478 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Ranelagh School

ranelagh school


The opportunity to educate other people’s children is a rare privilege, bringing with it a huge responsibility to provide the best all-round education possible as we aim to prepare young people for happiness and success in their adult lives. At Ranelagh we take this responsibility extremely seriously. We care about the individual and pride ourselves in the warmth of a community in which all our students feel valued. We live in exciting and fast changing times and this means that providing an outstanding, progressive and well-rounded education is more important than ever. Of course examination results matter and at Ranelagh our students consistently achieve excellent results in all areas of the curriculum, giving them access to the top universities in the UK and overseas. In its latest Ofsted inspection report of March 2015, Ranelagh is judged to be an outstanding school that ‘provides an excellent education for all of its students, preparing them well for their futures and for life in modern Britain.’ However, this is just one aspect of the education at Ranelagh and students are supported to show ambition both within and beyond the classroom. As a Church of England School, supported by the diocese of Oxford, education at Ranelagh is provided within the context of Christian belief and practice. In its latest SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) report of April 2019, Ranelagh is referred to as ‘a school in which a deeply held, strongly Christian vision shapes all aspects of its work’; the school is described as a place in which that vision is lived out as ‘a harmonious, vibrant, and successful learning community’. This is a happy school in which we encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian values through the experiences we offer each individual. School should be fun and happy children are more likely to be successful. We see it as our responsibility to bring out our students’ talents, to broaden their interests and to develop their personal qualities. The Ranelagh Student Learner Profile qualities underpin everything that we do and are an integral part of our culture and ethos. We aim to foster confidence, resilience, curiosity, creativity, empathy and independence so that students are ready to make a really positive contribution to their wider community. Tradition is important at Ranelagh and still shapes some of our guiding principles but we seek to build on the past while looking to the future. This is, and will remain, a forward-thinking school that enthusiastically embraces innovation and new opportunity. I hope that you will accept my invitation to visit Ranelagh. It is a truly remarkable school, and it will be a privilege to welcome you here.

Yoga with Chet

yoga with chet

Yoga and meditation makes me feel strong and in tune with my spirit. For thousands of years mankind has praised and celebrated our spirit. But modern society seems to have cut our spirit connection and the material realm has taken over. “Yoga is a very practical and effective way to rediscover and understand ourselves, and strengthen our bodies. I want to share this with my students. It’s important to have a place where we actually have the time to learn about ourselves, have a good stretch and everyone leaves the mat ready to tackle anything with a clear, calm mind!” Chet is a dedicated hatha, and vinyassa flow yoga teacher. She did her teacher training in Goa, India, with Mohinder Prassad of Mahi Power Yoga. She has a worldwide-accredited yoga teacher training qualification and is a member of the Yoga Alliance (the largest international community of yoga teachers, schools and advocates). Her journey started studying meditation and yoga at the age of 18. As many people know, yoga originated in India. A spiritual experience led her to Osho’s ashram in Pune, India, at the age of 21 where she studied more yoga and dynamic meditation. She has since spent many years training in Shaolin Tiger Crane Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Chi Gung with the Nam Yang Pugilistic Association. She has taught both adults and school children, performed in South East Asia and at the Chinese New Celebration in Trafalgar Square, London. Some of the meditation teachings in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali were later used in martial arts. Kung Fu was derived from yoga and Chet was lucky enough to find a genuine, traditional kung fu art. Her amazing teachers, Master Iain Armstrong, and Grand Master Tan Son Tin, took her to British national championship in four years where she won a Gold medal for her kung fu routines. In recent years, she has concentrated on yoga, studying hatha, vinyasa, yin, kundalini and aerial yoga. She has always been interested in Asian arts and doing things that seem impossible. As well as this, she has enjoyed a varied career, including a media career for over 15 years in PR, TV, and radio. Chet understands working under pressure both in, and out of, the office, and the importance of having an exercise routine that actually fits around your life and career. Yoga is perfect for this. You don't need a partner and you can train whenever you can. Chet’s mission is to help you reach your most supple and healthy as this ultimately leads to happiness. As well as improving fitness, you will learn about the history and philosophy of the ancient art of yoga, and develop practical ways to deal with the stresses of daily life

