4568 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Wireless Education

wireless education


Wireless Education is the new training and e-learning portal for Wireless Tech Safety. We have dedicated ourselves to education and training for the safer use of wireless technology in our homes, places of works, schools and other public buildings. It is our sole aim to present this complex scientific information in a non-biased, easy to understand way, so that we can use this technology in a safe manner.Our aim at Wireless Education is to provide everyone everywhere with the information needed to make informed decisions about wireless technology usage and how to reduce levels of microwave radiation exposure. Our e-learning courses are tailor-made for children, parents, teachers and industry professionals who are using wireless technology at school, in the home or in the office. Quite simply we visualise a day when: Children tell their parents to switch off the wireless router or turn their mobile into flight mode, because they learned about the risks at school. Teachers are learning about microwave radiation exposure safety as part of their continued health and safety education. Every parent has easy access to information about the risks of wireless technology and microwave radiation exposure, and is able to make informed decisions about the use of their family’s wireless devices. IT specialists work together with occupational health and facilities managers, before building Wi-Fi / 3G / 4G / 5G working environments in an office: assessing the risks and ensuring all reasonable measures are taken to create a safer working environment. Leading Edge Learning We work closely with the leading research institutions worldwide to ensure we are at the forefront of the latest research. We also capture the most recent legislative changes, and the current biologically-based medical recommendations in order to provide this crucial information to wireless technology users. All our work is aligned to the guidance issued by the Vienna Medical Association, the Council of Europe, RNCNIRP, Building Biology Standards SBM-2015 and EUROPAEM EMF 2016. Feel free to share our information card with others in your family, schools or organisation as they join the conversation. The team at Wireless Education Cecelia Doucette: Director, Education Services Cece is a technical and professional writer by trade, who helped the first public school district in the United States adopt Best Practices for Mobile Devices. Cece also worked with her public library to become the first in the nation to host a film series on Electromagnetic Radiation and Health, and to put on loan a microwave radiation detection meter for residents to borrow. She further collaborated with legislators to introduce a number of bills (in Massachusetts and in New Hampshire) addressing wireless radiation and public health, and worked with her Department of Public Health to draft EMF Fact Sheets. Cece is humbled by the opportunity to help educate global citizens through on-line course development and promotion with Wireless Education. Mikko Ahonen (PhD): Trustee, Research & Development Mikko has worked as a researcher at the University of Tampere in Finland and Mid Sweden University for over 20 years. During the past decade Mikko has immersed himself in bioelectromagnetics research. He has written many scientific publications which focus on risk-management of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in schools and workplaces. Additionally, Mikko has conducted EMF surveys (measurements) and delivered risk management workshops and webinars for both corporate and educational organisations. He also brings experience in educational technology, mobile learning, videoconferencing and information systems.

