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Old Dog Consulting

old dog consulting


children Buy it online direct from the publisher or from Waterstones in the UK A collection of eighteen MORE new fairy tales for adults and children Buy it online direct from the publisher or from Waterstones in the UK A bumper collection of twenty-two original fairy tales for adults and children Buy it online direct from the publisher or from Waterstones in the UK Twenty-six fairy tales for adults of all ages Buy it online direct from the publisher or from Waterstones in the UK Read my blog about fairy stories, fairy tales, and Tales from the Wood on Facebook. Other Writing Creative writing and free fairy tales. Consulting Services Providing Internet Protocol Consulting Services for implementers, deployers, and standardisation Offering language training and interpretation through European Language Services Work-Related Links A process for handling harassment in the IETF - A Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication copy of the text Want to know more about the Path Computation Element (PCE)? Have a look at the PCE Tutorial from the PACE Project - Next Steps in PAth Computation Element (PCE) Architectures: From Software-Defined Concepts to Standards, Interoperability and Deployment Books on Internet protocols, GMPLS, and MPLS Language teaching books TeraFlow Old Dog Consulting is a partner in the EU's Horizon 2020-funded TeraFlow project to deliver secured autonomic traffic management for tera of SDN flows. Old Dog Consulting was a partner in the EU's Horizon 2020-funded METRO-HAUL project to design and build a smart optical metro infrastructure able to support traffic originating from heterogeneous 5G access networks. A list of some other publications Personal Links Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod Simply the best music festival Pentredwr Community Association A village hall for use by the communi

Liz Doyle - Positive Change Coach

liz doyle - positive change coach


Are you thinking of working with me? If so, I have a few questions for you: Do you think you are good enough? Or do you compare yourself to others? Maybe you feel you have to keep proving yourself so that you are good enough? Or are you always looking for other people’s approval? I can help you clear out those old stories and wounds from your past to get a real sense of self-worth and self-love. I will help you to have more fulfilling relationships with everyone and everything in your life including your beliefs around success, your health and appearance and abundance in general. I run highly successful 6 online Love Yourself private 1:1 coaching sessions. This work was developed from the teachings of Louise L. Hay, internationally renowned teacher and best-selling author, a pioneer in personal development. The 6 session course works at a very deep level. The positive changes that women see can’t be done alone nor with just reading her books. Each session will last approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours to give you plenty of time to explore and express your thoughts and feelings. These 6 sessions will help you: Become aware of negative thoughts and how you can change them Discover family patterns and how they affect your life and choices Unlock a new future by learning to love yourself and others Continue your journey of self-discovery and unconditional self-love which will not only change your life but those around you There is also growth work material which accompanies this package to help you process what has been covered at each session and to help the work go deeper. I would be honoured if you choose to work with me and I promise, the work can change your life. Get in contact to find out more.

