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National Safety Passport

national safety passport


The EMSS approved National Safety Passport training has been developed by a highly experienced and knowledgeable team; the content being checked by many highly qualified HSE professionals from various industry sectors with decades of experience. The course is updated regularly based on industry best practice and changes to legislation so you can be assured your workers hold the most up to date information to keep them safe and free from harm. EMSS Overview Essential Minimum Safety Standard (EMSS) The EMSS Safety Passport Card first and foremost demonstrates that its holder has an audited and approved level of underpinning knowledge and provides evidence of their ability to understand further site specific training, instruction and inductions enabling them to work in high hazard environments. Our Training Course Our training comprises of 21 comprehensive modules. The completion of our training entitles the user to the EMSS Safety Passport and the EMSS competency management system. This cloud based system enables the instant on-line checking of all candidates and ensures the integrity of the safety passport card. In addition the card holder or employer is able to upload additional qualifications to the workers profile with relevant evidence such as certificates, induction cards, licences and professional/trade qualifications to ensure the worker can show competence and the client sites assured of compliance. Safety aware workers engaged by compliant companies in possession of the latest industry best practice training can only serve to improve OSH performance across all high hazard industries and ultimately save lives.

Boa Training

boa training


The first BOA Training and Education Strategy document was published in 2012. It set out an action centred approach to development work across four community domains and eleven projects. A year later we have taken the opportunity to refresh the strategy in the light of work completed, and some new initiatives reflecting the ever changing dynamic of surgical training and education. The BOA focuses its training and education resources on: Development of the T&O specialty training curriculum. Construction and delivery of an annual trainee instructional course, geared to a four year FRCS (Tr and Orth) cycle. Awards of fellowships and prizes. CESR courses for SAS surgeons aspiring to gain entry to the specialist register. Delivery of training the trainer and educational supervisor instructional courses. Delivery of MSK clinical assessment skills courses for those in Core Training. Revalidation of all T&O surgeons through our annual Congress with a series of clinical and other instructional content geared to a five year cycle. The development of our e-learning capability for both specialty training and broader revalidation purposes. The need for continuing pace The shape and diversity of the healthcare work force is evolving rapidly: all elements are doing more with less in order to contain NHS expenditure at a sustainable level. T&O in particular faces a unique set of challenges and the BOA has developed an action plan through which to address them: full details are contained in our Practice Strategy. Focused on high quality care for patients against the backdrop of a 15% and growing capacity gap in elective orthopaedics, the action plan highlights the need for better patient pathways, enhanced implant surveillance, strong partnerships between providers of acute care, multidisciplinary teams working seamlessly across the primary and secondary care divide, and clinical culture change within the T&O community. All this needs to be instilled in surgeons from the outset of their careers, and the challenge for the BOA as a Surgical Specialty Association is to identify, recruit, educate and nurture the best talent from medical schools and throughout their formative and specialty training in order to create sufficient: High quality T&O capacity with surgical capability in depth to meet future demand. Future clinical academic capacity to sustain the UK’s T&O research capability. The rationale for this is set out in the BOA Research Strategy In addition, we need to: Care better for our patients throughout their treatment pathways by engaging effectively and productively with General Practitioners, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals with an interest in orthopaedics. Accordingly we continue to broaden the scope of our training and education work. This will be essential if we are to encompass more fully the needs of the T&O community and the wider musculoskeletal multi-disciplinary team. Achieving this through an action centred, project based approach to Training and Education .