589 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Global Centre Of Resource Development

global centre of resource development


We are passionate about supporting our candidates to fulfil their aim and develop potential and skills to achieve their career aspirations. We are a private registered UK based organisation and working in partnership with universities, colleges and education specialists in the UK, we recruit, market and deliver a range of programmes from foundation level, to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. All designed to support our students’ future career aspirations. Philosophy Approach Working in Partnership with GCRD Corporate Social Responsibility Our Services Courses Universities Student Finance - Furthermore we are also registered as Apprenticeship Training Agency, recruiting potential apprentices to work in reputable organisation in building their career. At the heart of everything that we do, whether for our partners, candidates or internally with our organisation, the core essence and the desire is to do the right thing for our clients, our people and our community and built our reputation. This ethos is at the centre of a strong set of values. We set ourselves the highest standards, bringing rigour to everything we do. This means being thorough and clear, not taking things at face value, and distilling complexity into simple messages. Our people also take an upbeat view of the world, looking for the good in situations, and don’t give up when situations become difficult. Instead, they roll their sleeves up and get stuck in on the client’s behalf. At the same time our consultants are always looking to both themselves and their clients to achieve more, whilst remaining pragmatic and realistic in creating strategies and programmes that can be implemented and will have lasting benefit. Acting with integrity is important to us. Our consultants are encouraged to speak their minds, even if it means giving unwelcome feedback - and many clients welcome the plain speaking advice they get. We also believe that decisions should be transparent, free of personal bias or hidden agendas. We concentrate purely and absolutely on providing objective, unambiguous advice to our clients. As a completely independent consultancy, with no commercial ties or alliances, our consultants are free to focus solely on their clients’ success.

Worthwhile Communications

worthwhile communications


I first heard of human trafficking in 2010 when a young couple visited our church. They shared about the work they were doing overseas to help young women that were caught in human trafficking. What they shared that morning took me by surprise, as I couldn't believe that slavery still existed. In my mind, slavery was a thing of the past, but as they shared about their work and the stories of the women they were helping, I felt the need to do something. At that time, I was working in a sales and marketing role at a local engineering and manufacturing company. It was a position that afforded my young family comfort, stability, and even a few luxuries. Over the course of two years, I deliberated what my role should be to help those enslaved. I knew I needed to be a part of the solution and not sit idly by. Growing up in Ukraine as a missionary kid, I learned from my parents what it meant to set personal comforts aside to better serve others. With God's guidance, I made the very difficult decision to leave the comfort of my sales and marketing position in an effort to fully commit myself to this cause. Worthwhile Wear launched in India in 2012 and then launched a variety of programs in the US in 2014. Today Worthwhile Wear has grown to offer the most comprehensive services to survivors of trafficking in the state of PA. I haven't once regretted the decision our family made to step away from a career job in order to better serve these brave survivors. Knowing that my days are spent helping women experience freedom and realize their true worth, has made each day a rewarding one. I have the support and help of my wife and two children, and we’ve committed ourselves to provide for and support these women. At my core I believe every person on this planet is of equal value and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. It is our desire that through our actions, each woman in our programs would know that they truly are worthwhile.



