694 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Paths To Learning

paths to learning


Paths to Learning was established as an EDUCATION CONSULTANCY, by Felicity Gunn, in 2018. ITS PRIMARY PURPOSE WAS TO SUPPORT PARENTS IN FINDING THE BEST EDUCATION FOR THEIR CHILDREN IN THE UK. Parents may have been: British and returning home after working abroad, or international and seeking a boarding school in the UK or looking for a Special School for a child with Learning Needs. Felicity placed a significant number of children successfully, in a wide range of schools, both maintained and independent. UNDERSTANDING CULTURES emerged as a key theme for: advising schools in the UK receiving children from other countries, and parents and their children who were coming to the UK. To that end she ran a Virtual Summit entitled KNOWING CULTURE FOR BETTER EDUCATION 2020 at which 20 eminent speakers including head teachers, school managers, pastoral leaders and cultural consultants, contributed insights in how to manage the complexities and nuances of cross-cultural relations, thereby ensuring a fruitful educational experience for children unfamiliar with “the way we do things here.” All talks have been transcribed and are still available at no cost. As Covid 19 sped around the globe it was clear that few parents would be moving, or wanting their children to travel to the UK, for their education. Then early in 2021, Felicity married and moved to Derbyshire. While the consultancy company no longer exists, FELICITY OFFERS EDUCATION CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO PARENTS and can be contacted through this email address: felicity@newhorizons21.com or postal address Felicity Hough, Education Consultant trading as Paths to Learning Curzon House Curzon Street Burton-on Trent DE14 2DH

Pathway To Success

pathway to success

Pathway to Success is registered organisation in England and Wales, offering a range of services through affiliation with colleges in order to improve the quality standards of education providers around the world. Our proficiency in providing motivational education programmes helps our clients to build a maintainable atmosphere where students, teachers and facilities come together to improve standards in education, training and learning. Pathway to Success also offers educational institutes business and financial advice in regards to programme fee structure and compares the range of products offered with market competitors.to succeed. Mission Statement The mission of Pathway to Success is to extend access to high quality certificate programs for adults who pursue to maximise their personal and professional potential. This mission is accomplished through innovative programs that are approachable to the requirements of learners and involve active, attractive, stimulating, and appropriate learning experiences offered in a diversity of delivery methods. Our Vision We will continue to strengthen the quality of our programs as directed by the accomplishments of our clients and their students We will also expand our national and international manifestation through coalitions that generate opportunities for our affiliated institutes and for their faculty members and students. Our values We are honestly dedicated to improve and support our customers to deliver the highest quality education. We confidently believe that our effort makes a positive difference in Education industry. We take full responsibility for our actions and performance aiming for excellence and want our customers and theirs students