Strone Primary School Information

strone primary school information

The Education Committee recommended at its meeting of 21 August 1997 that – ‘the adoption of a distinctive dress code chosen to enhance the ethos of the school should be encouraged in all schools’. Given that there is substantial parental and public approval of uniform, schools in Argyll and Bute are free to encourage the wearing of school uniform. In Strone Primary School, the suggested uniform is as follows: BOYS: Strone School sweatshirt (which is bright red and bears the school logo, plain red jumper or cardigan.) Black or grey trousers. White shirt or school polo shirt Black School Shoes GIRLS: Strone School sweatshirt (which is bright red and bears the school logo, plain red jumper or cardigan.) Black or grey skirts or trousers. White blouse or school polo shirt Black School Shoes PE KIT: T-shirt, shorts, training shoes. Indoor and outdoor training shoes required. T-shirt and training shoes should be kept in a bag with pupil’s name on it. At Strone Primary we use the outdoor environment as a valuable resource for our curriculum. The children are frequently outdoors and therefore we would ask that they all have a pair of wellies that they can keep in school. We are able to provide waterproof jackets and trousers for all our pupils. Please note that school uniform is not compulsory and it is not policy to insist on pupils wearing uniform or having specialist items of clothing in order to engage in all of the activities of the curriculum. As such, pupils will not be deprived of any educational benefit as a result of not wearing uniform. However, there are forms of dress which are unacceptable in school, such as items of clothing which: potentially encourage faction (such as football colours); could cause offence (such as anti-religious symbolism or political slogans); could cause health and safety difficulties (such as loose fitting clothing, dangling earrings); are made from a flammable material, for example shell suits in practical classes; could cause damage to flooring; carry advertising, particularly for alcohol or tobacco; and could be used to inflict damage on other pupils or be used by others to do so. All clothing brought to school should be labelled or marked in some way, as it is difficult for children to distinguish their own clothing from others. School Clothing Grants Grants of £100 are available for any child who will attend an Argyll and Bute Council school and whose parent(s) receive: Income Support Income Based Job Seekers Allowance Income related element of employment and Support allowance Council Tax or Housing Benefit Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit (Income should not exceed £6900) Pupils aged between 16 and 18 years who receive any of the above benefits in their own right also qualify. To complete an online application form please visit https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/education-and-learning/childcare-school-and-education-grants-0. Alternatively, please contact Customer Services: Education on 01369 708548 or your local benefit enquiry office. Please note that the above eligibility criteria is correct at time of publishing (November 2019) and may be subject to change by the start of August 2020. The link above will contain the most up-to-date information. If you are not eligible for any of the benefits listed above there is a separate application process available and you should contact either 01369 708548 or your local benefit enquiry office for details.

Gail Biddulph

gail biddulph

I have dedicated my entire life to helping other people to become high performers. Others say I’m a high performer too! I define a high performer as someone who wants to achieve more than others. Someone who is committed to being a little better tomorrow than they are today. And someone who wants to leave a legacy that makes the world better than they found it. Sometimes that means being tenacious, sometimes being brave and embracing new ways. Often letting go of the old ways that no longer work. Letting go of stress, our self-negativity and inherited dramas. During my 20+ years as a business improvement consultant I’ve created a fusion method that reduces stress and simultaneously improves profit. Let’s face it, as a business owner a lot of stress is from knowing there’s more opportunity, but you can’t quite grasp it. Taking the dual approach of identifying accelerated growth, profit and stress reduction gives maximum results. Although qualified in business psychology, accelerated business growth and business coaching with a focus on creating high-performing businesses, in my heart I know that every business is only as successful as its people. And, that high performing people think differently, act differently and feel different to people who have missed out on internal self-development practice such as meditation. I was fortunate that my father taught me meditation as a child. It was only in my twenties I realised the power of my teachings and daily practice as I struggled juggling studying business psychology, working full time and trying to enjoy life. I realised that meditation helped me sleep, kept me calm and healthy so I started formal training to become both a yoga and meditation teacher which I incorporated into my business optimisation consultancy. My studies have extended over thousands of hours of apprenticing, studying different ways of meditating and studying The Vedas. I followed my fascination of the layers of human consciousness and how business owners can become high performers. I am now over 29 years and 21,170 meditations deep into my practice and my optimisation methods have added over £100 million of revenue to companies. I have studied with Buddhist Monks and Tibetan Masters, British School of Meditation, British School of Yoga. Most recently studying Meditation Mastery Teacher, Advanced Yoga Practitioners Diploma, with the highly acclaimed team at Dru Global School of Meditation, Yoga & Ayurveda. I am qualified at Master level in Ancient Yoga Massage from an accredited teacher of the Healing Hands Centre, Kathmandu. I live with my husband and dog in Cheshire where you can find me walking in nature, enjoying my own cooking a bit too much and riding my motorcycle on sunny days! Turning My Mess to Mastery Against all these odds of mental exhaustion, emotional turmoil and physical pain in 1995 I embarked on my solo, unsupported motorcycle ride around the coast of Great Britain with no satnav, no mobile and no wrong turns. I am the first woman to do it. Just weeks before the start I couldn’t stand straight. I couldn’t walk. It was then I acknowledged something I had known from a very young age that there is a vital link between our mind, nature-connectedness and achieving the success we desire. With this acknowledgement I was able to reduce and eradicate the pain. I was pain free and set off as planned, met all 277 pre-planned media interviews on time every time and raised a substantial amount of money for a lung cancer charity. That was just the beginning of the journey…