PlumEssence Therapies and Training

plumessence therapies and training


Training and Complementary Therapies to: Recognise Mental Health concerns Reduce pain, stress, anxiety, depression and tension Reduce sickness and burnout Promote relaxation Enhance creativity, energy, focus, performance and productivity PlumEssence Therapies and Training are an excellent provider of tailored well-being education, training,  [https://plumessencetherapies.co.uk/therapy-courses/] therapy [https://plumessencetherapies.co.uk/services/] and treatment packages.  These are all suitable for schools [https://plumessencetherapies.co.uk/education/], the workplace [https://plumessencetherapies.co.uk/workplace-wellbeing/] and individuals of all ages. Success is achieved by providing a welcoming, calming and caring environment in all education, training and therapy sessions. The focus is on improving the health, vitality, happiness, general well-being and self-development of each individual.  Continuous consultation and evaluation, throughout the working relationship with the client is essential to ensure the success is achieved and a positive impact is made on each individual. TREATMENTS AND TRAINING PROVIDED, IS DELIVERED BY HIGHLY SKILLED AND EDUCATED PERSONNEL WHO WILL HAVE BOTH EMPATHY AND SYMPATHY OF THE CONDITIONS THEY TREAT.  ALL TUTORS AND TRAINERS HAVE FULL KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE OF THE TREATMENTS TAUGHT AND PRODUCTS USED. Each service is tailored to the specific needs of the individual being taught or treated, taking into consideration their physical and emotional needs. Excellence of the therapists and tutors is continually maintained and improved by following the Continuous Professional Development guidelines of the professional associations to which they belong.  We also obtain and act upon feedback from clients.  We regularly research relevant subjects. PLUMESSENCE THERAPIES AND TRAINING USE NATURAL, ORGANIC, FAIR-TRADE AND ETHICALLY SOURCED PRODUCTS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. ALL PRODUCTS HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED ON ANIMALS. Holistic therapies are used to promote the well-being of your mind, body and spirit.   They are therapeutic treatments, performed to improve your appearance, increase your health, fitness and feeling of well-being and personal esteem. Holistic therapies are complementary to conventional, orthodox medicine and treatments.  They treat the person as a whole, not just the symptoms, trying to get to the root cause of the symptoms. Most people, of all ages, can benefit from holistic therapies. Holistic therapies are safe and natural.  They are an excellent way to relax, balance and harmonise the body, restoring tranquility and helping itself to heal. Holistic therapies can be used alongside conventional care in the home, work-place, hospices, hospitals and other healthcare settings. TREATING YOU, THE PERSON AS A WHOLE ……….  NOT JUST THE SYMPTOMS PlumEssence Therapies … First Class, Natural Therapies Complementary & Holistic Therapies and Training for the Workforce, Schools, Groups, Individuals and Corporate Events Tracey Nixon is listed on the FHT Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register [https://www.fht.org.uk/findatherapist], which has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), under its Accredited Register scheme.  The PSA is an independent body, accountable to Parliament. The PSA was asked by the Government to set up the Accredited Register scheme in 2012, to offer enhanced protection for anyone seeking health and social care services that are not statutorily regulated.  Having its register accredited means that the FHT [https://www.fht.org.uk/findatherapist] has satisfied the PSA that it meets its high standards. It is a mark of quality.   The Accredited Register quality mark gives extra peace of mind for anyone looking for a complementary healthcare therapist, letting them know that anyone who holds the mark is committed to high standards. Based in Great Haywood, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST18 0SJ we are easily covered by the Stafford, Rugeley, Cannock, Lichfield and surrounding areas.

Inner Dimension TV

inner dimension tv

Founded by husband and wife co-CEOs and world-renowned yoga instructors Travis Eliot and Lauren Eckstrom from their cozy living room in west Los Angeles, Inner Dimension was started with the goal to help you achieve your highest potential in body, energy, mind, heart, wisdom and soul. Not only will you find the best yoga and meditation content here, but we also hope you get to know all of our instructors intimately and find a sense of belonging and community. Let us be “your” yoga studio…all from the comfort of home! In my early twenties I felt trapped fulfilling the expectations of my culture and family. I was stalled in a comfortable yet loveless relationship that was dispassionate and wonted. I felt lost, confused, and alone. Most painfully, I was caught in a corporate job that while financially beneficial, sucked the life out of my soul. I was unable to perceive a way out, depressed because I couldn’t decipher what steps to take next to change my life, and at a total loss as to how to regain happiness. I was caught in unhealthy habits, addictions, and fears. It was a silent suffering, like slowly suffocating from carbon monoxide poisoning. Then I became crippled with anxiety. My heart would race, I would break out in a cold sweat, my vision would narrow, and I would edge nearer and nearer toward fainting or vomiting. The experience was visceral and terrifying. And, it brought me to yoga. I remember very little about my first yoga class except that it was the first time I sat face-to-face with my pain, and I survived! Laying down for Savasana, the final resting posture, I surrendered into the floor. Layers of stress, fear, and panic melted away. For the first time, in a long time, I felt at peace in my body and in my mind. I don’t remember when I went back to yoga again, but I know I did. I left class knowing I had just met my biggest challenge and my greatest gift. Yoga would eventually teach me that I could experience the depth of my pain, and not only survive but thrive. Meditation would eventually teach me that I could feel my feelings and not run away. Yoga and meditation shifted the entire course of my life. Today I live a life that many people dream of. I travel the world, do what I love, help others, and am married to a man I love and who loves me in return. I would not be here without the roadmap the practices of yoga, meditation, and personal growth provide and I promise they will help you achieve your unique vision of a life you are head over heels in love with too. I am honored to share these practices with you and I cannot wait to welcome you to our Inner Dimension family, a global community that is here to support you on your journey to a life you love.

The Breath Works

the breath works

Stone Cross

I discovered Breathwork a few years ago and I’ve never looked back. After giving birth to each of my two children I suffered from postnatal depression. The first time I took antidepressants. After having my daughter, with the help of a friend who’s a nutritionist, I started supporting my mind and body through what I ate. I began to realise that everything we put into our bodies has a direct impact not only on our health but also on how we feel. Some years later I was introduced to transcendental meditation and I have been practising it ever since. It heightens my awareness of what matters and gives me a greater sense of peace and happiness. Soon after this I heard about a Breathwork workshop in London. It wasn’t something I knew anything about but I wanted to find out more. I was totally unprepared for such a mind-blowing experience, bowled over by how an hour’s guided breathing could evoke such feelings and sensations in my body. Even then I didn’t really understand the impact that a regular practice could have on one’s physical and mental wellbeing over time. But I did feel a real connection with Breathwork and I was curious to find out more. Within the week I had signed up to the training and mentorship programme. Now, after over fifty hours of case studies, several retreats diving deep into my own Breathwork, and a commitment to a daily practice, I am a qualified Breathwork coach. I can see subtle yet life-changing differences, and friends and family have also noticed the transformation in me, particularly in stressful situations. I’m much more in tune with my intuition; I have a deeper sense of calm and contentment, greater clarity and less unhelpful chatter. From being someone who fell into everything in life, Breathwork has given me clarity, focus and direction. Instead of reaching for my morning coffee, my Breathwork practice and meditation clear my head and set me up for the day. I feel passionately that everyone should have this amazing tool available, to help them process and manage life’s daily stresses, and even unravel past traumas. If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of Breathwork, I am running workshops and 1:1 sessions out of Hove, near Brighton.

Healthy Human

healthy human


Healthy Human was first established in 2018.  At the time both Nicky and Alison were in practice and looking for a partner to help them create a 360 method to supporting clients back to better health and happiness. In 2019 they found each other and 'Healthy Human 360' was born.  As lockdown hit Nicky and Alison decided to move their programmes online so that anyone could access them, despite the current restrictions.  This move turned out to beneficial in even more ways, for example for those who didn't live in the region where Alison and Nicky practice, for clients with busy lives who needed to fit a programme in around their schedule.  An online and on demand course was giving clients total flexibility to go at a pace to suit them and their lives.  They enjoyed that they could repeat or dip back into lessons as often as they liked; and for some the icing on the cake was they didn't have to expose themselves to a gym or weight watching club, which can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming or scary.  You're in good hands   Nicky and Alison's evidence based health programmes are crafted from years of experience and specialist knowledge.  The 360 method ensures a higher success rate; with easy to follow and progressive steps, clients are able to move from being stuck and unhappy to a better place of health, in better shape, and with a whole new mindset.   Both partners also continue practices in their respective areas of specialism.  For a bit more of an insight into your therapists, Alison and Nicky, read on... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALISON BRAITHWAITE MSC, CIPD Alison has been working in the wellbeing sector for nearly 20 years and is a qualified holistic therapist and life coach, with a deep understanding of mental health having worked in that sector of the NHS since 2007.  During her time with the NHS Alison has provided coaching and mentorship for numerous NHS staff within the Yorkshire and Humber region, as part of a volunteer scheme run by the NHS Leadership Academy. In her practice and courses she combines traditional coaching with a range of holistic therapies (including Reiki and aromatherapy) and with psychotherapy approaches (including meditative hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)), this is both powerful and unique.   Alison qualified with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) in 2003 as a trainer, and today is an experienced trainer, facilitator, and course designer.   Continuing to keep a presence in mental health, wellbeing, equality and diversity; Alison holds a part time position within the NHS, working across the country's health and care system as the Deputy Director for a small and impactful team called Thrive by Design [https://www.thrivebydesign.org.uk/] You can also take Reiki and crystal courses with Alison through the British Reiki Circle [https://british-reiki-circle.cademy.co.uk/] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NICOLA SAINTY DIP. NT, SON Nicky is a professional therapist specialising in nutrition; she is a tutor for the School of Health and a consultant for NutriAdvanced [https://www.nutriadvanced.co.uk/nutritional-experts-at-nutri-advanced].   Over the years Nicky has undertaken accredited programmes in Kinesiology techniques, Phytobiophysics, Blood Type, SWAMI and genetic DNA analysis programme Opus 23.   She has successfully improved the lives of countless clients through her unique mix of nutritional based techniques; from getting a good nights sleep, easing pain, relieving anxiety and getting rid of that unwanted fat in a simple and easy to apply way.   Nicky is a regular at events talking about nutrition and you'll often hear her on the early morning shows on Radio Humberside. 

Academy Performing Arts

academy performing arts


WE ARE A CHARITABLE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE GLL is a not for profit charitable social enterprise committed to delivering a better quality of fitness and leisure, libraries and performing arts facilities for everyone. We’re committed to providing access to quality community facilities - and more - at a price everyone can afford. We already manage over 258 facilities, and we’re adding more all the time operating under our 'Better' brand. GLL_Social_Enterprise.JPG WHAT WE DO We aim to get more people, more active, more often. We promote healthy and active lifestyles, giving communities access to facilities that help improve their health and happiness through participation in activities. It could be gyms, libraries, playgrounds or world-class venues such as those on the Olympic Park, we have it all right here. However, we do provide more than access. As a charitable social enterprise, we invest in our communities as we are a not for profit organisation but it’s not just about money: we also invest time and effort in encouraging everyone to take advantage of our services. We will ENGAGE and welcome new participants, introducing them to activities that reflect their needs. We will SUPPORT our communities to make lifestyle changes through targeted programmes. We will ADAPT our approach and offers to ensure everyone can participate in our services. We will SUSTAIN participation by offering varied programmes, facilities and memberships. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? old_dude.png We are a not for profit charitable social enterprise, which means we work for the benefit of everyone: the public, the communities we work in, the environment, our staff and our partners. As a result, we’re proud to be the first leisure operator in the UK to be awarded both the Social Enterprise Mark, and now Social Enterprise UK badge as well as the Prime Minister’s Big Society Award. But, there are more benefits... We don’t have shareholders like some private companies or any bonuses to pay out. Instead, we reinvest any financial surplus we make back into our services and facilities. So far, we’ve reinvested millions of pounds – well over £100m We act as a charity and are here for the benefit of the communities we operate in. We are passionate about making a real difference We believe social values are just as important, if not more important as financial performance We are owned by our staff and society members, who have a non-dividend-paying share. That means our workforce is empowered, motivated and involved in making important decisions that affect the company. In fact, the majority of our board are elected by our workforce Wherever possible, we work with other social enterprises and buy Fairtrade goods and services. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR YOU? Whether you join us on a pre-paid membership, or use our facilities occasionally as a non member or library user, you can get fit, stay healthy, and know that you're helping make a difference in your community. You can also rest assured that any surplus we make now and in the future goes back in to the service as you are buying in to an ethical company. Now, that's better.