Spirit of the Inca

spirit of the inca


Lying flat on my back for 16 days back in 1980 something, I was in so much physical pain that I could not move. It was then that I began to realise that I needed to change my life! I had been literally 'floored'! Stopped in my tracks. I had nowhere to run, or hide. "It wasn't by chance that during that time I came across a reflexologist who helped me to see that this was a turning point in my life. As a result of that meeting, and the healing that followed, I trained to become a reflexologist. My healers journey had begun and everything changed. "Over the course of the next few years, I noticed that some clients healed and others did not. My curiosity and desire to be of service led me to explore all kinds of therapeutic processes... counselling, gestalt, person centred therapy, psychosythesis. It was a great help in understanding how the mind affected the body. And I noticed that now I was able to help more people to heal.. and yet I noticed that still some clients did not. "My wondering about this led me fully into the healing arts and I began to understand that we each have a soul's journey. I had to ask myself: 'Why am I here?' 'What am I meant to be doing with my life?' "At the level of the soul I needed to know that my life has meaning and purpose beyond the everyday, and I learned that creative expression is vital to my wellbeing, as is finding a meaning and purpose that fits who I am. During this time I had many teachers. I trained to be a yoga teacher, I discovered 5 Rythms dance, and explored ways to use my voice... each time reaching out beyond my comfort zone, beyond who I thought I was.. to discover aspects of me that had been hidden or surpressed in the simple act of living this everyday reality. "My wondering led me to run a women's group for ten years. I wanted to explore what it means to be a woman in today's world. Together, we explored the sacred feminine, the goddess, the myths that we live by, we explored sacred landscapes, ceremony and ritual and found ways to connect with Mother Earth, a connection lost in working world today. During those years I took groups on Outward Bound courses in the landscape of Dartmoor. It was as much my journey as it was for those who shared it with me. We all learned a lot about ourselves, about what we were truly capable of. Incredible transformations took place in us all. Above all I learned the resilience of the human spirit, how stepping beyond fear creates inner trust and confidence... and that when we truly face our fears and embrace them we liberate ourselves then our presence liberates others. "Finally my journey led me to Shamanic Training. I have worked with a number of shaman in my life, and now, Incorporating the processes and techniques that I have learned both from the Inca tradition and many other great teachers along the way, I have developed a training which is powerful, beautiful and for me is the final piece in the puzzle. "Working at the level of energy affects all of the bodies: the soul's journey, the mental body, the emotional body and the physical body. I have also learned on this journey that it is a sacred journey, a journey towards wholeness... and the more I heal of myself, the more I affect those around me in a positive, life enriching way. "This is the work that I do in the world, it's the gift that I bring. "My medicine stones form a powerful healing tool called a Mesa. "My Mesa contains the wisdom that comes from my personal healing, the transformation of old worn-out stories of powerlessness, turned into power; of pain and suffering turned into compassion; and ancient wisdom handed down through the ages, through a lineage of medicine men and women whose grace, dignity and childlike innocence reminds me of what we have lost in the Western world. "And now I teach others how to build theirs."

Assignment Writing Services

assignment writing services


Step into a stress-free academic realm with Assignment Writing Services – your academic superhero in the chaos of assignments and juggling work commitments! As the assignment burden threatens to engulf your sanity, envision a sanctuary where seasoned experts transform complexity into clarity. Our writers, armed with academic prowess and real-world understanding, are your comrades in conquering academic challenges. Picture a world where deadlines become allies, not adversaries. Assignment Writing Services doesn't just meet timelines; we redefine the tempo of your academic dance, allowing you to sway confidently even in the face of tight schedules and work commitments. We get it – life is a juggling act, and we're here to ensure your academic obligations don't add unnecessary complexity. Navigating through the academic maze is no easy feat, but our team, well-versed in a multitude of subjects, is your compass. From humanities to the sciences, our writers don't just understand; they resonate with the struggle of balancing academic pursuits and job responsibilities. We're not just crafting assignments; we're sculpting success stories for the hustlers, the ones managing both the boardroom and the lecture hall. What sets us apart is our commitment to personalization. Each assignment is a tailored fit for your unique journey. Originality is our anthem; plagiarism is the nemesis we crush with the might of authenticity. And guess what? We're not just a one-time solution; we're your continuous support system. Revisions are not just welcome; they're encouraged because we know perfection is a dynamic process. Affordability meets excellence at HND Assignment Help [https://assignmentwritingservices.co.uk/hnd-assignment-help] – because we believe your pursuit of knowledge shouldn't break the bank. Our customer support is not just a service; it's your lifeline, available 24/7 to guide you through the academic hustle. And in this chaotic academic adventure, your secrets are safe with us – confidentiality is not just a promise but a sacred vow. So, dear student-juggler, as you navigate the high-wire act of work and academia, let Assignment Writing Services be your safety net, turning each assignment into a triumphant juggling act in your academic circus. It's not just about surviving; it's about thriving, and we're here to ensure you do just that!

