothe a stiff body and an anxious, overactive mind. I’d always done a lot of sport but considered myself inflexible. I’d never really had any kind of spiritual practice. I remember that first, strange and captivating savasana in the chilly scout’s hut - a door had opened. Yoga has been a portal to discovery ever since. As a teacher, my aim is to guide students in exploring all that their bodies know. I believe that through kind attention and the magic of motion we can start to feel into new areas, release unhelpful patterns and find a greater sense of joy, freedom and connection that ripples into all aspects of our lives. For me, this is the magic of yoga and why I am so passionate about my own practice and sharing it with others. I share embodied, heart-led practices of movement, breath and meditation. I offer a space for you to move without rules and without rushing, a space for self-expression and to feel what is waiting to be felt. Informing my teaching style is an interest in neuroplasticity, heart and body intelligence, functional movement, trauma and mindfulness teachings. You can take a look at some of my inspiration here. I love feeling hot sun on my skin, peanut butter and jam in my porridge, and spotting cute dogs in the park with my partner, Tommy. I completed my 250 hour Yoga Alliance Professionals teacher training with Stretch in 2019, with Carl Faure and Calli Popham. I am also a qualified pre- and post-natal yoga teacher having completed an intensive training with Stretch in 2021.

Loren Snow

loren snow


Hi, I'm Loren Snow: an autism trainer based in Bristol. I’ve spent the past decade studying mental health, psychology, relationships, identity, and just about anything to do with why we humans think and act the way we do. I believe that we're all human, and make mistakes, fumble, fall, laugh, love - and despite our differences, we all share this same connection. I'm a strong believer in having the courage to be open and honest and that our truth and vulnerability can be powerful forces in showing us how connected we really are. In my early-twenties I was diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, and OCD. For me, these were revelations, and all the strange ways I behaved started to make sense. But why in my twenties... surely someone should have noticed or said something?!? As I came to learn more about autism I soon realised that my experience was all too common. The reality is there are many complicated things around autism, such as echolalia, alexithymia, and proprioception; there are many misconceptions in the media, such as autistic people lacking empathy; and there are many mis/un-diagnosed autistic adults out there like I used to be. This made me decide that I should explain these things so others wouldn't have to struggle as I did. I've spoken on podcasts, radio, to large and small crowds. My YouTube videos have been watched by tens of thousands! I've taught thousands of parents of autistic and ADHD children and teach regular courses to parents and autistic people. I see many businesses confused about how to help, parents lost on what to believe, and autistic people struggling to understand themselves. So what better place to learn about autism than directly from an autistic person like myself!

Tots Play Hull

tots play hull


Hi, I’m Angharad and I live in Hull with my husband Paul, our two boys Caden and Colby and dog Phoebe. Since having my sons, I longed for a career change that gave me more time with my family. With being in the hairdressing industry for 19 years I knew what I enjoyed most was working with people. After much research I found Tots Play. Not only had I found a class that appealed to me as a mother with all the variety it offered, but also made me excited at the thought of being able to help parents or carers develop their connection to their child with all the benefits baby massage, yoga, signing, music, movement and sensory play provides. I will also make sure you take away lots of fantastic ideas to carry on the fun times at home. Having my youngest in the first lockdown has shown me how important baby and toddler classes are, not just for little ones but for helping parents bond with their child, as well as building invaluable supportive relationships with others in the same situation. Being a parent can be incredibly challenging and lonely sometimes so finding a class where you can share stories, laugh about the adorable or cringy moments and feel part of a community is irreplaceable. Have a look at the classes below to find the class that is best for you. Book your place and let the fun begin. If you have any questions you can contact me by email at angharadh@totsplay.co.uk or call/text me on 07816501552. I can’t wait to meet you and your little one at a class very soon Happy playing Angharad

Megagen Implants UK & Ireland

megagen implants uk & ireland

Great Marlings

The Megagen Implant Company was started in 2002 by a group of experienced dental surgeons looking for a better implant. Their interest in offering better solutions to their patients continues to drive the company in improving products constantly & introducing ground breaking solutions for difficult surgical situations. We changed the market when we launched the Rescue Short & Wide implants; we researched them extensively and proved that short implants work. Now, most of the companies have in their portfolio short and wide implants. We were among the first to develop our Internal Sinus Grafting technique and kit. Now there are hundreds out there. In 2010 we launched what we consider to be our best product and the ultimate result of our clinical experience combined with our world class R&D: The AnyRidge Implant System. Locking morse taper, innovative thread shape, aesthetically designed platform shifting, universality of the prosthetic connection and the revolutionary progressive thread/core concept are just a few of the features of what we think is the best implant in the world. AnyRidge is for the perfectionists that do not want to compromise on aesthetics, functionality and versatility. By bringing AnyRidge to the market, we aim to bring the emotion and art back to dentistry. We believe that from now on, Megagen Implants will play an important role on the UK market and that with the clinician’s dedication for the profession and with our products we can change the market for the better.