Established in 2006 by Mahmoud Saad. An Egyptian/British Physiotherapy clinician and Academic based in the UK, He moved to the UK in 2004 and started his Academic Career as a Senior lecturer in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) Where he was leading the Musculoskeletal module within the post graduate program, he works occasionally as clinical specialist with National Health Service and runs private clinics in Sheffield and London, fellow of the higher education academy-UK, certified McKenzie Therapist-UK and international manual therapy tutor. It happened that he shared the office at SHU with Dr Stephen May the author of McKenzie Text Books and a remarkable researcher, in a cloudy morning in the winter of 2006 at the Cafe area in Robert Winston Building of SHU ,Mahmoud has invited Dr May to visit Cairo-Egypt to present a short introductory workshop to the McKenzie concept. the rest is history. Vision and Mission: The vision was not difficult to set, at that time, continuous professional Development in the Middle East was a new concept, where many physios were happy with hot packs, US and Exercise protocols. Therefore, stage one of our mission was to introduce all the well known concepts/schools/school of thoughts was number one priority. Between 2006 to 2011 Primephysio collaborated with McKenzie Institute International, International Bobath Tutor Training Association, Orthopaedic Medicine Belgium, British Bobath tutors association , Mulligan tutors association to run many training courses in Cairo - Egypt and Amman-Jordan and Sheffield.UK.This was stage one. Stage 2 started in 2011. We wanted to send a clear message, it is not about single concept or approach it is about a logically balanced and blended approach where all concepts are considered for the right patient on the right time. Many experienced clinicians and Academic mainly from the UK , most of them were SHU senior teaching staff, were part of this Journey. Special mention to Alison McFarlane , Dr Myles Buttler, Peter Hanley, Emma Richards, Ross Mallet, Edward Bakker, John Cleak, Mel Lindley, Dr Bhanu Ramaswamy, Dr Kate Grafton and finally the late Kevin Banks The author of Maitland Concept text book and senior International Maitland Instructor.

Montet Designs

montet designs

My teenage years... IMG_20200922_093644_1.jpg were spent hanging out in the school art department (regardless of what class I was supposed to be in!) and it was there that Mr Alston, my wonderful art teacher directed and nurtured my love of art. Studying Art & Design and then Illustration, was a great foundation to my art career and helped me refine my skills as an artist. But as a naïve graduate, passionately producing illustrations and trying to make it in the freelance world - I soon realised it was going to be more difficult that I thought! I'd been working in Children's Services for 15 years running Youth Participation Projects, managing a Gypsy Roma Traveller Project and delivering a provision of services for the most hard to reach communities. This provided me with the most amazing experiences, as well as allowing me to use my art to benefit these groups. It's been a wonderful journey of learning and a fantastic platform in which to build my business. In 2016 I decided it was time to give up the office job and focus all my time on my community art work. It's been a brilliant time and I'm delighted that I still have daily experiences of working with such amazing people, from our wonderfully interesting communities. I hope that even if it's just in some little way, I am able to make a difference to the lives of those that I work with, through the medium of visual art. Audrey But freelancing for a few years whilst volunteering in the community, opened many new doors and ideas of what I could do with my visual arts. I went on to complete a degree in Community Arts and continued to work with community groups. This is where my love of creating art in the community became well and truly set. My passion for mural painting was formed following the completion of two large scale mural commissions in Scotland. Then with London calling, I completed my next 30 metre indoor mural at a special needs adventure playground in Hackney. In 2007 I was introduced to the medium of mosaic and I just completely fell in love with it!

Oscott Academy

oscott academy

Sutton Coldfield

Oscott Academy is a registered independent school that supports the learning of students in Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11). Oscott Academy prides itself on its pastoral approach, fostering an environment where students can develop and be part of the Oscott Academy family. We support students with diagnoses of ASD, ADHD, ADD and anxiety, in addition to those who display symptoms of SEMH. We also support vulnerable students who have struggled to learn in a mainstream setting. The school has a high level of student support with a ration of 5:1 (student to staff ratio). Oscott Academy was opened in 2014 by Stewart Dance, an experienced practitioner with over a decades experience in educational settings. Ethos Statement The ethos of Oscott Academy is that of inclusion, respect and creating a family environment where students can be part of the Oscott Academy family. We are committed to providing a service to our students who are recognised as the most important group within the school community. Staff demonstrate due consideration and respect for their students. Students' rights to voice opinions is recognised and staff will work with students to deal with their concerns. The efforts which members of staff make to improve the learning process and promote partnership will be recognised by students adopting an active role in their own learning. When dealing with difficult situations we will seek to resolve problems by mediation, respecting the feelings of all involved. Oscott Academy's approach to creating a safe, family environment has enabled students at the academy to achieve positive outcomes Post 16. All of our students move onto positive post-16. They all have impartial careers advice and support in their college/post 16 applications. Our 2020/21 students moved onto: Local colleges to study: Animal Care Health & Social Care Baking Hair and Beauty Construction Skills Music Production Music Performance Mechanics Art and Design Bricklaying Carpentry and Joinery Vehicle Maintenance Two students also began apprenticeships, one in bricklaying and one is childcare. Congratulations to Megan Flores (student of 2016) who went onto the University of Derby in September 2021 to study: BSC Engineering Pupil Premium Statement 2020-2021 (click me) Oscott Academy has been graded as a Good school in every area. Ofsted 2016/2017