Sliabh Beagh Arts

sliabh beagh arts


The overarching aim for Sliabh Beagh Arts is the development and implementation of a series of community Arts programmes which address the social, creative, economic, cultural, environmental and good relations needs within the area. We are dedicated to providing high quality arts activity, promoting the use of creativeness as a means of enriching the lives of the rural communities involved. Our programs aim to promote the importance of our physical and personal environment, looking to the rural for inspiration and exploring the culture in AgriCULTURE. All of our projects are innovative and we try to bring something special to the area every year. Grafitti Bales We took the mundane and brought some colour and brightness to the plain old stacks Gate weaves Gateweaves These gate weaves were created by several different communities who worked together during dark evenings Painting With Light Painting With Light Working with several different artists the task of running through dark places at night became a creative pleasure Mini Worlds Mini Worlds Seeing quality in the everyday local objects, local photographer Max Carnson brought this project to life Storytelling Through Song We have searched through our library of song to tell stories that are educational to hear. Shadow puppetry 2013 Our First "Show" was a shadow puppetry event in the woods, with choirs and bands Sliabh Beagh Project 2021 Category: Our Pulse The Suitcase Orchestra Like all our projects in past years project 2021 endeavours to pull separate parts of our communities together in the creation of art. One of our goals this year is to include dance in our project. We will be experimenting with the concept of Sound, Motion, Dance, Projection and Poetry. We have scheduled classes with children in schools from the area . . . we have choirs preparing their voices to be heard. . . the technology of motion and sound is being prepared . . . the poetry of education motion through time and distance is being written. Painted Bus Shelters Poetry in Motion Graffiti Bales Shadow Dancing Storytelling through song



I founded EdPlace because of my experiences at school. As a dyslexic I had a lot of challenges. One of the biggest challenges I faced was being told that I wasn’t smart enough, but I turned this into an opportunity to prove everyone wrong. Looking back, that was made possible by these key things: Support, I was lucky enough to have huge support from my parents. It was their involvement that helped me get the best Hard work and confidence. These two things go hand in hand. I knew I’d put the work in and I believed I would succeed.I founded EdPlace because of my experiences at school. As a dyslexic I had a lot of challenges. One of the biggest challenges I faced was being told that I wasn’t smart enough, but I turned this into an opportunity to prove everyone wrong. Looking back, that was made possible by these key things: Support, I was lucky enough to have huge support from my parents. It was their involvement that helped me get the best Hard work and confidence. These two things go hand in hand. I knew I’d put the work in and I believed I would succeed. At EdPlace these make up the backbone of our approach to revision. We do this by providing access to hyper relevant resources, always making sure students are working at the right level, delivered in an engaging format and ultimately inspiring confidence. We call it smart revising. It’s what delivers the best results. In fact, students that use us see a 150%+ increase in their progress over an academic year. We don’t define the education system but we can turn its challenges into opportunities that help us get our grades to set us up for life. For 11+, SATs and GCSE we’re helping millions of students revise smart with the best revision app out there. Please download the app and let us know how you get on. It’s your stories that inspire us.

Red School

red school


In the beginning ‍From our very first periods our deep instinctual selves ‘knew’ something significant was at work but we had no language to name it. Mainstream consciousness distracted us with the message to keep quiet about the fact of the cycle and menstruation itself and we were both temporarily seduced by the apparent liberation of hormonal contraception. Thankfully our deep instinctual knowing broke through that illusion and each in our own ways found fertility awareness in our 20s, the first conscious step of awakening into the power of menstruality. ‍ From pain to power ‍At thirty one Alexandra was seized by the most outrageous menstrual pain that was to return for 3-4 days each menstrual month. In an attempt to heal her body she decided to give space to menstruation whenever she could and feel into the pain rather than take drugs. It was profoundly challenging but in the wake of that pain came revelation and importantly healing. Her perception of menstruation radically altered she began sharing with other women in workshops and her psychotherapy practice what she was discovering about the psychological and spiritual forces of the female body. The more she taught the more she learnt. Women’s stories held the gold. When she stopped to listen, to follow the natural impulse of the cycle, it was as though a whole new world, a new cosmology revealed itself. The feminine cosmology, the power of menstruality. ‍ A high definition life ‍When Sjanie came off hormonal contraception her feeling life exploded into glorious technicolour. She came alive in ways she had not known before, as though she were tasting herself for the first time. From that day forth her fascination for the cycle grew and grew and lead her to study hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, and to develop an expertise in the area of fertility with women who are struggling to conceive. As the mother of two young girls she brings the menstruality consciousness to bear on the realities of child rearing, relationship and running a business.