Dotty dog training

dotty dog training

Do you long to have a relaxing walk, meet with friends and have your dog by your side? But you end up feeling deflated, anxious and feel like you're letting your best friend down? Hi I am Alex and I help dogs and their hard working owners to live in harmony with one another. It all started with Captain... I started my journey with a big and bouncy rescue Golden Retriever called Captain in 1993. Captain was a bundle of fun, but always getting into mischief! He drove my poor Dad up the wall with his antics! My funniest memory with him (but not so funny for my Dad) was when my Dad was doing the undesirable task of digging out the dog waste toilet that hadn't worked properly. He popped upstairs for a few minutes, but whilst he was out of sight Captain decided to do some excavating of his own and dug in the pile of poo! When my dad came back Captain, ran in the house covered in poo, covering the house and then greeted my dad excitedly covering him as well! We took him to training classes, but they said he was too naughty to stay and called him “the fog," so we were politely asked to leave. I knew he was such a clever boy, with so much potential, I just needed to find the best way of training him so he could keep himself out of trouble and begin focusing and listening to me. My enthusiasm was ignited, I read every book I could find on the subject, and signed myself up to loads of courses. He loved to learn, and together we trained and laughed and found our way! My career began... I was working as a veterinary nurse at the time, but dog training and behaviour was my real passion and in 2001 I followed my dream, by getting a job as a guide dog mobility specialist at guide dogs. Working for guide dogs has given me a real solid foundation into the world of dog training, and I continue to work for them now, and absolutely love my job. However it wasn’t until my anxious and reactive dog came into my life that I could gain a real understanding of the loneliness and struggles that us anxious/reactive dog owners go through. Building on my knowledge (qualifications) and understanding I continued to delve deeper into the underlying emotions that my dog was going through, so I could help him navigate life in a human world. Dotty dogs begins... I realised that there were so many other owners out there going through the same challenges I have been through, and that I could reach out and help them to gain a good understanding of their dogs behaviour, with empathy and real understanding, so Dotty Dogs was born! If you are reading this and are in need of some support, please reach out to me and get in touch. I will listen with empathy and understanding, and talk in a language you can understand. I will give you honest and reliable advice and work with you to get the best possible outcome for your dog. Behaviour change takes time, but I will help you and your dog through a clear program giving realistic goals and non judgmental support. To find out more please look through my services and book a free discovery call I look forward to meeting you!

Westminster City School's Sixth Form

westminster city school's sixth form


A Level Results Day 2024 saw significant improvement with the proportion of students securing top grades (A* to B) rising by 6% to 58%. 83% of all grades were A* to C (up 8%) providing a strong foundation as students go on to higher education and the world of work. A record number of students will start degree courses at universities including UCL and Oxford. Over half of students have secured places at Russell Group or top 25 ranked UK Universities, and they will complete their studies in subjects ranging from Mechanical Engineering to PPE, and from Design to Psychology. The number of students going on to study either Law or Medicine has increased, showcasing the impact of the school’s Pathways Programmes. Other students hold places on competitive and prestigious degree apprenticeships. Without doubt, these destinations place Westminster City School as one of the most successful 6th Forms in London and this year’s outcomes are a key step in achieving our goal of being the 6th Form of choice in the heart of London. Within our Sixth Form, you'll enjoy more freedom and independence than your previous years in education but our supportive learning environment means you will be guided by highly skilled teachers in small classes, whilst our pastoral support and extra-curricular activities help you develop into confident and independent young men and women. Our facilities include a state-of-the-art Sixth Form study suite and common room, with outdoor space. Our central London location places you in the heart of the capital, within walking distance of the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey.  This ensures you can go beyond your A Level subjects by attending workshops or lectures with business leaders, participating in conferences or research programmes at top universities or simply visiting the many museums, galleries, theatres, exhibitions and more that are found across London. Our location has also helped us build strong links with nearby organisations, like Polar Capital, an investment company near our Sixth Form. Thanks to generous funding from Polar Capital, our sixth formers will benefit from a fantastic suite of further support. All students joining our Year 12 will receive a free laptop and those thinking of university study can apply for one of two generous university bursaries, worth over £20,000 a year, for each year of future university study.