Sarah Rhodes - Singing Lessons for beginners to professionals

sarah rhodes - singing lessons for beginners to professionals

Covid Secure Guidance Taking into account Government advice, I have offered and continue to offer my students an online alternative to one to one studio lessons. These live lessons are carried out via FaceTime, Zoom or Skype. These are and remain difficult times with no certainty as to what will happen next. Online teaching is of course, no substitute for face to face tuition. Many of my students have asked me to begin teaching again in my studio. I have therefore decided to re-open the studio, and offer one to one teaching, but strictly following Covid Secure guidelines. My existing students will be aware of how keen I am to ensure that students with a cold or any other illness which may be passed on, do not attend lessons. (After all, I and several of my students rely upon our voices for work). The current situation makes it much more important that we all follow the Covid Guidelines so that we stay safe. Contact me now to find out more. Covid Guidelines if you think that you have a cold/flu, fever or any other illness which may infect others you must not come to your scheduled lesson, but must immediately let me know; social distancing – at least 2 metres separation (3 whilst singing) must be observed at all times; there will be no physical contact (for example to demonstrate breathing techniques); students must enter the studio via the entrance driveway and through the side doorway leading into the courtyard where my detached studio is. (Please note that I am regretfully unable to offer toilet or refreshment facilities for the time being); hand sanitiser will be available and must please be used on entering and leaving the studio; Students are not required to wear face masks (and unless otherwise requested by my student I will not wear one); Whilst I will take steps to follow Covid – Secure guidance, and will keep the studio clean and well ventilated before and after lessons, students must appreciate that I cannot guarantee their safety or be responsible for any infection.

Hello Europe

hello europe


The language we use when we talk about refugees and migration is so often tragic. Newspapers publish heartbreaking pictures, we read statistics which boggle the mind in their numbers, learn stories which appall in their tales of suffering. At the same time running through the difficult realities are threads of potential, of optimism, resilience and of capacity for hope. It is here that Ashoka strives to work. For more than thirty years, Ashoka has identified and supported the world’s best social entrepreneurs – leaders with innovative new ideas which can transform broken systems for the better, in fields from health to human rights, education to civic engagement, economic development to environment. In this time we’ve elected nearly 4000 Ashoka Fellows in 90 countries across the world. In a collaboration between Ashoka Germany and Zalando, Hello Europe was created in 2016 to identify the most powerful and proven solutions to challenges surrounding migration, integration and refugee movements with the aim of bringing them to scale in regions most in need. Over time a European, cross-border network of solutions began to emerge, and we began to identify a new paradigm around migration and integration. Now 3 years on, Hello Europe aims to provide a vision of the kind of work happening in Europe and around the globe, which is creating a better society for people on the move as well as for those who meet them. There is a lot at stake: by providing the refugees with only enforced isolation, a lost education, and half-hearted integration, nobody wins. Political will or citizen will are not enough to solve this ever-shifting, accelerating problem – we need the nimble speed of new ideas, the passion of social entrepreneurs, the weight of government and the influence of business combined to transform the landscape for refugees and migrants. “In early 2016 – a critical time in Germany – the Hello Festival in Berlin was so many things at once: a very moving experience, a vivid demonstration of the transformative power of citizen solutions for migration, and a place where unusual partnerships began: between social entrepreneurs, ministries, companies, foundation, and welfare organisations. I am excited this is now happening across Europe!” — RAINER HOELL, ASHOKA GERMANY