The Food Safety Company

the food safety company

After leaving University I worked for a bakery company which is where my journey in Food Safety began: I went on a basic course where the trainer (an Environmental Health Officer) showed us an disturbing object which he had found in food, and told us various horror stories such as seeing rats in kitchens and about many other experience during his work. This is where the fascination began. Not a glamorous career for a young girl, looking down drains and climbing down to dirty cellars, but it provided plenty of tales to fascinate people at dinner parties! After a career change which resulted me spending 25 years as a government food inspector, I decided to hang up my badge and defect to the other side. Literally Game keeper tuned poacher or should I say head chef turned food critic? I wanted to help businesses obtain a good rating and allow them to not feel terrified when the inspector calls at their premises So I set up The Food Safety Company in 2015 and have successfully helped many businesses to obtain – and maintain – high food hygiene ratings. I have also enjoyed conducting accredited and bespoke training courses for clients, and creating bespoke food safety management systems for many businesses. To date I have a 100% success rate with clients wishing to obtain a 5 rating (if they follow my advice!). This include all types of business; from small cafes to large, prestigious wedding venues I would like to share this success with you. On a personal note, I consider myself to be a foodie: I like talking about food; cooking it; eating it and more importantly sharing it with friends and family. People often ask if I think about anything other than food. My answer is “very rarely”! I also like to visit food festivals and restaurants, trying to keep ahead of the current food trends and products, and I support Alice Charity Food Bank.

Emma Decent

emma decent

Emma Decent is based in the north west of England and has been writing and performing for over 15 years. Emma’s latest project is I Don’t Know What I’m Supposed To Be Doing, a new autobiographical show about herself and her mother. Her first solo show was Beyond Dreams of Aberystwyth was developed in 2013 with support from the Arts Council of England. The Show toured since 2013 and the story also unfolds as an Online Book which you can read in full as 20 Chapters on this website. Emma’s Poetry & Spoken Word includes raw, funny and vibrant performance poetry and prose. She has appeared at open mics all over the country and been guest poet at events in Manchester, Preston, Wakefield and beyond. She was chuffed to have her first ever slam win at the famous Uptown Poetry Slam at the Green Mill, Chicago in 2010. In Spring 2014 Emma qualified in Preparing to Teach in the Life-Long Learning Sector. She delivers workshops in performance and creative life-writing to accompany her shows where she encourages others to tell their stories. Emma teaches other classes to adults in creativity and writing, see Teaching and Events for more details. See Events for details of all Emma’s up-and-coming shows and activities. Emma also writes freelance journalism from time to time, and writes a Blog here, where she (occasionally) documents her on-going creative journey. Previous work includes Magic Words, a popular spoken word night Emma ran and hosted in Todmorden in 2012. In the 1990’s Emma was a lively participant on Manchester’s queer theatre and cabaret scene, and was co-writer and producer of Manchester’s fondly remembered queer pantos Snow White and the 7 Dubious Stereotypes and Little Red 30-Something and Her Queer Adventures in Wonderland at the Green Room in 2002 & 2004. See Past Projects for more about Emma’s earlier work.




We started in 2009, and we’ve been on an epic journey ever since. From our beginnings where we were solely focused on children’s football coaching to delivering our first ‘100% Active’ session in 2017, we’ve tried to stay true to our core beliefs. These are that all children should have the opportunity to develop through a variety of exciting activities that engage both body and brain, inspiring them to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. From the outset our focus has always been on children and their enjoyment of being active, learning new skills, improving their confidence and developing friendships. When we started in 2009 were running sessions for approximatley 40 children a month; this has now increased to almost 2000 children a month. We genuinely love being part of the children’s development and over the years we have had some amazing stories to tell. We find it fascinating to observe how individual children are in their handling of situations and how they get their characters across when integrating with new groups of children, even at the age of 18 months old. It is this kind of reward that keeps us focused on our goals, but we have a big challenge! Children of today are growing up in a world where they can lose hours during a day, day after day, week after week through being on electronic devices, during which time they have no interaction with other people. We have to acknowledge that we are living in a technology encompassing world now, but our vision is to create a balance between technology and being active. We want to offer variety and engagement through the sessions we offer to ensure children don’t lose the vital skills which will help them as they develop in life… things such as social skills, the ability to converse, the ability to handle situations, to adapt to changing environments, earn respect, be part of a team and how to win and lose.