Musiversity aims to provide aspiring musicians from all over the world with the very best online video music lessons and courses. By bringing together music students with some of the world’s best music teachers we aim to provide musicians with a single platform for all their music learning needs. In order to use the Musiversity platform, whether for accessing courses, finding teachers, or selling your own courses and services as a teacher, you must agree to the terms of use as set out below. Contents: 1. What is Musiversity? 2. User Accounts 3. Accessing Courses 4. Payments & Refunds 5. Content & Behaviour 6. Copyright and Ownership 7. Becoming a Musiversity Teacher 8. All Access Subscription 9. Musiversity’s Rights 10. Legal Terms & Conditions 1. What is Musiversity? Musiversity is an online music teacher directory and video course platform where music teachers advertise their teaching services, and can upload and compile video courses, and then sell them through our marketplace. Users can browse the courses on our marketplace, or be sent directly to specific music courses on our site through direct links, and then purchase courses to learn from. Purchased courses can be accessed from within the Musiversity platform, so that users can view the video content on any device from any location. Users can also find music teachers, whether for local in-person lessons, or live online video lessons, and contact teachers in order to arrange these. 2. User Accounts Users can browse our website and marketplace without creating an account or logging into the platform, but for all other activities on Musiversity, including purchasing courses, accessing courses, and messaging teachers, users must first create a user account and be logged in to the platform. Creating a Musiversity account is free, and only requires a valid name and email address to be given, along with a password. Musiversity accounts are unique and individual, and must not be shared with other users. Account login details should be kept confidential and not shared with anyone. All accounts on Musiversity must be registered to a person over the age of 18. If acting on behalf of a child, then a parent or guardian must be the one who creates the account. In creating a Musiversity account, you are agreeing to the terms set out in this document. Accounts can be terminated at anytime from within your account profile. You will lose access to any courses you have purchased once your account is terminated. 3. Accessing Courses When a teacher creates and lists a course on the Musiversity platform, they are providing Musiversity with a licence to offer access to their course to our users. When a user accesses a course through our platform (whether it’s a paid or free course) Musiversity is granting that user a licence to access the course, and course materials. The user does not own the course, or course materials, in any way, and has no permission to sell the course materials, or access to them to any other person. Only the account holder may access the courses they have been granted a licence for. Most of the courses on Musiversity require payment to be granted access, but some are offered for free. In either case, once you have been granted access to a course, you will continue to have access to that course for the duration of your account with Musiversity, except in cases where, for legal reasons or otherwise, we are forced to remove a course from our platform for violating our terms. You may not reproduce, copy, re-sell, illegally download, or in any other way provide access to courses to anyone other than the account holder. 4. Payments & Refunds To be granted access to paid courses on Musiversity payments must be made through our online checkout. Musiversity uses Stripe to handle all payments. Payments are made in accordance with the prices set out on the course details page for each course, and must be paid in full before being granted access. We accept payments in the following currencies: USD, CAD, AUD, NZD, EUR, GBP. Once payment had been made you will have lifetime access to the course as long as your account remains active. If you’re not happy with your purchase, you may request a refund within 30 days of purchase, provided you have NOT completed more than 50% of the course in question, by emailing Musiversity directly with your refund request. If a refund request is made within the 30 day refund period AND your student course progress record shows that you have completed less then half of the course, the payment will be refunded in full to the card it was made on. In cases where refunds are given, access to the refunded course will be revoked. If a request is made outside of the 30 day refund period, or your record shows that you've viewed/completed more than 50% of the course, then no refund will given. Payments for our All-Access Subscription are non-refundable (see section 8 below). 