Let���s Get Out Dorset

let���s get out dorset


I HAVE A PASSION AND A BELIEF I have worked with young people for 17 years, I started working with young people in 2004 within a youth club, that provided a safe space for young people to engage in many activities. Very quickly I found my passion which is helping young people to make positive choices in their lives. Whilst my time was spent with a diverse group of young people, I realised that I had a passion working with the more challenging young people, usually the ones that get forgotten because they’re not turning up for school or their behaviours are very challenging because maybe they have emotional behavioural difficulties including risky behaviours. With these challenges I conducted risk assessments, whilst keeping young people at the heart of any action undertaken. These young people are the ones central to what I believe is my mission. I wanted to work primarily with young people who for some reason or another had conflict within their life. My belief is, no matter what, everybody needs somebody to believe in them, even when they struggle to believe in themselves. This led to more responsibility in my role as a youth worker. I started doing one-to-one work with challenging young people, working on a project that targets young people who are at risk of becoming marginalised. When further cuts to Youth service's were sanctioned young people suffered the most, this had a knock on effect to local crime figures rocketing. Young people with no direction or safe spaces to grow, the fundamental nature of being young is lost and in too many cases to mention, young people often find themselves in an environment where peer pressure is rooted in dysfunction, this in my experience is the perfect storm for disaster. Over the last decade since the cuts to youth work it has become more challenging to engage young people. I found myself taking my passion to help young people who were in a residential care setting where they were having the most difficult time of their lives. But again through one to one Key work supporting young people to make changes and experience alternative support such as green activities, I found that these activities help toward emotional stability. Activities can include night fishing, paddle boarding, kite surfing or whatever the young person chooses. If an idea or activity is brought to me I will only consider this after a thorough risk assessment and if successful together we will implement the activity in our one to one sessions, this serves as a way of including young people in their own support package. My aim, together with young people would be to re-introduce them to education, society and family living through mediation and support. I will be introducing young people to resilience building techniques that will have far reaching benefits that will stay with them throughout life, better preparing them for challenges life will bring. Outdoor activities reduce isolation, encourages change and builds confidence rather than being stuck indoors on their consoles confined to their bedrooms in isolation but getting out and enjoying nature and fun activities. please follow the hyperlink below Whilst doing all this creating a safe, positive, caring environment providing a consistent, reliable relationship with good boundaries. I then changed and went back to mentoring and again I have worked with some of the hardest to reach young people. I have a belief that everyone deserves to be given a helping hand. Whether they have been exploited with crime eg. CSE or County Lines, Gang Culture, Knife Crime, this can cause young people to be trapped in a cycle of fear that they can’t get out of,I believe no young person should be exposed to negative cycles like those mentioned above. This leads to isolation within their families and communities. Evidence is emerging during the current climate i.e Covid 19 has had a detrimental effect on young people regarding their mental wellbeing. Isolation breeds dysfunction which can contribute to anxiety and dysfunctional behavior finding It difficult to reintegrate back into society. which for some could even mean not being able to leave the house. My passion is to help turn young people's lives around and build resilience. empowering them to do things they really enjoy. In doing so this will help build up life skills that will inevitably serve them well with the challenges that life will bring. I will support them to be the best young person they can become and enjoy a safe caring and sustainable life which we all deserve.

Puppy School South West London

puppy school south west london



Puppy School tutors come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Many have thriving careers in rescue shelters and some work as veterinary nurses, dog walkers, dog groomers, dog training professionals or behaviourists. Others work as accountants or teachers during the day but have many dog-related hobbies and interests in their free time. Some have left full-time work with dogs to raise a family. What they all have in common is a passion for training puppies and a keen interest in animal welfare and behaviour. Wag Bone Show 2005All our Puppy School tutors have been carefully selected for their experience and practical skills with dogs. Our tutors are also chosen to have empathy, respect and concern for people since it is essential that the same reward-based training techniques be extended to the owners of the puppies in the classes as well as the puppies themselves. Many of our tutors are full members of the Association of Pet Behaviour Councillors (APBC) Puppy School is proud to be a Practitioner Organisation of the Animal Behaviour Training Council (ABTC) and to uphold its values. The ABTC is the regulatory body that represents animal trainers and animal behaviour therapists to both the public and to legislative bodies. It is the only animal welfare charity that is primarily concerned with protecting the psychological welfare of animals undergoing training and behaviour activities. Many of our tutors and associate tutors are recognised as Animal Training Instructors with the ABTC and others are working towards the qualification. Some of our tutors are also registered as Clinical Animal Behaviourists and Accredited Behaviourists with the ABTC. Many of our tutors are registered with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), a benchmark of excellence in positive, reward-based dog training. Some of our tutors are registered with the Pet Professional Guild of Force Free Trainers (PPG), some are also members of the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT), and others are Kennel Club Accredited Instructors (KCAI). Our Puppy School tutors and associate tutors must undergo extensive training before teaching Puppy School classes. This includes an application and interview process, six days of comprehensive theory covering a range of topics from animal learning to lesson plans (taught by founder and director, Gwen Bailey and Puppy School tutor of 15 years, Catherine Tomlinson, both of whom are APBC registered and registered with ABTC as clinical animal behaviourists), 3 days of supervised practical work and a comprehensive correspondence course. We monitor our Puppy School classes regularly to ensure the highest standards are consistently being maintained. Tutors are carefully overseen by Regional Managers to make sure they are using all the skills necessary to become excellent, positive, reward-based puppy trainers. Our tutors must uphold our Code of Conduct at all times and must complete a sufficient amount of Continued Professional Development each year. You will find many of our tutors at events such as the APBC Annual Conference, Woof Conference and at many other seminars, workshops and lectures across the country that provide insight into the science behind modern training techniques. Many of our tutors have studied to degree level or higher and have a BSc or MSc in Animal Behaviour and Psychology or Zoology. All our Puppy School tutors and associate tutors strive to uphold standards and keep up to date with the latest behavioural science. Founder and Director Gwen Bailey gwen bailey"I've lived and worked with dogs all my life, starting with the family's assortment of cross-breeds and a weekend/holiday job at the local kennel which taught me so much and gave me lots of practical handling experience. Later, with a BSc degree in Zoology, I wanted to do something to help dogs have a better life so I became Information Officer and later Animal Behaviourist for one of the UK's largest animal welfare charities. After working with rescue dogs as Head of Animal Behaviour for the charity for 12 years, I realised that there would always be more dogs needing new homes than there would be homes for them to go to. In addition, many of these dogs had behaviour problems which made it more difficult to rehome them. The task seemed never ending. It became clear that the way forward lay in education of new owners, particularly during the early stages of puppy-hood when owners are keen to learn and puppies are very impressionable. So in 2002, after writing the successful Perfect Puppy book, I set up Puppy School, which has grown into a fantastic UK network of well-trained professional trainers who helps new owners give their puppies the best possible start in life. Well-trained, well-behaved dogs is the goal so that owners want to keep them all of their lives and even if the dog is unlucky enough to find itself in rescue one day, it will be easier to rehome. Thousands of puppies have now passed through Puppy Schools across the country and we hope that all of them have had better lives as a result". Gwen has written 13 books on animal behaviour and lectures in the UK and internationally. For further information, please visit my Dog Problems Solved website. Please click to see a copy of Puppy School’s Terms and Conditions : and (Code of Conduct)