498 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Lauren Braid Personal Training

lauren braid personal training

About With over 5 years experience in the fitness industry I have worked with a vast amount of personal training clients helping them to change their lifestyle and the results speak for themselves. I work with (not exclusively) women wanting to lose fat, make a change and build confidence through a realistic approach to change lifestyle habits. Are you ready to take the step and improve your lifestyle for the better? Are you fed up of the treadmill? Annoyed that you're not seeing results? Bored of weight loss clubs? Feel like you have tried every option or are struggling to motivate yourself? Do you want to be able to walk into the weights are and feel confident in what you are doing? Forget all the conflicting stories you read in the media or the rubbish you see celebrities selling on social media...I can teach you how to adjust your current lifestyle, to enjoy foods you probably think you should cut out and still achieve your goals. A simplistic approach that has helped many to a healthier, happier lifestyle. My passion for health and fitness has grown throughout my life, I love using my knowledge and experience in a simple and enjoyable way to help others improve their lifestyle and feel better within themselves. The best part of my job is seeing not only physical changes in clients but also the mental changes - people actually enjoying exercise for the first time, watching their confidence grow, reduction in stress/anxiety and even the way they talk about themselves (no longer putting themselves down or being hard on themselves). Services I can provide - online PT plans to do in your own time at home or in the gym - virtual PT sessions delivered via zoom/Skype - Personal Training sessions in PureGym Dunfermline - morning and afternoon sessions avaialble. My working hours for personal training tend to be 630-1600. - Personal Training sessions outside or at your home dependent on location, times for this may be limited - Plans or Personal Training for pre and post natal clients - Nutrition advice All plans can be customised to suit what you can fit into your lifestyle. So why not invest in yourself - if this sounds like I can help you, get in touch via the form at the bottom of this page and I will be in touch to see how I can help.

London Lit Lab

london lit lab

We believe writers can learn a huge amount from each other. We set up London Lit Lab to share our writerly experience, knowledge and inspiration with up-and-coming writers. Since 2016, we have been designing and teaching our own London Lit Lab courses, and mentoring writers of both fiction and non-fiction. We also teach creative writing courses at other organisations including the British Library, Riba, Mslexia, Arvon Foundation, St Mungo’s, Bath Spa and Birkbeck universities, Writers & Artists and Google. Lily Dunn Lily Dunn is an author, mentor and creative writing teacher. Her first novel, Shadowing the Sun, was published by Portobello Books and her debut nonfiction, Sins of My Father, A Daughter, A Cult, A Wild Unravelling, a memoir about the legacy of her father’s addictions, was published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson in March 2022. You can find her personal essays in Granta, Hinterland, MIR Online, The Real Story and Litro, and she is a regular writer for Aeon. She is in her final writing up year of her doctorate at Birkbeck, University of London, and is interested in how to integrate the therapeutic power of writing with literature. She is co-editor of A Wild and Precious Life, Addiction, physical and mental illness and its aftermath: a collection of stories and poetry from writers in recovery, due to be published by Unbound in May 2021. She teaches creative writing at Bath Spa University and co-runs London Lit Lab. She also has experience teaching marginalised groups, specifically those in recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. ‘Lily’s memoir course was first rate. I’ve attended other courses, but this has been by far the best!’ Eva ‘Lily has helped me uncover an unstoppable and undeniable urge to navigate and plot a course through my memories.’ Mia ‘Lily Dunn was exceptional. She knows her material well and delivered it confidently and in accessible chunks to a diverse group of writers and learners. I would do a continuation of this course if one were to be made available.’ James ‘I would like to thank Lily for being such a wonderful giving person and tutor. I really felt that she held the space well for the participants, which is so important considering the nature of the course. Lily was brilliant.’ Denise

