1753 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Swarthmore Education Centre

swarthmore education centre



The spirit of the Centre’s aims has remained unchanged for over 100 years: Swarthmore seeks to inspire lives through friendly learning within a commitment to equality of opportunity Swarthmore is a centre for lifelong learning, community projects and family learning sessions as well as the courses and activities. Our main aim is to encourage people who want to learn but might not feel comfortable in more formal educational institutions. We work on a friendly, human scale. Many volunteers currently support the Centre’s work, and we welcome their contributions of time and energy. The Centre was founded by members of the Quaker movement in 1909 with the aim of including and involving people in learning activities and making sure that people were treated with equality and respect. Two members of the Society of Friends remain on our democratically elected ‘Council’ of Trustees, made up of Centre members and representatives of community organisations with shared aims. Swarthmore is a not-for-profit registered charity, and a company limited by guarantee. Our Grade II Listed Building has a fascinating history and is made up of six four-story terraced houses with additional dance and art studios to the rear. We have specialist facilities for pottery, jewellery, stained glass and sculpture, and the atmosphere is intentionally homely and informal. We also work within the local community on negotiated projects, including arts and ‘Skills for Life’ programmes. Many groups and individuals make use of the Centre as a community resource, providing facilities for a wide variety of local groups. Swarthmore attracts a social mix of people who come to the Centre because of their shared interests in learning rather than their background. We offer room hire at competitive rates, and welcome the public to use our café facilities. If you would like more information about the centre, SWARTHMORE’S CENTURY; A LEEDS EXPERIMENT IN ADULT EDUCATION, 1909–2009 by Tom Steele is an authoritative look into our history.

Libra Education

libra education


Libra Education was founded in 2017 in response to a broken industry model where education companies overpromised and underdelivered, whilst many tutors were not trained to work with international clients. Providing a better and more accountable service to both the students and tutors they work with is key to Libra’s success. We recruited a bi-lingual team of Education Consultants to track students’ progress accurately against our cohort and make targeted interventions where required. Libra Education continues to add value throughout the customer journey through highly personal interactions, providing high-level support to unlock students’ potential in a highly competitive British education sector. To date, Libra Education has sought to live up to the education values that its founders witnessed in their own education. Graduating from Eton College, Cambridge and Oxford, Libra CEO Oscar Hardy ensures that every lesson taught at Libra echoes the gilded experience that top British institutions offer. Since 2017, the services covered by Libra Education have gradually expanded. Geographically, Libra has 4 offices across three different counties and works with students from over 20 countries around the world. Initial services included residential camps, tuition and consultancy for school or university applications. In time, we launched our Corporate Language Services alongside our fully accredited Libra Online School to offer students the best education whenever and wherever they want.