5. Content & Behaviour All video content uploaded to Musiversity is the responsibility of the uploader and must adhere to our terms as set out on our Teacher Terms document. Any content that is found to be in breach of those terms will be removed from the platform, and the account may be closed or blocked. All users are responsible for any content that they create on the Musiversity platform, including their profile information, any reviews they leave for courses, messages they send through the platform, and any comments they leave on courses or blog posts. Any user who is found to be posting offensive, illegal, or inappropriate material will have the content removed, and will risk their account being blocked or deleted. 6. Copyright & Ownership All videos, and other content, uploaded to Musiversity remain the intellectual property of the creator of the content, and all copyrights are retained by the creator of the content. Musiversity does not own any of the content uploaded by our teachers. However, by uploading content to our platform you are authorising Musiversity to share this content with anyone, distribute it and promote it on any of our marketing channels, as well as giving us the right to modify and edit content as we see fit, for marketing or promotional purposes. 7. Becoming a Musiversity teacher If you are a music teacher or an experienced musician with knowledge to share, we invite you to join the team of Musiversity teachers, and create, upload, compile, and sell your course, or courses through our platform. You can also just list your teaching services on our directory, without needing to create and/or sell online courses. In order to become a Musiversity teacher you must agree to the terms set out in our Teacher Terms document. 8. All-Access Subscription (pilot scheme) We are currently in the process of setting up and testing a pilot scheme of a new All-Access subscription to Musiversity. This subscription will offer full, unlimited access to all the courses and content on the Musiversity platform for a single monthly subscription fee, including all current and future courses. Subscription payments will be taken monthly, and access to the Musiversity content will be available for the duration of an active subscription. Subscriptions can be cancelled at anytime from within your Musiversity account, and cancelled subscriptions will remain active until the end of the most recent billing period, when they will then be terminated. Once a subscription has been terminated, you will no longer have access to courses on the platform (except any courses you had purchased prior to creating your subscription). As this is a subscription service, and payment is made for the access to our platform, subscription payments are non-refundable. There are no refunds, full or partial, for cancelled subscriptions (expect where required by applicable laws). 9. Musiversity’s Rights Musiversity owns the Musiversity platform and service, including all related web properties and domains, social media accounts, and other accounts associated with the platform. Musiversity owns all content on our website that is created and posted by us, including the general website content, the legal terms and conditions, blog posts and courses which are created by Musiversity, and any other content of which Musiversity is the creator. Musiversity owns the rights to it’s logo, name, and other trademarks. You, as a user with or without an account, may not use our logo without our prior written permission. You may not download, copy, duplicate, or in any other way share our content without prior written permission. 10. Musiversity Legal Terms The term ‘Musiversity, 'Musiversity.co', or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owners of the Musiversity Platform and website. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our platform. The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use: The content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice. This website uses cookies to monitor browsing preferences. Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements. This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and conditions. All trademarks reproduced in this website, which are not the property of, or licensed to the operator, are acknowledged on the website. Unauthorised use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence. From time to time, this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s).

Exceed Worldwide

exceed worldwide


Exceed Worldwide, with partners, has established Schools of Prosthetics and Orthotics (P&O) in five countries in Southeast and South Asia – Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines and Myanmar. With the exception of the Philippines, our Schools train Prosthetist Orthotists to International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) Category 2 standards. The Philippines School trains students to ISPO Category 1 standard. In addition, our Cambodian School trains P&O technicians. This course has been recommended for ISPO Category 3 accreditation and is awaiting certification. Exceed works closely with ISPO to gain and maintain international accreditation standards and all of our P&O schools work closely with key partners, including government ministries, institutions of third-level education disabled persons’ organisations and other NGOs, to ensure that programme curricula comply with national standards and that graduates of P&O schools are recognised as health care professionals who can be integrated in national health systems. Places at our first, internationally-acclaimed school in Cambodia (established in 1994) are offered to students from other lower and middle income countries and this school will offer a course at ISPO Category 1 level from 2021. DEVELOPING CLINICAL SERVICES Courses at each P&O school focus on theory and practice, with a strong emphasis on practical training in teaching clinics which emphasise the importance of establishing and delivering care to national and international standards. Exceed P&O centres provide high quality, free or very low cost physical rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. ADVOCACY We work at grass roots level with teachers, community leaders and families to encourage understanding of the needs and abilities of children and adults with disabilities and promote their inclusion in local communities and society in general. We also collaborate with national and international resource holders and policy makers, including national governments, ISPO and WHO, to ensure that equal rights and the inclusion of persons with disability is high on the agenda. COMMISSIONING ACTION-BASED RESEARCH Lack of hard data and high quality research on the impact of disability, the needs of people with disabilities and the design, development and assessment of support services is a critical issue. To address this well-documented research and data deficit, Exceed has founded and co-ordinates the Exceed Research Network (ERN), an international research consortium involving universities, NGOs, P&O businesses and eminent social, P&O and engineering researchers and practitioners from these sectors. ERN is a young organisation, but Network partners are already carrying out applied research to address a range of P&O and disability issues. OFFERING COMMUNITY-BASED REHABILITATION Exceed Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) activities reflect ISPO and WHO guidelines. Our community teams focus on the identification of people with disabilities who need support, referral for treatment at Exceed centres and follow-up support. This support enables children, young people and adults with disability to access education and training, gain employment or start small businesses. We also work with community projects that directly address poverty and the exclusion of people with disabilities from mainstream development assistance. DEVELOPING NEW APPROACHES TO SERVICE PROVISION 80% of those who need P&O services do not have access to them. Resources are scarce and Exceed believes that the future provision and expansion of P&O services to an adequate level will depend on creative co-operation between governments, the private sector, NGOs and donors to develop new service models. Exceed believes that social enterprise (a business that uses its profits for social impact) will play an important role in this mix and has launched Exceed Social Enterprises as a vehicle to access private wealth to support charitable services.

Study Well Abroad

study well abroad


Shristi Education Pvt Ltd was started with a vision on helping students take their careers to greater heights. Our core activity lies in ensuring that students make the right choice when they decide to study abroad. It is the only organization authorized by Russian, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, China, USA & Philippines to provide admission to Indian students in top universities abroad. Shristi Education Consultants for Overseas Education | Plan For Your Future At Shristi Education Pvt Ltd, we believe in giving in-depth details and information about study pattern and study quality in the top universities. We are best at helping the students with the best courses and universities which are best fitted to their career and which hold the potential of fulfilling their dreams. Our existence revolves around our students. We ensure that you get the most hassle-free experience of making the right decision of studying abroad. Since 2008, we have sent Thousands of students to various countries like Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, China, USA & Philippines. MBBS Abroad | Study Overseas | MBBS | Consultants for Overseas Education Shristi Education Pvt Ltd has been successfully conducting educational fairs featuring many leading Universities in metro cities of India every year. It also invites officials from the universities and conducts counselling and spot admissions for students, in other non-metro cities & towns of India. Every year thousands of prospective students and their parents attend these exhibitions and seminars and get first-hand information from the University officials. As a part of reaching out to prospective candidates, seminars are carried out in the schools. The audio-visual presentation highlights the opportunities and advantages that are available to students to achieve their career goal. Parents are advised about the economics, terms, and conditions of studying abroad. Counseling For Overseas Education | Consultants for Overseas Education It’s time to follow your dreams! Let us join our hands into a brighter world. We will assist you in shaping yourself and be a better being. Shristi Education Pvt Ltd is highly renowned visionary educational channel in India. Our main aim is to enlighten the path for admission of students with through guidance at reasonable and affordable package in medical,engineering,aviation,business management courses in top government college /universities , of Ukraine, Philippines, Russia, china,Georgia,Caribbean countries But not only universities in that which is the best university for indian students we share a trusted bond with students for not only do we show them the path of success in higher education in overseas. But we also guides the students and their parents with updated information about prospective course, institutions and much more….. Study MBBS Abroad | Consultants for Overseas Education Shristi Education Pvt Ltd head quarter located in Gujarat in surat city ,and its having the presence in all the states of India (pan india) Shristi Education Pvt Ltd is a student friendly and trustworthy platform in India and Nepal Shristi Education Pvt Ltdl is only providing end to end solution in overseas studies. We believe in booming careers and success of our students have made us today an arch education channel in India. We provides an outright solution in overseas medical with PG education we provide full service to our all the students from admissions to completion of degree. Consultants for Overseas Education | Study MBBS in Abroad Shristi Education Pvt Ltd l has only authorised by Ukrainian Government. Russian federation and Philippines govt. listed and approved educational concern and tied up with govt. medical engineering and management institutions in Ukraine Russia Philippines Studywell assist students for MBBS and PG courses where the cost of education is low and quality education and study pattern shoots . toindian students for his/her carrier. These government medical universities are affordable and offer good quality of education Studywell has grown not on advertisements but primarily on the references provided by the successful students and work of mouth has been our marketing strength.

Clear View Training & Consultancy

clear view training & consultancy


We specialize in consultancy and training in OO analysis and design, UML modelling, BPMN, Metadata Management, Model Driven Architecture (MDA), requirements engineering and software engineering process design and implementation. New book - Interactive Computational Geometry in Python! Interactive Computational Geometry in Python, is now released. Click on the link in the sidebar for information and preview chapters. This book is an updated and expanded version of our popular “Interactive Computational Geometry - a taxonomic approach” ported from Mathematica to Python. It has some very useful extra material and greatly improved demonstrations and text. If you are not an experienced Mathematica programmer, you will find the Python code is much easier to undestand. In fact, when we made the port, we were delighted by just how simple and elegant the Python code turned out to be. We will no longer update the Mathematica version (although it will always remain available) and we consider “Interactive Computational Geometry in Python” to now be the definitive version of the text. Python is a great language for this sort of thing, and we hope and expect that moving to Python will make the book accessible to a much wider audience. We are very excited about this book! We have developed a complete process, including software, for creating long-form texts as interactive Jupyter notebooks and this book is the first result of our efforts. If you need help writing your own book in Jupyter, or just need help working with notebooks, please contact us for training and consultancy. Books Jim and Ila are authors of several best selling books on UML, BPMN and Model Driven Architecture. Our latest modeling book is “Secrets of Analysis”. This describes an approach to object oriented analysis called Generative Analysis. It tells you how to take unstructured, informal information, and, through a well-defined process of transformation, produce precise, structured information and ultimately UML models. If you ever wanted to learn the secrets of how experts perform great analysis and produce great UML analysis models, then this book is for you! We expect it will help re-establish OOA as a key discipline for the UML modeller/Business Analyst. Fed up with semantically weak user stories? Want to put some rigour back into your analysis process? This is the answer. Also be sure to check out our “Introduction to BPMN 2”. We believe that this is the first interactive modeling textbook ever produced. It is an enhanced ebook with animations and interactive figures for the iPad and Mac. Animations show you precisely how the various BPMN modeling element work. The interactive edition is available in Apple iBook Store. It is also available in a non interactive PDF version for all other readers from Amazon. Bespoke technical authoring We can help you author interactive texts in: - Apple iBooks - Jupyter - Wolfram Language Future books More or less as a hobby, Jim has been writing an interactive textbook on mathematics, music and musical set theory. There is a Wolfram Language version (which is rally just a scatch pad) and a version in Jupyter that will be published when Jim gets around to finishing it. If you are interested in these topics, contact us for details. Training courses Universities - we offer all of our training materials free to universities. All we ask in rerturn is that if there is a book associated with the materials, it is recommended as a course book. Commercial organizations - all of our training courses are available for delivery or licensing. Contact us for details. We offer: - UML 2 and the Unified Process (of course!) - Introduction to BPMN 2 - Miscellaneous OOAD/MDA/Metadata Management courses - Bespoke courses: if it is anything to do with modelling or UML we can do it! - Any of the advanced topics from “Secrets of Analysis" We have had very many satisfied clients including, JP Morgan, British Airways, Vodafone, AVIVA etc. etc.