Iva Troj

iva troj


A Balkan mountain child and a young arts protege who grew up to become a world renown contemporary artist with a PhD in art history. Iva Troj grew up in the outskirts of Bulgaria’s Romani slums in the last decade of communism – a world full of sexual predators, communist propaganda, censorship and no path to artistic livelihood other than what she could imagine in her wildest dreams. Today, she is a Gerety Award winner and 3 times Cannes Lions nominee for her Halo Masterpiece [biggest ever launch in the Halo franchise’s history, with more than 20M players, 520M reach], Towry Best of England Award winner, and 2 times Contemporary Art Excellence Artist of the Year award winner. She has exhibited both nationally and internationally and her work is in collections in the UK, France, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, China, United States and Japan. In 2021, her epic painting Halo Infinite Masterpiece was exhibited at Saatchi Gallery and The Louvre. In 2020, her paintings were included in a number of permanent museum exhibitions in South Asia, among them Haegeumgang Museum 해금강테마박물관 in South Korea. And in Sept 2022, she was invited to exhibit a body of work at The Louvre in Paris. Troj obtained her first fine arts degree when she was just 17 years old. After completing two BA degrees and a master’s degree from the United States and Sweden, she was awarded an art history PhD title. She is widely known for her fine art pieces which seamlessly merge Renaissance aesthetics and techniques with postmodern praxis. Her intensely detailed oil paintings achieve astonishing tricks of light and shade, as practiced by the great masters. Exhausted by a society in which women often feel vulnerable, threatened, or powerless, Troj recasts the fairer sex as powerful creatures, freed from the oppressive male gaze and placed within Edenic settings where they can revel in their own beauty and potential. Blending abstraction with figuration, the natural world with the urban landscape, dream with reality, Troj’s breathtakingly beautiful artworks achieve something truly unique, both in terms of aesthetics and concept.” 22Blocks Agency Artist Statement As a child, I was taught to question one-dimensional narratives, which grew from a survival technique to a development technology of the artistic self. The foe I so often portray almost always represents the normalisation of one or more dysfunctional discourses. Like many artists, I discuss personal experiences. At the same time, I strive to escape the self, an urge that partially stems from crossing borders in the last years of the Cold War. Living through cultural starvation in my childhood’s Eastern Europe has made me restless and hungry for honest creativity. In that sense, nothing I discuss is strictly personal. Sexual abuse, violence, trauma… I may present an unusual perspective on these topics stemming from the self, but only as an outset. The work needs to keep changing, relive itself, challenge its own conformity. There is a point in every artist’s career when one is tempted to choose a tested and proven path. I’m constantly trying to resist this temptation by containing the “paths” in series where I can explore a motif or a theme without succumbing to the comforts of one visual style. The artists that I look up to for inspiration have one thing in common – constant renewal. Traditional elements are very central to my body of work. It’s not so much a need to keep it” traditional”, but rather the way I speak. I grew up in a communist country. We sang songs about machines being superior to man and praised modernity while destroying nature and killing creativity and the human spirit with it. At the same time, my summers were spent in the mountains with my grandmother who had hanging gardens, thousand stories and no TV. These two realities are inseparable in my mind. My style and inspiration come from the techniques of The Old Masters, not just Western but also Eastern European, Russian in particular. As a child I would often look at art books from the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo and even Modernism and wonder why the women in them were so powerless and passive, always laying there nude like they lost the will to live, combing their hair and undressing, etc. I grew up wishing to become good at painting so I could change the stories in classical motifs. My technique resembles the Flemish method of layering thin veneers of paint between layers of varnish. Beautiful imperfection and constant renewal are themes that flow throughout my paintings. Awards: 3 x nominee for Cannes Lions Award for Halo Infinite Masterpiece 2022 Art Excellence Award 2020 해금강테마박물관] Haegeumgang Museum South Korea. CAF Artist Of The Year 2019 (2d) Contemporary Art Excellence Artist of The Year 2016 2016 Palm Award Winner 2013 Towry Best of England Award Winner

Vg Training & Consultancy

vg training & consultancy


VG Training was created and is led by Director, Vicki Gwynne, who lives locally with her partner (Nick) daughter (Jess) and their slightly unsociable rabbit (Speedy). She has worked across Stoke on Trent in a variety of roles over the years, has a vocational background in education, psychology, support for adults and young people with multiple needs, and is a qualified teacher and trainer. Vicki is passionate about Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire – the area, the people, and the skills and experience within it. VG Training was created after she realised how many local companies paid for out of area ‘experts’ and ‘specialists’ to train their staff and provide advice… paying high travel and accommodation costs, big city prices, and having to explain local history and requirements as the ‘experts’ didn’t understand the local dynamics. Vicki knew colleagues and other local trainers who had similar qualifications and experience and the ability to deliver good quality learning or advice, so built up a fantastic, local team of specialist trainers and consultants to deliver a variety of training courses, learning experiences and consultations at affordable prices! Vicki is proud of the quality of training delivered through the company, “All trainers have dual specialism – experts in the subject matter (either through qualifications or experience) and have a training or teaching qualification which helps to plan learning objectives, create appropriate resources and keep learning active. Because we are local, understand the different sectors, and can relate to the attendees, our training and consultancy services remain current, of interest and with practical examples provided.” When she’s not working, researching new theories or checking legislation and good practice is current for VG Training, Vicki is either ‘playing taxi’ to her daughter and friends, reading an excessive amount of books (she’s on her 3rd full kindle!) or carrying out one of her many voluntary roles. She further shows her commitment to the local area and residents by being a Trustee of a local young person’s charity, Member of Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership (Prevention & Engagement), Panel Member of Stoke North Safer Neighbourhood Panel (PCC), and active as representative of her local residents’ association. Vicki leads a busy life! “I love the work I do as well as the voluntary roles I perform… it feels like I’m part of something bigger, and it’s great meeting new people and hearing their life stories. At VG Training, we put 100% into everything we do, and look forward to continuing our work across the area!”

Claire Cotterill Mosaics

claire cotterill mosaics


I’m an artist based in Birmingham with a great love for all things creative. From a young age, creating has been therapeutic for me, giving an outlet and response to the changing world around me. In my late teens I took a traditional route studying Fine Art, going on to use my skills to support communities and people of all ages. This included working with play schemes and youth groups, bringing as many creative experiences as I could – despite incredibly low budgets! Over the years I developed a passion for mosaic and began to specialise in creating large scale mosaic installations, initially within educational and community environments. What I love about mosaic is its accessibility for all, and the collaboration and teamwork it brings. As a process I enjoy watching people’s confidence grow, the relationships built along the way and the pride shared in the finished product of a permanent installation on a wall or in the ground that the whole community can enjoy & share. I love that my work becomes part of a shared history for those that have worked on it, been part of the commissioning process and have inspired it. I consider myself a visual storyteller and enjoy helping others to share their stories in a unique and engaging way. I love exploring new places, meeting new people and creating bespoke and site-specific artworks. I relish the challenge of meeting a client’s brief, whatever that may be and have vast experience working with a wide range of clients over the years, working creatively in many differing environments. Throughout my career I have explored other media and methods within my commissions, moving from a purely handmade traditional approach, to incorporating digital media and new technologies. This fresh approach has expanded my vision of what can be achieved in my public artworks allowing me to widen my practice and include other mediums. It has also equipped me with new skills that I enjoy sharing through public participation and my ability to offer a wider scope of media in my response to the needs of commissioners. I’m excited to further this innovative approach and as a member of the Crafts Council and STEAMhouse Birmingham, I look forward to continuing to explore my digital and technological skills in the future. Each commission excites me and is a new adventure and I pride myself in delivering high quality permanent artworks, delivered on time and within budget. Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss any projects you may have in mind!

Daisy First Aid Northampton

daisy first aid northampton

Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas

Daisy First Aid Clitheroe

daisy first aid clitheroe


Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas

Daisy First Aid West Dorset

daisy first aid west dorset


Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas

Daisy First Aid Milton Keynes, Bedford and surrounding areas 2

daisy first aid milton keynes, bedford and surrounding areas 2

Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas

Daisy First Aid North West London

daisy first aid north west london


Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas